Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Cedro Atlas
  • Nome científico: Cedrus atlantica
  • Aroma: O aroma de Cedrus atlantica é suave, amadeirado e doce, com notas de terra e bálsamo. É descrito como um aroma quente e reconfortante, que pode ser incorporado em velas, produtos de cuidados pessoais e outros produtos aromáticos. A identificação da espécie de cedro pode ser feita através do seu aroma, que é subjetivo e difícil de descrever em palavras.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 22

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A seguir, você encontra a lista de propriedades e funções do óleo essencial de cedro atlas, que foram comprovadas por estudos científicos. Para obter mais informações sobre cada propriedade, clique em seu nome. Por favor, tenha em mente que os resultados apresentados podem incluir não somente o uso humano, mas também veterinário, ambiental e de análise bioquímica.

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Inhalation of Cedrus atlantica essential oil alleviates pain behavior through activation of descending pain modulation pathways in a mouse model of postoperative pain.

Autores: Daniel F Martins, Aline A Emer, A P Batisti, Nathalia Donatello, Mariana G Carlesso, Leidiane Mazzardo-Martins, Dalila Venzke, Gustavo A Micke, Moacir G Pizzolatti, A P Piovezan, A R S dos Santos | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cedrus atlantica essential oil (CaEO) presents analgesic and anti-inflammatory sedative properties. However, it remains unknown whether CaEO alleviates acute postoperative pain.

Resultados: Inhalation of CaEO (5', 30' or 60') markedly reduced mechanical hypersensitivity. This effect was prevented by pre-treatment with naloxone or p-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester (PCPA, 100mg/kg, i.p.)-induced depletion of serotonin. In addition, p-alpha-methyl-para-tyrosin (AMPT, 100mg/kg, i.p.)-induced depletion of norepinephrine, intraperitoneal injection of the α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist yohimbine (0.15 mg/kg, i.p.) or haloperidol (1mg/kg, i.p.) an antagonist of dopaminergic (D1 and D2) receptors prevented the effect of CaEO on hypersensitivity.

Conclusão: N/A

The role of the endocannabinoid system in the antihyperalgesic effect of Cedrus atlantica essential oil inhalation in a mouse model of postoperative pain.

Autores: Aline Armiliato Emer, Nathalia Nahas Donatello, Ana Paula Batisti, Luiz Augusto Oliveira Belmonte, Adair R S Santos, Daniel F Martins | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cedar is part of the phylum of conifers, and it's essential oil has been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times. In our previous study, we have demonstrated that the inhalation of the Cedrus atlantica essential oil (CaEO) induces an antihyperalgesic effect in a model of postoperative pain. But the mechanism that underlies this effect is not yet fully known.

Resultados: The antihyperalgesic effect of CaEO inhalation was prevented by pretreatment with AM281 or AM630 given by i.p. and i.t., but not Additionally, in mice pretreated with FAAH or the MAGL inhibitors, the antihyperalgesic effect of CaEO inhalation was significantly longer, which demonstrates the involvement of the endocannabinoid system in the antihyperalgesic effect of CaEO inhalation in a preclinical model of postoperative pain.

Conclusão: N/A

Anti-Aspergillus activities of plant essential oils and their combination effects with ketoconazole or amphotericin B.

Autores: Seungwon Shin | Ano: 2003 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The essential oils from Cedrus atlantica, Styrax tonkinensis, Juniperus communis, Lavandula angustifolia, Melaleuca alternifolia, Pelargonium graveolens, Pogesternon patchouli and Rosmarinus officinalis were analyzed by GC-MS. Antifungal activities of the oils were investigated by disk diffusion assay and the broth dilution method against Aspergillus niger and A. flavus. The effects of geraniol and the essential oil fraction from P. graveolens on the antifungal activity of amphotericin B and ketoconazole were examined using a checkerboard microtiter assay against both Aspergillus fungi. Most of the tested essential oils, with the exception of C. atlantica, J. communis, and P. patchouli, significantly inhibited growth of A. niger and to a lesser extent that of A. flavus, with MICs (minimal inhibitory concentrations) in the range 0.78-12.5 mg/mL. The essential oil fraction of P. graveolens and its main components, geraniol and citronellol, exhibited additive effects with amphotericin B and with ketoconazole against both Aspergillus species, resulting in fractional inhibitory concentration (FIC) indices ranging from 0.52 to 1.00.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical variability of the wood essential oil of Cedrus atlantica Manetti from Corsica.

Autores: Mathieu Paoli, Anne-Marie Nam, Vincent Castola, Joseph Casanova, Ange Bighelli | Ano: 2011 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The composition of 48 samples of essential oil isolated from the wood of Cedrus atlantica growing in Corsica was investigated by GC (in combination with retention indices), GC/MS, and (13) C-NMR. Twenty-three compounds accounting for 73.9-96.0% of the oil composition were identified. The oils consisted mainly of monoterpene hydrocarbons and sesquiterpenes, in particular α-pinene (5; up to 79.4%), himachalol (4; up to 66.2%), β-pinene (up to 21.4%), β-himachalene (2; up to 19.3%), γ-himachalene (3; up to 11.0%), and α-himachalene (1; up to 10.9%). The 48 oil compositions were submitted to k-means partitioning and principal-component analysis, which allowed the distinction of two groups within the oil samples. The composition of Group I (44% of the samples) was dominated by 5, while the samples of Group II (56% of the samples) contained mainly 4.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro effect of seven essential oils on the reproduction of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus.

Autores: Rafael Pazinato, Andréia Volpato, Matheus D Baldissera, Roberto C V Santos, Dilmar Baretta, Rodrigo A Vaucher, Janice L Giongo, Aline A Boligon, Lenita Moura Stefani, Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The acaricidal effect of seven essential oils was examined in vitro against the cattle tick (Rhipicephalus microplus). Engorged female ticks were manually collected in farms of Southern Brazil and placed into petri dishes (n = 10) in order to test the following oils: juniper (Juniperus communis), palmarosa (Cymbopogon martinii), cedar (Cedrus atlantica), lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) and bergamot (Citrus aurantium var bergamia) at concentrations of 1%, 5%, and 10% each. A control group was used to validate the tests containing Triton X-100 only. Treatment effectiveness was measured considering inhibition of tick oviposition (partial or total), egg's weight, and hatchability. C. martinii, C. citratus and C. atlantica essential oils showed efficacy higher than 99% at all concentrations tested. In addition, J. communis, Z. officinale, P. graveolens, and C. aurantium var bergamia oils showed efficiency ranging from 73% to 95%, depending on the concentration tested, where higher concentrations showed greater efficacy. It was concluded that essential oils can affect tick reproduction in vitro by inhibiting oviposition and hatchability.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Deodarone Isomers in Cedrus atlantica Essential Oils and Tar Oils.

Autores: Anne Marie Nama, Ange Bighelli, Mohamed Ghanmi, Badr Satrani, Joseph Casanova, Félix Tomi | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Deodarone [2,2,6-trimethyl-6-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl)-tetrahydro-4-pyrone] is a sesquiterpene tetrahydro-γ-pyrone related to bisabolene and atlantone, first isolated from Cedrus deodora essential oil. With respect to the stereochemistry of the asymmetric carbons C4 and C8, two diastereoisomers may be distinguished. Identification and quantification of both diastereoisomers in wood and tar oils from C. atlantica has been achieved using 13C NMR spectroscopy, in combination with GC (polar column). The contents of (4R,8R)- and (4R,8S)-deodarone varied between 1.1-2.8% and 1.0-3.0%, respectively.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro evaluation of the anti-proliferative activities of the wood essential oils of three Cedrus species against K562 human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cells.

Autores: Antoine M Saab, Ilaria Lampronti, Monica Borgatti, Alessia Finotti, Faouzi Harb, Samir Safi, Roberto Gambari | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: There are four kinds of Cedar: Cedrus libani naturally occurring in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, Cedrus atlantica in Morocco and Algeria, Cedrus brevefolia in Cyprus Island and Cedrus deodara which is distributed in Himalayan Mountains. Wood essential oils obtained from C. libani, C. atlantica and C. deodara were tested for the inhibition of K562 cell proliferation and for the induction of erythroid differentiation. The wood essential oils of C. libani, C. atlantica and C. deodara inhibited the proliferation of the K562 cell line exhibiting IC(50) values 23.38 ± 1.7, 59.37 ± 2.6 and 37.09 ± 1.4 µg mL(-1), respectively. Meanwhile, C. libani wood oils induced a percentage of erythroid differentiation of 15 ± 2% at concentration 5 µg mL(-1). Cedrus deodara wood oil indicated a percentage of erythroid differentiation of 20 ± 2% at concentration 25 µg mL(-1) and C. atlantica wood oils showed a percentage of erythroid differentiation of 12 ± 1.8% at concentration 10 µg mL(-1).

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composition and Toxicity of a Mixture of Essential Oils Against Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

Autores: Thiago J S Alves, Ana Murcia, Andrea Carolina Wanumen, Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira, Álvaro A C Teixeira, Antonio Ortiz, Pilar Medina | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A natural insecticide developed from the mixture of the essential oils (EOs) of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae), Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carriére (Pinaceae), and Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson (Myrtaceae) was studied. The mixture of oils caused high mortality (LD50 = 0.018 μl/insect) to the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a globally important pest, after topical application on adults. Based on the chemical characterization of biopesticide using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, many of the constituents had known insecticidal properties (the monoterpenes α-citronellal and E-citral and the sesquiterpernes α-himachalene and β-himachalene, all at concentrations above 15%). Phytotoxicity tests on orange trees demonstrated that this natural product was harmless when the mixture was applied diluted in water with a surfactant. The mixture of EOs was also harmless (1, IOBC category) to the biological control agent responsible for reducing populations of tephritids, the parasitoid Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), following exposure to treated orange trees in a semifield assay within a greenhouse, but killed 46.2% of C. capitata (Szépligeti) adults after 72 h. Our results suggest that mixture of EOs has potential for use as an adulticide against medfly, although the production price was exceedingly high compared with that of commercial synthetic insecticides. Therefore, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages related to the potential use of this natural insecticide.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composition and Toxicity of a Mixture of Essential Oils Against Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

Autores: Thiago J S Alves, Ana Murcia, Andrea Carolina Wanumen, Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira, Álvaro A C Teixeira, Antonio Ortiz, Pilar Medina | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A natural insecticide developed from the mixture of the essential oils (EOs) of Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae), Cedrus atlantica (Endl.) Manetti ex Carriére (Pinaceae), and Corymbia citriodora (Hook.) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson (Myrtaceae) was studied. The mixture of oils caused high mortality (LD50 = 0.018 μl/insect) to the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), a globally important pest, after topical application on adults. Based on the chemical characterization of biopesticide using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis, many of the constituents had known insecticidal properties (the monoterpenes α-citronellal and E-citral and the sesquiterpernes α-himachalene and β-himachalene, all at concentrations above 15%). Phytotoxicity tests on orange trees demonstrated that this natural product was harmless when the mixture was applied diluted in water with a surfactant. The mixture of EOs was also harmless (1, IOBC category) to the biological control agent responsible for reducing populations of tephritids, the parasitoid Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), following exposure to treated orange trees in a semifield assay within a greenhouse, but killed 46.2% of C. capitata (Szépligeti) adults after 72 h. Our results suggest that mixture of EOs has potential for use as an adulticide against medfly, although the production price was exceedingly high compared with that of commercial synthetic insecticides. Therefore, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages related to the potential use of this natural insecticide.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Deodarone Isomers in Cedrus atlantica Essential Oils and Tar Oils.

Autores: Anne Marie Nama, Ange Bighelli, Mohamed Ghanmi, Badr Satrani, Joseph Casanova, Félix Tomi | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Deodarone [2,2,6-trimethyl-6-(4-methylcyclohex-3-enyl)-tetrahydro-4-pyrone] is a sesquiterpene tetrahydro-γ-pyrone related to bisabolene and atlantone, first isolated from Cedrus deodora essential oil. With respect to the stereochemistry of the asymmetric carbons C4 and C8, two diastereoisomers may be distinguished. Identification and quantification of both diastereoisomers in wood and tar oils from C. atlantica has been achieved using 13C NMR spectroscopy, in combination with GC (polar column). The contents of (4R,8R)- and (4R,8S)-deodarone varied between 1.1-2.8% and 1.0-3.0%, respectively.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Odor-active constituents of Cedrus atlantica wood essential oil.

Autores: Ayaka Uehara, Basma Tommis, Emilie Belhassen, Badr Satrani, Mohamed Ghanmi, Nicolas Baldovini | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The main odorant constituents of Cedrus atlantica essential oil were characterized by GC-Olfactometry (GC-O), using the Aroma Extract Dilution Analysis (AEDA) methodology with 12 panelists. The two most potent odor-active constituents were vestitenone and 4-acetyl-1-methylcyclohexene. The identification of the odorants was realized by a detailed fractionation of the essential oil by liquid-liquid basic extraction, distillation and column chromatography, followed by the GC-MS and GC-O analyses of some fractions, and the synthesis of some non-commercial reference constituents.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Inhalation of Cedrus atlantica essential oil alleviates pain behavior through activation of descending pain modulation pathways in a mouse model of postoperative pain.

Autores: Daniel F Martins, Aline A Emer, A P Batisti, Nathalia Donatello, Mariana G Carlesso, Leidiane Mazzardo-Martins, Dalila Venzke, Gustavo A Micke, Moacir G Pizzolatti, A P Piovezan, A R S dos Santos | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cedrus atlantica essential oil (CaEO) presents analgesic and anti-inflammatory sedative properties. However, it remains unknown whether CaEO alleviates acute postoperative pain.

Resultados: Inhalation of CaEO (5', 30' or 60') markedly reduced mechanical hypersensitivity. This effect was prevented by pre-treatment with naloxone or p-chlorophenylalanine methyl ester (PCPA, 100mg/kg, i.p.)-induced depletion of serotonin. In addition, p-alpha-methyl-para-tyrosin (AMPT, 100mg/kg, i.p.)-induced depletion of norepinephrine, intraperitoneal injection of the α2-adrenergic receptor antagonist yohimbine (0.15 mg/kg, i.p.) or haloperidol (1mg/kg, i.p.) an antagonist of dopaminergic (D1 and D2) receptors prevented the effect of CaEO on hypersensitivity.

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Abdelouahd Oukhrib, Ahmed Benharref, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho, Lahcen El Ammari | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C16H25Cl2N, was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzocyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The mol-ecule is built up from fused six- and seven-membered rings linked to two three-membered rings. The six-membered ring shows a half-chair conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation. The dihedral angle between the mean planes through the six- and seven-membered rings is 59.8 (2)°. The two three-membered rings lie to one side and each is nearly perpendicular to the six-membered ring, forming dihedral angles of 83.2 (2) and 86.0 (2)°. The absolute structure was established unambiguously from anomalous dispersion effects. No specific inter-molecular inter-actions are noted in the crystal structure.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Najia Ourhriss, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C17H26Cl2, was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from fused six- and seven-membered rings and two three-membered rings from the reaction of β-himachalene with di-chloro-carbene. In both mol-ecules, the six-membered ring has a half-chair conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation. The absolute configuration was established from anomalous dispersion effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C17H26Br2, was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from fused six- and seven-membered rings and two appended three-membered rings. In both mol-ecules, the six-membered ring has a screw boat conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation. No specific inter-molecular inter-actions were discerned in the crystal packing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C16H24Br2O, was synthesized from the reaction of β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) essential oil, after reaction with di-bromo-carbene. The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from fused six-and seven-membered rings and two three-membered rings. In both mol-ecules, the six-membered ring has an envelope conformation with the flap provided by the C atom of the ep-oxy ring, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a chair conformation. The crystal packing is governed only by van der Waals inter-actions. The absolute configuration was established from anomalous dispersion effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C17H26Br2, was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from fused six- and seven-membered rings and two appended three-membered rings. In both mol-ecules, the six-membered ring has a screw boat conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation. No specific inter-molecular inter-actions were discerned in the crystal packing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Najia Ourhriss, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C17H26Cl2, was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from fused six- and seven-membered rings and two three-membered rings from the reaction of β-himachalene with di-chloro-carbene. In both mol-ecules, the six-membered ring has a half-chair conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation. The absolute configuration was established from anomalous dispersion effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Jean-Claude Daran, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C16H24Cl2O, was synthesized in three steps from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from essential oil of the Atlas cedar (cedrus atlantica). The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with similar conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from two fused seven-membered rings and an additional three-membered ring arising from the reaction of himachalene with di-chloro-carbene. The dihedral angles between the mean planes of the two seven-membered rings are 75.03 (9) and 75.02 (9)° in the two independent mol-ecules.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Ahmed Benharref, Lahcen El Ammari, Essêdiya Lassaba, Najia Ourhriss, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C(16)H(24)Br(2), was synthesized from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzocyclo-heptene), which was isolated from the essential oil of the Atlas cedar (Cedrus Atlantica). The mol-ecule is built up from two fused six- and seven-membered rings and an additional three-membered ring from the reaction of β-himachalene with dibromo-carbene. The six-membered ring shows a screw-boat conformation, whereas the seven-membered ring displays a boat conformation; the dihedral angle between the mean planes through the rings is 57.9 (4)°. The absolute structure was established unambiguously from anomalous dispersion effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A


Autores: Mohamed Zaki, Ahmed Benharref, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho | Ano: 2014 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The title compound, C16H24Br2O, was synthesized by three steps from β-himachalene (3,5,5,9-tetra-methyl-2,4a,5,6,7,8-hexa-hydro-1H-benzo-cyclo-heptene), which was isolated from essential oil of the Atlas cedar cedrus atlantica. The asymmetric unit contains two independent mol-ecules with almost identical conformations. Each mol-ecule is built up from two fused six-membered rings, one having a chair conformation and the other a boat conformation, and an additional three-membered ring arising from the reaction of himachalene with di-bromo-carbene. In the crystal, there are no significant intermolecular interactions present. The absolute structure of the title compound was confirmed by resonance scattering.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Side effects of a mixture of essential oils on Psyttalia concolor.

Autores: Thiago J S Alves, Ana Murcia-Meseguer, Celeste Azpiazu, Andrea Wanumen, Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira, Álvaro A C Teixeira, Antonio Ortiz, Pilar Medina | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Integrated Pest Management programs do not always prioritize natural enemies when selecting control methods; too often these important pest reducing agents are negatively affected by the action of other methods in agroecosystems. The aim of this research was to evaluate side effects of a bioinsecticide, developed from the mixture of cedar (Cedrus atlantica), eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) and lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oils (EOs), in a ratio of 1:1:1, on Psyttalia concolor (Szèpligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) which is a parasitoid of some pests of the Tephritidae family, as Ceratitis capitata. The LD50 of the EOs mixture for C. capitata females was 3.09 µl/g, whereas the LD50 for P. concolor females was 20.45 µl/g which suggests the natural enemy is more tolerant to the EOs mixture. P. concolor parasitized L3 larvae of C. capitata through a voile treated with the mixture of EOs at 1.8% without causing any deleterious effects neither on the percentage of attacked hosts nor on the emergence rate, whereas at the highest concentration tested, 4.8%, decreased both parameters during the 2 first days after treatment. Semi-field assays showed that mixture of EOs was harmless to P. concolor when released 4 h after treatment whereas killed 55 ± 3.9% males and 37.5 ± 1.6% females of C. capitata. The mixture of EOs used jointly with lambda-cyhalothrin or kaolin, both compounds applied against C. capitata in conventional and organic farming, respectively, did not increase the toxicity and/or persistence against the pest.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
Cedro AtlasAnalgésico para dor aguda pós-operatóriaSimInhalation of Cedrus atlantica essential oil alleviates pain behavior through activation of descending pain modulation pathways in a mouse model of postoperative pain.Daniel F Martins, Aline A Emer, A P Batisti, Nathalia Donatello, Mariana G Carlesso, Leidiane Mazzardo-Martins, Dalila Venzke, Gustavo A Micke, Moacir G Pizzolatti, A P Piovezan, A R S dos Santos2015pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasAntinociceptivoSimThe role of the endocannabinoid system in the antihyperalgesic effect of Cedrus atlantica essential oil inhalation in a mouse model of postoperative pain.Aline Armiliato Emer, Nathalia Nahas Donatello, Ana Paula Batisti, Luiz Augusto Oliveira Belmonte, Adair R S Santos, Daniel F Martins2018pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasAtividade antifúngica contra Aspergillus niger e A. flavus.SimAnti-Aspergillus activities of plant essential oils and their combination effects with ketoconazole or amphotericin B.Seungwon Shin2003pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasComposição química do óleo essencialSimChemical variability of the wood essential oil of Cedrus atlantica Manetti from Corsica.Mathieu Paoli, Anne-Marie Nam, Vincent Castola, Joseph Casanova, Ange Bighelli2011pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasEfeito acaricida em Rhipicephalus microplusSimIn vitro effect of seven essential oils on the reproduction of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus.Rafael Pazinato, Andréia Volpato, Matheus D Baldissera, Roberto C V Santos, Dilmar Baretta, Rodrigo A Vaucher, Janice L Giongo, Aline A Boligon, Lenita Moura Stefani, Aleksandro Schafer Da Silva2016pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasIdentificação e quantificação dos diasteroisômeros de deodaronaSimDeodarone Isomers in Cedrus atlantica Essential Oils and Tar Oils.Anne Marie Nama, Ange Bighelli, Mohamed Ghanmi, Badr Satrani, Joseph Casanova, Félix Tomi2015pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasInibição da proliferação de células de leucemia mieloide crônica K562 e indução de diferenciação eritroideSimIn vitro evaluation of the anti-proliferative activities of the wood essential oils of three Cedrus species against K562 human chronic myelogenous leukaemia cells.Antoine M Saab, Ilaria Lampronti, Monica Borgatti, Alessia Finotti, Faouzi Harb, Samir Safi, Roberto Gambari2012pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasInseticida naturalSimComposition and Toxicity of a Mixture of Essential Oils Against Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae).Thiago J S Alves, Ana Murcia, Andrea Carolina Wanumen, Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira, Álvaro A C Teixeira, Antonio Ortiz, Pilar Medina2019pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasIsomeria dos diasteroisômeros de deodaronaSimDeodarone Isomers in Cedrus atlantica Essential Oils and Tar Oils.Anne Marie Nama, Ange Bighelli, Mohamed Ghanmi, Badr Satrani, Joseph Casanova, Félix Tomi2015pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasOdoranteSimOdor-active constituents of Cedrus atlantica wood essential oil.Ayaka Uehara, Basma Tommis, Emilie Belhassen, Badr Satrani, Mohamed Ghanmi, Nicolas Baldovini2017pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasRedução da hipersensibilidade mecânica em modelo de dor pós-operatória em camundongosSimInhalation of Cedrus atlantica essential oil alleviates pain behavior through activation of descending pain modulation pathways in a mouse model of postoperative pain.Daniel F Martins, Aline A Emer, A P Batisti, Nathalia Donatello, Mariana G Carlesso, Leidiane Mazzardo-Martins, Dalila Venzke, Gustavo A Micke, Moacir G Pizzolatti, A P Piovezan, A R S dos Santos2015pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese da molécula 2,2-Dicloro-3,7,7,11-tetra-metil-10-aza-tetra-ciclo-[ (1,3). 0 (9,11)] trideca-ne.Sim2,2-Dichloro-3,7,7,11-tetra-methyl-10-aza-tetra-cyclo-[,3).0(9,11)]trideca-ne.Abdelouahd Oukhrib, Ahmed Benharref, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho, Lahcen El Ammari2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de composto orgânicoSim(1S,3S,8R,9S,11R)-10,10-Di-bromo-3,7,7,11-tetra-methyl-tetra-cyclo-[,3).0(9,11)]trideca-ne.Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de composto orgânicoSim(1S,3S,8R,9S,11R)-10,10-Di-chloro-3,7,7,11-tetra-methyl-tetra-cyclo[,3).0(9,11)]trideca-ne.Ahmed Benharref, Najia Ourhriss, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de composto orgânico chamado (1S,2R,7R,8S,10R)-9,9-Di-bromo-2,6,6,10-tetra-methyl-1α,2α-ep-oxy-tri-cyclo-[,10)]dodeca-neSim(1S,2R,7R,8S,10R)-9,9-Di-bromo-2,6,6,10-tetra-methyl-1α,2α-ep-oxy-tri-cyclo-[,10)]dodeca-ne.Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de composto tetra-cíclicoSim(1S,3S,8R,9S,11R)-10,10-Di-bromo-3,7,7,11-tetra-methyl-tetra-cyclo-[,3).0(9,11)]trideca-ne.Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de compostos orgânicosSim(1S,3S,8R,9S,11R)-10,10-Di-chloro-3,7,7,11-tetra-methyl-tetra-cyclo[,3).0(9,11)]trideca-ne.Ahmed Benharref, Najia Ourhriss, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese de compostos químicosSim(1R,4R,6S,7S)-5,5-Di-chloro-1,4,8,8-tetra-methyl-tri-cyclo-[5.4.1(1,7).0(4,6)]dodecan-12-one.Ahmed Benharref, Jamal El Karroumi, Jean-Claude Daran, Moha Berraho2013pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese do composto (1S,3R,8R)-2,2-Dibromo-3,7,7,10-tetra-metil-triciclo-[,3)]dodec-9-enoSim(1S,3R,8R)-2,2-Dibromo-3,7,7,10-tetra-methyl-tricyclo-[,3)]dodec-9-ene.Ahmed Benharref, Lahcen El Ammari, Essêdiya Lassaba, Najia Ourhriss, Moha Berraho2012pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasSíntese do composto 1-[(1S,6R,7S,9R)-8,8-Di-bromo-5,5,9-tri-metil-tri-ciclo-[,9)]decan-1-il]etanona a partir do compostos β-himachaleneSim1-[(1S,6R,7S,9R)-8,8-Di-bromo-5,5,9-tri-methyl-tri-cyclo-[,9)]decan-1-yl]ethanone.Mohamed Zaki, Ahmed Benharref, Lahcen El Ammari, Mohamed Saadi, Moha Berraho2014pubmedN/A
Cedro AtlasTolerância em Psyttalia concolor (parasitoide da família Braconidae)SimSide effects of a mixture of essential oils on Psyttalia concolor.Thiago J S Alves, Ana Murcia-Meseguer, Celeste Azpiazu, Andrea Wanumen, Valéria Wanderley-Teixeira, Álvaro A C Teixeira, Antonio Ortiz, Pilar Medina2020pubmedN/A