Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Erva Baleeira
  • Nome científico: Cordia verbenacea DC.
  • Aroma: O aroma de Cordia verbenacea DC é herbal e refrescante, com notas cítricas e terrosas. Algumas pessoas descrevem seu aroma como sendo semelhante ao cheiro de uma floresta úmida, com notas de limão, eucalipto e menta. É um aroma que pode proporcionar uma sensação de frescor e bem-estar.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 18

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Anti-inflammatory effects of compounds alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene isolated from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea.

Autores: Elizabeth S Fernandes, Giselle F Passos, Rodrigo Medeiros, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Maria M Campos, Luiz F Pianowski, João B Calixto | Ano: 2007 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the anti-inflammatory properties of two sesquiterpenes isolated from Cordia verbenacea's essential oil, alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene. Our results revealed that oral treatment with both compounds displayed marked inhibitory effects in different inflammatory experimental models in mice and rats. alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene were effective in reducing platelet activating factor-, bradykinin- and ovoalbumin-induced mouse paw oedema, while only alpha-humulene was able to diminish the oedema formation caused by histamine injection. Also, both compounds had important inhibitory effects on the mouse and rat carrageenan-induced paw oedema. Systemic treatment with alpha-humulene largely prevented both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) generation in carrageenan-injected rats, whereas (-)-trans-caryophyllene diminished only TNFalpha release. Furthermore, both compounds reduced the production of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) expression, induced by the intraplantar injection of carrageenan in rats. The anti-inflammatory effects of alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene were comparable to those observed in dexamethasone-treated animals, used as positive control drug. All these findings indicate that alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene, derived from the essential oil of C. verbenacea, might represent important tools for the management and/or treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties of the essential oil and active compounds from Cordia verbenacea.

Autores: Giselle F Passos, Elizabeth S Fernandes, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Luiz F Pianowski, Maria M Campos, João B Calixto | Ano: 2007 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea (Boraginaceae) and some of its active compounds were evaluated. Systemic treatment with the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea (300-600mg/kg, p.o.) reduced carrageenan-induced rat paw oedema, myeloperoxidase activity and the mouse oedema elicited by carrageenan, bradykinin, substance P, histamine and platelet-activating factor. It also prevented carrageenan-evoked exudation and the neutrophil influx to the rat pleura and the neutrophil migration into carrageenan-stimulated mouse air pouches. Moreover, Cordia verbenacea oil inhibited the oedema caused by Apis mellifera venom or ovalbumin in sensitized rats and ovalbumin-evoked allergic pleurisy. The essential oil significantly decreased TNFalpha, without affecting IL-1beta production, in carrageenan-injected rat paws. Neither the PGE(2) formation after intrapleural injection of carrageenan nor the COX-1 or COX-2 activities in vitro were affected by the essential oil. Of high interest, the paw edema induced by carrageenan in mice was markedly inhibited by both sesquiterpenic compounds obtained from the essential oil: alpha-humulene and trans-caryophyllene (50mg/kg, p.o.). Collectively, the present results showed marked anti-inflammatory effects for the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea and some active compounds, probably by interfering with TNFalpha production. Cordia verbenacea essential oil or its constituents might represent new therapeutic options for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Review: Role of the chemical compounds present in the essential oil and in the extract of Cordia verbenacea DC as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing product.

Autores: Jessica K P Martim, Leila T Maranho, Thais A Costa-Casagrande | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cordia verbenacea DC is a plant whose geographical distribution is all over Brazil, but mainly on the country's coastal areas. It is used by folk medicine to treat inflammations and chronic pain with application of the raw extract of macerated leaves in the region of pain. This paper aims to provide an integrative review of the role of chemical compounds present in the extract and the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea DC for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties. The extract of Cordia verbenacea DC is widely found within popular culture as teas, decoctions, infusions, pomades/creams for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing uses. Its extract is mainly composed of α-humulene, α-pinene, trans-caryophyllene, artemetin, spathulenol and allo-aromadrendene. The described effects of the chemical compounds found in the extract are applied to muscle bruising and myofascial pain, edema reduction and chronic tendonitis, when used topically (with a comercial product being marketed); and to rheumatic, neuralgic and arthritic processes, when used orally as an anti-ulcerative agent; as well as for its healing and analgesic properties when used topically or as infusion according to test results using animals. Besides its use in chronic pain and topical application, in vitro studies have revealed the importance of antimicrobial action by inhibiting the bacterial growth of the components present in the Cordia verbenacea DC extract. In addition to expanding knowledge about Cordia verbenacea, other studies are being developed with the extract and essential oil in order to expand knowledge about healing aspects of topical use. Although other studies are being conducted, the results presented in this analysis provide a rich database of the activities found in the compounds found in the extract and the essential oil, in addition to promoting knowledge of the best extraction method cited. Therefore, such studies constitute a preliminary source of information to encourage new pieces of research, species conservation, safe management of the species, use of the extract/essential oil and development of plant-based products.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anti-inflammatory effects of compounds alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene isolated from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea.

Autores: Elizabeth S Fernandes, Giselle F Passos, Rodrigo Medeiros, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Maria M Campos, Luiz F Pianowski, João B Calixto | Ano: 2007 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the anti-inflammatory properties of two sesquiterpenes isolated from Cordia verbenacea's essential oil, alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene. Our results revealed that oral treatment with both compounds displayed marked inhibitory effects in different inflammatory experimental models in mice and rats. alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene were effective in reducing platelet activating factor-, bradykinin- and ovoalbumin-induced mouse paw oedema, while only alpha-humulene was able to diminish the oedema formation caused by histamine injection. Also, both compounds had important inhibitory effects on the mouse and rat carrageenan-induced paw oedema. Systemic treatment with alpha-humulene largely prevented both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) generation in carrageenan-injected rats, whereas (-)-trans-caryophyllene diminished only TNFalpha release. Furthermore, both compounds reduced the production of prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), as well as inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) expression, induced by the intraplantar injection of carrageenan in rats. The anti-inflammatory effects of alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene were comparable to those observed in dexamethasone-treated animals, used as positive control drug. All these findings indicate that alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene, derived from the essential oil of C. verbenacea, might represent important tools for the management and/or treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Review: Role of the chemical compounds present in the essential oil and in the extract of Cordia verbenacea DC as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing product.

Autores: Jessica K P Martim, Leila T Maranho, Thais A Costa-Casagrande | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cordia verbenacea DC is a plant whose geographical distribution is all over Brazil, but mainly on the country's coastal areas. It is used by folk medicine to treat inflammations and chronic pain with application of the raw extract of macerated leaves in the region of pain. This paper aims to provide an integrative review of the role of chemical compounds present in the extract and the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea DC for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing properties. The extract of Cordia verbenacea DC is widely found within popular culture as teas, decoctions, infusions, pomades/creams for anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing uses. Its extract is mainly composed of α-humulene, α-pinene, trans-caryophyllene, artemetin, spathulenol and allo-aromadrendene. The described effects of the chemical compounds found in the extract are applied to muscle bruising and myofascial pain, edema reduction and chronic tendonitis, when used topically (with a comercial product being marketed); and to rheumatic, neuralgic and arthritic processes, when used orally as an anti-ulcerative agent; as well as for its healing and analgesic properties when used topically or as infusion according to test results using animals. Besides its use in chronic pain and topical application, in vitro studies have revealed the importance of antimicrobial action by inhibiting the bacterial growth of the components present in the Cordia verbenacea DC extract. In addition to expanding knowledge about Cordia verbenacea, other studies are being developed with the extract and essential oil in order to expand knowledge about healing aspects of topical use. Although other studies are being conducted, the results presented in this analysis provide a rich database of the activities found in the compounds found in the extract and the essential oil, in addition to promoting knowledge of the best extraction method cited. Therefore, such studies constitute a preliminary source of information to encourage new pieces of research, species conservation, safe management of the species, use of the extract/essential oil and development of plant-based products.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of two active compounds obtained from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS in the rat paw.

Autores: R Medeiros, G F Passos, C E Vitor, J Koepp, T L Mazzuco, L F Pianowski, M M Campos, J B Calixto | Ano: 2007 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: alpha-Humulene and trans-caryophyllene are sesquiterpene compounds identified in the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea which display topical and systemic anti-inflammatory effects in different experimental models. However, the molecular mechanisms through which they exert their anti-inflammatory activity still remain unclear. Here, we evaluate the effects of alpha-humulene and trans-caryophyllene on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of two active compounds obtained from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS in the rat paw.

Autores: R Medeiros, G F Passos, C E Vitor, J Koepp, T L Mazzuco, L F Pianowski, M M Campos, J B Calixto | Ano: 2007 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: alpha-Humulene and trans-caryophyllene are sesquiterpene compounds identified in the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea which display topical and systemic anti-inflammatory effects in different experimental models. However, the molecular mechanisms through which they exert their anti-inflammatory activity still remain unclear. Here, we evaluate the effects of alpha-humulene and trans-caryophyllene on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea from the Venezuelan Andes.

Autores: Gina Meccia, Luis B Rojas, Judith Velasco, Tulia Díaz, Alfredo Usubillaga, Juan Carmona Arzola, Sulymar Ramos | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The essential oil of Cordia verbenacea D.C. (Boraginaceae) that grows in Mérida-Venezuela was obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of the plant, yielding 0.21%. The oil was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Thirty one components which made up 94.3% of the oil were identified. The most abundant constituents found were: tricyclene (23.9%), bicyclogermacrene (11.7%), germacrene D (9.9%) and beta-caryophyllene (8.2%). Antibacterial activity determination was carried out according to the disc diffusion assay. Activity against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, at a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 170 microg/mL and 200 microg/mL, was found.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea from the Venezuelan Andes.

Autores: Gina Meccia, Luis B Rojas, Judith Velasco, Tulia Díaz, Alfredo Usubillaga, Juan Carmona Arzola, Sulymar Ramos | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The essential oil of Cordia verbenacea D.C. (Boraginaceae) that grows in Mérida-Venezuela was obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial parts of the plant, yielding 0.21%. The oil was analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Thirty one components which made up 94.3% of the oil were identified. The most abundant constituents found were: tricyclene (23.9%), bicyclogermacrene (11.7%), germacrene D (9.9%) and beta-caryophyllene (8.2%). Antibacterial activity determination was carried out according to the disc diffusion assay. Activity against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212, at a minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 170 microg/mL and 200 microg/mL, was found.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Cytotoxicity of Essential Oil Cordia verbenaceae against Leishmania brasiliensis and Trypanosoma cruzi.

Autores: Pedro S Pereira, Carlos Vinicius B Oliveira, Ana J Maia, Saulo R Tintino, Cícera Datiane de M Oliveira-Tintino, Maria C Vega-Gomez, Miriam Rolón, Cathia Coronel, Antônia Eliene Duarte, Luiz M Barros, Jeam Paul Kamdem, Abolghasem Siyadatpanah, Polrat Wilairatana, Henrique D M Coutinho | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The species Cordia verbenacea DC (Boraginaceae), known as the whaling herb and camaradinha, is a perennial shrub species native to the Atlantic Forest. Its leaves are used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiulcerogenic and curative agent, in the form of teas or infusions for internal or topical use. The present study aimed to verify the cytotoxicity of the essential oil and the leishmanicidal and trypanocidal potential of C. verbenacea. The essential oil was characterized by GC-MS. The in vitro biological activity was determined by anti-Leishmania and anti-Trypanosoma assays. The cytotoxixity was determined using mammalian fibroblasts. The C. verbenacea species presented α-pinene (45.71%), β-caryophyllene (18.77%), tricyclo[2,2,1-(2.6)]heptane (12.56%) as their main compounds. The essential oil exhibited strong cytotoxicity at concentrations below 250 μg/mL (LC50 138.1 μg/mL) in mammalian fibroblasts. The potent anti-trypanosome and anti-promastigote activities occurred from the concentration of 62.5 μg/mL and was considered clinically relevant. The results also demonstrate that at low concentrations (<62.5 μg/mL), the essential oil of C. verbenacea managed to be lethal for these activities. This can be considered an indication of the power used in daily human consumption. Therefore, it can be concluded that the essential oil of C. verbenacea contains a compound with remarkable antiparasitic activities and requires further research.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Quali-quantitative characterization of the volatile constituents in Cordia verbenacea D.C. essential oil exploiting advanced chromatographic approaches and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis.

Autores: Danilo Sciarrone, Daniele Giuffrida, Archimede Rotondo, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Mariosimone Zoccali, Sebastiano Pantò, Paola Donato, Rosana Goncalves Rodrigues-das-Dores, Luigi Mondello | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cordia verbenacea D.C. (Boraginaceae, Varronia curassavica Jacq. synonym) is a medicinal plant, native from Brazil, especially the leaves are used in folk medicine. The aim of this study was to extend the characterization of the volatile fraction of the essential oil obtained from this plant, by using GC-FID, GC-MS, and chiral GC. Moreover, to further clarify the composition of the volatile fraction, preparative multidimensional-GC (prep-MDGC) was used to collect unknown compounds, followed by NMR characterization. Specifically, the chemical characterization, both qualitative and quantitative, of the volatile fraction of the essential oil obtained from Cordia verbenacea cultivated in the Minas Gerais area (central area of Brazil) was investigated for the first time. The principal components from a quantitative point of view were α-pinene (25.32%; 24.48g/100g) and α-santalene (17.90%; 17.30g/100g), belonging to the terpenes family. Chiral-GC data are reported for the enantiomeric distribution of 7 different components. Last, to obtain the complete characterization of the essential oil constituents, prep-MDGC analysis was used to attain the isolation of two compounds, not present in the principal MS databases, which were unambiguously identified by NMR investigation as (E)-α-santalal and (E)-α-bergamotenal, reported for the first time in Cordia verbenacea essential oil.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Teor e composição química do óleo essencial de erva-baleeira (Varronia curassavica Jaqc. ) em função dos horários de coleta/ T: Content and chemical composition of the essential oil of 'erva-baleeira' (Varronia curassavica Jaqc. ) as a function of harvesting times

Autores: QUEIROZ, T.B.; MENDES, A.D.R.; SILVA, J.C.R.L.; FONSECA, F.S.A.; MARTINS, E.R. | Ano: 2016 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: RESUMO A erva-baleeira (Varronia curassavica Jaqc.) é uma importante planta medicinal, com ocorrências em vários biomas brasileiros, dela é possível extrair óleo essencial utilizado na produção de fitoterápicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o efeito do horário de coleta das folhas sobre o teor e os constituintes químicos do óleo essencial da V. curassavica. As folhas foram obtidas da coleção do germoplasma do Horto Medicinal do Instituto de Ciências Agrárias da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (ICA/UFMG). Os tratamentos constaram de cinco horários de coleta (6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 e 18:00 horas) e três repetições, utilizando o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. O óleo essencial foi extraído pelo método de hidrodestilação, utilizando-se o sistema Clevenger e a constituição química determinada por cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG/EM). O teor do óleo essencial não sofreu influencia do horário de coleta. Entretanto, o horário de coleta influenciou a composição química do óleo essencial de erva-baleeira. Os compostos majoritários em todos os horários de coleta foram β-cariofileno (22,6 a 27,4%), elixeno (14,9 a 17,2%) e γ-muuroleno (9,1 a 9,8%). Já o composto de menor abundância relativa, sabineno (1,1 %), apresentou ocorrência apenas as 6 h da manhã.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Teste de condução de ondas ultrassônicas pelo fitomedicamento creme de Cordia Verbenácea/ Test driving of ultrasonic waves by phytomedication cream Cordia Verbenácea

Autores: Schmidt, Kizi Boretti; Lianza, Sergio | Ano: 2010 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Fonoforese é o uso do ultrassom para introduzir moléculas de fármanoatravés da pele. O creme óleo essencial de Cordia Verbenacea (C.V.) é um fitomedicamento anti-inflamatório utilizado topicamente para tratar processos inflamatórios em tecidos moles. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se o fitomedicamento creme de óleo essencial de C.V. conduz ondas ultra- sônicas. Foram realizados dois testes, um com gel e outrocom o fitomedicamento. A formação de bolhas na superfície da água demonstrou a transmissão das ondas ultra-sônicas. Os testes foram realizados no modo contínuo e pulsado, antes e após a simulação da fonoforese. Nestas condições o fitomedicamento de C.V. conduz ondasultra-sônicas tanto no modo contínuo, quanto no pulsado.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Pterodon pubescens and Cordia verbenacea association promotes a synergistic response in antinociceptive model and improves the anti-inflammatory results in animal models.

Autores: Rosanna Tarkany Basting, Humberto Moreira Spindola, Ilza Maria de Oliveira Sousa, Nubia de Cassia Almeida Queiroz, José Roberto Trigo, João Ernesto de Carvalho, Mary Ann Foglio | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the pharmacological effect of the association of crude extract from the fruits of Pterodon pubescens (Pp) with the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea (Cv) in antinociception and anti-inflammatory experimental models. The effective doses of each extract and the combinations used in the associations of extracts were defined by acetic acid-induced writhing test. The separate extracts were also evaluated on formalin test. Interaction between extracts was assessed by isobologram method. The effects of different concentrations of associations (A50, A100 and A200) were evaluated on formalin test, tail flick and hot plate. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated in paw edema induced by carrageenan and PGE2, carrageenan-induced peritonitis and mechanical allodynia induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA). The associations were markedly synergistic, as assessed using isobolographic analyses. On formalin and on acetic acid-induced writhing tests, associations demonstrated greater efficacy when compared to extracts separately. In paw edema models, significant reductions of edema were observed. On mechanical allodynia induced by CFA, associations were effective at acute phase with pronounced effect at chronic phase. The associations were not effective in hot plate, tail flick and carrageenan-induced peritonitis tests. Phytochemical analysis by HPLC-DAD and FID showed important concentrations of α-Humulene, trans-Caryophyllene, geranylgeraniol, isomers 6α-hydroxy-7β-acetoxy-vouacapan-17βoate methyl ester and 6α-acetoxy-7β-hydroxy-vouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester (compounds m/z 404) and 6α,7β-dihydroxyvouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester (m/z 362). These findings demonstrate that the associations promote synergistic antinociceptive effect and important anti-inflammatory activities, especially on chronic inflammation conditions, at lower doses than the separate crude extracts, without demonstrating side effects, probably acting in different pharmacological receptors. The inhibition of inflammation suggests a relationship with inflammatory mediators and PGE2 pathway and might be exploited to achieve greater anti-inflammatory efficacy, being considered as a potential phytotherapy.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Pterodon pubescens and Cordia verbenacea association promotes a synergistic response in antinociceptive model and improves the anti-inflammatory results in animal models.

Autores: Rosanna Tarkany Basting, Humberto Moreira Spindola, Ilza Maria de Oliveira Sousa, Nubia de Cassia Almeida Queiroz, José Roberto Trigo, João Ernesto de Carvalho, Mary Ann Foglio | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the pharmacological effect of the association of crude extract from the fruits of Pterodon pubescens (Pp) with the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea (Cv) in antinociception and anti-inflammatory experimental models. The effective doses of each extract and the combinations used in the associations of extracts were defined by acetic acid-induced writhing test. The separate extracts were also evaluated on formalin test. Interaction between extracts was assessed by isobologram method. The effects of different concentrations of associations (A50, A100 and A200) were evaluated on formalin test, tail flick and hot plate. The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated in paw edema induced by carrageenan and PGE2, carrageenan-induced peritonitis and mechanical allodynia induced by Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA). The associations were markedly synergistic, as assessed using isobolographic analyses. On formalin and on acetic acid-induced writhing tests, associations demonstrated greater efficacy when compared to extracts separately. In paw edema models, significant reductions of edema were observed. On mechanical allodynia induced by CFA, associations were effective at acute phase with pronounced effect at chronic phase. The associations were not effective in hot plate, tail flick and carrageenan-induced peritonitis tests. Phytochemical analysis by HPLC-DAD and FID showed important concentrations of α-Humulene, trans-Caryophyllene, geranylgeraniol, isomers 6α-hydroxy-7β-acetoxy-vouacapan-17βoate methyl ester and 6α-acetoxy-7β-hydroxy-vouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester (compounds m/z 404) and 6α,7β-dihydroxyvouacapan-17β-oate methyl ester (m/z 362). These findings demonstrate that the associations promote synergistic antinociceptive effect and important anti-inflammatory activities, especially on chronic inflammation conditions, at lower doses than the separate crude extracts, without demonstrating side effects, probably acting in different pharmacological receptors. The inhibition of inflammation suggests a relationship with inflammatory mediators and PGE2 pathway and might be exploited to achieve greater anti-inflammatory efficacy, being considered as a potential phytotherapy.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene in mice.

Autores: Juliana Siqueira Chaves, Paulo César Leal, Luis Pianowisky, João B Calixto | Ano: 2008 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A quantitative study was undertaken to assess the plasma and tissue levels, tissue distribution and skin (ear) absorption of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene, the main active constituent isolated from the plant Cordia verbenacea (Boraginaceae ), after oral, intravenous and topical administration in mice. The alpha-humulene levels were quantified by GC-MS analysis. The peak alpha-humulene concentration was achieved 15 min following its oral administration (150 mg/kg). Then, the alpha-humulene plasma concentration gradually decreased and it was almost undetectable at 2 hours after intravenous administration and 12 hours after oral administration. When the oil of C. verbenacea was given orally (1 g/kg), the peak alpha-humulene plasma concentration was observed after 30 min, being detectable only up to 2 h. The oral bioavailability of alpha-humulene was found to be 18 %. The half-lives of alpha-humulene were very short, 16.8 min after oral administration and 1.8 min after intravenous administration. However, the elimination half-lives were longer, 118.2 min and 55 min, for oral and intravenous routes, respectively. We also assessed the amount of alpha-humulene in some selected tissues at 0.5 and at 4 h after oral administration. We found a high amount of the compound in the liver, followed by the kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen and brain, 0.5 h after oral administration. Notably, the yield of alpha-humulene decreased significantly in all analyzed tissues, especially in the liver, 4 h after oral administration. Of note, 30 minutes after topical administration of Acheflan formulations (cream and aerosol) containing 0.5 % of C. verbenacea essential oil, a schedule of treatment that produces marked and similar topical anti-inflammatory activity, the amount of alpha-humulene absorbed in the ear was very similar (about 2 microg/ear). It is concluded that alpha-humulene exhibited a rapid onset and relatively good absorption following oral and topical administration. Taken together, these findings further contribute to an explanation of the topical and systemic anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties previously reported for the essential oil and for alpha-humulene obtained from Cordia verbenacea, they also provide support for the clinical studies conducted with the phytomedicine Acheflan.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene in mice.

Autores: Juliana Siqueira Chaves, Paulo César Leal, Luis Pianowisky, João B Calixto | Ano: 2008 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A quantitative study was undertaken to assess the plasma and tissue levels, tissue distribution and skin (ear) absorption of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene, the main active constituent isolated from the plant Cordia verbenacea (Boraginaceae ), after oral, intravenous and topical administration in mice. The alpha-humulene levels were quantified by GC-MS analysis. The peak alpha-humulene concentration was achieved 15 min following its oral administration (150 mg/kg). Then, the alpha-humulene plasma concentration gradually decreased and it was almost undetectable at 2 hours after intravenous administration and 12 hours after oral administration. When the oil of C. verbenacea was given orally (1 g/kg), the peak alpha-humulene plasma concentration was observed after 30 min, being detectable only up to 2 h. The oral bioavailability of alpha-humulene was found to be 18 %. The half-lives of alpha-humulene were very short, 16.8 min after oral administration and 1.8 min after intravenous administration. However, the elimination half-lives were longer, 118.2 min and 55 min, for oral and intravenous routes, respectively. We also assessed the amount of alpha-humulene in some selected tissues at 0.5 and at 4 h after oral administration. We found a high amount of the compound in the liver, followed by the kidneys, heart, lungs, spleen and brain, 0.5 h after oral administration. Notably, the yield of alpha-humulene decreased significantly in all analyzed tissues, especially in the liver, 4 h after oral administration. Of note, 30 minutes after topical administration of Acheflan formulations (cream and aerosol) containing 0.5 % of C. verbenacea essential oil, a schedule of treatment that produces marked and similar topical anti-inflammatory activity, the amount of alpha-humulene absorbed in the ear was very similar (about 2 microg/ear). It is concluded that alpha-humulene exhibited a rapid onset and relatively good absorption following oral and topical administration. Taken together, these findings further contribute to an explanation of the topical and systemic anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties previously reported for the essential oil and for alpha-humulene obtained from Cordia verbenacea, they also provide support for the clinical studies conducted with the phytomedicine Acheflan.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Protective effect of topical Cordia verbenacea in a rat periodontitis model: immune-inflammatory, antibacterial and morphometric assays.

Autores: Suzana Peres Pimentel, Guilherme Emerson Barrella, Renato Corrêa Viana Casarin, Fabiano Ribeiro Cirano, Márcio Zaffalon Casati, Mary Ann Foglio, Glyn Mara Figueira, Fernanda Vieira Ribeiro | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the effects of C. verbenacea essential oil topically administered in a rat periodontitis model.

Resultados: Bone loss was inhibited by C. verbenacea when compared to the NT group (p < 0.05). A decrease in the levels of IL-1α and increase in the IL-10 amounts was observed in the C.v. group as compared to NT group (p < 0.05). A lower frequency of P. gingivalis was found in C.v. group (p < 0.05).

Conclusão: C. verbenacea essential oil topically administered diminished alveolar bone resorption, promoting a positive local imbalance in the pro/anti-inflammatory system and reducing the frequency of detection of P. gingivalis.

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflamatóriaSimAnti-inflammatory effects of compounds alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene isolated from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea.Elizabeth S Fernandes, Giselle F Passos, Rodrigo Medeiros, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Maria M Campos, Luiz F Pianowski, João B Calixto2007pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflamatória e anti-alérgicaSimAnti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties of the essential oil and active compounds from Cordia verbenacea.Giselle F Passos, Elizabeth S Fernandes, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Luiz F Pianowski, Maria M Campos, João B Calixto2007pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflamatória, antimicrobiana e cicatrizanteSimReview: Role of the chemical compounds present in the essential oil and in the extract of Cordia verbenacea DC as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing product.Jessica K P Martim, Leila T Maranho, Thais A Costa-Casagrande2021pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflamatórioSimAnti-inflammatory effects of compounds alpha-humulene and (-)-trans-caryophyllene isolated from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea.Elizabeth S Fernandes, Giselle F Passos, Rodrigo Medeiros, Fernanda M da Cunha, Juliano Ferreira, Maria M Campos, Luiz F Pianowski, João B Calixto2007pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflamatório, antimicrobiano e cicatrizanteSimReview: Role of the chemical compounds present in the essential oil and in the extract of Cordia verbenacea DC as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing product.Jessica K P Martim, Leila T Maranho, Thais A Costa-Casagrande2021pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflammatorySimEffect of two active compounds obtained from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS in the rat paw.R Medeiros, G F Passos, C E Vitor, J Koepp, T L Mazzuco, L F Pianowski, M M Campos, J B Calixto2007pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAnti-inflammatory against LPS-induced inflammation in rat pawSimEffect of two active compounds obtained from the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea on the acute inflammatory responses elicited by LPS in the rat paw.R Medeiros, G F Passos, C E Vitor, J Koepp, T L Mazzuco, L F Pianowski, M M Campos, J B Calixto2007pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAntibacterianaSimChemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea from the Venezuelan Andes.Gina Meccia, Luis B Rojas, Judith Velasco, Tulia Díaz, Alfredo Usubillaga, Juan Carmona Arzola, Sulymar Ramos2009pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAtividade antibacterianaSimChemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Cordia verbenacea from the Venezuelan Andes.Gina Meccia, Luis B Rojas, Judith Velasco, Tulia Díaz, Alfredo Usubillaga, Juan Carmona Arzola, Sulymar Ramos2009pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraAtividade contra Leishmania brasiliensis e Trypanosoma cruziSimCytotoxicity of Essential Oil Cordia verbenaceae against Leishmania brasiliensis and Trypanosoma cruzi.Pedro S Pereira, Carlos Vinicius B Oliveira, Ana J Maia, Saulo R Tintino, Cícera Datiane de M Oliveira-Tintino, Maria C Vega-Gomez, Miriam Rolón, Cathia Coronel, Antônia Eliene Duarte, Luiz M Barros, Jeam Paul Kamdem, Abolghasem Siyadatpanah, Polrat Wilairatana, Henrique D M Coutinho2021pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraCaracterização quali-quantitativa dos constituintes voláteisSimQuali-quantitative characterization of the volatile constituents in Cordia verbenacea D.C. essential oil exploiting advanced chromatographic approaches and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis.Danilo Sciarrone, Daniele Giuffrida, Archimede Rotondo, Giuseppe Micalizzi, Mariosimone Zoccali, Sebastiano Pantò, Paola Donato, Rosana Goncalves Rodrigues-das-Dores, Luigi Mondello2017pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraComposição química em diferentes horários de coletaSimTeor e composição química do óleo essencial de erva-baleeira (Varronia curassavica Jaqc. ) em função dos horários de coleta/ T: Content and chemical composition of the essential oil of 'erva-baleeira' (Varronia curassavica Jaqc. ) as a function of harvesting timesQUEIROZ, T.B.; MENDES, A.D.R.; SILVA, J.C.R.L.; FONSECA, F.S.A.; MARTINS, E.R.2016LILACS
Erva BaleeiraCondução de ondas ultrassônicasSimTeste de condução de ondas ultrassônicas pelo fitomedicamento creme de Cordia Verbenácea/ Test driving of ultrasonic waves by phytomedication cream Cordia VerbenáceaSchmidt, Kizi Boretti; Lianza, Sergio2010LILACS
Erva BaleeiraEfeito anti-inflamatórioSimPterodon pubescens and Cordia verbenacea association promotes a synergistic response in antinociceptive model and improves the anti-inflammatory results in animal models.Rosanna Tarkany Basting, Humberto Moreira Spindola, Ilza Maria de Oliveira Sousa, Nubia de Cassia Almeida Queiroz, José Roberto Trigo, João Ernesto de Carvalho, Mary Ann Foglio2019pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraEfeito antinociceptivo sinérgico e atividade antiinflamatória em modelos experimentaisSimPterodon pubescens and Cordia verbenacea association promotes a synergistic response in antinociceptive model and improves the anti-inflammatory results in animal models.Rosanna Tarkany Basting, Humberto Moreira Spindola, Ilza Maria de Oliveira Sousa, Nubia de Cassia Almeida Queiroz, José Roberto Trigo, João Ernesto de Carvalho, Mary Ann Foglio2019pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraFarmacocinética e distribuição do sesquiterpeno alfa-humuleno em camundongosSimPharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene in mice.Juliana Siqueira Chaves, Paulo César Leal, Luis Pianowisky, João B Calixto2008pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraFarmacocinética, distribuição tecidual e absorção cutânea do alfa-humuleno em camundongos.SimPharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of the sesquiterpene alpha-humulene in mice.Juliana Siqueira Chaves, Paulo César Leal, Luis Pianowisky, João B Calixto2008pubmedN/A
Erva BaleeiraProteção contra perda óssea em caso de periodontite e auxílio no tratamento de inflamações.SimProtective effect of topical Cordia verbenacea in a rat periodontitis model: immune-inflammatory, antibacterial and morphometric assays.Suzana Peres Pimentel, Guilherme Emerson Barrella, Renato Corrêa Viana Casarin, Fabiano Ribeiro Cirano, Márcio Zaffalon Casati, Mary Ann Foglio, Glyn Mara Figueira, Fernanda Vieira Ribeiro2012pubmedN/A