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  • Nome popular: Eucalipto Staigeriana
  • Nome científico: Eucalyptus staigeriana
  • Aroma: Eucalyptus staigeriana, também conhecido como ironbark com aroma de limão, apresenta um aroma suave e fresco, com notas cítricas e frutadas de limão. É menos intenso do que outras espécies de eucalipto, como o globulus, e pode ser usado para aliviar dores musculares e respiratórias. É uma opção suave para peles sensíveis.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 17

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Eco-friendly synthesis of an alkyl chitosan derivative.

Autores: Haroldo C B Paula, Rudson B C Silva, Clara M Santos, Francisco D S Dantas, Regina C M de Paula, Laís R M de Lima, Erick F de Oliveira, Evânia A T Figueiredo, Flayanna G B Dias | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Chitosan (CH) was N-alkylated via Schiff base formation and further reduced via sodium borohydride. The reaction was carried out at room temperature, in a homogeneous aqueous medium, using as a source of alkyl group an essential oil (Eucalyptus staigeriana) containing an unsaturated aldehyde (3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal). Derivatives were characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy, proton and carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, XRD, particle size distribution and zeta potential. Chitosan hydrophobization evidence was given by FTIR as new bands at 2929 cm-1 due to methyl groups, along with the presence of strong band at 1580 cm-1 owing to N substitution. Moreover, carbon and proton NMR corroborated the insertion of methyl groups in chitosan backbone. The degree of substitution was found to be in the range 0.69-1.44. X-ray diffractograms revealed that the insertion of alkyl substituents in chitosan backbone led to a less crystalline material. Data from antibacterial activity revealed that chitosan and derivatives were effective against Gram-positive bacteria, whereby derivatives exhibited greater inhibitory effect than CH. Derivatives are likely candidates for use as carriers for active principles of interest of food, pharmacy and medicine.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antifungal activity of essential oil from Eucalyptus staigeriana against Alternaria alternata causing of leaf spot and black rot in table grapes.

Autores: Carine Pedrotti, Clarissa Franzoi, Maria Tatiane S Rosa, Tayná R Trentin, Johnatan Vilasboa, Fernando Joel Scariot, Sérgio L Echeverrigaray, Joséli Schwambach | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Alternaria alternata causes leaf spot and black rot diseases in leaves and grapes of grapevines, respectively, and leads to huge economic losses in table grapes production. As natural antifungal agents, essential oils (EOs), which are generally recognized as safe substances, shows strong antifungal activity against fungal phytopathogens. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of Eucalyptus staigeriana EO and its in vitro and in vivo effects against A. alternata. The major compounds of E. staigeriana EO were citral (34.32%, of which 21.83% geranial and 12.49% neral), limonene (20.60%) and 1,8-cineole (12.33%). E. staigeriana EO exhibited the highest inhibitory activity on mycelial growth and conidial germination at 1 µL mL-1. Moreover, the EO was able to reduce the incidence and severity of leaf spot disease in leaves and black rot disease in table grapes caused by A. alternata. These results represent a possible alternative to reduce the use of synthetic molecules for the control of diseases in postharvest of table grapes and in vineyard.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antifungal activity of essential oil from Eucalyptus staigeriana against Alternaria alternata causing of leaf spot and black rot in table grapes.

Autores: Carine Pedrotti, Clarissa Franzoi, Maria Tatiane S Rosa, Tayná R Trentin, Johnatan Vilasboa, Fernando Joel Scariot, Sérgio L Echeverrigaray, Joséli Schwambach | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Alternaria alternata causes leaf spot and black rot diseases in leaves and grapes of grapevines, respectively, and leads to huge economic losses in table grapes production. As natural antifungal agents, essential oils (EOs), which are generally recognized as safe substances, shows strong antifungal activity against fungal phytopathogens. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of Eucalyptus staigeriana EO and its in vitro and in vivo effects against A. alternata. The major compounds of E. staigeriana EO were citral (34.32%, of which 21.83% geranial and 12.49% neral), limonene (20.60%) and 1,8-cineole (12.33%). E. staigeriana EO exhibited the highest inhibitory activity on mycelial growth and conidial germination at 1 µL mL-1. Moreover, the EO was able to reduce the incidence and severity of leaf spot disease in leaves and black rot disease in table grapes caused by A. alternata. These results represent a possible alternative to reduce the use of synthetic molecules for the control of diseases in postharvest of table grapes and in vineyard.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Activity of chitosan-encapsulated Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil on Haemonchus contortus.

Autores: Wesley Lyeverton Correia Ribeiro, Iara Tersia Freitas Macedo, Jessica Maria Leite dos Santos, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Fernandes Camurça-Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Phytotherapy has been described as an alternative method for the control of gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants. Goal of the encapsulation of essential oils in biopolymer matrices is to optimize the biological effects of these oils. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity of encapsulated Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EncEs) on the eggs and larvae of Haemonchus contortus. Therefore, the egg hatching test (EHT), larval development test (LDT) and worm load evaluation were performed to evaluate Meriones unguiculatus experimentally infected with H. contortus. The chemical constituents of E. staigeriana essential oil (EsEO) and the in vitro oil release profile from the chitosan matrix at a pH of 1.2 and 7.0 were also characterized. EncEs and EsEO inhibited larval hatching by 97.19% and 99.96% at doses of 1.5 and 1.0 mg ml(-1), respectively. In the LDT, EncEs and EsEO induced a larvicidal effect greater than 95% at concentrations of 5.8 and 8 mg ml(-1), respectively. EncEs and EsEO decreased H. contortus load in M. unguiculatus by 40.51% and 46.44%, respectively. The major chemical constituents of EsEO were (+)-Limonene (72.9%), 1,8-Cineole (9.5%) and o-Cimene (4.6%). The release profile of EsEO was 30% in acid and 25% at neutral pH. The similar efficacy of EncEs and EsEO demonstrates that there was no optimization of anthelmintic action following the encapsulation process. Therefore, the use of new encapsulation matrices with controlled release in the pH of the abomasum should be investigated.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana encapsulated oil on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes.

Autores: Mayara de Aquino Mesquita, João Batista E Silva Júnior, Andressa Machado Panassol, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Camurça Fernandes Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The anthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil has previously been inferred through both in vitro and in vivo tests. Thus, the encapsulation process generally improves oil stability, promotes controlled release in target organs, reduces dosage, and increases efficacy. The aims of this study were to analyze and encapsulate E. staigeriana essential oil and to verify its anthelmintic activity in sheep. The encapsulation process was accomplished through emulsion using a 4% chitosan solution as the matrix. Anthelmintic activity was established through controlled testing using 18 sheep that were separated into three groups: group 1 was treated with a single dose of 365 mg/kg of E. staigeriana encapsulated oil, group 2 was treated with 200 μg/kg of ivermectin, and group 3 was treated with a 4% chitosan solution as a negative control. The sheep were euthanized and necropsied 13 days posttreatment to evaluate worm burden. Limonene was the major oil component (72.91%). The final product was a hydrogel with 36.5% (m/m) E. staigeriana essential oil per gram. Its efficacy on gastrointestinal nematodes was 60.79%. The highest efficacy was against abomasal nematodes, with 83.75% efficacy. Further studies are necessary to explore the possibility of increasing the hydrogel efficacy; nevertheless, we can state that E. staigeriana encapsulated oil had anthelmintic activity and can be used in gastrointestinal nematode control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil from dried leaves of Eucalyptus staigeriana/ Atividade antimicrobiana e antibiofilme do óleo essencial de folhas secas de Eucalyptus staigeriana

Autores: Correa, Marcos Saldanha; Schwambach, Joseli; Mann, Michele Bertoni; Frazzon, Jeverson; Frazzon, Ana Paula Guedes | Ano: 2019 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: In recent years, compounds with biological properties produced by plants have received attention as an alternative to control microorganisms. Essential oils extracted from green leaves of Eucalyptus sp. have been demonstrated to have antimicrobial activities, but so far there are no reports of antimicrobial activity of essential oils extracted from dried leaves of Eucalyptus staigeriana. So, the objectives of this study were to determine the chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from dried leaves of E. staigeriana (EOdlES) and to evaluate in vitro antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities of EOdlES against gram-positive and gram-negative, resistance and multiresistant Enterococcus faecalis isolated from food and clinical samples. The characterization of EOdlES was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS). For this study, 26 bacterial strains were used, which included 11 reference strains and 15 antibiotic resistant and multiresistant E. faecalis strains. Antimicrobial activities of EOdlES against gram-positive and gram-negative were determined using the disc diffusion method. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value was evaluated by a microbroth dilution technique. The antibiofilm effects were assessed by microtiter plate method. As a result, 21 compounds were identified, being oxygenated monoterpenes (69.58%) the major chemical family. EOdlES showed only antimicrobial activity against gram-positive strains. E. faecalis resistant and multiresistant strains show the lowest MIC (3.12 to 6.25%), when compared with reference E. faecalis strain. EOdlES has the ability to inhibit the biofilm formation, but little or none ability to inhibit the preformed biofilm. This study demonstrates that EOdlES is a promising alternative to control important foodborne and clinic gram-positive resistant bacteria.(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana encapsulated oil on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes.

Autores: Mayara de Aquino Mesquita, João Batista E Silva Júnior, Andressa Machado Panassol, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Camurça Fernandes Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The anthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil has previously been inferred through both in vitro and in vivo tests. Thus, the encapsulation process generally improves oil stability, promotes controlled release in target organs, reduces dosage, and increases efficacy. The aims of this study were to analyze and encapsulate E. staigeriana essential oil and to verify its anthelmintic activity in sheep. The encapsulation process was accomplished through emulsion using a 4% chitosan solution as the matrix. Anthelmintic activity was established through controlled testing using 18 sheep that were separated into three groups: group 1 was treated with a single dose of 365 mg/kg of E. staigeriana encapsulated oil, group 2 was treated with 200 μg/kg of ivermectin, and group 3 was treated with a 4% chitosan solution as a negative control. The sheep were euthanized and necropsied 13 days posttreatment to evaluate worm burden. Limonene was the major oil component (72.91%). The final product was a hydrogel with 36.5% (m/m) E. staigeriana essential oil per gram. Its efficacy on gastrointestinal nematodes was 60.79%. The highest efficacy was against abomasal nematodes, with 83.75% efficacy. Further studies are necessary to explore the possibility of increasing the hydrogel efficacy; nevertheless, we can state that E. staigeriana encapsulated oil had anthelmintic activity and can be used in gastrointestinal nematode control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Sublethal Effects of Essential Oils From Eucalyptus staigeriana (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), Ocimum gratissimum (Lamiales: Laminaceae), and Foeniculum vulgare (Apiales: Apiaceae) on the Biology of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).

Autores: G S Cruz, V Wanderley-Teixeira, J V Oliveira, F S C Lopes, D R S Barbosa, M O Breda, K A Dutra, C A Guedes, D M A F Navarro, A A C Teixeira | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a major pest of maize, Zea mays L. Its control is often achieved through repeated applications per season of insecticides, which may lead to adverse effects on the ecosystem. Thus, the study of alternative methods with less environmental impact has expanded to include the use of essential oils. These oils are products of the secondary metabolism in plants, and their insecticidal activity has been widely demonstrated in populations of many pest insects. This study evaluated the insecticidal activities of essential oils from Eucalyptus staigeriana, Ocimum gratissimum, and Foeniculum vulgare on Spodoptera frugiperda. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry profiles and contact toxicity of these oils as well as their sublethal effects on larvae and reproductive parameters in adults were evaluated. All three oils had sublethal effects on S. frugiperda; however, the oil of O. gratissimum showed the best results at all doses tested. These essential oils may have promise for control of S. frugiperda.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro effects of Eucalyptus staigeriana nanoemulsion on Haemonchus contortus and toxicity in rodents.

Autores: Wesley Lyeverton Correia Ribeiro, Ana Lourdes Fernandes Camurça-Vasconcelos, Iara Tersia Freitas Macedo, Jessica Maria Leite dos Santos, José Vilemar de Araújo-Filho, Juliana de Carvalho Ribeiro, Vanessa de Abreu Pereira, Daniel de Araújo Viana, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Strategies for controlling gastrointestinal nematodes have been developed based on the use of numerous alternative methods, including the use of phytotherapy. New formulations of essential oils with anthelmintic activity have been proposed as a means to optimize their biological effects. Thus, the objective of this study was to formulate a nanoemulsion to optimize the nematicide effect of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EsEO). Initially, physico-chemical analyses were performed to verify the stability of the E. staigeriana nanoemulsion (EsNano). In vitro tests were conducted to evaluate the ovicidal and larvicidal activities of both EsNano and EsEO against Haemonchus contortus, and toxicology tests were then performed on rodents. The EsEO content in the nanoemulsion was 36.4% (v/v), and the mean particle size was 274.3 nm. EsNano and EsEO inhibited larval hatching by 99% and 96.3% at 1 and 2mg/ml concentrations, respectively, and inhibited larval development by 96.3% and 97.3% at 8 mg/ml concentrations. The acute toxicity test revealed that the EsNano and EsEO doses required to kill 50% of the mice (LD50) were 1,603.9 and 3,495.9 mg/ml, respectively. EsNano did not alter the hematological parameters in the rats after treatment.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Efeito acaricida de óleos essenciais e concentrados emulsionáveis de Eucalyptus spp em Boophilus microplus/ Acaricide effect of Eucalyptus spp essential oils and concentrated emulsion on Boophilus microplus

Autores: Chagas, Ana Carolina de Souza; Passos, Wanderley Mascarenhas; Prates, Hélio Teixeira; Leite, Romário Cerqueira; Furlong, John; Fortes, Isabel Cristina Pereira | Ano: 2002 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Realizou-se um estudo sobre a açäo biocida de Eucalyptus citriodora, Eucalyptus globulus e Eucalyptus staigeriana no carrapato Boophilus microplus, buscando-se a produçäo de acaricidas menos agressivos ao meio ambiente. Os óleos essenciais das três espécies e os concentrados emulsionáveis de E. globulus e E. staigeriana foram testados em cinco concentraçöes diferentes contra larvas e fêmeas ingurgitadas de B. microplus. Os óleos foram submetidos à análise por cromatografia gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas (CG/EM), a fim de se investigar sua composiçäo. O citronelal é o principal componente do óleo de E. citriodora, sendo responsável por sua açäo acaricida. O mesmo ocorre com o 1,8-cineol em E. globulus. Em E. staigeriana existem várias substâncias que agem sinergicamente contra B. microplus. O óleo essencial de E. citriodora matou 100 por cento dos carrapatos a uma concentraçäo média de 17,5 por cento, o de E. globulus a 15 por cento e o de E. staigeriana a 12,5 por cento. Os concentrados emulsionáveis de E. globulus mataram 100 por cento dos carrapatos a uma concentraçäo média de 9,9 por cento e o de E. staigeriana a uma concentraçäo de 3,9 por cento. O desenvolvimento de produtos que possam ser testados a campo e comercializados a preços competitivos seräo passos a serem seguidos. Os biocarrapaticidas têm um apelo comercial grande, permitindo controlar B. microplus de um modo menos agressivo ao meio ambiente

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Eco-friendly synthesis of an alkyl chitosan derivative.

Autores: Haroldo C B Paula, Rudson B C Silva, Clara M Santos, Francisco D S Dantas, Regina C M de Paula, Laís R M de Lima, Erick F de Oliveira, Evânia A T Figueiredo, Flayanna G B Dias | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Chitosan (CH) was N-alkylated via Schiff base formation and further reduced via sodium borohydride. The reaction was carried out at room temperature, in a homogeneous aqueous medium, using as a source of alkyl group an essential oil (Eucalyptus staigeriana) containing an unsaturated aldehyde (3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal). Derivatives were characterized by Infrared Spectroscopy, proton and carbon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, XRD, particle size distribution and zeta potential. Chitosan hydrophobization evidence was given by FTIR as new bands at 2929 cm-1 due to methyl groups, along with the presence of strong band at 1580 cm-1 owing to N substitution. Moreover, carbon and proton NMR corroborated the insertion of methyl groups in chitosan backbone. The degree of substitution was found to be in the range 0.69-1.44. X-ray diffractograms revealed that the insertion of alkyl substituents in chitosan backbone led to a less crystalline material. Data from antibacterial activity revealed that chitosan and derivatives were effective against Gram-positive bacteria, whereby derivatives exhibited greater inhibitory effect than CH. Derivatives are likely candidates for use as carriers for active principles of interest of food, pharmacy and medicine.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil as sustainable alternative for diseases management of grapes in postharvest and in vineyard and its influence on wine.

Autores: Carine Pedrotti, Ângela Rossi Marcon, Sérgio, Laguna Echeverrigaray, Rute Terezinha da Silva Ribeiro, Joséli Schwambach | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to determine the chemical composition of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EO) and its effect in vivo against Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum acutatum in postharvest of grapes and in a vineyard. Moreover, grapes collected from de field experiments were used to evaluate the impact of the alternative control on the alcoholic fermentation and wine composition. The major compounds of E. staigeriana EO were citral (30.91%), 1,8-cineole (24.59%), and limonene (19.47%). In the postharvest experiment, EO was efficient, reducing the incidence and severity of disease caused by B. cinerea and the incidence of disease caused by C. acutatum, both in preventive and curative treatment. Moreover, this EO reduced the incidence and severity of gray rot caused by B. cinerea and the severity of ripe rot caused by C. acutatum in the field. The alternative control did not significantly influence the alcoholic fermentation and volatile composition of wines, except for the residual presence of 1,8-cineole that can contribute to the aroma complexity of 'Isabella' wine. These results are promising and indicate that E. staigeriana EO might be further investigated as a natural alternative to control fungal rots on grapes.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles (Aloe Vera @ DS/CS) encapsulating Eucalyptus essential oil with antibacterial potent property.

Autores: Mirhane Mostafa Darwish, Mona S Elneklawi, Ebtesam A Mohamad | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The goal of this work is to encapsulate Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil in biopolymer matrices, to optimize the biological effects and the antibacterial properties of this oil. In this study, Eucalyptus extract was encapsulated in Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles to form a hydrogel with potent properties. In this study, Eucalyptus extract was loaded on to Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulphate/Chitosan nanoparticles to obtain a nano-hydrogel with potent properties. The characterization of nanoparticles was evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopes, dynamic light scattering, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and antibacterial activity. The E. staigeriana release profile from the prepared nanoparticles was studied in vitro at a pH of 7.4. The results showed that this nano-carrier controls Eucalyptus release. Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles encapsulated with E. staigeriana inhibited the bacteria by 47.27%. These investigations concluded that E. staigeriana loaded Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan hydrogel could be used as a powerful dressing material to accelerate wound healing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anthelmintic effect of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil against goat gastrointestinal nematodes.

Autores: Iara T F Macedo, Claudia M L Bevilaqua, Lorena M B de Oliveira, Ana L F Camurça-Vasconcelos, Luiz da S Vieira, Fabrício R Oliveira, Eudson M Queiroz-Junior, Adriana da R Tomé, Nilberto R F Nascimento | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic efficacy of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EsEO). The in vitro effects of EsEO were determined through the egg hatching test and the inhibition of larval development of Haemonchus contortus. The oil was subjected to acute and subacute toxicity rodents. The in vivo effects were determined through fecal egg count reduction test in goats. 1.35 and 5.4 mgml(-1) EsEO inhibited 99.27 and 99.20% H. contortus egg hatching and larval development. In subacute toxicity of EsEO, all parameters were found to be in the normal range, and histopathological analysis of organs did not present alterations. EsEO efficacy against goat gastrointestinal nematodes was 76.57% at 15th day after treatment. E. staigeriana essential oil showed in vitro and in vivo anthelmintic activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil as sustainable alternative for diseases management of grapes in postharvest and in vineyard and its influence on wine.

Autores: Carine Pedrotti, Ângela Rossi Marcon, Sérgio, Laguna Echeverrigaray, Rute Terezinha da Silva Ribeiro, Joséli Schwambach | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to determine the chemical composition of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil (EO) and its effect in vivo against Botrytis cinerea and Colletotrichum acutatum in postharvest of grapes and in a vineyard. Moreover, grapes collected from de field experiments were used to evaluate the impact of the alternative control on the alcoholic fermentation and wine composition. The major compounds of E. staigeriana EO were citral (30.91%), 1,8-cineole (24.59%), and limonene (19.47%). In the postharvest experiment, EO was efficient, reducing the incidence and severity of disease caused by B. cinerea and the incidence of disease caused by C. acutatum, both in preventive and curative treatment. Moreover, this EO reduced the incidence and severity of gray rot caused by B. cinerea and the severity of ripe rot caused by C. acutatum in the field. The alternative control did not significantly influence the alcoholic fermentation and volatile composition of wines, except for the residual presence of 1,8-cineole that can contribute to the aroma complexity of 'Isabella' wine. These results are promising and indicate that E. staigeriana EO might be further investigated as a natural alternative to control fungal rots on grapes.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition of Eucalyptus spp. essential oils and their insecticidal effects on Lutzomyia longipalpis.

Autores: M V Maciel, S M Morais, C M L Bevilaqua, R A Silva, R S Barros, R N Sousa, L C Sousa, E S Brito, M A Souza-Neto | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The chemical composition of essential oils from three species of plants belonging to the Eucalyptus genus was determined and, their insecticidal effects on egg, larva and adult phases of Lutzomyia longipalpis were assessed. The insects were collected in the municipality of Sobral in the State of Ceará, Brazil. Five treatments with different concentrations were performed along with two negative controls, distilled water and Tween 80 (3%), and a positive control, cypermethrin (0.196mg/ml). The tests were carried out in plastic pots internally coated with sterile plaster and filled with a substrate made of rabbit feces and crushed cassava leaves. The eggs, larvae and adults were sprayed with the oils. The hatched larvae were counted for 10 consecutive days and observed until pupation. Insect mortality was observed after 24, 48 and 72h. E. staigeriana oil was the most effective on all three phases of the insect, followed by E. citriodora and E. globulus oils, respectively. The major constituents of the oils were Z-citral and alpha-citral (E. staigeriana), citronellal (E. citriodora) and 1,8-cineole (E. globulus). The Eucalyptus essential oils constitute alternative natural products for the control of L. longipalpis since the median effective concentration (EC(50)) values revealed relevant action as compared with other natural products, some of their chemical constituents are already known for their insecticidal activity and these oils are produced in commercial scale in Brazil.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles (Aloe Vera @ DS/CS) encapsulating Eucalyptus essential oil with antibacterial potent property.

Autores: Mirhane Mostafa Darwish, Mona S Elneklawi, Ebtesam A Mohamad | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The goal of this work is to encapsulate Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil in biopolymer matrices, to optimize the biological effects and the antibacterial properties of this oil. In this study, Eucalyptus extract was encapsulated in Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles to form a hydrogel with potent properties. In this study, Eucalyptus extract was loaded on to Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulphate/Chitosan nanoparticles to obtain a nano-hydrogel with potent properties. The characterization of nanoparticles was evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopes, dynamic light scattering, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and antibacterial activity. The E. staigeriana release profile from the prepared nanoparticles was studied in vitro at a pH of 7.4. The results showed that this nano-carrier controls Eucalyptus release. Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles encapsulated with E. staigeriana inhibited the bacteria by 47.27%. These investigations concluded that E. staigeriana loaded Aloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan hydrogel could be used as a powerful dressing material to accelerate wound healing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
Eucalipto StaigerianaAlquilização do quitosanaSimEco-friendly synthesis of an alkyl chitosan derivative.Haroldo C B Paula, Rudson B C Silva, Clara M Santos, Francisco D S Dantas, Regina C M de Paula, Laís R M de Lima, Erick F de Oliveira, Evânia A T Figueiredo, Flayanna G B Dias2020pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAntifúngico contra Alternaria alternata causadora de manchas nas folhas e podridão negra em uvas de mesaSimAntifungal activity of essential oil from Eucalyptus staigeriana against Alternaria alternata causing of leaf spot and black rot in table grapes.Carine Pedrotti, Clarissa Franzoi, Maria Tatiane S Rosa, Tayná R Trentin, Johnatan Vilasboa, Fernando Joel Scariot, Sérgio L Echeverrigaray, Joséli Schwambach2022pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAntifúngico contra Alternaria alternata, causadora de manchas nas folhas e podridão negra em uvas de mesaSimAntifungal activity of essential oil from Eucalyptus staigeriana against Alternaria alternata causing of leaf spot and black rot in table grapes.Carine Pedrotti, Clarissa Franzoi, Maria Tatiane S Rosa, Tayná R Trentin, Johnatan Vilasboa, Fernando Joel Scariot, Sérgio L Echeverrigaray, Joséli Schwambach2022pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade anti-helmíntica em Haemonchus contortusSimActivity of chitosan-encapsulated Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil on Haemonchus contortus.Wesley Lyeverton Correia Ribeiro, Iara Tersia Freitas Macedo, Jessica Maria Leite dos Santos, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Fernandes Camurça-Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua2013pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade antihelmíntica em nematoides gastrointestinais de ovelhasSimAnthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana encapsulated oil on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes.Mayara de Aquino Mesquita, João Batista E Silva Júnior, Andressa Machado Panassol, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Camurça Fernandes Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua2013pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade antimicrobiana contra cepas gram-positivasSimAntimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of the essential oil from dried leaves of Eucalyptus staigeriana/ Atividade antimicrobiana e antibiofilme do óleo essencial de folhas secas de Eucalyptus staigerianaCorrea, Marcos Saldanha; Schwambach, Joseli; Mann, Michele Bertoni; Frazzon, Jeverson; Frazzon, Ana Paula Guedes2019LILACS
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade antiparasitária contra nematóides gastrointestinaisSimAnthelmintic activity of Eucalyptus staigeriana encapsulated oil on sheep gastrointestinal nematodes.Mayara de Aquino Mesquita, João Batista E Silva Júnior, Andressa Machado Panassol, Erick Falcão de Oliveira, Ana Lourdes Camurça Fernandes Vasconcelos, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua2013pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade inseticida contra Spodoptera frugiperdaSimSublethal Effects of Essential Oils From Eucalyptus staigeriana (Myrtales: Myrtaceae), Ocimum gratissimum (Lamiales: Laminaceae), and Foeniculum vulgare (Apiales: Apiaceae) on the Biology of Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).G S Cruz, V Wanderley-Teixeira, J V Oliveira, F S C Lopes, D R S Barbosa, M O Breda, K A Dutra, C A Guedes, D M A F Navarro, A A C Teixeira2016pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAtividade larvicida e ovicida contra Haemonchus contortusSimIn vitro effects of Eucalyptus staigeriana nanoemulsion on Haemonchus contortus and toxicity in rodents.Wesley Lyeverton Correia Ribeiro, Ana Lourdes Fernandes Camurça-Vasconcelos, Iara Tersia Freitas Macedo, Jessica Maria Leite dos Santos, José Vilemar de Araújo-Filho, Juliana de Carvalho Ribeiro, Vanessa de Abreu Pereira, Daniel de Araújo Viana, Haroldo Cesar Beserra de Paula, Claudia Maria Leal Bevilaqua2015pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaAção acaricida em Boophilus microplusSimEfeito acaricida de óleos essenciais e concentrados emulsionáveis de Eucalyptus spp em Boophilus microplus/ Acaricide effect of Eucalyptus spp essential oils and concentrated emulsion on Boophilus microplusChagas, Ana Carolina de Souza; Passos, Wanderley Mascarenhas; Prates, Hélio Teixeira; Leite, Romário Cerqueira; Furlong, John; Fortes, Isabel Cristina Pereira2002LILACS
Eucalipto StaigerianaCapacidade de formação de uma base de Schiff e redução do quitosano a uma temperatura ambiente.SimEco-friendly synthesis of an alkyl chitosan derivative.Haroldo C B Paula, Rudson B C Silva, Clara M Santos, Francisco D S Dantas, Regina C M de Paula, Laís R M de Lima, Erick F de Oliveira, Evânia A T Figueiredo, Flayanna G B Dias2020pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaControle de doenças fúngicas em uvasSimEssential oil as sustainable alternative for diseases management of grapes in postharvest and in vineyard and its influence on wine.Carine Pedrotti, Ângela Rossi Marcon, Sérgio, Laguna Echeverrigaray, Rute Terezinha da Silva Ribeiro, Joséli Schwambach2021pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaEfeito antibacterianoSimAloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles (Aloe Vera @ DS/CS) encapsulating Eucalyptus essential oil with antibacterial potent property.Mirhane Mostafa Darwish, Mona S Elneklawi, Ebtesam A Mohamad2022pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaEficácia como anti-helmíntico contra nematoides gastrintestinais de cabrasSimAnthelmintic effect of Eucalyptus staigeriana essential oil against goat gastrointestinal nematodes.Iara T F Macedo, Claudia M L Bevilaqua, Lorena M B de Oliveira, Ana L F Camurça-Vasconcelos, Luiz da S Vieira, Fabrício R Oliveira, Eudson M Queiroz-Junior, Adriana da R Tomé, Nilberto R F Nascimento2010pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaFungicida para controle de doenças em uvas de vinícolasSimEssential oil as sustainable alternative for diseases management of grapes in postharvest and in vineyard and its influence on wine.Carine Pedrotti, Ângela Rossi Marcon, Sérgio, Laguna Echeverrigaray, Rute Terezinha da Silva Ribeiro, Joséli Schwambach2021pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaInsecticida contra Lutzomyia longipalpisSimChemical composition of Eucalyptus spp. essential oils and their insecticidal effects on Lutzomyia longipalpis.M V Maciel, S M Morais, C M L Bevilaqua, R A Silva, R S Barros, R N Sousa, L C Sousa, E S Brito, M A Souza-Neto2010pubmedN/A
Eucalipto StaigerianaPropriedades antibacterianasSimAloe Vera coated Dextran Sulfate/Chitosan nanoparticles (Aloe Vera @ DS/CS) encapsulating Eucalyptus essential oil with antibacterial potent property.Mirhane Mostafa Darwish, Mona S Elneklawi, Ebtesam A Mohamad2022pubmedN/A