Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Olíbano
  • Nome científico: Boswellia carterii Birdw
  • Aroma: O aroma de Boswellia carterii Birdw, também conhecido como olíbano ou frankincense, é descrito como amadeirado, balsâmico e ligeiramente picante, com notas de cítricos e terrosas. É um aroma muito utilizado em perfumes e incensos, e pode proporcionar suporte respiratório, ajudando a aliviar a congestão.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 13

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A seguir, você encontra a lista de propriedades e funções do óleo essencial de olíbano, que foram comprovadas por estudos científicos. Para obter mais informações sobre cada propriedade, clique em seu nome. Por favor, tenha em mente que os resultados apresentados podem incluir não somente o uso humano, mas também veterinário, ambiental e de análise bioquímica.

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Analgesic effects of crude extracts and fractions of Omani frankincense obtained from traditional medicinal plant Boswellia sacra on animal models.

Autores: Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Liaqat Ali, Javid Hussain, Najeeb Ur Rehman, Mehjabeen, Mansoor Ahmed, Ahmed Al-Rawahi | Ano: 2014 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: To investigate the analgesic effect of Boswellia sacra (B. sacra), which could support the Omani traditional uses of frankincense for muscle, stomach, and arthritis pain.

Resultados: Of 13 samples, almost all of them were effective at an orally administered dose of 300 mg/kg of the body weight. The acetic acid induced writhes were inhibited in all the three phases with comparable values to the standard drug aspirin (300 mg/kg of body weight) with inhibition of 67.6% in phase I, 66.8% in phase II, and 37.9% in phase III. At the same time, all the tested samples were found effective in both the early and the late phases of formalin test. In formalin test, most of the tested samples showed more inhibitory effects as compared to the standard drug aspirin (300 mg/kg of body weight), which showed 36.2% and 29.6% inhibition in early and late phases respectively. Among the tested samples, the most significant inhibition was produced by Shabi frankincense oil (57.5% in early phase, and 55.6% in late phase). Interestingly, the extracts showed comparable percentage of inhibition to the oil and found in the following order: 60% chloroform/n-hexane sub-fraction (55.3% in early phase, and 66.7% in late phase), and 70% chloroform/n-hexane sub-fraction (59.6% in early phase, and 63.0% in late phase).

Conclusão: N/A

Sensitivity of clinical isolates of Candida to essential oils from Burseraceae family.

Autores: Miloš Nikolic, Marija Smiljkovic, Tatjana Markovic, Ana Cirica, Jasmina Glamoclija, Dejan Markovic, Marina Sokovic | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four commercial essential oils from the Burseraceae family - two Boswellia carterii Flueck oils, Canarium luzonicum (Blume) A. Gray oil, and Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl oil, against most common Candida spp. recovered from the human oral cavity. The essential oil samples were analyzed by GC-FID and GC/MS. The analysis showed that major essential oils' components were α-pinene (23.04 % and 31.84 %), limonene (45.62 %) and curzerene (34.65 %), respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using a microdilution standardized technique. All tested Candida spp. clinical isolates and ATCC strains showed susceptibility to tested essential oils in a dose dependent manner. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by essential oil of B. carterii, sample 2; the average MIC values ranged from 1.25 to 1.34 mg/ml, and MFC values ranged from 2.50 to 3.75 mg/ml, depending on the fungus. This study supports the possible use of essential oils from the Bursecaceae family in reduction and elimination of Candida spp. populations in patients with oral cavity fungal infections.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil impregnated luminescent hydroxyapatite: Antibacterial and cytotoxicity studies.

Autores: Somtirtha Banerjee, Biswajoy Bagchi, Kunal Pal, Suman Bhandary, Arpan Kool, Nur Amin Hoque, Prosenjit Biswas, Pradip Thakur, Kaustuv Das, Parimal Karmakar, Sukhen Das | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, porous fluorescent nanocrystalline erbium doped hydroxyapatite (eHAp) was synthesized via hydrothermal assisted co-precipitation method. Eucalyptus oil (EU), frankincense oil (FO), Tea tree oil (TTO), wintergreen oil (WO) were successfully absorbed into eHAp pellet by vacuum filtration technique using Buckner funnel. Phase crystallization, fluorescence property and microstructure of eHAp were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Photoluminiscence spectroscopy (PL) and Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Strong antimicrobial activity was observed for EU, TTO and WO on both E. coli and S. aureus mediated by cell membrane damage and leakage of cytoplasmic components. The oil absorbed eHAp nanocomposites were found to be moderately biocompatible with normal WI-38 cells up to MIC concentration various time scale. The nanocomposites showed significant cytotoxic activity on breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 468 and the fluorescent property of the eHAp was utilized to visualize internalization of particles in the cells. The release profile of the oils from the eHAp matrix showed pH dependent release indicated that the porous matrix can be used as a suitable carrier for modulated and sustained release of bioactive components. Thus, given the multifunctional attributes these natural essential oil-based nanocomposites show great promise as an alternative to conventional therapeutic treatments.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemistry and immunomodulatory activity of frankincense oil.

Autores: Botros R Mikhaeil, Galal T Maatooq, Farid A Badria, Mohamed M A Amer | Ano: 2003 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The yield of steam distillation of frankincense essential oil (3%); and its physicochemical constants were determined. Capillary GC/MS technique was used for the analysis of the oil. Several oil components were identified based upon comparison of their mass spectral data with those of reference compounds published in literature or stored in a computer library. The oil was found to contain monoterpenes (13.1%), sesquiterpenes (1%), and diterpenes (42.5%). The major components of the oil were duva-3,9,13-trien-1,5alpha-diol-1-acetate (21.4%), octyl acetate (13.4%), o-methyl anisole (7.6%), naphthalene decahydro-1,1,4a-trimethyl-6-methylene-5-(3-methyl-2-pentenyl) (5.7%), thunbergol (4.1%), phenanthrene-7-ethenyl-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,8,9,10,10a-dodecahydro-1,1,4a,7-tetramethyl (4.1%), alpha-pinene (3.1%), sclarene (2.9%), 9-cis-retinal (2.8%), octyl formate (1.4%), verticiol (1.2%) decyl acetate (1.2%), n-octanol (1.1%). The chemical profile of the oil is considered as a chemotaxonomical marker that confirmed the botanical and geographical source of the resin. Biologically, the oil exhibited a strong immunostimulant activity (90% lymphocyte transformation) when assessed by a lymphocyte proliferation assay.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Aromatherapy blend of thyme, orange, clove bud, and frankincense boosts energy levels in post-COVID-19 female patients: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial.

Autores: Jessie Hawkins, Christy Hires, Lindsey Keenan, Elizabeth Dunne | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A large proportion of individuals who have recovered from an acute COVID-19 infection continue to experience symptoms months later. Post-acute COVID-19 (long-haul COVID-19) can range from serious complications to quality of life symptoms such as fatigue or insomnia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for inhalation of essential oils to improve energy levels among otherwise healthy female survivors of acute COVID-19 who experience a lack of energy more than five months after recovery. This study was conducted in the United States in late 2021.

Resultados: Individuals who inhaled the essential oil blend for 2 weeks had significantly lower fatigue scores after controlling for baseline scores, employment status, BMI, olfactory function, and time since diagnosis, with a large effect size (F (1,39) = 6.15, p = .020, partial eta squared = 0.198). Subscale analysis identified subscales of vigor, as well as global, behavioral, general, and mental fatigue as benefiting from the intervention. This study provides evidence that a proprietary aromatherapy blend can significantly improve energy levels among women who are experiencing fatigue after recovering from COVID-19.

Conclusão: N/A

Aromatherapy blend of thyme, orange, clove bud, and frankincense boosts energy levels in post-COVID-19 female patients: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial.

Autores: Jessie Hawkins, Christy Hires, Lindsey Keenan, Elizabeth Dunne | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A large proportion of individuals who have recovered from an acute COVID-19 infection continue to experience symptoms months later. Post-acute COVID-19 (long-haul COVID-19) can range from serious complications to quality of life symptoms such as fatigue or insomnia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential for inhalation of essential oils to improve energy levels among otherwise healthy female survivors of acute COVID-19 who experience a lack of energy more than five months after recovery. This study was conducted in the United States in late 2021.

Resultados: Individuals who inhaled the essential oil blend for 2 weeks had significantly lower fatigue scores after controlling for baseline scores, employment status, BMI, olfactory function, and time since diagnosis, with a large effect size (F (1,39) = 6.15, p = .020, partial eta squared = 0.198). Subscale analysis identified subscales of vigor, as well as global, behavioral, general, and mental fatigue as benefiting from the intervention. This study provides evidence that a proprietary aromatherapy blend can significantly improve energy levels among women who are experiencing fatigue after recovering from COVID-19.

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical differentiation of Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carterii essential oils by gas chromatography and chiral gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Autores: Cole L Woolley, Mahmoud M Suhail, Brett L Smith, Karen E Boren, Lindsey C Taylor, Marc F Schreuder, Jeremiah K Chai, Hervé Casabianca, Sadqa Haq, Hsueh-Kung Lin, Ahmed A Al-Shahri, Saif Al-Hatmi, D Gary Young | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Major botanical and scientific references currently identify two species of frankincense, Boswellia carterii and Boswellia sacra, as being synonymous. We evaluated the Somalian (B. carterii) and Omani/Yemeni (B. sacra) species by chemical analyses to determine if there were any minor or major differences between the two species of frankincense. Components identified with their average percent for B. sacra are α-thujene (0.6%), α-pinene (68.2%), camphene (2.1%), sabinene (2.9%), β-pinene (2.0%), myrcene (0.7%), limonene+β-phellandrene (6.2%). Components identified with their average percent for B. carterii are α-thujene (7.9%), α-pinene (37.3%), camphene (0.8%), sabinene (4.9%), β-pinene (1.8%), myrcene (7.3%), limonene+β-phellandrene (14.4%). Initially, GC-MS analysis did not reveal major statistical differences. However, optical rotation values, B. Sacra (+30.1°) and B. carterii (-13.3°), demonstrated a greater significant difference. Enantiomeric ratio (+)/(-) values of α-pinene for B. sacra and B. carterii are 8.24 and 0.68, respectively, were also calculated aiding our conclusion that B. sacra and B. carterii are not synonymous but rather two distinct and individual frankincense species.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical differentiation of Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carterii essential oils by gas chromatography and chiral gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Autores: Cole L Woolley, Mahmoud M Suhail, Brett L Smith, Karen E Boren, Lindsey C Taylor, Marc F Schreuder, Jeremiah K Chai, Hervé Casabianca, Sadqa Haq, Hsueh-Kung Lin, Ahmed A Al-Shahri, Saif Al-Hatmi, D Gary Young | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Major botanical and scientific references currently identify two species of frankincense, Boswellia carterii and Boswellia sacra, as being synonymous. We evaluated the Somalian (B. carterii) and Omani/Yemeni (B. sacra) species by chemical analyses to determine if there were any minor or major differences between the two species of frankincense. Components identified with their average percent for B. sacra are α-thujene (0.6%), α-pinene (68.2%), camphene (2.1%), sabinene (2.9%), β-pinene (2.0%), myrcene (0.7%), limonene+β-phellandrene (6.2%). Components identified with their average percent for B. carterii are α-thujene (7.9%), α-pinene (37.3%), camphene (0.8%), sabinene (4.9%), β-pinene (1.8%), myrcene (7.3%), limonene+β-phellandrene (14.4%). Initially, GC-MS analysis did not reveal major statistical differences. However, optical rotation values, B. Sacra (+30.1°) and B. carterii (-13.3°), demonstrated a greater significant difference. Enantiomeric ratio (+)/(-) values of α-pinene for B. sacra and B. carterii are 8.24 and 0.68, respectively, were also calculated aiding our conclusion that B. sacra and B. carterii are not synonymous but rather two distinct and individual frankincense species.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Parameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.

Autores: Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oil parts of frankincense (Boswellia carterii Birdw.) were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide under constant pressure (15, 20, or 25 MPa) and fixed temperature (40, 50, or 60°C), given time (60, 90, or 120 min) aiming at the acquisition of enriched fractions containing octyl acetate, compounds of pharmaceutical interest. A mathematical model was created by Box-Behnken design, a popular template for response surface methodology, for the extraction process. The response value was characterized by synthetical score, which comprised yields accounting for 20% and content of octyl acetate for 80%. The content of octyl acetate was determined by GC. The supercritical fluid extraction showed higher selectivity than conventional steam distillation. Supercritical fluid-CO(2) for extracting frankincense under optimum condition was of great validity, which was also successfully verified by the pharmacological experiments.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Parameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.

Autores: Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oil parts of frankincense (Boswellia carterii Birdw.) were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide under constant pressure (15, 20, or 25 MPa) and fixed temperature (40, 50, or 60°C), given time (60, 90, or 120 min) aiming at the acquisition of enriched fractions containing octyl acetate, compounds of pharmaceutical interest. A mathematical model was created by Box-Behnken design, a popular template for response surface methodology, for the extraction process. The response value was characterized by synthetical score, which comprised yields accounting for 20% and content of octyl acetate for 80%. The content of octyl acetate was determined by GC. The supercritical fluid extraction showed higher selectivity than conventional steam distillation. Supercritical fluid-CO(2) for extracting frankincense under optimum condition was of great validity, which was also successfully verified by the pharmacological experiments.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Parameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.

Autores: Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oil parts of frankincense (Boswellia carterii Birdw.) were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide under constant pressure (15, 20, or 25 MPa) and fixed temperature (40, 50, or 60°C), given time (60, 90, or 120 min) aiming at the acquisition of enriched fractions containing octyl acetate, compounds of pharmaceutical interest. A mathematical model was created by Box-Behnken design, a popular template for response surface methodology, for the extraction process. The response value was characterized by synthetical score, which comprised yields accounting for 20% and content of octyl acetate for 80%. The content of octyl acetate was determined by GC. The supercritical fluid extraction showed higher selectivity than conventional steam distillation. Supercritical fluid-CO(2) for extracting frankincense under optimum condition was of great validity, which was also successfully verified by the pharmacological experiments.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Assessment of toxicity and biochemical mechanisms underlying the insecticidal activity of chemically characterized Boswellia carterii essential oil against insect pest of legume seeds.

Autores: Kiran S, Anupam Kujur, Laluram Patel, Ramalakshmi K, Bhanu Prakash | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The present study was undertaken to investigate the insecticidal activity of chemically characterized Boswellia carterii essential oil (EO) and its mode of action against the pulse beetle Callosobruchus chinensis and C. maculatus. GC-MS analysis depicted α-thujene (69.16%), α-Pinene (7.20) and α-Phellandrene (6.78%) as the major components of test EO. EO exhibited absolute toxicity at 0.10μl/ml air against both C. chinensis and C. maculatus following 24h exposure. EO caused a significant reduction in oviposition and further reproductive development at LC50 doses (0.050μl/ml to 0.066μl/ml in air). Compared to control, a significant elevation in ROS level accompanied with impairment in enzymatic (SOD and CAT) and non-enzymatic (GSH/GSSH) antioxidant defense system has been observed in EO exposed insect pest. However, EO has no significant effect on in vivo AChE activity. An absolute protection of Vigna radiata seeds samples exposed to EO at LC90 doses was observed without affecting seed germination. The findings revealed that the B. carterii EO has strong insecticidal potential, hence, it could be recommended as a biorational alternative to synthetic insecticides.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

The Effects of Frankincense Essential Oil on Stress in Rats.

Autores: Shukan Okano, Yoshiko Honda, Tohru Kodama, Mayumi Kimura | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Frankincense essential oil, obtained from Boswellia carteri, is a popular essential oil, which is widely used in many parts of the world. While some of its properties are known, its effects on stress and sleep have not been studied. The effects of frankincense essential oil and its major components, limonene and α-pinene, on plasma corticosterone and glutathione (GSH) levels, as well as on sleep and wakefulness behaviour, were studied in sleep-deprived rats. The substances were applied topically after dilution in jojoba oil (vehicle). As compared to vehicle, frankincense essential oil at a dilution of 1/1000 (1:103) significantly reduced corticosterone levels (p < 0.05). In contrast, its major constituents (α-pinene and limonene), elevated levels of this stress hormone. Frankincense, limonene and α-pinene, all led to significant reductions in plasma GSH levels. Although frankincense dose-dependently reduced plasma concentrations of antioxidant ions albeit to levels insufficient to neutralize oxidative stress; levels of products of oxidative metabolism metabolites were decreased by the frankincense. In sleep-deprived rats, frankincense 1:103 respectively increased and decreased the amount of wakefulness and non-rapid eye movement sleep. Frankincense essential oil can counter the effects of stress by effectively relieving sleep debt and maintaining antioxidant capacity without increasing oxidative stress, and, therefore, may be beneficial in the management of stress.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
OlíbanoAnalgésicoSimAnalgesic effects of crude extracts and fractions of Omani frankincense obtained from traditional medicinal plant Boswellia sacra on animal models.Ahmed Al-Harrasi, Liaqat Ali, Javid Hussain, Najeeb Ur Rehman, Mehjabeen, Mansoor Ahmed, Ahmed Al-Rawahi2014pubmedN/A
OlíbanoAtividade Antifúngica contra Candida spp.SimSensitivity of clinical isolates of Candida to essential oils from Burseraceae family.Miloš Nikolic, Marija Smiljkovic, Tatjana Markovic, Ana Cirica, Jasmina Glamoclija, Dejan Markovic, Marina Sokovic2016pubmedN/A
OlíbanoAtividade antimicrobiana e citotoxicidadeSimEssential oil impregnated luminescent hydroxyapatite: Antibacterial and cytotoxicity studies.Somtirtha Banerjee, Biswajoy Bagchi, Kunal Pal, Suman Bhandary, Arpan Kool, Nur Amin Hoque, Prosenjit Biswas, Pradip Thakur, Kaustuv Das, Parimal Karmakar, Sukhen Das2020pubmedN/A
OlíbanoAtividade imunomoduladoraSimChemistry and immunomodulatory activity of frankincense oil.Botros R Mikhaeil, Galal T Maatooq, Farid A Badria, Mohamed M A Amer2003pubmedN/A
OlíbanoAumenta os níveis de energia em pacientes do sexo feminino após a COVID-19SimAromatherapy blend of thyme, orange, clove bud, and frankincense boosts energy levels in post-COVID-19 female patients: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial.Jessie Hawkins, Christy Hires, Lindsey Keenan, Elizabeth Dunne2022pubmedN/A
OlíbanoAumento dos níveis de energia em pacientes pós-COVID-19SimAromatherapy blend of thyme, orange, clove bud, and frankincense boosts energy levels in post-COVID-19 female patients: A randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial.Jessie Hawkins, Christy Hires, Lindsey Keenan, Elizabeth Dunne2022pubmedN/A
OlíbanoDiferenciação química entre os óleos essenciais de Boswellia sacra e Boswellia carteriiSimChemical differentiation of Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carterii essential oils by gas chromatography and chiral gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Cole L Woolley, Mahmoud M Suhail, Brett L Smith, Karen E Boren, Lindsey C Taylor, Marc F Schreuder, Jeremiah K Chai, Hervé Casabianca, Sadqa Haq, Hsueh-Kung Lin, Ahmed A Al-Shahri, Saif Al-Hatmi, D Gary Young2012pubmedN/A
OlíbanoDiferença química entre as espéciesSimChemical differentiation of Boswellia sacra and Boswellia carterii essential oils by gas chromatography and chiral gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.Cole L Woolley, Mahmoud M Suhail, Brett L Smith, Karen E Boren, Lindsey C Taylor, Marc F Schreuder, Jeremiah K Chai, Hervé Casabianca, Sadqa Haq, Hsueh-Kung Lin, Ahmed A Al-Shahri, Saif Al-Hatmi, D Gary Young2012pubmedN/A
OlíbanoExtração com fluido supercrítico de CO2SimParameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan2013pubmedN/A
OlíbanoExtração de octil acetato com dióxido de carbono supercríticoSimParameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan2013pubmedN/A
OlíbanoExtração de octil acetato por meio de fluido supercrítico-CO2SimParameters optimization of supercritical fluid-CO2 extracts of frankincense using response surface methodology and its pharmacodynamics effects.Jing Zhou, Xing-miao Ma, Bi-Han Qiu, Jun-xia Chen, Lin Bian, Lin-mei Pan2013pubmedN/A
OlíbanoInseticida contra Callosobruchus chinensis e C. maculatusSimAssessment of toxicity and biochemical mechanisms underlying the insecticidal activity of chemically characterized Boswellia carterii essential oil against insect pest of legume seeds.Kiran S, Anupam Kujur, Laluram Patel, Ramalakshmi K, Bhanu Prakash2017pubmedN/A
OlíbanoRedução dos níveis de corticosterona em ratos privados de sonoSimThe Effects of Frankincense Essential Oil on Stress in Rats.Shukan Okano, Yoshiko Honda, Tohru Kodama, Mayumi Kimura2019pubmedN/A