Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Orégano
  • Nome científico: Origanum vulgare L.
  • Aroma: Origanum vulgare L., também conhecido como orégano, tem um aroma forte e característico, com notas picantes e herbais. É comumente descrito como tendo um aroma quente e terroso, com notas de cravo e menta. As diferentes variedades de orégano podem apresentar variações sutis em seu aroma, mas todas compartilham essa característica distintiva.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 235

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A seguir, você encontra a lista de propriedades e funções do óleo essencial de orégano, que foram comprovadas por estudos científicos. Para obter mais informações sobre cada propriedade, clique em seu nome. Por favor, tenha em mente que os resultados apresentados podem incluir não somente o uso humano, mas também veterinário, ambiental e de análise bioquímica.

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Comparison of Origanum Essential Oil Chemical Compounds and Their Antibacterial Activity against Cronobacter sakazakii.

Autores: Xiaoqi Guo, Yuanpeng Hao, Wenying Zhang, Fei Xia, Hongtong Bai, Hui Li, Lei Shi | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. (oregano) is an aromatic plant with wide applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Cronobacter sakazakii, which has a high detection rate in powdered infant formula, adversely impacts susceptible individuals. Oregano essential oil (OEO) is a natural antibacterial agent that can be used to fight bacterial contamination. Here, OEO chemical compounds from eight oregano varieties were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and their antibacterial properties were assessed. The eight OEOs were clustered into two groups and were more diverse in group 2 than in group 1. Six compounds, including p-cymene, 3-thujene, γ-terpinene, thymol, carvacrol, and caryophyllene, were shared by eight OEOs. Among the eight oregano varieties, OEOs from O. vulgare sc2 had the strongest antibacterial activity against C. sakazaki, with the inhibition zone of 18.22mm. OEOs from O. vulgare jx, O. 'Nvying', O. vulgare 'Ehuang', and O. vulgare ssp. virens were also potent. Moreover, the antibacterial activity of OEOs was positively correlated with the relative content of thymol. As the main OEO antibacterial compound, thymol affected the normal growth and metabolism of C. sakazakii cells by destroying the bacterial membrane and decreasing the intracellular ATP concentration. Thus, in light of the antibacterial activity detected in the OEOs from the eight oregano varieties, this study provides a theoretical foundation for oregano cultivar management and development.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of Origanum dubium, Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum, and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes.

Autores: Hasan Maral, Süleyman Ulupınar, Ayşegül Türk Baydır, Serhat Özbay, Konca Altınkaynak, Engin Şebin, Erdinç Şiktar, Necip Fazıl Kishalı, Yusuf Buzdağlı, Cebrail Gençoğlu, İzzet İnce | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aims to determine the effects of essential oils of Origanum dubium (DUB), Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (HIR), and Lavandula angustifolia (LAV) on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes. Thirty-four trained athletes were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups or the control group (CON). The concentrations of serum lipids and liver biomarkers were assessed before and after the 14-day essential oil intervention. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed 68.0 and 82.1% carvacrol in DUB and HIR, respectively, and 34.50% linalyl acetate and 33.68% linalool in LAV essential oils. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated a significant difference (p = 0.001) among the groups for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) when the associated preintervention values were used as a covariate. The related pairwise comparisons revealed that DUB (p = 0.001) and HIR (p = 0.024) had greater HDL-C values than CON. From the two-way ANOVA, an interaction between time (before vs. after) and the groups (DUB vs. HIR vs. LAV vs. CON) was found for HDL-C (p = 0.030). Findings indicated a significant increase in DUB (p = 0.0001) and HIR (p = 0.010) for HDL-C, and there was a significant decrease in DUB (p = 0.023) for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. However, there was no difference in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and all liver biomarkers.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil provides anti-inflammatory activity and facilitates wound healing in a human keratinocytes cell model.

Autores: Rosanna Avola, Giuseppe Granata, Corrada Geraci, Edoardo Napoli, Adriana Carol Eleonora Graziano, Venera Cardile | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Skin acts as a protective barrier between the body and the external environment. Skin wounds are a common inflammatory disorder for the solution of which plants and essential oils have been applied as a medical option for centuries. Origanum vulgare essential oil (OEO) is largely used in folk medicine, but its molecular mechanisms of action are not fully known. In this study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory/antioxidant activity as well as wound healing capacity of a well-characterized OEO on human keratinocytes NCTC 2544 treated with interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and histamine (H) or subjected to a scratch test. The expression of pro-inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), inter-cellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 were verified. The DNA damage was shown by the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and activation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Moreover, the abnormal modification of extracellular matrix components (ECM) was examined by determining matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, and -12. Compared to untreated control, OEO showed efficacy in supporting and enhancing the cell motility. In IFN-γ and H treated cells, OEO displayed a significant reduction of ROS, ICAM-1, iNOS, COX-2, 8-OHdG, MMP-1, and MMP-12. OEO proved useful to treat inflammation and support cell motility during wound healing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil provides anti-inflammatory activity and facilitates wound healing in a human keratinocytes cell model.

Autores: Rosanna Avola, Giuseppe Granata, Corrada Geraci, Edoardo Napoli, Adriana Carol Eleonora Graziano, Venera Cardile | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Skin acts as a protective barrier between the body and the external environment. Skin wounds are a common inflammatory disorder for the solution of which plants and essential oils have been applied as a medical option for centuries. Origanum vulgare essential oil (OEO) is largely used in folk medicine, but its molecular mechanisms of action are not fully known. In this study, we evaluated the anti-inflammatory/antioxidant activity as well as wound healing capacity of a well-characterized OEO on human keratinocytes NCTC 2544 treated with interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) and histamine (H) or subjected to a scratch test. The expression of pro-inflammatory mediators such as reactive oxygen species (ROS), inter-cellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 were verified. The DNA damage was shown by the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and activation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Moreover, the abnormal modification of extracellular matrix components (ECM) was examined by determining matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, and -12. Compared to untreated control, OEO showed efficacy in supporting and enhancing the cell motility. In IFN-γ and H treated cells, OEO displayed a significant reduction of ROS, ICAM-1, iNOS, COX-2, 8-OHdG, MMP-1, and MMP-12. OEO proved useful to treat inflammation and support cell motility during wound healing.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎, and time-kill activities of some selected plant essential oils against foodborne pathogenic and spoilage organisms.

Autores: Maryam Torabian Kakhki, Naser Sedaghat, Mohammad Mohsenzadeh | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) have been utilized as a growth inhibitor of microorganisms. This study was aimed to recognize the composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎, and time-kill activities of Origanum vulgare, Zataria multiflora, Syzygium aromaticum; and Cinnamomum verum EOs against Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Shewanella putrefaciens and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to determine the chemical composition of EOs. Disc diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration, and time-kill methods were used to determine the antibacterial ‎‎activity of EOs. The antioxidative ‎ activity of EOs were determined by 2, 20-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidative ‎ power methods. All EOs exhibited antibacterial ‎‎activity, however, Z. multiflora EO was the most effective followed by O. vulgare EO. The lowest antibacterial‎‎‎‎‎ activity was observed in C. verum EO. The most sensitive among tested bacteria to Z. multiflora and O. vulgare EOs was E. coli O157:H7 and to S. aromaticum; and C. verum EOs were S. putrefaciens and P. fluorescens, respectively. Z. multiflora and O. vulgare EOs were able to kill 85.00% and 80.00% of the E. coli O157: H7 and S. putrefaciens cells in 4 hr, respectively. The highest antioxidative ‎activity was observed in Z. multiflora EO. The tested EOs showed the highest antioxidative ‎activity at a concentration of 2.00 g L-1. Ferric reducing antioxidant power value of Z. multiflora, O. vulgare, S. aromaticum and C. verum was 2.01 ± 0.03, 1.47 ± 0.04, 1.01 ± 0.03, and 0.66 ± 0.34, respectively. High concentrations of tested EOs showed a decrease in antioxidative ‎ activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Preparation and characterization of oregano essential oil-loaded Dioscorea zingiberensis starch film with antioxidant and antibacterial activity and its application in chicken preservation.

Autores: Yuping Shen, Jinwei Zhou, Chengyu Yang, Yufei Chen, Yaya Yang, Cunshan Zhou, Liwei Wang, Guohua Xia, Xiaojie Yu, Huan Yang | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, abundant starch was separated from the industrial crop Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright (DZW), and a novel bioactive packaging film loaded with oregano essential oil (OEO) was prepared and characterized. NaClO solution worked as a bleacher to prepare uniform starch powder from DZW tubers. OEO was selected from among three essential oils of Labiatae family plants for its strongest antibacterial activity. After the addition of OEO into the starch-based film, the UV-vis shielding property and antioxidant activity were enhanced. Meanwhile, the films still have a considerable performance in transparency, mechanical strength and water vapor permeability after incorporated with OEO. Furthermore, the 3% OEO-loaded starch film exhibited the strongest antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It effectively lowered the total viable count of fresh chicken under 4 °C preservation conditions. These results revealed that the OEO-loaded DZW starch film can exert a positive effect on maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of fresh meat. Therefore, readily accessible DZW tubers and oregano are very promising resources for application in degradable bioactive packaging film.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎, and time-kill activities of some selected plant essential oils against foodborne pathogenic and spoilage organisms.

Autores: Maryam Torabian Kakhki, Naser Sedaghat, Mohammad Mohsenzadeh | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) have been utilized as a growth inhibitor of microorganisms. This study was aimed to recognize the composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎, and time-kill activities of Origanum vulgare, Zataria multiflora, Syzygium aromaticum; and Cinnamomum verum EOs against Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Shewanella putrefaciens and Pseudomonas fluorescens. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to determine the chemical composition of EOs. Disc diffusion, minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration, and time-kill methods were used to determine the antibacterial ‎‎activity of EOs. The antioxidative ‎ activity of EOs were determined by 2, 20-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging and ferric reducing antioxidative ‎ power methods. All EOs exhibited antibacterial ‎‎activity, however, Z. multiflora EO was the most effective followed by O. vulgare EO. The lowest antibacterial‎‎‎‎‎ activity was observed in C. verum EO. The most sensitive among tested bacteria to Z. multiflora and O. vulgare EOs was E. coli O157:H7 and to S. aromaticum; and C. verum EOs were S. putrefaciens and P. fluorescens, respectively. Z. multiflora and O. vulgare EOs were able to kill 85.00% and 80.00% of the E. coli O157: H7 and S. putrefaciens cells in 4 hr, respectively. The highest antioxidative ‎activity was observed in Z. multiflora EO. The tested EOs showed the highest antioxidative ‎activity at a concentration of 2.00 g L-1. Ferric reducing antioxidant power value of Z. multiflora, O. vulgare, S. aromaticum and C. verum was 2.01 ± 0.03, 1.47 ± 0.04, 1.01 ± 0.03, and 0.66 ± 0.34, respectively. High concentrations of tested EOs showed a decrease in antioxidative ‎ activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Comparison of sensitivity to a commercial Origanum vulgare essential oil between extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL-) and non-ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates.

Autores: Qada Benameur, Teresa Gervasi, Vito Pellizzeri, Mária Pľuchtová, Daniela Gruľová, Nicola Cicero, Benmahdi Meriem-Hind | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial effect of Origanum vulgare essential oil (OVEO) against ESBL- and non-ESBL-producing multidrug-resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae isolates. OVEO composition was determined using Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS). In the current study, the effect of OVEO was studied on seven MDR Enterobacteriaceae isolates. Antibacterial activity of OVEO was investigated by the disc diffusion assay and twofold serial dilution method. GC/MS analysis identified thymol (78.21%) as the single major component present in the OVEO. This EO showed an unexpectedly high antibacterial activity against all the studied MDR Enterobacteriaceae isolates, with inhibition zone diameters and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 28 ± 0.6 to 35 ± 0.6 mm and 0.31 ± 0.0 to 5 ± 0.0 μL/mL, respectively. However, ESBL-producing isolates were more susceptible to OVEO than non-ESBL producing isolates. This study compared, for the first time, the sensitivity to OVEO between ESBL and non-ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

A Recent Insight Regarding the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil.

Autores: Adelina Lombrea, Diana Antal, Florina Ardelean, Stefana Avram, Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Lavinia Vlaia, Ana-Maria Mut, Zorita Diaconeasa, Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Corina Danciu | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. is a widely used aromatic plant, especially due to its content in essential oil, mainly rich in carvacrol and thymol. The ethnopharmacological uses of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) comprise digestive, respiratory, or dermatological disorders. The review focuses on the increasing number of recent studies investigating several biological activities of OEO. The bioactivities are in tight relation to the phytochemical profile of the essential oil, and also depend on taxonomic, climatic, and geographical characteristics of the plant material. The antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, skin disorders beneficial effects, next to antihyperglycemic and anti-Alzheimer activities were reported and confirmed in multiple studies. Moreover, recent studies indicate a positive impact on skin disorders of OEO formulated as nanocarrier systems in order to improve its bioavailability and, thus, enhancing its therapeutic benefits. The review brings an up to date regarding the phytochemistry and bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil, underlining also the most successful pharmaceutical formulation used for skin disorders.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Investigation of physicochemical properties, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of edible films based on chitosan/casein containing Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and its effect on quality maintenance of cherry tomato.

Autores: Narjes Roshandel-Hesari, Majid Mokaber-Esfahani, Akram Taleghani, Reza Akbari | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Edible coatings prevent physicochemical and biological food deterioration. Using bioactive compounds like essential oils can enrich films. In this study, edible films from chitosan (C), casein (Z) and oregano (OEO) were developed, and their physicochemical, barrier, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and structural properties (FTIR, SEM) were investigated. The C1Z3 ratio had good mechanical and inhibitory properties, and OEO improves flexibility, barrier, hydrophobic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. The physicochemical and microbiological properties of cherry tomatoes were affected by C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coatings. Coated fruits were stored at 4 °C for 32 days. The best results for weight loss, shrinkage, and titratable acidity were found to be 17.88%, 31.12%, and 0.15% in C1Z3O1.5 coated cherry tomatoes, respectively.The TMAB of C1Z3O1.5 coated fruits was less than detectable and the fungal growth was inhibited for 28 days. Accordingly, by adding OEO to chitosan/casein coatings, the spoilage process of cherry tomatoes was delayed for long-term storage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

The potential of Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) essential oil in inhibiting the growth of some food-related Aspergillus species/ Potencial do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) em inibir o crescimento de algumas cepas de Aspergillus de interesse em alimentos

Autores: Carmo, Egberto Santos; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Souza, Evandro Leite de | Ano: 2008 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) has been currently known for their interesting antimicrobial activity being regarded as alternative antimicrobial for use is food conservation systems. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of O. vulgare essential oil in inhibiting the growth of some food-related Aspergillus species (A. flavus, A. parasiticus, A. terreus, A. ochraceus, A. fumigatus and A. niger). The essential oil revealed a strong anti-Aspergillus property providing an inhibition of all assayed mould strains. MIC values were between 80 and 20 µL/mL being found a MIC50 of 40 µL/mL. The essential oil at concentration of 80 and 40 µL/mL provided a fungicidal effect on A. flavus, A. fumigatus and A. niger noted by a total inhibition of the radial mycelial growth along 14 days of interaction. In addition, the essential oil was able to inhibit the mould spores germination when assayed at concentrations of 80 and 40 µL/mL. Our results showed the interesting anti-Aspergillus activity of O. vulgare essential oil supporting their possible use as anti-mould compound in food conservation.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Efficacy of Origanum essential oils for inhibition of potentially pathogenic fungi/ Eficácia de Origanum óleos essenciais para a inibição de fungos potencialmente patogênicos

Autores: Souza, Nadábia Almeida B; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Guedes, Diego Nunes; Pereira, Fillipe de Oliveira; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Sousa, Fredterico Barbosa de | Ano: 2010 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: This study aimed to assess the efficacy of O. vulgare L. and O. majorana L. essential oil in inhibiting the growth and survival of potentially pathogenic fungal strains and also sought to evaluate the possible mechanisms involved in the establishment of the antifungal property of the tested essential oils through assays of osmotic stability and morphogenesis. Test strains included in this study were Candida albicans ATCC 7645, C. tropicalis LM-14, C. krusei LM-09, Cryptococcus neoformans FGF-5, Aspergillus flavus LM-02, A. fumigatus IPP-21, T. rubrum ATCC 28184, T. mentagrophytes LM-64, Microsporum gypseum ATCC 184, M. canis LM-36 and Cladosporium herbarium ATCC 26362. O. vulgare essential oil presented a MIC value of 80 µL/mL, while for O. majorana this was 160 µL/mL. C. krusei LM-09 was the only strain resistant to all assayed concentrations of both essential oils. O. vulgare and O. majorana essential oil at their MIC values provided a cidal effect against C. albicans ATCC 7645 after 4 h of exposure. O. vulgare essential oil at 80 µL/mL exhibited 100 percent inhibition of the radial mycelia growth of T. rubrum ATCC 28184 and M. canis LM-36 for 14 days. Assayed fungus strain protected by sorbitol (osmo-protectant agent) grew in media containing higher concentrations of O. vulgare and O. majorana essential oil in comparison to media without sorbitol, suggesting some specificity of these essential oils for targeting cell wall in the fungi cell. Main morphological changes observed under light microscopy provided by the essential oil of O. vulgare in A. flavus LM-02 were decreased conidiation, leakage of cytoplasm, loss of pigmentation and disrupted cell structure indicating fungal wall degeneration. These results suggest that essential oils from Origanum could be regarded as a potential antifungal compound for controlling the growth of pathogen fungi and the occurrence of mycoses.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Synthesis and Nano-Sized Characterization of Bioactive Oregano Essential Oil Molecule-Loaded Small Unilamellar Nanoliposomes with Antifungal Potentialities.

Autores: Katya M Aguilar-Pérez, Dora I Medina, Jayanthi Narayanan, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, Hafiz M N Iqbal | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The development of greener nano-constructs with noteworthy biological activity is of supreme interest, as a robust choice to minimize the extensive use of synthetic drugs. Essential oils (EOs) and their constituents offer medicinal potentialities because of their extensive biological activity, including the inhibition of fungi species. However, their application as natural antifungal agents are limited due to their volatility, low stability, and restricted administration routes. Nanotechnology is receiving particular attention to overcome the drawbacks of EOs such as volatility, degradation, and high sensitivity to environmental/external factors. For the aforementioned reasons, nanoencapsulation of bioactive compounds, for instance, EOs, facilitates protection and controlled-release attributes. Nanoliposomes are bilayer vesicles, at nanoscale, composed of phospholipids, and can encapsulate hydrophilic and hydrophobic compounds. Considering the above critiques, herein, we report the in-house fabrication and nano-size characterization of bioactive oregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare L.) (OEO) molecules loaded with small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) nanoliposomes. The study was focused on three main points: (1) multi-compositional fabrication nanoliposomes using a thin film hydration-sonication method; (2) nano-size characterization using various analytical and imaging techniques; and (3) antifungal efficacy of as-developed OEO nanoliposomes against Trichophyton rubrum (T. rubrum) by performing the mycelial growth inhibition test (MGI). The mean size of the nanoliposomes was around 77.46 ± 0.66 nm and 110.4 ± 0.98 nm, polydispersity index (PdI) of 0.413 ± 0.015, zeta potential values up to -36.94 ± 0.36 mV were obtained by dynamic light scattering (DLS). and spherical morphology was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The presence of OEO into nanoliposomes was displayed by attenuated total reflection Fourier-transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Entrapment efficiency values of 79.55 ± 6.9% were achieved for OEO nanoliposomes. In vitro antifungal activity of nanoliposomes tested against T. rubrum strains revealed that OEO nanoliposomes exhibited the highest MGI, 81.66 ± 0.86%, at a concentration of 1.5 µL/mL compared to the rest of the formulations. In summary, this work showed that bioactive OEO molecules with loaded nanoliposomes could be used as natural antifungal agents for therapeutical purposes against T. rubrum.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil from Origanum vulgare against Botrytis cinerea.

Autores: Yun Zhao, Yun-Hai Yang, Min Ye, Kai-Bo Wang, Li-Ming Fan, Fa-Wu Su | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, the chemical composition of the essential oil (EO) of Origanum vulgare was characterized, and the antifungal activity of the EO and some individual components against Botrytis cinerea (Y-BC-1) was determined. Twenty-one components were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-flame ionization detection, constituting 95.7% of the EO. The major components were methyleugenol (16.5%), myristicin (15.6%), carvacrol (15.0%), thymol (9.8%), apioline (9.4%), and (Z)-β-farnesene (8.7%). B. cinerea in vitro mycelial growth and spore germination were strongly inhibited by the EO and two of its main components, thymol and carvacrol. In vivo vapor contact assays, the antifungal activity of the EO at 250 mg/L suppressed the decay of cherry tomatoes 96.39%. Moreover, thymol and carvacrol at 125 mg/L completely suppressed the gray mold. Thus, the EO of O. vulgare is a potentially nontoxic and ecofriendly botanical fungicide for postharvest control of gray mold.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Comparison of antifungal activity of selected essential oils against Fusarium graminearum in vitro.

Autores: Michaela Harčárová, Eva Čonková, Martina Proškovcová, Peter Váczi, Dana Marcinčáková, Lukáš Bujňák | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Fusaria are microscopic filamentous fungi which are spread in soil, in various organic substrates, and include more than 80 phytopathogenic species which are predominantly hosted by cereals, fruits and vegetables. Many of these species, under certain conditions, are capable of synthesizing secondary metabolites, mycotoxins. At present, various substances are used for their elimination and one of the solutions appears to be essential oils. In the presented study, the antifungal activity of essential oils was researched in vitro.

Resultados: The inhibitory effects of thymus, oregano, basil, myristica, hyssop and syzygium essential oil (EO) on mycelial growth of Fusarium graminearum CCM F-683 and CCM 8244 were investigated. The best antifungal activity against the both strains of Fusarium graminearum (37.4%; 40.7%) was demonstrated by Origanum vulgare EO at the concentration 100 µg/mL. Among the four tested oils, three (Syzygium aromaticum, Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare) achieved the best inhibitory effect (100%) at concentrations 500 µg/mL and 1000 µg/mL.

Conclusão: N/A

Efficacy of plant essential oils on postharvest control of rots caused by fungi on different stone fruits in vivo.

Autores: Jorge Giovanny Lopez-Reyes, Davide Spadaro, Ambra Prelle, Angelo Garibaldi, Maria Lodovica Gullino | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The antifungal activity of plant essential oils was evaluated as postharvest treatment on stone fruit against brown rot and grey mold rot of stone fruit caused by Monilinia laxa and Botrytis cinerea, respectively. The essential oils from basil (Ocimum basilicum), fennel (Foeniculum sativum), lavender (Lavandula officinalis), marjoram (Origanum majorana), oregano (Origanum vulgare), peppermint (Mentha piperita), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), savory (Satureja montana), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and wild mint (Mentha arvensis) were tested at two different concentrations on apricots (cv. Kyoto and cv. Tonda di Costigliole), nectarines (cv. Big Top and cv. Nectaross) and plums (cv. Italia and cv. TC Sun). The volatile composition of the essential oils tested was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. The treatments containing essential oils from oregano, savory, and thyme at 1% (vol/vol) controlled both B. cinerea and M. laxa growing on apricots cv. Tonda di Costigliole and plums cv. Italia and cv. TC Sun; however, the same treatments were phytotoxic for the carposphere of nectarines cv. Big Top and cv. Nectaross. Treatments with 10% (vol/vol) essential oils were highly phytotoxic, notwithstanding their efficacy against the pathogens tested. The essential oils containing as major components α-pinene, p-cymene, carvacrol, and thymol showed similar results on stone fruit, so their antimicrobial activity and the phytotoxicity produced could be based on the concentration of their principal compounds and their synergistic activity. The efficacy of the essential oil treatments on control of fungal pathogens in postharvest depended on the fruit cultivar, the composition and concentration of the essential oil applied, and the length of storage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade in vitro do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare frente à Sporothrix Schenckii/ In vitro activity of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare against Sporothrix schenckii

Autores: Cleff, M. B; Meinerz, A. R. M; Schuch, L. F. D; Rodrigues, M. R. A; Meireles, M. C. A; Mello, J. R. B | Ano: 2008 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: In vitro activity of the essential oil Origanum vulgare against Sporothrix schenckii was determined by the MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration). For this, seven samples of S. schenckii were studied, two isolated from two cases of human sporotrichosis and five isolated from cats. Analysis of the essential oil was carried out in a gas chromatograph (GC/FID) for the identification and quantification of thymol and carvacrol (antifungal agents). MIC was obtained based on the microdilution method according to the adapted document NCCLS-M 27A2 for fitopharmacy. All the isolates presented sensibility to the essential oil. S. schenckii was inhibited in a concentration of 0.25 percent (250m l/ml). Chromatographic analysis showed that thymol concentration was bigger than carvacrol. The antifungal activity demonstrated by the essential oil of O. vulgare against S. Schenckii stimulates the accomplishment of more studies, including in vivo studies.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial activities of the essential oils of various plants against tomato late blight disease agent Phytophthora infestans.

Autores: E Mine Soylu, Soner Soylu, Sener Kurt | Ano: 2006 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to find an alternative to synthetic fungicides currently used in the control of devastating oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans, causal agent of late blight disease of tomato. Antifungal activities of essential oils obtained from aerial parts of aromatic plants such as oregano (Origanum syriacum var. bevanii), thyme (Thymbra spicata subsp. spicata), lavender (Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and laurel (Laurus nobilis), were investigated against P. infestans. Both contact and volatile phase effects of different concentrations of the essential oils used were determined by using two in vitro methods. Chemical compositions of the essential oils were also determined by GC-MS analysis. Major compounds found in essential oils of thyme, oregano, rosemary, lavender, fennel and laurel were carvacrol (37.9%), carvacrol (79.8), borneol (20.4%), camphor (20.2%), anethole (82.8%) and 1,8-cineole (35.5%), respectively. All essential oils were found to inhibit the growth of P. infestans in a dose-dependent manner. Volatile phase effect of oregano and thyme oils at 0.3 microg/ml air was found to completely inhibit the growth of P. infestans. Complete growth inhibition of pathogen by essential oil of fennel, rosemary, lavender and laurel was, however, observed at 0.4-2.0 microg/ml air concentrations. For the determination of the contact phase effects of the tested essential oils, oregano, thyme and fennel oils at 6.4 microg/ml were found to inhibit the growth of P. infestans completely. Essential oils of rosemary, lavender and laurel were inhibitory at relatively higher concentrations (12.8, 25.6, 51.2 microg/ml respectively). Volatile phase effects of essential oils were consistently found to be more effective on fungal growth than contact phase effect. Sporangial production was also inhibited by the essential oil tested. Light and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observation on pathogen hyphae, exposed to both volatile and contact phase of oil, revealed considerable morphological alterations in hyphae such as cytoplasmic coagulation, vacuolations, hyphal shrivelling and protoplast leakage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano essential oil inhibits Candida spp. biofilms.

Autores: Mayram Hacioglu, Ozlem Oyardi, Alpcan Kirinti | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Candida spp. can form biofilms on mucosal surfaces and epithelial cells as well as on devices implanted in the body such as catheters and dentures, which are thought to underlie the most recalcitrant infections. It was aimed to show antifungal and antibiofilm activities of oregano oil (Origanum onites). The antifungal activities of some essential oils were investigated against C. spp. and among them, oregano oil was found to be the most effective oil and further biofilm studies were conducted with it. Oregano oil inhibited biofilm adhesion and formation of C. spp. and mature biofilms and also displayed the ability to reduce biofilm formation when they were allowed to form on surfaces previously coated with oil (up to 50% inhibition rates). In addition, oregano oil was found to be effective against dual biofilms of Candida albicans + Staphyloccocus aureus at different concentrations. This study suggests that O. onites essential oil has useful antibiofilm effects against C. spp. The inhibitory effects of O. onites essential oil, against C. spp., were demonstrated for the first time. It also had antifungal effect on biofilm formation and established biofilm even at MIC level.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oil from Origanum vulgare Completely Inhibits the Growth of Multidrug-Resistant Cystic Fibrosis Pathogens.

Autores: Giovanna Pesavento, Valentina Maggini, Isabel Maida, Antonella Lo Nostro, Carmela Calonico, Chiara Sassoli, Elena Perrin, Marco Fondi, Alessio Mengoni, Carolina Chiellini, Alfredo Vannacci, Eugenia Gallo, Luigi Gori, Patrizia Bogani, Anna Rita Bilia, Silvia Campana, Novella Ravenni, Daniela Dolce, Fabio Firenzuoli, Renato Fani | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) are known to inhibit the growth of a wide range of microorganisms. Particularly interesting is the possible use of EOs to treat multidrug-resistant cystic fibrosis (CF) pathogens. We tested the essential oil (EO) from Origanum vulgare for in vitro antimicrobial activity, against three of the major human opportunistic pathogens responsible for respiratory infections in CF patients; these are methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and Achromobacter xylosoxidans. Antibiotic susceptibility of each strain was previously tested by the standard disk diffusion method. Most strains were resistant to multiple antibiotics and could be defined as multi-drug-resistant (MDR). The antibacterial activity of O. vulgare EO (OEO) against a panel of 59 bacterial strains was evaluated, with MIC and MBC determined at 24, 48 and 72 hours by a microdilution method. The OEO was effective against all tested strains, although to a different extent. The MBC and MIC of OEO for S. aureus strains were either lower or equal to 0.50%, v/v, for A. xylosoxidans strains were lower or equal to 1% and 0.50%, v/v, respectively; and for S. maltophilia strains were lower or equal to 0.25%, v/v. The results from this study suggest that OEO might exert a role as an antimicrobial in the treatment of CF infections.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Evaluation of Origanum vulgare essential oil as antimicrobial agent in sausage

Autores: Busatta, Cassiano; Mossi, Altemir José; Rodrigues, Maria Regina Alves; Cansian, Rogério Luis; Oliveira, José Vladimir de | Ano: 2007 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: This work reports antimicrobial activity of oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil against several bacteria in sausage. The in vitro minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined for 9 selected aerobic heterotrofic bacteria. The antimicrobial activity of distinct concentrations of the essential oil on the basis of the highest MIC found was tested in a food system comprised of fresh sausage. Batch food samples were also inoculated with Escherichia coli with a fixed concentration and the time course of the product was evaluated with respect to the action of the different concentrations of essential oil. Sensory analysis were conducted, and results showed that the addition of oregano essential oil to sausage may be a promising route as bacteriostatic effect was verified for oil concentrations lower than the MIC.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Orégano (Origanum vulgare L., Lamiaceae): uma especiaria como potencial fonte de compostos antimicrobianos/ Origanum (Origanum vulgare L., Lamiaceae): a spice as potential composite antimicrobial

Autores: Souza, Evandro Leite de; Stamford, Tânia Lúcia Montenegro; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Trajano, Vinícios Nogueira; Barbosa Filho, José Maria | Ano: 2005 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: A atual tendência adotada pelos órgãos legisladores da produção de alimentos e pelos consumidores, tem exigido uma progressiva retirada de aditivos químicos na produção de alimentos. Esta tendência tem conduzido a indústria de alimentos a buscar compostos alternativos para alcançar suas metas, relacionadas à estabilidade microbiana dos seus produtos finais à ação de microrganismos causadores de deterioração e/ou causadores de doenças veiculadas por alimentos. Dentre os vários novos compostos estudados, o orégano e seus produtos derivados como extratos de diferentes naturezas, óleo essencial e seus constituintes químicos, têm mostrado eficiência no combate do crescimento e sobrevivência de bactérias e fungos contaminantes de alimentos, bem como inibindo a produção de toxinas microbianas. Frente a esta proeminente propriedade antimicrobiana o orégano pode vir a representar potencial e importante fonte de compostos antimicrobianos viáveis de utilização em sistemas de conservação de alimentos.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

ZnO nanoparticles stabilized oregano essential oil Pickering emulsion for functional cellulose nanofibrils packaging films with antimicrobial and antioxidant activity.

Autores: Min Wu, Zhilong Zhou, Jian Yang, Meng Zhang, Feng Cai, Peng Lu | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The growth and reproduction of microorganisms can cause food spoilage in the process of food transportation and storage. Active packaging is a good way to inhibit food spoilage and prolong the shelf lives of foods. In this study, O/W Pickering emulsion with ZnO nanoparticles as solid particles and oregano essential oil as the oil phase was prepared and used to functionalize cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) film, and excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity was obtained. When the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles was 1.5 wt% and the mass fraction of the oil phase was 20%, the Pickering emulsion with a particle size of 26.85 μm exhibited strong standing stability. The Pickering emulsion was blended with the film-forming matrix CNFs to prepare active packaging films by casting. The Pickering emulsion evenly dispersed in the film to form microcapsules which encapsulated oregano essential oil entirely. The antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes was 89.61%, the DPPH radical scavenging rate was 58.52%, while the barrier properties of the developed films against oxygen, water vapor and visible light were improved. The active CNFs film prepared by Pickering emulsion could inhibit the growth of microorganism and prolong the shelf lives of foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Biological and pharmacological activities of carvacrol and carvacrol bearing essential oils.

Autores: K Husnu Can Baser | Ano: 2008 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano essential oils obtained from the genera Origanum, Thymus, Coridothymus, Thymbra, Satureja and Lippia are rich in carvacrol, a monoterpenic phenol isomeric with thymol. Turkey is the biggest exporter of oregano herb and oil to the world markets. Oregano is mainly used in food, spice and pharmaceutical industries. Carvacrol is responsible for the biological activities of oregano. Many diverse activities of carvacrol such as antimicrobial, antitumor, antimutagenic, antigenotoxic, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory, angiogenic, antiparasitic, antiplatelet, AChe inhibitory, antielastase, insecticidal, antihepatotoxic and hepatoprotective activities and uses such as feed additive, in honeybee breeding and in gastrointestinal ailments have been shown. This paper highlights these activities and attempts to explain the possible in vivo mechanism of action of carvacrol.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

An Overview of the Potential Therapeutic Applications of Essential Oils.

Autores: Mariam Nasser Aljaafari, Asma Obaid AlAli, Laila Baqais, Maream Alqubaisy, Mudhi AlAli, Aidin Molouki, Janna Ong-Abdullah, Aisha Abushelaibi, Kok-Song Lai, Swee-Hua Erin Lim | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has urged researchers to explore therapeutic alternatives, one of which includes the use of natural plant products such as essential oils (EO). In fact, EO obtained from clove, oregano, thymus, cinnamon bark, rosemary, eucalyptus, and lavender have been shown to present significant inhibitory effects on bacteria, fungi, and viruses; many studies have been done to measure EO efficacy against microorganisms. The strategy of combinatory effects via conventional and non-conventional methods revealed that the combined effects of EO-EO or EO-antibiotic exhibit enhanced efficacy. This paper aims to review the antimicrobial effects of EO, modes of EO action (membrane disruption, efflux inhibition, increase membrane permeability, and decrease in intracellular ATP), and their compounds' potential as effective agents against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It is hoped that the integration of EO applications in this work can be used to consider EO for future clinical applications.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Biological and pharmacological activities of carvacrol and carvacrol bearing essential oils.

Autores: K Husnu Can Baser | Ano: 2008 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano essential oils obtained from the genera Origanum, Thymus, Coridothymus, Thymbra, Satureja and Lippia are rich in carvacrol, a monoterpenic phenol isomeric with thymol. Turkey is the biggest exporter of oregano herb and oil to the world markets. Oregano is mainly used in food, spice and pharmaceutical industries. Carvacrol is responsible for the biological activities of oregano. Many diverse activities of carvacrol such as antimicrobial, antitumor, antimutagenic, antigenotoxic, analgesic, antispasmodic, antiinflammatory, angiogenic, antiparasitic, antiplatelet, AChe inhibitory, antielastase, insecticidal, antihepatotoxic and hepatoprotective activities and uses such as feed additive, in honeybee breeding and in gastrointestinal ailments have been shown. This paper highlights these activities and attempts to explain the possible in vivo mechanism of action of carvacrol.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano Essential Oil as an Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Additive in Food Products.

Autores: I Rodriguez-Garcia, B A Silva-Espinoza, L A Ortega-Ramirez, J M Leyva, M W Siddiqui, M R Cruz-Valenzuela, G A Gonzalez-Aguilar, J F Ayala-Zavala | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Food consumers and industries urged the need of natural alternatives to assure food safety and quality. As a response, the use of natural compounds from herbs and spices is an alternative to synthetic additives associated with toxic problems. This review discusses the antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of oregano essential oil (OEO) and its potential as a food additive. Oregano is a plant that has been used as a food seasoning since ancient times. The common name of oregano is given to several species: Origanum (family: Lamiaceae) and Lippia (family: Verbenaceae), amongst others. The main compounds identified in the different OEOs are carvacrol and thymol, which are responsible for the characteristic odor, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activity; however, their content may vary according to the species, harvesting season, and geographical sources. These substances as antibacterial agents make the cell membrane permeable due to its impregnation in the hydrophobic domains, this effect is higher against gram positive bacteria. In addition, the OEO has antioxidant properties effective in retarding the process of lipid peroxidation in fatty foods, and scavenging free radicals. In this perspective, the present review analyzes and discusses the state of the art about the actual and potential uses of OEO as an antimicrobial and antioxidant food additives.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

ZnO nanoparticles stabilized oregano essential oil Pickering emulsion for functional cellulose nanofibrils packaging films with antimicrobial and antioxidant activity.

Autores: Min Wu, Zhilong Zhou, Jian Yang, Meng Zhang, Feng Cai, Peng Lu | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The growth and reproduction of microorganisms can cause food spoilage in the process of food transportation and storage. Active packaging is a good way to inhibit food spoilage and prolong the shelf lives of foods. In this study, O/W Pickering emulsion with ZnO nanoparticles as solid particles and oregano essential oil as the oil phase was prepared and used to functionalize cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs) film, and excellent antimicrobial and antioxidant activity was obtained. When the concentration of ZnO nanoparticles was 1.5 wt% and the mass fraction of the oil phase was 20%, the Pickering emulsion with a particle size of 26.85 μm exhibited strong standing stability. The Pickering emulsion was blended with the film-forming matrix CNFs to prepare active packaging films by casting. The Pickering emulsion evenly dispersed in the film to form microcapsules which encapsulated oregano essential oil entirely. The antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes was 89.61%, the DPPH radical scavenging rate was 58.52%, while the barrier properties of the developed films against oxygen, water vapor and visible light were improved. The active CNFs film prepared by Pickering emulsion could inhibit the growth of microorganism and prolong the shelf lives of foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Evaluación del efecto antioxidante de aceites esenciales y extractos de Eugenia caryophyllata, Origanum vulgare Y Thymus vulgaris/ Evaluation of antioxidant effect of essential oils and extracts of eugenia caryophyllata, origanum

Autores: Cardona Henao, Luis Eduardo; Mejía G., Luis Fernando | Ano: 2009 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: A partir de aceites esenciales y extractos de Eugenia Caryophyllata, Origanum vulgare y Thymus vulgaris, y después de analizar su potencialantioxidante, se seleccionaron los que mayor inhibición a la oxidación presentaron, para ser analizados en diferentes concentraciones y encomparación con un antioxidante referencia (nitrito sódico) sobre la oxidación de lípidos y su efecto sobre las características organolépticas en productos cárnicos cocidos como el salami. La actividad antioxidante de los diferentes aceites esenciales se evalúo por varios métodos (grado de inhibición de la peroxidación del ácido linoleico, evaluación del poder de reducción, test del β-caroteno), con el fin de demostrar que los tratamientos con aceites esenciales de orégano, tomillo y clavo de olor reducen significativamente la oxidación en productos cárnicos cocidos como el salami; estos fueron evaluados de acuerdo a los resultados de actividad antioxidante, antibacterial y concentración mínima inhibitoria (MIC).Obteniéndose resultados positivos para el clavo de olor, el cual fue seleccionado para adicionar a la formulación del salami, como antioxidante y como conservante. La concentración de aplicación en el salami se realizó con el extracto de clavo de olor. La elaboración del salami, se efectuó con base en los procedimientos establecidos en el manual de prácticas y formulaciones de la Unidad Tecnológica de Alimentos de la Universidad deCaldas. Al producto se le realizó una serie de análisis sensoriales, para determinar el efecto del extracto adicionado como antioxidante sobre las propiedades organolépticas del salami;los cuales arrojaron resultados positivos. El producto no mostró grandes diferencias, con respecto al patrón, siendo aceptado en las pruebas sensoriales, por los jueces.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils from Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Cupressaceae and Lamiaceae Families Grown in Serbia: Comparative Chemical Profiling with In Vitro Antioxidant Activity.

Autores: Nevena Gladikostić, Bojana Ikonić, Nemanja Teslić, Zoran Zeković, Danica Božović, Predrag Putnik, Danijela Bursać Kovačević, Branimir Pavlić | Ano: 2023 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of the present study was to investigate the chemical profile and antioxidant activity of essential oils obtained from the most commonly grown plant species in Serbia. Aromatic and medicinal plants from Lamiaceae (Mentha x Piperita, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum majorana, Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Satureja hortensis, Satureja montana and Thymus vulgaris), Asteraceae (Ehinacea purpurea and Matricaria chamomilla), Apiaceae (Anethum graveolens, Carum carvi, Foeniculum vulgare, Petroselinum crispum and Pimpinella anisum) and Cupressaceae (Juniperus comunis) were selected as raw material for essential oils (EOs)' isolation. Hydrodistillation (HD) was used for the isolation of EOs while they were evaluated in terms of yield and terpenoid profiles by GC-MS. In vitro radical scavenging DPPH and ABTS+ radical activities were carried out for all EOs. Finally, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed with the experimental results of the composition and antioxidant activity of the EOs, which showed a clear distinction between the selected plant species for the aforementioned responses. This work represents a screening tool for the selection of other EO candidates for further processing by emerging extraction techniques and the use of EOs as natural additives for meat products.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antioxidant effect of poleo and oregano essential oil on roasted sunflower seeds.

Autores: Patricia R Quiroga, Nelson R Grosso, Valeria Nepote | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The objective was to evaluate the stability of sensory and chemical parameters in roasted sunflower seeds supplemented with oregano and poleo essential oils; and the consumer acceptability of this product. Four samples were prepared: plain roasted sunflower seeds (Control = RS-C), and sunflower seeds added with oregano (RS-O) or poleo (RS-P) essential oils or BHT (RS-BHT). Consumer acceptance was determined on fresh samples. The overall acceptance averages were 6.13 for RS-C, 5.62 for RS-P, and 5.50 for RS-O (9-point hedonic scale). The addition of BHT showed greater protection against the oxidation process in the roasted sunflower seeds. Oregano essential oil exhibited a greater antioxidant effect during storage than poleo essential oil. Both essential oils (oregano and poleo) provided protection to the product, inhibiting the formation of undesirable flavors (oxidized and cardboard). The antioxidant activity that presents essential oils of oregano and poleo could be used to preserve roasted sunflower seeds.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Composition and Bioactivity of Essential Oil of Ten Labiatae Species.

Autores: Mengting Liu, Feiya Luo, Zhixing Qing, Huichao Yang, Xiubin Liu, Zihui Yang, Jianguo Zeng | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Using antibiotics as feed additives have been successively banned worldwide from 1986; therefore, it is an urgent task to finding safe and effective alternatives. As natural products of plant origin, essential oils (EOs) are an outstanding option due to their reported bioactivity. In this research, ten EOs of Labiatae species were extracted by steam distillation and its chemical constituents were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 123 chemical compounds, including alkenes, phenols, aldehydes and ketones, were identified. The results of antioxidant activity carried out through DPPH free radical scavenging (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), showing that EOs of Ocimum basilicum Linn. (ObEO), Thymus mongolicus Ronn. (TmEO), Origanum vulgare Linn. (OvEO) and Mosla chinensis Maxim. (McEO) have strong antioxidant activities. Their 50%-inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was <1.00, 1.42, 1.47 and 1.92 μg/mL, respectively; and their FRAP value was 1536.67 ± 24.22, 271.84 ± 4.93, 633.71 ± 13.14 and 480.66 ± 29.90, respectively. The results of filter paper diffusion showing that McEO, OvEO and TmEO inhibition zone diameter (IZD) are all over 30 mm. The results of two-fold dilution method showed that McEO, OvEO and TmEO have strong antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and their minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) value was 1 μL/mL, 2 μL/mL, and 2 μL/mL, respectively. In conclusion, the results in this work demonstrate the possibility for development and application of EOs as potential feed additives.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Characterization of Essential Oils Obtained from Abruzzo Autochthonous Plants: Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities Assessment for Food Application.

Autores: Marika Pellegrini, Antonella Ricci, Annalisa Serio, Clemencia Chaves-López, Giovanni Mazzarrino, Serena D'Amato, Claudio Lo Sterzo, Antonello Paparella | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In the present study, the essential oils (EOs) of some officinal plants from Abruzzo territory (Italy) were evaluated for their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and their volatile fraction chemical characterization. The EOs were extracted from Rosmarinus officinalis, Origanum vulgare, Salvia officinalis, Mentha piperita, Allium sativum, Foeniculum vulgare, Satureja montana, Thymus vulgaris and Coriandrum sativum seeds. The antimicrobial activity was screened against thirteen Gram-positive and Gram-negative strains to determine the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The total phenolic content (TPC) and the antioxidant capacity (AOC) were assessed by means of Folin-Ciocâlteu method, and Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity with 2,2'-azinobis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (TEAC/ABTS), Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assays respectively. Among the nine EOs tested, T. vulgaris, S. montana, O. vulgare and C. sativum EOs showed MIC values ranging from 0.625 to 5 μL/mL. The AOC and TPC results for these species were also interesting. The major components for these EOs were thymol for T. vulgaris (44%) and O. vulgare (40%), linalool (77%) for C. sativum, and carvacrol for S. montana (54%). The results allowed the study to establish that these EOs are good candidates for potential application as biopreservatives in foods and/or food manufacture environments.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Investigation of physicochemical properties, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of edible films based on chitosan/casein containing Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and its effect on quality maintenance of cherry tomato.

Autores: Narjes Roshandel-Hesari, Majid Mokaber-Esfahani, Akram Taleghani, Reza Akbari | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Edible coatings prevent physicochemical and biological food deterioration. Using bioactive compounds like essential oils can enrich films. In this study, edible films from chitosan (C), casein (Z) and oregano (OEO) were developed, and their physicochemical, barrier, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and structural properties (FTIR, SEM) were investigated. The C1Z3 ratio had good mechanical and inhibitory properties, and OEO improves flexibility, barrier, hydrophobic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. The physicochemical and microbiological properties of cherry tomatoes were affected by C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coatings. Coated fruits were stored at 4 °C for 32 days. The best results for weight loss, shrinkage, and titratable acidity were found to be 17.88%, 31.12%, and 0.15% in C1Z3O1.5 coated cherry tomatoes, respectively.The TMAB of C1Z3O1.5 coated fruits was less than detectable and the fungal growth was inhibited for 28 days. Accordingly, by adding OEO to chitosan/casein coatings, the spoilage process of cherry tomatoes was delayed for long-term storage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

El orégano: propiedades, composición y actividad biológica de sus componentes/ Oregano: properties, composition and biological activity

Autores: Arcila Lozano, Cynthia Cristina; Loarca Piña, Guadalupe; Lecona Uribe, Salvador; González de Mejía, Elvira | Ano: 2004 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: El orégano comprende varias especies de plantas que son utilizadas con fines culinarios, siendo las más comúnes el Origanum vulgare, nativo de Europa, y el Lippia graveolens, originario de México. Entre las especies de Origanum se encuentran como componentes principales el limoneno, el b-cariofileno, el r-cimeno, el canfor, el linalol, el a-pineno, el carvacrol y el timol. En el género Lippia pueden encontrarse estos mismos compuestos. Su contenido depende de la especie, el clima, la altitud, la época de recolección y el estado de crecimiento.Algunas propiedades de los extractos del orégano han sido estudiadas debido al creciente interés por sustituir los aditivos sintéticos en los alimentos. El orégano tiene una buena capacidad antioxidante y antimicrobiana contra microorganismos patógenos como Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, entre otros. Estas características son muy importantes para la industria alimentaria ya que pueden favorecer la inocuidad y estabilidad de los alimentos como también protegerlos contra alteraciones lipídicas. Existen además algunos informes sobre el efecto antimutagénico y anticarcinogénico del orégano sugiriendo que representan una alternativa potencial para el tratamiento y/o prevención de trastornos crónicos como el cáncer

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils of Oregano: Biological Activity beyond Their Antimicrobial Properties.

Autores: Nayely Leyva-López, Erick P Gutiérrez-Grijalva, Gabriela Vazquez-Olivo, J Basilio Heredia | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils of oregano are widely recognized for their antimicrobial activity, as well as their antiviral and antifungal properties. Nevertheless, recent investigations have demonstrated that these compounds are also potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and cancer suppressor agents. These properties of oregano essential oils are of potential interest to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this manuscript is to review the latest evidence regarding essential oils of oregano and their beneficial effects on health.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

A Recent Insight Regarding the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil.

Autores: Adelina Lombrea, Diana Antal, Florina Ardelean, Stefana Avram, Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Lavinia Vlaia, Ana-Maria Mut, Zorita Diaconeasa, Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Corina Danciu | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. is a widely used aromatic plant, especially due to its content in essential oil, mainly rich in carvacrol and thymol. The ethnopharmacological uses of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) comprise digestive, respiratory, or dermatological disorders. The review focuses on the increasing number of recent studies investigating several biological activities of OEO. The bioactivities are in tight relation to the phytochemical profile of the essential oil, and also depend on taxonomic, climatic, and geographical characteristics of the plant material. The antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, skin disorders beneficial effects, next to antihyperglycemic and anti-Alzheimer activities were reported and confirmed in multiple studies. Moreover, recent studies indicate a positive impact on skin disorders of OEO formulated as nanocarrier systems in order to improve its bioavailability and, thus, enhancing its therapeutic benefits. The review brings an up to date regarding the phytochemistry and bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil, underlining also the most successful pharmaceutical formulation used for skin disorders.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils of Oregano: Biological Activity beyond Their Antimicrobial Properties.

Autores: Nayely Leyva-López, Erick P Gutiérrez-Grijalva, Gabriela Vazquez-Olivo, J Basilio Heredia | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils of oregano are widely recognized for their antimicrobial activity, as well as their antiviral and antifungal properties. Nevertheless, recent investigations have demonstrated that these compounds are also potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and cancer suppressor agents. These properties of oregano essential oils are of potential interest to the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. The aim of this manuscript is to review the latest evidence regarding essential oils of oregano and their beneficial effects on health.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial Activity of Basil, Oregano, and Thyme Essential Oils.

Autores: Hercules Sakkas, Chrissanthy Papadopoulou | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: For centuries, plants have been used for a wide variety of purposes, from treating infectious diseases to food preservation and perfume production. Presently, the increasing resistance of microorganisms to currently used antimicrobials in combination with the appearance of emerging diseases requires the urgent development of new, more effective drugs. Plants, due to the large biological and structural diversity of their components, constitute a unique and renewable source for the discovery of new antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic compounds. In the present paper, the history, composition, and antimicrobial activities of the basil, oregano, and thyme essential oils are reviewed.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Nanoencapsulation of Origanum vulgare essential oil into liposomes with anticancer potential.

Autores: T L Kryeziu, E Haloci, A Loshaj-Shala, U Bagci, A Oral, G J Stefkov, A Zimmer, M Basholli-Salihu | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. essential oil possesses a wide spectrum of biological activities. Nanoencapsulation of O. vulgare essential oil into liposomes seems to be a promising strategy to maintain and improve these biological properties. This research was carried out to develop a suitable liposomal formulation for the effective encapsulation of O. vulgare essential oil in order to improve the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. The characterization of liposomal nanocarriers was conducted in terms of size, zeta potential, and encapsulation efficiency. An MTT assay was used to assess the cytotoxic activity of the prepared and characterized O. vulgare essential oil liposomes in MCF-7 cancer cell lines. Antioxidant activity was determined by assessing DPPH scavenging activity. O. vulgare essential oil exerted cytotoxic activity with an IC50 of 50 μg/ml. The essential oil of O. vulgare was effectively encapsulated in liposomes, with no significant change observed among the formulations. The antioxidant activity was significantly enhanced after encapsulating the essential oil in liposomes. Origanum vulgare essential-oil-loaded Phospholipon 90H liposomes demonstrated considerably increased cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 cells, whereas Lipoid S100 liposomes showed no significant differences from the non-encapsulated essential oil. Phospholipon 85G liposomes had the least cytotoxic impact. As a result, liposomes containing O. vulgare essential oil may be promising nanocarriers for the development of anticancer agents.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade in vitro do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. em isolados clínicos de Aspergillus spp/ In vitro activity of essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. in clinical isolates from Aspergillus spp

Autores: Osório, L. G; Silva, A. L; Fonseca, A. O. S; Dias, T. P; Martins, O. A; Faria, R. O; Meireles, M. C. A; Cleff, M. B; Freitag, R; Mello, J. R. B | Ano: 2019 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus e A. niger são os mais importantes agentes etiológicos da aspergilose, relevante micose aviária, com tratamento ineficaz e altas taxas de mortalidade. Em vista da importância da aspergilose, da necessidade de prospectar novos fármacos e do potencial terapêutico do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. (OEO), o orégano, objetivou-se avaliar a sensibilidade in vitro de isolados clínicos de Aspergillus spp. em relação ao OEO. O óleo foi obtido por hidrodestilação em Clevenger, e a análise química realizada por cromatografia de massa (GC/MS). Observaram-se 15 diferentes compostos ativos, sendo 4-terpineol, hidrato de sabinene e timol os majoritários. Nos testes de microdiluição em caldo (Reference..., 2008), todos os isolados (n= 23) foram sensíveis ao OEO: A. fumigatus teve CIM entre 28,125mg/mL (0,1875%) e 450mg/mL (3,0%), A. flavus entre 112,5mg/mL (0,75%) e 450mg/mL, e A. niger 112,5mg/mL. CFM variou de 112,5mg/mL a 450mg/mL nos isolados de A. fumigatus, de 225mg/mL (1,5%) a 450mg/mL em A. flavus, e foi de 450mg/mL em A. niger. CIM e CFM foram idênticos em 6/14 isolados, o que demonstra que o óleo com a mesma concentração pode ter capacidade fungistática e fungicida. CIM 90 correspondeu à CIM máxima. Os resultados demonstram a atividade anti-Aspergillus do OEO, com CIM 90 de 450mg/mL (3%).(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Evaluation of Origanum vulgare Essential Oil and Its Active Ingredients as Potential Drugs for the Treatment of Toxoplasmosis.

Autores: Na Yao, Qiong Xu, Jia-Kang He, Ming Pan, Zhao-Feng Hou, Dan-Dan Liu, Jian-Ping Tao, Si-Yang Huang | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Toxoplasma gondii is a serious hazard to public health and animal husbandry. Due to the current dilemma of treatment of toxoplasmosis, it is urgent to find new anti-T. gondii drugs to treat toxoplasmosis. In this study, the anti-T. gondii activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil (Ov EO) was firstly studied, and then, carvanol (Ca), the main ingredient of Ov EO was evaluated using the MTT assay on human foreskin fibroblast (HFF) cells in vitro. The cytotoxicity was evaluated using the MTT assay on HFF cells. The CC50 of Ov EO and Ca was 134.9 and 43.93 μg/ml, respectively. Both of them exhibited anti-parasitic activity, and inhibited the growth of T. gondii in a dose-dependent manner. For the inhibition effect, Ca was better than Ov EO at the same concentration, the IC50 of Ov EO and Ca was 16.08 and 7.688 μg/ml, respectively. In addition, treatment with Ca, was found to change the morphology of T. gondii tachyzoites and made their shapes curl up. These results showed that Ca was able to inhibit the proliferation of T. gondii by reducing invasion, which may be due to its detrimental effect on the mobility of tachyzoites. Our results indicated that Ca could be a potential new and effective drug for treating toxoplasmosis.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil as a Potential Anti-Acne Topical Nanoemulsion-In Vitro and In Vivo Study.

Autores: Mohammed H Taleb, Nourtan F Abdeltawab, Rehab N Shamma, Sherein S Abdelgayed, Sarah S Mohamed, Mohamed A Farag, Mohammed A Ramadan | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Antibiotics are often prescribed in acne treatment; however, Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermidis, the two of the major acne-associated bacteria, developed antibiotic resistance. Essential oils (EOs) present a natural, safe, efficacious and multifunctional alternative treatment. This study aimed to assess the potential anti-acne activity of selected seven EOs commonly used in Mediterranean folk medicine. Antimicrobial activity screening of these oils showed oregano to exhibit the strongest antimicrobial activity with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 0.34 mg/mL and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 0.67 mg/mL against P. acnes; and MIC of 0.67 mg/mL and MBC of 1.34 mg/mL against S. epidermidis. The composition of the most effective EOs (oregano and thyme) was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Monoterpenoid phenols predominated oregano and thyme EO with thymol percentile 99 and 72, respectively. Thymol showed MIC 0.70 mg/mL against both P. acnes and S. epidermidis whereas MBC was 1.40 and 2.80 mg/mL against P. acnes and S. epidermidis, respectively. Moreover, oregano exhibited the strongest anti-biofilm effect against S. epidermidis with MBIC 1.34 mg/mL and killing dynamic time of 12 and 8 h against P. acnes and S. epidermidis, respectively. Oregano, the most effective EO, was formulated and tested as a nanoemulsion in an acne animal mouse model. The formulation showed superior healing and antimicrobial effects compared to the reference antibiotic. Collectively, our data suggested that oregano oil nanoemulsion is a potential natural and effective alternative for treating acne and overcoming the emerging antibiotic resistance.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Evaluation of anti-enzyme properties of Origanum vulgare essential oil against oral Candida albicans.

Autores: L Pradebon Brondani, T Alves da Silva Neto, R Antonio Freitag, R Guerra Lund | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the anti-enzymatic activity of Origanum vulgare (oregano) essential oil against 15 strains of Candida albicans. Candida albicans samples were isolated from the oral mucosa of patients with denture stomatitis treated in a Dentistry school on a public university. Preparation of the inoculum was performed with a suspension of C. albicans reactivated 24h earlier in 5mL of sterile phosphate buffer saline (PBS) adjusted to a 0.5-turbidity on the MacFarland scale (1,5108UFC/mL). The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type machine and analyzed by gas chromatography. Enzymatic assay was performed to test phospholipase anti-enzymatic properties. Chromatography analysis revealed that the main compounds present in the essential oil were 4-terpineol (41.17%), thymol (21.95%), γ-terpinene (5.91%) and carvacrol (4.71%). For the anti-enzymatic test, the statistical analysis showed that there was found statistically significant interactions between the factors time and concentration (P≤0,001). Thus, essential oil of oregano at 1%, 5% and 10% presented significant reductions in the production of the phospholipase enzyme produced by Candida albicans strains. However, the longer the incubation time of the essential oil, there is a relatively moderate reduction in its anti-enzymatic activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil composition and antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare subsp. glandulosum Desf. at different phenological stages.

Autores: Afef Béjaoui, Hédia Chaabane, Maroua Jemli, Abdennacer Boulila, Mohamed Boussaid | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Variation in the quantity and quality of the essential oil (EO) of wild population of Origanum vulgare at different phenological stages, including vegetative, late vegetative, and flowering set, is reported. The oils of air-dried samples were obtained by hydrodistillation. The yield of oils (w/w%) at different stages were in the order of late vegetative (2.0%), early vegetative (1.7%), and flowering (0.6%) set. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). In total, 36, 33, and 16 components were identified and quantified in vegetative, late vegetative, and flowering set, representing 94.47%, 95.91%, and 99.62% of the oil, respectively. Carvacrol was the major compound in all samples. The ranges of major constituents were as follows: carvacrol (61.08-83.37%), p-cymene (3.02-9.87%), and γ-terpinene (4.13-6.34%). Antibacterial activity of the oils was tested against three Gram-positive and two Gram-negative bacteria by the disc diffusion method and determining their diameter of inhibition and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values. The inhibition zones and MIC values for bacterial strains, which were sensitive to the EO of O. vulgare subsp. glandulosum, were in the range of 9-36 mm and 125-600 μg/mL, respectively. The oils of various phenological stages showed high activity against all tested bacteria, of which Bacillus subtilis was the most sensitive and resistant strain, respectively. Thus, they represent an inexpensive source of natural antibacterial substances that exhibited potential for use in pathogenic systems.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antibacterial effects of the essential oils of commonly consumed medicinal herbs using an in vitro model.

Autores: Marina Soković, Jasmina Glamočlija, Petar D Marin, Dejan Brkić, Leo J L D van Griensven | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from 10 commonly consumed herbs: Citrus aurantium, C. limon, Lavandula angustifolia, Matricaria chamomilla, Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris and Salvia officinalis have been determined. The antibacterial activity of these oils and their main components; i.e. camphor, carvacrol, 1,8-cineole, linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene, menthol, a-pinene, b-pinene, and thymol were assayed against the human pathogenic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Micrococcus flavus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, S. epidermidis, S. typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. The highest and broadest activity was shown by O. vulgare oil. Carvacrol had the highest antibacterial activity among the tested components.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil of Medicinal Plants from Eastern Serbia.

Autores: Milica Aćimović, Miroslav Zorić, Valtcho D Zheljazkov, Lato Pezo, Ivana Čabarkapa, Jovana Stanković Jeremić, Mirjana Cvetković | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The objective of this study was to evaluate wild growing Satureja kitaibelii, Thymus serpyllum, Origanum vulgare, Achillea millefolium and Achillea clypeolata with respect to their essential oil (EO) content, composition and antimicrobial activity. The five species were collected at Mt. Rtanj and the village of Sesalac, Eastern Serbia. The main EO constituents of Lamiaceae plants were p-cymene (24.4%), geraniol (63.4%) and germacrene D (21.5%) in Satureja kitaibelii, Thymus serpyllum and Origanum vulgare ssp. vulgare, respectively. A. millefolium EO had multiple constituents with major ones being camphor (9.8%), caryophyllene oxide (6.5%), terpinen-4-ol (6.3%) and 1,8-cineole (5.6%), while the main EO constituents of A. clypeolata were 1,8-cineole (45.1%) and camphor (18.2%). Antimicrobial testing of the EO showed that Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) was more sensitive to all of the tested EOs than Escherichia coli (Gram-negative). S. kitaibelii EO showed the highest antimicrobial activity against both tested bacterial strains. This is the first study to characterize the EO composition and antimicrobial activity of these five medicinal species from Eastern Serbia in comparison with comprehensive literature data. The results can be utilized by the perfumery, cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries, but also for healing purposes in self-medication.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composición química y actividad antibacteriana del aceite esencial del Origanum vulgare (orégano)/ Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of the essential oil of origanum vulgare (oregano)

Autores: Albado Plause, Emilia; Saez Flores, Gloria; Grabiel Ataucusi, Sandra | Ano: 2001 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Objetivo. Determinar la actividad antimicrobiano en el aceite esencial (Carvacrol) del Origanum vulgare. material y métodos: el aceite esencial se obtuvo por destilación por arrastre con vapor de agua, a partir de las hojas y flores desecadas de O. vulgare; sw determinó la gravedad especifica con un pinnómetro y el índice de refracción con refractómetro de Abbc; la composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gas con detector de masa (GL-SM). La actividad antimicrobiana del aceite de O. vulgare se realizó por el método semicuantitativo de incorporación y de disco difusión en agar. Resultados: La densidad especifica del producto resultó 0.9234 a 20§C y el índice de refracción 1.4774; el cromatograma mostró un contenido de 9 por ciento de Carvacrol, 12.19 por ciento de Terpineol, 6.86 por ciento de P-cimento y la presencia de otros compuestos relacionados metabolicamente con los tres antes citados. Las bacterias gram-negativas: Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Salmonella tiphymurium, Salmonella cholerae suis y Vibrio cholerae y las bacterias gram-positivas: Staphylococcus aureus y Bacillus cereus, mostraron diferentes grados de sensibilidad. De los microorganismos evaluados solo pseudomonas aeruginosa mostró resistencia. Conclusiones: El aceite esencial posee actividad microbiana contra todas las bacterias evaluadas, excepto antes para P. aeruginosa.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antibacterial effects of the essential oils of commonly consumed medicinal herbs using an in vitro model.

Autores: Marina Soković, Jasmina Glamočlija, Petar D Marin, Dejan Brkić, Leo J L D van Griensven | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils from 10 commonly consumed herbs: Citrus aurantium, C. limon, Lavandula angustifolia, Matricaria chamomilla, Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Ocimum basilicum, Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris and Salvia officinalis have been determined. The antibacterial activity of these oils and their main components; i.e. camphor, carvacrol, 1,8-cineole, linalool, linalyl acetate, limonene, menthol, a-pinene, b-pinene, and thymol were assayed against the human pathogenic bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Micrococcus flavus, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella enteritidis, S. epidermidis, S. typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus. The highest and broadest activity was shown by O. vulgare oil. Carvacrol had the highest antibacterial activity among the tested components.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils.

Autores: H J Dorman, S G Deans | Ano: 2000 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oils of black pepper [Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae)], clove [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry (Myrtaceae)], geranium [Pelargonium graveolens L'Herit (Geraniaceae)], nutmeg [Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae), oregano [Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Letsw. (Lamiaceae)] and thyme [Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae)] were assessed for antibacterial activity against 25 different genera of bacteria. These included animal and plant pathogens, food poisoning and spoilage bacteria. The volatile oils exhibited considerable inhibitory effects against all the organisms under test while their major components demonstrated various degrees of growth inhibition.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils.

Autores: H J Dorman, S G Deans | Ano: 2000 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oils of black pepper [Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae)], clove [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry (Myrtaceae)], geranium [Pelargonium graveolens L'Herit (Geraniaceae)], nutmeg [Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae), oregano [Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Letsw. (Lamiaceae)] and thyme [Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae)] were assessed for antibacterial activity against 25 different genera of bacteria. These included animal and plant pathogens, food poisoning and spoilage bacteria. The volatile oils exhibited considerable inhibitory effects against all the organisms under test while their major components demonstrated various degrees of growth inhibition.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Preparation and characterization of oregano essential oil-loaded Dioscorea zingiberensis starch film with antioxidant and antibacterial activity and its application in chicken preservation.

Autores: Yuping Shen, Jinwei Zhou, Chengyu Yang, Yufei Chen, Yaya Yang, Cunshan Zhou, Liwei Wang, Guohua Xia, Xiaojie Yu, Huan Yang | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, abundant starch was separated from the industrial crop Dioscorea zingiberensis C.H. Wright (DZW), and a novel bioactive packaging film loaded with oregano essential oil (OEO) was prepared and characterized. NaClO solution worked as a bleacher to prepare uniform starch powder from DZW tubers. OEO was selected from among three essential oils of Labiatae family plants for its strongest antibacterial activity. After the addition of OEO into the starch-based film, the UV-vis shielding property and antioxidant activity were enhanced. Meanwhile, the films still have a considerable performance in transparency, mechanical strength and water vapor permeability after incorporated with OEO. Furthermore, the 3% OEO-loaded starch film exhibited the strongest antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It effectively lowered the total viable count of fresh chicken under 4 °C preservation conditions. These results revealed that the OEO-loaded DZW starch film can exert a positive effect on maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of fresh meat. Therefore, readily accessible DZW tubers and oregano are very promising resources for application in degradable bioactive packaging film.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile oils.

Autores: H J Dorman, S G Deans | Ano: 2000 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The volatile oils of black pepper [Piper nigrum L. (Piperaceae)], clove [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry (Myrtaceae)], geranium [Pelargonium graveolens L'Herit (Geraniaceae)], nutmeg [Myristica fragrans Houtt. (Myristicaceae), oregano [Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Letsw. (Lamiaceae)] and thyme [Thymus vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae)] were assessed for antibacterial activity against 25 different genera of bacteria. These included animal and plant pathogens, food poisoning and spoilage bacteria. The volatile oils exhibited considerable inhibitory effects against all the organisms under test while their major components demonstrated various degrees of growth inhibition.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare essential oil: antibacterial activities and synergistic effect with polymyxin B against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

Autores: Suélen Cavalheiro Amaral, Beatriz Bohns Pruski, Stella Buchhorn de Freitas, Suzane Olachea Allend, Marcos Roberto Alves Ferreira, Clóvis Moreira, Daniela Isabel Brayer Pereira, Antonio Sergio Varela Junior, Daiane Drawanz Hartwig | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Antimicrobial resistance is increasing around the world and the search for effective treatment options, such as new antibiotics and combination therapy is urgently needed. The present study evaluates oregano essential oil (OEO) antibacterial activities against reference and multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab-MDR). Additionally, the combination of the OEO and polymyxin B was evaluated against Ab-MDR. Ten clinical isolates were characterized at the species level through multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the gyrB and blaOXA-51-like genes. The isolates were resistant to at least four different classes of antimicrobial agents, namely, aminoglycosides, cephems, carbapenems, and fluoroquinolones. All isolates were metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) and carbapenemase producers. The major component of OEO was found to be carvacrol (71.0%) followed by β-caryophyllene (4.0%), γ-terpinene (4.5%), p-cymene (3,5%), and thymol (3.0%). OEO showed antibacterial effect against all Ab-MDR tested, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) ranging from 1.75 to 3.50 mg mL-1. Flow cytometry demonstrated that the OEO causes destabilization and rupture of the bacterial cell membrane resulting in apoptosis of A. baumannii cells (p < 0.05). Synergic interaction between OEO and polymyxin B (FICI: 0.18 to 0.37) was observed, using a checkerboard assay. When combined, OEO presented until 16-fold reduction of the polymyxin B MIC. The results presented here indicate that the OEO used alone or in combination with polymyxin B in the treatment of Ab-MDR infections is promising. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of OEO and polymyxin B association against Ab-MDR clinical isolates.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare essential oil: antibacterial activities and synergistic effect with polymyxin B against multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii.

Autores: Suélen Cavalheiro Amaral, Beatriz Bohns Pruski, Stella Buchhorn de Freitas, Suzane Olachea Allend, Marcos Roberto Alves Ferreira, Clóvis Moreira, Daniela Isabel Brayer Pereira, Antonio Sergio Varela Junior, Daiane Drawanz Hartwig | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Antimicrobial resistance is increasing around the world and the search for effective treatment options, such as new antibiotics and combination therapy is urgently needed. The present study evaluates oregano essential oil (OEO) antibacterial activities against reference and multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab-MDR). Additionally, the combination of the OEO and polymyxin B was evaluated against Ab-MDR. Ten clinical isolates were characterized at the species level through multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the gyrB and blaOXA-51-like genes. The isolates were resistant to at least four different classes of antimicrobial agents, namely, aminoglycosides, cephems, carbapenems, and fluoroquinolones. All isolates were metallo-β-lactamase (MβL) and carbapenemase producers. The major component of OEO was found to be carvacrol (71.0%) followed by β-caryophyllene (4.0%), γ-terpinene (4.5%), p-cymene (3,5%), and thymol (3.0%). OEO showed antibacterial effect against all Ab-MDR tested, with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) ranging from 1.75 to 3.50 mg mL-1. Flow cytometry demonstrated that the OEO causes destabilization and rupture of the bacterial cell membrane resulting in apoptosis of A. baumannii cells (p < 0.05). Synergic interaction between OEO and polymyxin B (FICI: 0.18 to 0.37) was observed, using a checkerboard assay. When combined, OEO presented until 16-fold reduction of the polymyxin B MIC. The results presented here indicate that the OEO used alone or in combination with polymyxin B in the treatment of Ab-MDR infections is promising. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of OEO and polymyxin B association against Ab-MDR clinical isolates.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils and Trametes versicolor Extract against Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and Ralstonia solanacearum for Seed Treatment and Development of a Rapid In Vivo Assay.

Autores: Laura Orzali, Maria Teresa Valente, Valeria Scala, Stefania Loreti, Nicoletta Pucci | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al. (Cmm) and Ralstonia solanacearum Yabuuchi et al. (Smith) (Rs) are important seed-borne bacterial pathogens of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) listed as A2 pests in the EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization) region. At present, there are few strategies to control these pathogens, and seed control with eco-compatible approaches is widely encouraged. In this work, the essential oils (EOs) of oregano (Origanum vulgare), garlic (Allium sativum), basil (Ocimum basilicum), cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), clove buds (Syzygium aromaticum), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and Trametes versicolor extract (Tve) were tested in vitro for their antimicrobial activity against Cmm and Rs (broth microdilution method). The tested EOs and the Tve extract caused a significant inhibition of bacterial growth, with very promising MBC (minimum bactericidal concentration) and MIC90 (minimum inhibitory concentration causing a 90% growth inhibition) values. Moreover, an in vivo germination test showed no major reduction in seed germination when the substances were applied as seed treatment. A rapid molecular screening method has been developed, through real-time PCR, for the specific quantification of Cmm in the presence of a vegetable matrix to test in vivo the antimicrobial efficacy of oregano and cinnamon oil on seed treatment without resorting to whole plant essays, which are time- and space-consuming.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Comparison of sensitivity to a commercial Origanum vulgare essential oil between extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL-) and non-ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates.

Autores: Qada Benameur, Teresa Gervasi, Vito Pellizzeri, Mária Pľuchtová, Daniela Gruľová, Nicola Cicero, Benmahdi Meriem-Hind | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial effect of Origanum vulgare essential oil (OVEO) against ESBL- and non-ESBL-producing multidrug-resistant (MDR) Enterobacteriaceae isolates. OVEO composition was determined using Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC/MS). In the current study, the effect of OVEO was studied on seven MDR Enterobacteriaceae isolates. Antibacterial activity of OVEO was investigated by the disc diffusion assay and twofold serial dilution method. GC/MS analysis identified thymol (78.21%) as the single major component present in the OVEO. This EO showed an unexpectedly high antibacterial activity against all the studied MDR Enterobacteriaceae isolates, with inhibition zone diameters and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranging from 28 ± 0.6 to 35 ± 0.6 mm and 0.31 ± 0.0 to 5 ± 0.0 μL/mL, respectively. However, ESBL-producing isolates were more susceptible to OVEO than non-ESBL producing isolates. This study compared, for the first time, the sensitivity to OVEO between ESBL and non-ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical compositions and antibacterial effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas L.), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) on common foodborne pathogens.

Autores: Itir Dadalioglu, Gulsun Akdemir Evrendilek | Ano: 2004 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Chemical compositions and inhibitory effects of essential oils of Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz & P. H. Davis), bay laurel (Laurus nobilis L.), Spanish lavender (Lavandula stoechas subsp. stoechas L.), and fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) on Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus were determined. After the essential oils were applied on the foodborne pathogens at doses of 0 (control), 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 80 microL/mL, the resultant numbers of cells surviving were counted. Results revealed that all essential oils exhibited a very strong antibacterial activity against the tested bacteria (P < 0.05). Gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry analyses revealed that carvacrol (68.23%), 1,8-cineole (60.72%), fenchone (55.79%), and trans-anethole (85.63%) were the predominant constituents in Turkish oregano, bay laurel, Spanish lavender, and fennel essential oils, respectively.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Actividad antibacteriana in vitro de aceites esenciales frente a microorganismos implicados en el acné/ In vitro antibacterial activity of the essential oil against microorganisms involved in acne

Autores: Torrenegra Alarcón, Miladys Esther; Matiz Melo, Germán Eduardo; Gil González, Jesús; León Méndez, Glicerio | Ano: 2015 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Objetivo: evaluar la composición química, la sensibilidad antibacteriana y la concentración mínima inhibitoria in vitro de tres aceites esenciales de las especies vegetales Origanum vulgare L, Origanum vulgare ssp y Lippia alba Mill cultivadas en el norte del departamento de Bolívar (Colombia), obtenidos mediante hidrodestilación e hidrodestilación asistida por la radiación con microondas. Métodos: los aceites esenciales se obtuvieron por hidrodestilación e hidrodestilación asistida por radiación con microondas, a partir de las hojas; se determinó densidad relativa a 20 °C, índice de refracción, solubilidad de los aceites esenciales en etanol (70 por ciento v/v) y rotación óptica. La composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gases/espectrómetro de masa (CG/EM). La actividad se realizó sobre tres bacterias implicadas en el desarrollo del acné: Propionibacterium acnes ATCC 11827, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 y Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228. Para determinar la sensibilidad antibacteriana y la concentración mínima inhibitoria, los aceites se diluyeron hasta la concentración deseada (1 000‒50 µg/mL) empleando el método de microdilución en caldo, y se empleó el lector de microplacas para la cuantificación del crecimiento bacteriano. Resultados: los rendimientos oscilaron entre 0,04 y 0,16 por ciento, dependiendo de la especie vegetal y el método de extracción utilizado. Los resultados de la prueba de sensibilidad mostraron que las bacterias fueron más sensibles al aceite esencial de orégano borde blanco (Origanum vulgare ssp) obtenido mediante ambos métodos de extracción; además, este aceite presentó el mayor contenido de monoterpenos oxigenados con reconocida actividad antibacteriana, como son el carvacrol y el timol. Conclusiones: el aceite esencial de orégano borde blanco (Origanum vulgare ssp) es considerado como promisorio para el control del componente bacteriano del acné vulgar(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Actividad antibacteriana in vitro de aceites esenciales frente a microorganismos implicados en el acné/ In vitro antibacterial activity of the essential oil against microorganisms involved in acne

Autores: Torrenegra Alarcón, Miladys Esther; Matiz Melo, Germán Eduardo; Gil González, Jesús; León Méndez, Glicerio | Ano: 2015 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Objetivo: evaluar la composición química, la sensibilidad antibacteriana y la concentración mínima inhibitoria in vitro de tres aceites esenciales de las especies vegetales Origanum vulgare L, Origanum vulgare ssp y Lippia alba Mill cultivadas en el norte del departamento de Bolívar (Colombia), obtenidos mediante hidrodestilación e hidrodestilación asistida por la radiación con microondas. Métodos: los aceites esenciales se obtuvieron por hidrodestilación e hidrodestilación asistida por radiación con microondas, a partir de las hojas; se determinó densidad relativa a 20 °C, índice de refracción, solubilidad de los aceites esenciales en etanol (70 por ciento v/v) y rotación óptica. La composición química se evaluó mediante cromatografía de gases/espectrómetro de masa (CG/EM). La actividad se realizó sobre tres bacterias implicadas en el desarrollo del acné: Propionibacterium acnes ATCC 11827, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 y Staphylococcus epidermidis ATCC 12228. Para determinar la sensibilidad antibacteriana y la concentración mínima inhibitoria, los aceites se diluyeron hasta la concentración deseada (1 000‒50 µg/mL) empleando el método de microdilución en caldo, y se empleó el lector de microplacas para la cuantificación del crecimiento bacteriano. Resultados: los rendimientos oscilaron entre 0,04 y 0,16 por ciento, dependiendo de la especie vegetal y el método de extracción utilizado. Los resultados de la prueba de sensibilidad mostraron que las bacterias fueron más sensibles al aceite esencial de orégano borde blanco (Origanum vulgare ssp) obtenido mediante ambos métodos de extracción; además, este aceite presentó el mayor contenido de monoterpenos oxigenados con reconocida actividad antibacteriana, como son el carvacrol y el timol. Conclusiones: el aceite esencial de orégano borde blanco (Origanum vulgare ssp) es considerado como promisorio para el control del componente bacteriano del acné vulgar(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effectiveness of Origanum vulgare L. and Origanum majorana L. essential oils in inhibiting the growth of bacterial strains isolated from the patients with conjunctivitis

Autores: Oliveira, Jana Luíza Toscano Mendes de; Diniz, Margareth de Fátima Melo; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Trajano, Vinícius Nogueira; Santos, Bernadete Helena Cavalcante | Ano: 2009 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare L. and O. majorana L. essential oils on Staphylococcus aureus, S. coagulase negative, Enterobacter spp., Proteus spp., Acinetobacter spp., Klebsiella spp. isolated from the patients with conjunctivitis. The results showed a prominent inhibitory effect of both the essential oils on all the bacterial strains, noted by the large bacterial growth inhibition zones (15-32mm). The Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC) values were between 5-20µL/mL and 2.5-10 µL/mL for O. vulgare and O. majorana essential oil, respectively. The MIC were able to cause significant (P<0.05) inhibitory effect on the cell viability of Klebsiella spp., Proteus spp. and S. aureus providing a total elimination of the bacterial inoculum in a maximum time of 24 h of exposure. These results showed the antibacterial effectiveness of O. vulgare and O. marjorana essential oils and supported the possibility of their use as the sources of alternative antimicrobial compounds.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antibacterial activity of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) against bacterial multiresistant strains isolated from nosocomial patients/ Atividade antibacteriana do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) contra bactérias multiressistentes isoladas de pacientes nosocomial

Autores: Costa, Adalberto Coelho da; Santos, Bernadete Helena Cavalcanti dos; Santos Filho, Lauro; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira | Ano: 2009 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Os antibióticos permanecem como a principal opção terapêutica para tratar infecções bacterianas, no entanto, existe a desvantagem de aumentarem a resistência bacteriana, e como alternativa, destaca-se a pesquisa de antimicrobianos de origem vegetal. Neste trabalho objetivou-se determinar in vitro a atividade antibacteriana do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) (orégano), sobre bactérias multirresistentes isoladas de materiais biológicos. Foram usadas 24 linhagens de bactérias de origem hospitalar, divididas em seis espécies distintas, que foram inibidas pelo óleo essencial no "screening" preliminar, realizado utilizando-se a técnica de difusão em ágar. A CIM foi determinada pelo método de microdiluição, partindo-se de soluções com as concentrações finais: 8 até 0,125 por cento com os seguintes resultados: As quatro amostras (100 por cento) de Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis e MRSA foram inibidas pelo óleo essencial na concentração de 0,125 por cento. Três amostras (75 por cento) de Acinetobacter baumannii por 0,125 por cento e uma amostra (25 por cento) por 0,5 por cento; Klebsiella pneumoniae (75 por cento) por 0,125 por cento e 25 por cento por 0,25 por cento; Pseudomonas aeruginosa (75 por cento) por 0,5 por cento e 25 por cento por 0,25 por cento. A CIM variou de 78 a 83 por cento. Concluiu-se com base nos dados obtidos, que não houve diferença na concentração bactericida mínima (0,5 por cento) do referido óleo tanto para os microrganismos Gram positivos quanto para os Gram negativos.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Sensitivity of spoiling and pathogen food-related bacteria to Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) essential oil

Autores: Souza, Evandro Leite de; Stamford, Tânia Lúcia Montenegro; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira | Ano: 2006 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. (oregano), Lamiaceae, has been known as plant specie with prominent biological properties for a long time. This study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil on various Gram-positive and Gram-negative spoiling and/or pathogen food-related bacteria, as well as to observe its antimicrobial effectiveness in a food conservation micromodel. The results showed a strong antibacterial activity of the assayed essential oil noted by large growth inhibition zones (30-37 mm). MIC values were between 20-40 æL/mL for the most bacteria strains. Essential oil was able to cause significant (P<0.05) inhibitory effect on the bacteria viability providing a bacteriostatic effect after 24hours of exposure. In addition, the MIC provided a significant (P<0.05) decrease of the autochthonous bacterial flora in ground meat samples stored under refrigeration. These results support the possibility of using Origanum vulgare essential oil as alternative antimicrobial compound in food conservation systems.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits the growth of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria

Autores: Vasconcelos, Nathalie Gaebler; Croda, Júlio; Silva, Késia Esther; Motta, Maria Lorenza Leal; Maciel, Wirlaine Glauce; Limiere, Letícia Cristina; Simionatto, Simone | Ano: 2019 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Abstract INTRODUCTION: Plant products are sources for drug development against multidrug resistant bacteria. METHODS The antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OVeo) against carbapenem-resistant strains was assessed by disk-diffusion, microdilution (REMA-Resazurin Microtiter Assay), and time kill assays. RESULTS Carbapenemase production was confirmed for all strains. OVeo exhibited a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.059% v/v for Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, and of 0.015 % v/v for Acinetobacter baumannii. A decrease in cell count was observed after a 4 h treatment. CONCLUSIONS OVeo antimicrobial effect was rapid and consistent, making it a candidate for developing alternative therapeutic options against carbapenem-resistant strains.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

A novel interpretation of the Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index: The case Origanum vulgare L. and Leptospermum scoparium J. R. et G. Forst essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus strains.

Autores: Filippo Fratini, Simone Mancini, Barbara Turchi, Elisabetta Friscia, Luisa Pistelli, Giulia Giusti, Domenico Cerri | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare (oregano) and Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) were traditionally employed as natural remedies for infected wounds and skin injuries where Staphylococcus aureus is mainly involved. The first aim of this study was to investigate oregano and manuka essential oils (EOs) chemical compositions and evaluate their antibacterial activity (MIC, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) against fourteen S. aureus wild strains. The second aim was to evaluate the antibacterial activities of oregano and manuka EOs mixed in different combination (FIC, Fractional Inhibitory Concentration) with an improved chequerboard technique. This allowed to avoid the usual uncertainty in the determination of MIC and FIC values and to obtain a more precise interpretation of FIC indexes (FICIs). Moreover, FICIs were discussed on the basis of a novel interpretation method to evaluate the synergistic/antagonistic effect of EOs mixtures. The most representative compounds in oregano EO were Carvacrol (65.93%), p-Cymene (9.33%) and γ-Terpinene (5.25%), while in manuka EO were Leptospermone (31.65%), cis-Calamenene (15.93%) and Flavesone (6.92%). EOs presented MIC values ranging from 1:2048 to 1:4096 v/v and FIC values ranging from 0.125 to 1. According to our interpretation, a synergistic effect (34.68%), a commutative effect (15.32%) and an indifferent effect (50.00%) and no antagonistic effect were observed. Conversely, according to two previously proposed FICI interpretation models, 1.80% synergistic effect could be observed and, respectively, 98.20% indifferent effect or 48.20% additive effect and 50.00% indifferent effect. As practical results, oregano and manuka EOs may be an effective alternative to chemotherapic drugs in staphylococcal infections and useful tools to enhance food security.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

A novel interpretation of the Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index: The case Origanum vulgare L. and Leptospermum scoparium J. R. et G. Forst essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus strains.

Autores: Filippo Fratini, Simone Mancini, Barbara Turchi, Elisabetta Friscia, Luisa Pistelli, Giulia Giusti, Domenico Cerri | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare (oregano) and Leptospermum scoparium (manuka) were traditionally employed as natural remedies for infected wounds and skin injuries where Staphylococcus aureus is mainly involved. The first aim of this study was to investigate oregano and manuka essential oils (EOs) chemical compositions and evaluate their antibacterial activity (MIC, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) against fourteen S. aureus wild strains. The second aim was to evaluate the antibacterial activities of oregano and manuka EOs mixed in different combination (FIC, Fractional Inhibitory Concentration) with an improved chequerboard technique. This allowed to avoid the usual uncertainty in the determination of MIC and FIC values and to obtain a more precise interpretation of FIC indexes (FICIs). Moreover, FICIs were discussed on the basis of a novel interpretation method to evaluate the synergistic/antagonistic effect of EOs mixtures. The most representative compounds in oregano EO were Carvacrol (65.93%), p-Cymene (9.33%) and γ-Terpinene (5.25%), while in manuka EO were Leptospermone (31.65%), cis-Calamenene (15.93%) and Flavesone (6.92%). EOs presented MIC values ranging from 1:2048 to 1:4096 v/v and FIC values ranging from 0.125 to 1. According to our interpretation, a synergistic effect (34.68%), a commutative effect (15.32%) and an indifferent effect (50.00%) and no antagonistic effect were observed. Conversely, according to two previously proposed FICI interpretation models, 1.80% synergistic effect could be observed and, respectively, 98.20% indifferent effect or 48.20% additive effect and 50.00% indifferent effect. As practical results, oregano and manuka EOs may be an effective alternative to chemotherapic drugs in staphylococcal infections and useful tools to enhance food security.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oils from Origanum vulgare and Salvia officinalis exhibit antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes.

Autores: Niluni M Wijesundara, H P Vasantha Rupasinghe | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In the present study, essential oils (EOs) extracted from oregano, sage, cloves, and ginger were evaluated for the phytochemical profile, antibacterial, and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes. The broth microdilution method was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of EOs. The minimum biofilm inhibitory concentrations (MBICs) were determined using MTT assay and fixed biofilms were observed through scan electron microscopy. The oregano and sage EOs showed the lowest MIC as well as MBC of 0.25-0.5 mg/mL. Time kill assay results showed that oregano and sage EOs exhibited bactericidal effects within 5 min and 4 h, respectively. Both oregano and sage extracts acts as a potent anti-biofilm agent with dual actions, preventing and eradicating the biofilm. The microscopic visualization of biofilms treated with EOs have shown morphological and density changes compared to the untreated control. Oregano EO was constituted predominantly carvacrol (91.6%) and in sage EO, higher levels of α-thujone (28.5%) and camphor (16.6%) were revealed. EOs of oregano and sage inhibit the growth and biofilm formation of S. pyogenes. Effective concentrations of oregano and sage EOs and their phytochemicals can be used in developing potential plant-derived antimicrobial agents in the management of streptococcal pharyngitis.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Sub-inhibitory stress with essential oil affects enterotoxins production and essential oil susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Barbara Turchi, Simone Mancini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Domenico Cerri, Filippo Fratini | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Fourteen wild strains of Staphylococcus aureus positive for gene sea were tested for enterotoxins production and the minimum inhibitory concentration of Leptospermum scoparium, Origanum majorana, Origanum vulgare, Satureja montana and Thymus vulgaris essential oils (EOs) were determined. After this trial, bacteria stressed with sub-inhibitory concentration of each EO were tested for enterotoxins production by an immunoenzymatic assay and resistance to the same EO. Oregano oil exhibited the highest antibacterial activity followed by manuka and thyme oils. After the exposure to a sub-inhibitory concentration of EOs, strains displayed an increased sensitivity in more than 95% of the cases. After treatment with oregano and marjoram EOs, few strains showed a modified enterotoxins production, while 43% of the strains were no longer able to produce enterotoxins after treatment with manuka EO. The results obtained in this study highlight that exposure to sub-inhibitory concentration of EO modifies strains enterotoxins production and EOs susceptibility profile.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antifungal activity of nanoemulsions encapsulating oregano (Origanum vulgare) essential oil: in vitro study and application in Minas Padrão cheese

Autores: Bedoya-Serna, Carolina M; Dacanal, Gustavo C; Fernandes, Andrezza M; Pinho, Samantha C | Ano: 2018 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the antifungal activity of nanoemulsions encapsulating essential oil of oregano (Origanum vulgare), both in vitro and after application on Minas Padrão cheese. Nanodispersions were obtained by the phase inversion temperature method. Cladosporium sp., Fusarium sp., and Penicillium sp. genera were isolated from cheese samples and used to evaluate antifungal activity. Minimal inhibitory concentrations of non-encapsulated and encapsulated oregano essential oil were determined, and they were influenced by the encapsulation of the essential oil depending on the type of fungus. The antifungal activity of the nanoencapsulated oregano essential oil in cheese slices showed no evidence of an effect of the MICs, when applied in the matrix. On the other hand, an influence of contact time of the nanoemulsion with the cheese was observed, due to the increase in water activity. It was concluded that nanoencapsulated oregano essential oil presented an inhibitory effect against the three genera of fungi evaluated. If environmental parameters, such as storage temperature and water activity, were controlled, the inhibitory effect of nanoemulsions of oregano oil could possibly be greatly improved, and they could be presented as a potential alternative for the preservation of Minas Padrão cheese against fungal contamination.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Terpenoid composition and antifungal activity of three commercially important essential oils against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.

Autores: Deepa Bisht, Anirban Pal, C S Chanotiya, Dhirendra Mishra, K N Pandey | Ano: 2011 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Hydro-distilled essential oils extracted from three commercially important aromatic plants were analysed by capillary gas chromatography-flame ionization detector and gas chromatography/quadrupole mass spectrometry and subjected to antifungal activity. Fifteen compounds, which accounted for 97.8% of Acorus calamus root oil composition have been identified. Besides the major constituent (Z)-asarone (81.1-92.4%), (Z)-methyl isoeugenol (1.8-2.1%), (Z)-isoelemicin (1.2-1.3%), (E)-asarone (1.0-2.6%), (E)-methyl isoeugenol (0.2-0.4%), (Z)-β-ocimene (0.2-0.4%), elemicin (0.2-0.3%), linalool (0.1-0.9%) and kessane (t-0.2%) were identified. Monoterpenes constituted the main fraction of Origanum vulgare essential oil attaining 90.5% of the total oil composition. p-Cymene (10.3%) was the major component of the monoterpene hydrocarbon fraction while thymol (53.2%) and carvacrol (3.9%) were the most abundant oxygenated monoterpenes among the 33 identified constituents. Cinnamomum tamala leaf oil contained (E)-cinnamaldehyde as the principal component. Quantitative variations in (Z)-cinnamaldehyde (5.8-7.1%), linalool (6.4-8.5%) and (E)-cinnamyl acetate (4.7-5.2%) were significant. The antifungal activity of the hydro-distilled essential oils of A. calamus, O. vulgare and C. tamala were evaluated against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger. Disc diffusion method was used for the determination of the inhibitory effect. O. vulgare essential oil exhibited the highest activity. Moreover, all three essential oils inhibit the growth of A. flavus and A. niger.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade inibitória do óleo essencial de orégano em fungos de importância médica e veterinária/ Inhibitory activity of origanum essential oil against important fungus in veterinary

Autores: Cleff, M. B; Meinerz, A. R; Faria, R. O; Xavier, M. O; Santin, R; Nascente, P. S; Rodrigues, M. R; Meireles, M. C. A | Ano: 2010 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: The in vitro activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against fungal isolates was evaluated. A total of 27 clinical isolates were used, including: C. albicans, S. schenckii, M. pachydermatis, Aspergillus flavus, and A. fumigatus. Microdilution in broth technique (NCCLS M27-A2 and M-38) was used and susceptibility was expressed as Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). Essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation in Clevenger and analyzed by gas chromatography, showing the presence of 4-terpineol, alpha-terpineol, 4-terpinene, thymol and carvacrol, as the main compounds. Origanum oil MIC for C. albicans varied from 125 to 500mL/mL; for S. schenckii, from 250 to 500mL/mL; for M. pachydermatis, from 15 to 30mL/mL; and for Aspergillus, from 30 to 60mL/mL. Isolates sensitivity showed to the origanum oil stimulates the accomplishment of new studies, including in vivo tests, contributing to the search of alternative treatments to mycosis.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade in vitro de óleos essenciais de espécies de plantas da família lamiaceae sobre candida albicans/ In vitro activity of essential oils from plant species of the Lamiaceae family on candida albicans

Autores: Oliveira, Priscilla Lima | Ano: 2021 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar in vitro a atividade de cinco óleos essenciais de plantas da família Lamiaceae, muito conhecidas na culinária brasileira: Ocimum basilicum L, Origanum majorana L, Origanum vulgare L, Rosmarinus officinalis L e Salvia sclarea L, bem como os compostos químicos do óleo essencial com a menor concentração fungicida mínima sobre 16 isolados biológicos de Candida albicans. Determinar as concentrações fungicidas mínimas, o efeito dos óleos e dos compostos químicos em doses subinibitórias sobre a formação de tubo germinativo e a produção de franjas, nos isolados de C. albicans, antes e após contato com os diferentes óleos essenciais e os compostos químicos. Nesse estudo, todos os cinco óleos essenciais apresentaram atividade antimicrobiana sobre os isolados de C. albicans: O. vulgare apresentou CFM 90 de 1,5µg/mL, seguido pelos óleos essenciais de O. marajoana 2,6 µg/mL, S. sclarea 21,93µg/mL, R. officinalis 80,85µg/mL e O. basilicum 92,25 µg/mL. Nas doses sub inibitórias os óleos essenciais de O. vulgare, R. officinalis e S. sclarea inibiram em mais de 80% dos isolados de C. albicans a formação de tubo germinativo e alteraram a produção de franjas em mais de 70% dos isolados de C. albicans. O óleo essencial de O. vulgare foi o que apresentou a menor concentração fungicida sobre os isolados de C. albicans. O composto químico carvacrol do óleo essencial de O. vulgare foi o que apresentou a menor concentração fungicida sobre os isolados de C. albicans e a menor CFM90 0,69 µg/mL. Com excessão do p-cinemo todos os compostos químicos do óleo essencial de O. vulgare inibiram a formação de tubo germinativo e inibiram a produção de franja. Pelo exposto e nas condições desse estudo, conclui-se que o óleo essencial de O. vulgare e o composto químico carvacrol apresentaram a menor concentração fungicida sobre os isolados biológicos de C. albicans.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against Candida species

Autores: Cleff, Marlete Brum; Meinerz, Ana Raquel; Xavier, Melissa; Schuch, Luiz Filipe; Meireles, Mário Carlos Araújo; Rodrigues, Maria Regina Alves; Mello, João Roberto Braga de | Ano: 2010 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of the essential oil extracted from Origanum vulgare against sixteen Candida species isolates. Standard strains tested comprised C. albicans (ATCC strains 44858, 4053, 18804 and 3691), C. parapsilosis (ATCC 22019), C. krusei (ATCC 34135), C. lusitaniae (ATCC 34449) and C. dubliniensis (ATCC MY646). Six Candida albicans isolates from the vaginal mucous membrane of female dogs, one isolate from the cutaneous tegument of a dog and one isolate of a capuchin monkey were tested in parallel. A broth microdilution technique (CLSI) was used, and the inoculum concentration was adjusted to 5 x 10(6) CFU mL-1. The essential oil was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by gas chromatography. Susceptibility was expressed as Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimal Fungicidal Concentration (MFC). All isolates tested in vitro were sensitive to O. vulgare essential oil. The chromatographic analysis revealed that the main compounds present in the essential oil were 4-terpineol (47.95 percent), carvacrol (9.42 percent), thymol (8.42 percent) and □-terpineol (7.57 percent). C. albicans isolates obtained from animal mucous membranes exhibited MIC and MFC values of 2.72 µL mL-1 and 5 µL mL-1, respectively. MIC and MFC values for C. albicans standard strains were 2.97 µL mL-1 and 3.54 µL mL-1, respectively. The MIC and MFC for non-albicans species were 2.10 µL mL-1 and 2.97 µL mL-1, respectively. The antifungal activity of O. vulgare essential oil against Candida spp. observed in vitro suggests its administration may represent an alternative treatment for candidiasis.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composição química e atividade do óleo essencial de origanum vulgare sobre fungos fitopatogênicos/ Chemical composition and activity of origanum vulgare essential oil against phytopathogenic fungi

Autores: Romero, Adriano Lopes; Romero, Rafaelle Bonzanini; Silva, Expedito Leite; Diniz, Sergio Paulo Severo de Souza; Oliveira, Ricardo Ribeiro de; Vida, João Batista | Ano: 2012 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O orégano (Origanum vulgare) é uma planta aromática amplamente utilizada como condimento na culinária. Das folhas desse condimento obteve-se, a partir de hidrodestilação utilizando um aparelho de Clevenger modificado, um óleo essencial constituído majoritariamente por 4-terpineol (8,3%), acetato de linalila (2,0%), timol (32,0%), carvacrol (50,0%) e espatulenol (4,1%). Testou-se o efeito desse óleo essencial sobre a germinação de esporos e crescimento micelial de alguns fungos causadores de doenças em culturas de importância econômica (Corynespora cassiicola, Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Rhizoctonia solani). Observou-se que todos os fungos testados tiveram inibição completa do crescimento micelial e da germinação de esporos pela ação do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare para concentrações a partir de 500 ppm. A atividade antifúngica desse óleo essencial deve estar associada à presença dos fenóis monoterpênicos timol e carvacrol, que são reportados na literatura por suas atividades antimicrobianas. Esses resultados sugerem a potencialidade de aplicação do óleo essencial de orégano para o controle alternativo de doenças ocasionadas pelos fungos avaliados nesse trabalho.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Comparison of antifungal activity of selected essential oils against Fusarium graminearum in vitro.

Autores: Michaela Harčárová, Eva Čonková, Martina Proškovcová, Peter Váczi, Dana Marcinčáková, Lukáš Bujňák | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Fusaria are microscopic filamentous fungi which are spread in soil, in various organic substrates, and include more than 80 phytopathogenic species which are predominantly hosted by cereals, fruits and vegetables. Many of these species, under certain conditions, are capable of synthesizing secondary metabolites, mycotoxins. At present, various substances are used for their elimination and one of the solutions appears to be essential oils. In the presented study, the antifungal activity of essential oils was researched in vitro.

Resultados: The inhibitory effects of thymus, oregano, basil, myristica, hyssop and syzygium essential oil (EO) on mycelial growth of Fusarium graminearum CCM F-683 and CCM 8244 were investigated. The best antifungal activity against the both strains of Fusarium graminearum (37.4%; 40.7%) was demonstrated by Origanum vulgare EO at the concentration 100 µg/mL. Among the four tested oils, three (Syzygium aromaticum, Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare) achieved the best inhibitory effect (100%) at concentrations 500 µg/mL and 1000 µg/mL.

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade antifúngica do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare frente a Malassezia pachydermatis/ Antifungal activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against Malassezia pachydermatis

Autores: Santin, R; Giordani, C; Madrid, I. M; Matos, C. B; Freitag, R. A; Meireles, M. C. A; Cleff, M. B; Mello, J. R. B | Ano: 2014 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a atividade antifúngica in vitro do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare frente a isolados clínicos de Malassezia pachydermatis. As folhas secas de O. vulgare foram adquiridas de distribuidor comercial com certificado de qualidade e origem e encaminhadas para extração do óleo essencial e cromatografia. Para realização do teste in vitro, foi utilizada a técnica de microdiluição em caldo (CLSI M27A3) com modificações para fitofármacos e M. pachydermatis. O óleo essencial de orégano foi testado nas concentrações de 28 a 0,87mg/mL diluído em caldo Sabouraud com 1% de tween 80. Todos os isolados foram testados em duplicata. Na análise cromatográfica do óleo essencial, foram identificados 12 compostos, sendo timol, a-terpineno e 4-terpineol os compostos majoritários. A CIM e a CFM dos 42 isolados de M. pachydermatis variaram de <0,87 a 7mg/mL, com valores de CIM50 e CIM90 de 1,18 e 3,28mg/mL, respectivamente. Com este estudo foi possível concluir que M. pachydermatis é sensível ao óleo essencial de orégano mesmo em concentrações baixas. Dessa maneira, o óleo essencial de orégano apresenta-se como promissor na bioprospecção de novos fármacos para o tratamento das otites e dermatites na clínica de pequenos animais...

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Synergistic antimicrobial activities of essential oil vapours against Penicillium corylophilum on a laboratory medium and beef jerky.

Autores: Hyegeun Ji, Hoikyung Kim, Larry R Beuchat, Jee-Hoon Ryu | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study was done to determine the antifungal activities of essential oil (EO) vapours of 97 plants against Penicillium corylophilum and to test combinations of EO vapours for synergistic antifungal effects. Among 97 commercially available EOs extracted from plant parts, garlic, cinnamon bark, may chang (mountain pepper), citronella, thyme thymol, oregano, spearmint, and thyme linalool EO vapours exhibited relatively strong antifungal activities. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of these EO vapours were 0.0390-0.6250 μL/mL. A combination of cinnamon bark, citronella, and may chang EO vapours, as well as a combination of cinnamon bark and citronella EO vapours, showed synergistic inhibitory activities to P. corylophilum on a laboratory medium. A combination of cinnamon bark, citronella, and may chang EO vapours had synergistic activity in inhibiting growth of P. corylophilium on beef jerky. Observations reported here provide basic information valuable when developing strategies to inhibit the growth of P. corylophilum and possibly other moderately xerophilic molds on intermediate-moisture foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Activity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.

Autores: Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Microscopic fungi can be present on a variety of foodstuff, including cheese. They can be responsible for fungal spoilage, causing sensory changes making food unacceptable for human consumption, and posing severe health concerns. Furthermore, some of these organisms are able to resist antimicrobial preservatives provided for by law. Antifungal activity of 15 chemically defined EOs, alone and in mixture, were checked by a microdilution test against isolates of Penicillium funiculosum and Mucor racemosus cultured from rinds of Marzolino, a typical Italian fresh pecorino cheese. Origanum vulgare yielded the lowest MIC values, followed by Salvia sclarea, Ocimum basilicum and Cymbopogon citratus, while Citrus paradisi and Citrus limon were not active. All mixtures showed antifungal activity at lower concentration with respect to MIC values of each EO component, when not in combination. This study is the first to describe the setting up of EOs mixtures to limit spoiling moulds.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Activity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.

Autores: Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Microscopic fungi can be present on a variety of foodstuff, including cheese. They can be responsible for fungal spoilage, causing sensory changes making food unacceptable for human consumption, and posing severe health concerns. Furthermore, some of these organisms are able to resist antimicrobial preservatives provided for by law. Antifungal activity of 15 chemically defined EOs, alone and in mixture, were checked by a microdilution test against isolates of Penicillium funiculosum and Mucor racemosus cultured from rinds of Marzolino, a typical Italian fresh pecorino cheese. Origanum vulgare yielded the lowest MIC values, followed by Salvia sclarea, Ocimum basilicum and Cymbopogon citratus, while Citrus paradisi and Citrus limon were not active. All mixtures showed antifungal activity at lower concentration with respect to MIC values of each EO component, when not in combination. This study is the first to describe the setting up of EOs mixtures to limit spoiling moulds.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Interactions between Clotrimazole and selected essential oils against Malassezia pachydermatis clinical isolates.

Autores: E Bohmova, E Conkova, M Harcarova, Z Sihelska | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to investigate interactions between conventional antifungal drug and essential oils against isolates of Malassezia pachydermatis. Antifungal activity of Cinnamomum cassia, Melaleuca alternifolia, Mentha piperita, Origanum vulgare and Syzygium aromaticum essential oils were tested against 19 strains of M. pachydermatis isolated from healthy dogs and reference strain M. pachydermatis CBS 1879. The checkerboard assay was used to search for in- teractions. Synergism was observed for the combination of clotrimazole with Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil, Mentha piperita and Origanum vulgare. The combinations of Cinnamomum cassia and Syzygium aromaticum essential oils with clotrimazole showed indifferent effect. Additive antimicrobial activity was observed for the combination of clotrimazole with Syzygium aromaticum and Melaleuca alternifolia essential oils against reference strain. The obtained results showed synergistic interactions between essential oils and clotrimazole which could improve effectiveness of this antifungal drug.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Interactions between Clotrimazole and selected essential oils against Malassezia pachydermatis clinical isolates.

Autores: E Bohmova, E Conkova, M Harcarova, Z Sihelska | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to investigate interactions between conventional antifungal drug and essential oils against isolates of Malassezia pachydermatis. Antifungal activity of Cinnamomum cassia, Melaleuca alternifolia, Mentha piperita, Origanum vulgare and Syzygium aromaticum essential oils were tested against 19 strains of M. pachydermatis isolated from healthy dogs and reference strain M. pachydermatis CBS 1879. The checkerboard assay was used to search for in- teractions. Synergism was observed for the combination of clotrimazole with Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil, Mentha piperita and Origanum vulgare. The combinations of Cinnamomum cassia and Syzygium aromaticum essential oils with clotrimazole showed indifferent effect. Additive antimicrobial activity was observed for the combination of clotrimazole with Syzygium aromaticum and Melaleuca alternifolia essential oils against reference strain. The obtained results showed synergistic interactions between essential oils and clotrimazole which could improve effectiveness of this antifungal drug.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of some essential oils against feline isolates of Microsporum canis.

Autores: L Mugnaini, S Nardoni, L Pinto, L Pistelli, M Leonardi, F Pisseri, F Mancianti | Ano: 2012 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The treatment of dermatophytoses due to Microsporum canis is cumbersome and relapses can occur. Volatile essential oils (EOs) obtained from plants would seem to represent suitable tools to contrast mycoses both in human and animals. The anti-M. canis activity of some EOs chemically characterized was evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. Eleven feline isolates of M. canis were tested by microdilution against EOs extracted from Thymus serpillum, Origanum vulgare, Rosmarinus officinalis, Illicium verum and Citrus limon. A mixture composed by 5% O. vulgare, 5% R. officinalis and 2% T. serpillum, in sweet almond oil was administered to seven infected, symptomatic cats. T. serpillum and O. vulgare showed the lowest MICs, followed by I. verum, R. officinalis and C. limon. The assay performed on mixture showed that antimycotic activity of each component was enhanced. Four out of seven treated cats recovered both clinically and culturally. T. serpillum and O. vulgare EOs showed a strong antifungal activity. Preliminary data suggest a possible application in managing feline microsporiasis. Considering the potential zoonotic impact of this infection, the use of alternative antimycotic compounds would be of aid to limit the risk of environmental spreading of arthrospores.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Activity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.

Autores: Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Microscopic fungi can be present on a variety of foodstuff, including cheese. They can be responsible for fungal spoilage, causing sensory changes making food unacceptable for human consumption, and posing severe health concerns. Furthermore, some of these organisms are able to resist antimicrobial preservatives provided for by law. Antifungal activity of 15 chemically defined EOs, alone and in mixture, were checked by a microdilution test against isolates of Penicillium funiculosum and Mucor racemosus cultured from rinds of Marzolino, a typical Italian fresh pecorino cheese. Origanum vulgare yielded the lowest MIC values, followed by Salvia sclarea, Ocimum basilicum and Cymbopogon citratus, while Citrus paradisi and Citrus limon were not active. All mixtures showed antifungal activity at lower concentration with respect to MIC values of each EO component, when not in combination. This study is the first to describe the setting up of EOs mixtures to limit spoiling moulds.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

The in vitro effect of selected essential oils on the growth and mycotoxin production of Aspergillus species.

Autores: Miroslava Císarová, Dana Tančinová, Juraj Medo, Miroslava Kačániová | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of the present study was to assess the antifungal and anti-toxinogenic activity of 15 essential oils (EOs) against three fungi of the genus Aspergillus (A. parasiticus KMi-227-LR, A. parasiticus KMi-220-LR and A. flavus KMi-202-LR). The minimum inhibitory doses (MIDs) of the tested essential oils and their antifungal activity were determined using the micro-atmosphere method. The original commercial essential oil samples of Jasminum officinale L., Thymus vulgaris L., Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merrill & Perry, Rosmarinus officinalis L., Ocimum basilicum L., Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Salvia officinalis L., Citrus limon (L.) Burm, Origanum vulgare L., Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Carum carvi L., Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck., Zingiber officinalis Rosc., Mentha piperita L. and Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees. (C. verum J.S.Presl.) were produced in Slovakia (Calendula a.s., Nová Ľubovňa, Slovakia). All essential oils exhibited activity against all tested strains of fungi. After 14 days of incubation, A. flavus (KMi-202-LR) showed the highest susceptibility with a growth inhibition percentage (GIP) of 18.70% to C. limon and 5.92% to C. sinensis, while A. parasiticus (KMi-220-LR) exhibited a GIP of 20.56% to J. officinale. The minimum inhibitory doses (MIDs) of EOs with the most significant activity were recorded. The best antifungal activity, using the micro-atmosphere method was found in S. aromaticum with an MID of 62.5 μL L-1 air, T. vulgaris (MID of 62.5 μL L-1 air) and O. vulgare (MID of 31.5 μL L-1 air) against all tested strains. Mycotoxin production of the tested strains was evaluated by the thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. Mycotoxin production of AFB1 and AFG1 was inhibited following all treatments with C. carvi, R. officinale and S. officinale, Eucalyptus globulus L. and O. basilicum L. Essential oils exhibited a potential inhibition activity against toxic fungi, although, these affected only the production of AFB1.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antifungal and anti-virulence activity of six essential oils against important Candida species - a preliminary study.

Autores: Adrian Man, Anca-Delia Mare, Mihai Mares, Florina Ruta, Mirela Pribac, Adrian-Cornel Maier, Anca Cighir, Cristina-Nicoleta Ciurea | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Opportunistic infections with Candida species are becoming more problematic, considering their increasing virulence and resistance to antifungal drugs. Aim: To assess the antifungal and anti-virulence activity of basil, cinnamon, clove, melaleuca, oregano and thyme essential oils (EOs) on five Candida species (C. albicans, C. auris, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis and C. guillermondii). Methods: The MIC, growth rate, antibiofilm activity, regulation of gene expression (ALS3, SAP2, HSP70) and germ-tube formation were evaluated by specific methods. Results: Most EOs inhibited Candida species growth and reduced the expression of some virulence factors. Cinnamon and clove EO showed the most significant inhibitory effects. Conclusions: The tested EOs are promising agents for facilitating the management of some Candida infections.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa Essential Oils: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antileishmanial Activity.

Autores: Amanda Mara Teles, Taynan Dulce da Silva Rosa, Adenilde Nascimento Mouchrek, Ana Lucia Abreu-Silva, Kátia da Silva Calabrese, Fernando Almeida-Souza | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The resistance mechanisms of bacteria and protozoans have evidenced the need of discover new compounds with potential pharmaceutical activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Medicinal plants have been for centuries a promising alternative as sources of new drugs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antileishmanial activities of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa essential oils. Chemical analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was performed by disk diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. Antileishmanial activity was performed against antipromastigote and intracellular amastigote of Leishmania amazonensis. Cytotoxic and nitrite production were realized in BALB/c peritoneal macrophages. The major compounds of the essential oils were cinnamic aldehyde (46.30%) in C. zeylanicum, cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol (33.88%) and linalyl acetate (13.90%) in O. vulgare, and turmerone (55.43%) in C. longa. The MIC showed significant antimicrobial activity of C. longa essential oil against S. aureus (83.3 ± 14.43 µg/mL). Antipromastigote activity showed IC50 values >500 µg/mL to C. zeylanicum, 308.4 ± 1.402 µg/mL to O. vulgare, and 405.5 ± 1.119 µg/mL to C. longa essential oil. Activity against intracellular amastigote of L. amazonensis showed IC50 of 63.3 ± 1.369 µg/mL and cytotoxic was not observed, resulting in selectivity index higher than 15.79 to parasite. C. longa essential oil decreased nitrite production in peritoneal macrophages, but not in Leishmania-infected cells. The chemical composition of the three essential oils is directly associated to its potential biological action, as the antimicrobial activity. C. longa presented a potent antileishmanial activity against promastigote and intracellular amastigote of L. amazonensis, although this activity is not linked to nitric oxide, since C. longa essential oil inhibits its production.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Biological Efficacy of Essential Oils and Plant Extracts of Cultivated and Wild Ecotypes of Origanum vulgare L.

Autores: Sumira Jan, Megna Rashid, Elsayed F Abd Allah, Parvaiz Ahmad | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Current study describes discrepancy in biological efficacy of methanolic and ethanolic extracts and essential oil procured from cultivated and wild accessions of Origanum vulgare. Simultaneously, quantification of carvacrol, thymol, caryophyllene, ocimene, and terpinen-4-ol contents was determined via GC-MS and GC in both accessions. The results revealed significantly a higher antioxidant potential by methanolic extracts displaying IC50 of 19.9 μg/ml compared to essential oil with IC50 of 10 μg/ml, and ethanolic extracts were found to be less effective even at the concentration of 3 μg/ml. However, essential oil from wild and cultivated accessions of O. vulgare exhibited significantly high antimicrobial activity against all 39 bacteria, 16 fungi, and 2 yeast species tested due to higher concentrations of carvacrol and thymol as revealed by GC analysis. Inhibition of tyrosinase activity in a C6 cell line displayed 81.0%-87.0% depigmentation potential of the methanolic extracts, while ethanolic extracts revealed a maximum of 88.54-99.02% inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in H2O2-treated cells. Hence, the study determines efficacy of essential oil against microbial pathogenesis, methanolic extracts as potent depigmentation agents, and ethanolic extracts as potent free radical scavenger.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Microencapsulação de enterocina e oleo de oregano em leitelho/ Microencapsulation of the enterocin and essential oil oregano in buttermilk/ Microencapsulación de enterocina y aceite esencial de orégano en suero de leche

Autores: Oliveira, Veridiana de Almeida Flores de; Maia, Luciana Furlaneto | Ano: 2023 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: A pesquisa busca técnicas alternativas para expansão da vida de prateleira dos alimentos, isto tem impulsionado estudos sobre a utilização de conservantes naturais, tais como as bacteriocinas e óleos essenciais, que são considerados agentes antimicrobianos naturais. No entanto estes antimicrobianos naturais, não são adicionados diretamente em produtos alimentícios, devido a alterações sensoriais e em suas características físico e química. Com avanço tecnológico da microencapsulação, tem sido um potencial em fornecer sistemas que garantem estabilidade para os antimicrobianos naturais desta forma podendo compor a matriz de alimentos. Portanto, o objetivo desse trabalho foi microencapsular a enterocina produzida por Enterococcus durans MF5 e óleo de orégano usando leitelho. Para a microencapsulação, foram realizados três tratamentos: T1 controle leitelho, T2 leitelho/enterocina (LE), e T3 leitelho/enterocina/óleo (LEO). O material foi submetido ao processo de spray dryer e foram realizados ensaios para determinar a atividade antimicrobiana do material encapsulado contra as bactérias Listeria monocytogenes, Listeria innocua e Listeria ivanovi. O rendimento da microencapsulação foi de 13,01% e 11,63% para LE e LEO, respectivamente. Os resultados apresentados nos microencapsulados LE e LEO mostraram inibição contra todas as bactérias teste, foi constatado que a microencapsulação de enterocina e óleo de orégano mantiveram seu poder antimicrobiano. A efetividade da microencapsulação foi realizada por (FTIR), onde picos de intensidade entre as amostras na região 1000 a 930 cm-¹ e 1800 a 1500 cm-¹ foram observadas. Os resultados apontam para mudança no perfil químico das amostras encapsuladas, corroborando com a hipótese que o leitelho apresentou papel encapsulante da bactericiona e óleo de orégano.Portanto a microencapsulação aumenta a eficácia antimicrobiana dos antimicrobianos.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil of Medicinal Plants from Eastern Serbia.

Autores: Milica Aćimović, Miroslav Zorić, Valtcho D Zheljazkov, Lato Pezo, Ivana Čabarkapa, Jovana Stanković Jeremić, Mirjana Cvetković | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The objective of this study was to evaluate wild growing Satureja kitaibelii, Thymus serpyllum, Origanum vulgare, Achillea millefolium and Achillea clypeolata with respect to their essential oil (EO) content, composition and antimicrobial activity. The five species were collected at Mt. Rtanj and the village of Sesalac, Eastern Serbia. The main EO constituents of Lamiaceae plants were p-cymene (24.4%), geraniol (63.4%) and germacrene D (21.5%) in Satureja kitaibelii, Thymus serpyllum and Origanum vulgare ssp. vulgare, respectively. A. millefolium EO had multiple constituents with major ones being camphor (9.8%), caryophyllene oxide (6.5%), terpinen-4-ol (6.3%) and 1,8-cineole (5.6%), while the main EO constituents of A. clypeolata were 1,8-cineole (45.1%) and camphor (18.2%). Antimicrobial testing of the EO showed that Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) was more sensitive to all of the tested EOs than Escherichia coli (Gram-negative). S. kitaibelii EO showed the highest antimicrobial activity against both tested bacterial strains. This is the first study to characterize the EO composition and antimicrobial activity of these five medicinal species from Eastern Serbia in comparison with comprehensive literature data. The results can be utilized by the perfumery, cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries, but also for healing purposes in self-medication.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa Essential Oils: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antileishmanial Activity.

Autores: Amanda Mara Teles, Taynan Dulce da Silva Rosa, Adenilde Nascimento Mouchrek, Ana Lucia Abreu-Silva, Kátia da Silva Calabrese, Fernando Almeida-Souza | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The resistance mechanisms of bacteria and protozoans have evidenced the need of discover new compounds with potential pharmaceutical activity against pathogenic microorganisms. Medicinal plants have been for centuries a promising alternative as sources of new drugs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antileishmanial activities of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa essential oils. Chemical analysis was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was performed by disk diffusion and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) test. Antileishmanial activity was performed against antipromastigote and intracellular amastigote of Leishmania amazonensis. Cytotoxic and nitrite production were realized in BALB/c peritoneal macrophages. The major compounds of the essential oils were cinnamic aldehyde (46.30%) in C. zeylanicum, cis-p-menth-2-en-1-ol (33.88%) and linalyl acetate (13.90%) in O. vulgare, and turmerone (55.43%) in C. longa. The MIC showed significant antimicrobial activity of C. longa essential oil against S. aureus (83.3 ± 14.43 µg/mL). Antipromastigote activity showed IC50 values >500 µg/mL to C. zeylanicum, 308.4 ± 1.402 µg/mL to O. vulgare, and 405.5 ± 1.119 µg/mL to C. longa essential oil. Activity against intracellular amastigote of L. amazonensis showed IC50 of 63.3 ± 1.369 µg/mL and cytotoxic was not observed, resulting in selectivity index higher than 15.79 to parasite. C. longa essential oil decreased nitrite production in peritoneal macrophages, but not in Leishmania-infected cells. The chemical composition of the three essential oils is directly associated to its potential biological action, as the antimicrobial activity. C. longa presented a potent antileishmanial activity against promastigote and intracellular amastigote of L. amazonensis, although this activity is not linked to nitric oxide, since C. longa essential oil inhibits its production.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Preparation and antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oil Pickering emulsion stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals.

Autores: Yan Zhou, Shanshan Sun, Weiya Bei, Mohamed Reda Zahi, Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: An effective antimicrobial system was developed by using oregano essential oil (OEO) Pickering emulsion. The Pickering emulsion was stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs), which were from microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) by selective oxidization ammonium persulfate. Factors affecting the stability of OEO Pickering emulsions, such as oil/water ratio, CNCs concentration, ionic concentration and pH, were studied and analysed by the measurement of the droplet sizes and Zeta potential. The results showed that the emulsions had good stability at higher CNCs concentration and pH values, or at lower oil/water ratio and salt concentration. In addition, the antimicrobial efficacy of OEO Pickering emulsions against four food-related microorganisms was evaluated by determining the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). The results showed that prepared OEO Pickering emulsions could efficiently inhibit the growth of four tested microorganisms by destroying the integrity of the cells' membrane. The research would have a certain leading meaning on the design and use of OEO Pickering emulsions stabilized by CNCs for the delivery of antimicrobial essential oils in the food and other industries.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial activity of oregan and clove essential oils against some foodborne pathogens/ Atividade antimicrobiona dos óleos essenciais de orégano e cravo frente a patógenos alimentares

Autores: Debiagi, Flávia; Kobayashi, Renata K. T; Nakazato, Gerson; Mali, Suzana; Mali, Suzana | Ano: 2020 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: The tendency to replace synthetic antimicrobials for natural ones in food industry and an increase in bacterial resistance to antibiotics resulted in a necessity to find new alternatives, and essential oils are emerging as promising substitutes for synthetic chemicals in food preservation. The objective of this work was to test the antimicrobial activity of oregano (OEO) and clove (CEO) essential oils over a range of bacteria, molds and yeast of importance as pathogens or food spoilage. The antimicrobial activity of oregano and clove essential oils were analyzed by disk diffusion method and broth microdilution test (MIC) of OEO and CEO were determined for each tested microorganism. OEO and CEO were evaluated in natura (IN) and after thermal processing (TP) at 120 o C for 5 min. Both OEO and CEO presented the same inhibition zones for IN and TP samples, for all tested microorganisms, indicating that these oils can be thermally processed maintaining their antimicrobial activity. For OEO and CEO, the more sensitive microorganisms were the fungi (Aspergillus niger, Penicillium citrinum and Candida albicans), followed by Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); the lowest antimicrobial activities were observed against Streptococcus mutans and Enterococcus faecalis. In general, OEO resulted in higher inhibition zones and lower MIC values for all tested microorganisms, suggesting that it was more effective as an antimicrobial agent than CEO (AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Biological Efficacy of Essential Oils and Plant Extracts of Cultivated and Wild Ecotypes of Origanum vulgare L.

Autores: Sumira Jan, Megna Rashid, Elsayed F Abd Allah, Parvaiz Ahmad | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Current study describes discrepancy in biological efficacy of methanolic and ethanolic extracts and essential oil procured from cultivated and wild accessions of Origanum vulgare. Simultaneously, quantification of carvacrol, thymol, caryophyllene, ocimene, and terpinen-4-ol contents was determined via GC-MS and GC in both accessions. The results revealed significantly a higher antioxidant potential by methanolic extracts displaying IC50 of 19.9 μg/ml compared to essential oil with IC50 of 10 μg/ml, and ethanolic extracts were found to be less effective even at the concentration of 3 μg/ml. However, essential oil from wild and cultivated accessions of O. vulgare exhibited significantly high antimicrobial activity against all 39 bacteria, 16 fungi, and 2 yeast species tested due to higher concentrations of carvacrol and thymol as revealed by GC analysis. Inhibition of tyrosinase activity in a C6 cell line displayed 81.0%-87.0% depigmentation potential of the methanolic extracts, while ethanolic extracts revealed a maximum of 88.54-99.02% inhibition of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in H2O2-treated cells. Hence, the study determines efficacy of essential oil against microbial pathogenesis, methanolic extracts as potent depigmentation agents, and ethanolic extracts as potent free radical scavenger.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial Activity of Basil, Oregano, and Thyme Essential Oils.

Autores: Hercules Sakkas, Chrissanthy Papadopoulou | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: For centuries, plants have been used for a wide variety of purposes, from treating infectious diseases to food preservation and perfume production. Presently, the increasing resistance of microorganisms to currently used antimicrobials in combination with the appearance of emerging diseases requires the urgent development of new, more effective drugs. Plants, due to the large biological and structural diversity of their components, constitute a unique and renewable source for the discovery of new antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic compounds. In the present paper, the history, composition, and antimicrobial activities of the basil, oregano, and thyme essential oils are reviewed.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from selected herbs cultivated in the South of Brazil against food spoilage and foodborne pathogens/ Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais de plantas selecionadas cultivadas no Sul do Brasil contra micro-organismos patogênicos e deteriorantes de alimentos

Autores: Silveira, Sheila Mello da; Cunha Júnior, Anildo; Scheuermann, Gerson Neudí; Secchi, Fábio Luiz; Vieira, Cleide Rosana Werneck | Ano: 2012 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: The chemical composition of 10 selected plant essential oils obtained by steam distillation was determined by GC and GC/MS. The antimicrobial activity of the essential oils was screened against 12 important food-related bacterial strains by agar disc-diffusion assay. MIC and MBC were determined for the essential oils that presented the highest activity in the agar disc-diffusion test. The most active essential oils against the tested bacteria were, in descending order, lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), basil (Ocimum basilicum), oregano (Origanum vulgare), cinnamon leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), and laurel (Laurus nobilis). Except for S. Typhimurium, the tested bateria were inhibited at MIC values lower or equal to 0.62mg mL-1 by lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) essential oil. Yersinia enterocolitica presented the highest sensitivity to all essential oils tested (CMI≤0.62mg mL-1). There was a significant correlation (P<0.05) between oxygenated monoterpenes levels in the essential oils and MIC and MBC values against Escherichia coli. Results showed that the evaluated essential oils present high potential as natural preservatives.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

"In vivo" and "in vitro" antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil and its two phenolic compounds on clinical isolates of Candida spp.

Autores: Annarita Stringaro, Marisa Colone, Serena Cecchetti, Elisa Zeppetella, Francesca Spadaro, Letizia Angiolella | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A limited therapeutic arsenal is currently available against Candida infections that show high resistance to antifungal agents. For this reason, there is a great need to prioritize testing therapeutic agents for the treatment of candidiasis. The use of essential oils and their phytoconstituents has been emphasized as a new therapeutic approach. The cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH), polysaccharide content, antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Origanum vulgare L. (OVEO), and its two phenolic compounds carvacrol and thymol were evaluated in four different Candida spp. (Candida albicans and emerging non-albicans Candida (NAC) species, such as C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, and C. krusei). The results showed the differences between Candida species; for example, C. tropicalis revealed higher resistance than other strains to different natural molecule treatments. The ultrastructural variabilities in the biomembranes and cell walls of these Candida spp. might explain the different biological effects observed after OVEO, carvacrol and thymol treatments. Therefore, to study the biological effects of these natural compounds on Candida strains, the samples were observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Moreover, the release of cellular materials and their "in vivo" antimicrobial activity on infected G. mellonella larvae were evaluated. The novelty of this study is the demonstration that exists a close correlation between both structural architecture of cell walls and biomembranes' organization with cell fungal responses to essential oils treatments. Overall, these results suggest practical limits to the predictability.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial and toxicological evaluation of Origanum vulgare: an in vivo study/ Avaliação antimicrobiana e toxicológica de Origanum vulgare: um estudo in vivo

Autores: Liaqat, I; Mahreen, A; Arshad, M; Arshad, N | Ano: 2023 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Abstract Origanum vulgare has been of great interest in academia and pharma industry due to its antioxidant, antifungal and antitumor properties. The present study aimed to find the anti-MRSA potential and in vivo toxicity assessments of O. vulgare. O. vulgare extract was used to monitor anti-MRSA activity in mice. Following MRSA established infection in mice (Mus musculus), treatment with O. vulgare was continued for 7 days. Autopsies were performed and re-isolation, gross lesion scoring and bacterial load in various organs were measured. Additionally, blood sample was analysed for hematological assays. Toxicity assessment of O. vulgare potential as medicine was done at 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg by evaluating liver and kidney functions. Bacterial load and gross lesion in lungs and heart were significantly low compared to positive control following O. vulgare treatment. Likewise, O. vulgare treated groups had hematological, neutrophil and TLC values similar to control groups. Increased AST, ALP and total bilirubin alongwith marked hepatocellular degeneration and distortion around the central vein, inflammatory cell infiltration, and cytoplasmic vacuolization of hepatic cells was observed at higher dose. It is concluded that crude extract of O. vulgare may contain beneficial secondary metabolites and in future may be explored for curing infectious diseases.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial and toxicological evaluation of Origanum vulgare: an in vivo study.

Autores: I Liaqat, A Mahreen, M Arshad, N Arshad | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare has been of great interest in academia and pharma industry due to its antioxidant, antifungal and antitumor properties. The present study aimed to find the anti-MRSA potential and in vivo toxicity assessments of O. vulgare. O. vulgare extract was used to monitor anti-MRSA activity in mice. Following MRSA established infection in mice (Mus musculus), treatment with O. vulgare was continued for 7 days. Autopsies were performed and re-isolation, gross lesion scoring and bacterial load in various organs were measured. Additionally, blood sample was analysed for hematological assays. Toxicity assessment of O. vulgare potential as medicine was done at 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg by evaluating liver and kidney functions. Bacterial load and gross lesion in lungs and heart were significantly low compared to positive control following O. vulgare treatment. Likewise, O. vulgare treated groups had hematological, neutrophil and TLC values similar to control groups. Increased AST, ALP and total bilirubin alongwith marked hepatocellular degeneration and distortion around the central vein, inflammatory cell infiltration, and cytoplasmic vacuolization of hepatic cells was observed at higher dose. It is concluded that crude extract of O. vulgare may contain beneficial secondary metabolites and in future may be explored for curing infectious diseases.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.

Autores: Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and determine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the essential oils derived from Origanum vulgare (oregano), Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree), Cinnamomum cassia (cassia), and Thymus vulgaris (white thyme) against Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. The study also investigated the ability of these different bacterial strains to develop adaptation after repetitive exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of these essential oils. The MBC of the essential oils studied was determined by disc diffusion and broth dilution methods. All essential oils showed antimicrobial effect against all bacterial strains. In general, the development of adaptation varied according to the bacterial strain and the essential oil (tea tree > white thyme > oregano). Therefore, it is important to use essential oils at efficient bactericidal doses in animal feed, food, and sanitizers, since bacteria can rapidly develop adaptation when exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of these oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de orégano, tomilho e canela frente a sorovares de Salmonella enterica de origem avícola/ Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from oregano, thyme and cinnamon against Salmonella enterica sorovars from avian source

Autores: Santurio, Janio Morais; Santurio, Deise Flores; Pozzatti, Patrícia; Moraes, Cristiane; Franchin, Paulo Rogério; Alves, Sydney Hartz | Ano: 2007 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Avaliou-se a atividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de orégano (Origanum vulgare), tomilho (Thymus vulgaris) e canela (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) frente a 60 amostras de Salmonella enterica distribuídas entre 20 sorovares, todos isolados de carcaças de aves. A concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e a concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) foram determinadas para cada isolado, utilizando-se a técnica de microdiluição em caldo. O óleo essencial de orégano evidenciou forte atividade antibacteriana (CIM média = 529mig ml-1 e CBM média= 661mig ml-1), seguido do tomilho (CIM média=961mig ml-1 e CBM média= 1074mig ml-1), com atividade moderada, enquanto que a menor atividade foi observada com o óleo essencial de canela (CIM média= 1335mig ml-1 e CBM média = 1979mig ml-1). Apesar deste claro padrão de atividade, os sorovares de Salmonella enterica evidenciaram significativas variações de suscetibilidade, embora nenhuma, em particular, pudesse ser classificada como totalmente sensível ou resistente aos três óleos essenciais avaliados. Assim, no momento em que os antibacterianos utilizados como promotores de crescimento estão sendo substituídos. E os óleos essenciais de temperos e condimentos se constituem numa alternativa importante, os resultados aqui apresentados sinalizam dois pontos: os óleos essenciais de orégano e tomilho são efetivos contra Salmonella, mas as variações de suscetibilidade entre os sorovares deverão também ser consideradas.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais e compostos isolados frente aos agentes patogênicos de origem clínica e alimentar/ Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils and isolated compounds on the hospital-borne and foodborne pathogens

Autores: Santos, Caio Henrique da Silva; Piccoli, Roberta Hilsdorf; Tebaldi, Victor Maximiliano Reis | Ano: 2017 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Os óleos essenciais de plantas demonstram atividade antimicrobiana frente a diversos micro-organismos, e são considerados como alternativa ao uso de antibióticos convencionais. Este estudo testou a eficácia de óleos essenciais de canela (Cinnamomum cassia), orégano (Origanum vulgare), cravo-da-índia (Syzygium aromaticum), citronela (Cymbopogon nardus), além dos compostos isolados citral contra Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 e citral e carvacrol contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Empregou-se o método de microdiluição em Caldo Tripticaseina de Soja (TSB) em placa de 96 cavidades para determinar a Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) e posterior semeadura em Ágar Tripticaseina de Soja (TSA) para definir a Concentração Bactericida Mínima (CBM). Os inóculos foram padronizados (107 UFC/mL) de acordo com a escala de MacFarland. Os óleos essenciais de canela, orégano e citronela mostraram atividade antimicrobiana contra os dois microrganismos em diferentes concentrações. O óleo essencial de cravo-da-índia não apresentou efeitos inibitórios nas concentrações testadas. O carvacrol inibiu P. aeruginosa a partir da concentração 1,25 %. O citral inibiu S. aureus a partir da concentração 0,03 %, porém não apresentou atividade contra P. aeruginosa. O óleo essencial de citronela e o composto citral foram mais eficazes contra S. aureus. Para P. aeruginosa, o óleo essencial de canela apresentou atividade antimicrobiana nas menores concentrações.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Identification of essential oils with activity against stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Shuzhen Xiao, Peng Cui, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Staphylococcus aureus is the most dominant human pathogen, responsible for a variety of chronic and severe infections. There is mounting evidence that persisters are associated with treatment failure and relapse of persistent infections. While some essential oils were reported to have antimicrobial activity against growing S. aureus, activity of essential oils against the stationary phase S. aureus enriched in persisters has not been investigated.

Resultados: We identified 39 essential oils (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), Sandalwood oil, Health shield, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa, Cinnamon leaf, Clove bud, Citronella, Geranium bourbon, Marjoram, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Cornmint, Elemi, Ho wood, Head ease, Lemon eucalyptus, Litsea cubeba, Myrrh, Parsley seed, Coriander oil, Dillweed, Hyssop, Neroli, Rosewood oil, Tea tree, Cajeput, Clove bud, Lavender, Sleep tight, Vetiver, Palo santo, Sage oil, Yarrow) at 0.5% (v/v) concentration, 10 essential oils (Cinnamon bark, Oregano, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass, Sandalwood oil, Health shield, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa at 0.25% (v/v) concentration, and 7 essential oils (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Lemongrass, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa at 0.125% (v/v) concentration to have high activity against stationary phase S. aureus with no visible growth on agar plates after five-day exposure. Among the 10 essential oils which showed high activity at 0.25% (v/v) concentration, 9 (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass, Health shield, Allspice, Palmarosa, Amyris showed higher activity than the known persister drug tosufloxacin, while Sandalwood oil had activity at a higher concentration. In Oregano essential oil combination studies with antibiotics, Oregano plus tosufloxacin (or levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) and rifampin completely eradicated stationary phase S. aureus cells, but had no apparent enhancement for linezolid, vancomycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, azithromycin or gentamicin.

Conclusão: N/A

Formulation and antimicrobial activity evaluation of a 0. 2% chlorhexidine canine mouthwash with essential oils/ Formulación y evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de un enjuague bucal canino de clorhexidina al 2% y aceites esenciales

Autores: González Corrales, Daniela; Monge Quirós, Tatiana; Chavarría Rojas, Marianela; Rojas Campos, Norman; Cruz Sibaja, Wendy; Madrigal Redondo, German | Ano: 2021 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Background: Periodontal disease is the infection and inflammation of the gums, bones, and tissues involved in teeth support, and it is one of the most common diseases affecting pet dogs. Essential oils have shown antimicrobial activity against bacteria causing periodontal disease; therefore, they are considered potential therapeutic agents. Objectives: The main objective was to formulate and evaluate the antimicrobial activity of a 0.2% chlorhexidine canine mouthwash with essential oils. Methods: Three microemulsion formulations were obtained by constructing a pseudo-ternary phase diagram using the phase titration method. Different surfactant agents were evaluated, and hydrogenated castor oil was selected as the emulsifier agent. The antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare), thyme essential oil (Thymus vulgaris), and the three formulations were evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius, and Escherichia coli. Results: Pure thyme and oregano essential oils showed higher antimicrobial activity than a 0,2% chlorhexidine solution. The formulations with essential oils plus chlorhexidine and chlorhexidine alone showed antimicrobial activity. The formulation containing only essential oils did not show antimicrobial activity. Conclusions: A canine mouthwash was formulated with chlorhexidine and thyme, and oregano essential oil. Based on the evaluation of antimicrobial activity, two of the proposed formulations could be a therapeutic option to reduce the risk and prevent periodontal disease in canines

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Physicochemical characteristics and antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and carvacrol on cariogenic bacteria: an in vitro and in silico study.

Autores: Ellen Caroline Araújo da Silva, Letícia Lopes Leuthier, Alexandre Almeida Júnior, Jocianelle Maria Felix Fernandes Nunes, Fábio Correia Sampaio, Isabela Albuquerque Passos Farias | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Natural antimicrobial products have been historically used for the prevention and control of biofilm-dependent oral diseases. We determined the physicochemical characteristics of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) and carvacrol (CAR), and their in vitro antimicrobial activity against cariogenic bacteria. In silico analysis was further carried out to examine the pharmacokinetics of CAR. The antimicrobial activity of OEO and CAR was determined through agar diffusion test, biofilm assays, and the checkboard test. Data were analyzed by Tukey's post hoc test. OEO showed inhibitory activity on bacterial growth, which was enhanced with the addition of CAR and greater than that of CAR alone. In silico analysis indicated good theoretical bioavailability of CAR. CAR showed effective physicochemical characteristics as an antimicrobial drug due to its favorable theoretical absorption and distribution kinetics. Collectively, our findings suggest that OEO and CAR warrant further investigations as promising natural products for controlling cariogenic biofilms.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from aromatic plants used in Brazil

Autores: Sartoratto, Adilson; Machado, Ana Lúcia M; Delarmelina, Camila; Figueira, Glyn Mara; Duarte, Marta Cristina T; Rehder, Vera Lúcia G | Ano: 2004 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Oleos essenciais foram obtidos a partir das partes aéreas de Mentha piperita, M. spicata, Thymus vulgaris, Origanum vulgare, O. applii, Aloysia triphylla, Ocimum gratissimum e O. basilicum através de arraste de vapor em sistema tipo Clevenger. Os óleos foram avaliados quanto à atividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias e contra a levedura Candida albicans pelo método de bioautografia. A concentração mínima inibitória dos óleos com atividade positiva foi em seguida determinada pelo método da microdiluição. De acordo com os resultados, a maioria dos óleos essenciais estudados foram efetivos contra Enterococcus faecium e Salmonella cholerasuis. A.triphylla e O. basilicum apresentaram inibição moderada contra Staphylococcus aureus enquanto apenas A. tryphila e M. piperita foram capazes de inibir a levedura Candida albicans. Os óleos foram analisados quimicamente por técnicas de CG e CG-EM de modo a determinar os compostos majoritários presentes.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

The Effect of Ten Essential Oils on Several Cutaneous Drug-Resistant Microorganisms and Their Cyto/Genotoxic and Antioxidant Properties.

Autores: Katarína Kozics, Mária Bučková, Andrea Puškárová, Viktória Kalászová, Terézia Cabicarová, Domenico Pangallo | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, we determined the antimicrobial activity of ten essential oils (EOs)-oregano, thyme, clove, arborvitae, cassia, lemongrass, melaleuca, eucalyptus, lavender, and clary sage-against drug-resistant microorganisms previously isolated from patients with skin infections. The essential oil compositions were determined using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The assayed bacteria included Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Citrobacter koseri, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Two drug-resistant yeasts (Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis) were also involved in our survey. Oregano, thyme, cassia, lemongrass and arborvitae showed very strong antibacterial and antifungal activity against all tested strains. These results show that these essential oils may be effective in preventing the growth of the drug-resistant microorganisms responsible for wound infections. In this study, the genotoxic effects of tested essential oils on healthy human keratinocytes HaCaT were evaluated using the comet assay for the first time. These results revealed that none of the essential oils induced significant DNA damage in vitro after 24 h. Moreover, the treatment of HaCaT cells with essential oils increased the total antioxidant status (TAS) level. The obtained results indicate that EOs could be used as a potential source of safe and potent natural antimicrobial and antioxidant agents in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

The Effect of Ten Essential Oils on Several Cutaneous Drug-Resistant Microorganisms and Their Cyto/Genotoxic and Antioxidant Properties.

Autores: Katarína Kozics, Mária Bučková, Andrea Puškárová, Viktória Kalászová, Terézia Cabicarová, Domenico Pangallo | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, we determined the antimicrobial activity of ten essential oils (EOs)-oregano, thyme, clove, arborvitae, cassia, lemongrass, melaleuca, eucalyptus, lavender, and clary sage-against drug-resistant microorganisms previously isolated from patients with skin infections. The essential oil compositions were determined using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The assayed bacteria included Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Citrobacter koseri, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Two drug-resistant yeasts (Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis) were also involved in our survey. Oregano, thyme, cassia, lemongrass and arborvitae showed very strong antibacterial and antifungal activity against all tested strains. These results show that these essential oils may be effective in preventing the growth of the drug-resistant microorganisms responsible for wound infections. In this study, the genotoxic effects of tested essential oils on healthy human keratinocytes HaCaT were evaluated using the comet assay for the first time. These results revealed that none of the essential oils induced significant DNA damage in vitro after 24 h. Moreover, the treatment of HaCaT cells with essential oils increased the total antioxidant status (TAS) level. The obtained results indicate that EOs could be used as a potential source of safe and potent natural antimicrobial and antioxidant agents in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.

Autores: Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and determine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the essential oils derived from Origanum vulgare (oregano), Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree), Cinnamomum cassia (cassia), and Thymus vulgaris (white thyme) against Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. The study also investigated the ability of these different bacterial strains to develop adaptation after repetitive exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of these essential oils. The MBC of the essential oils studied was determined by disc diffusion and broth dilution methods. All essential oils showed antimicrobial effect against all bacterial strains. In general, the development of adaptation varied according to the bacterial strain and the essential oil (tea tree > white thyme > oregano). Therefore, it is important to use essential oils at efficient bactericidal doses in animal feed, food, and sanitizers, since bacteria can rapidly develop adaptation when exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of these oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oils and their principal constituents as antimicrobial agents for synthetic packaging films.

Autores: Kuorwel K Kuorwel, Marlene J Cran, Kees Sonneveld, Joseph Miltz, Stephen W Bigger | Ano: 2011 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Spices and herbal plant species have been recognized to possess a broad spectrum of active constituents that exhibit antimicrobial (AM) activity. These active compounds are produced as secondary metabolites associated with the volatile essential oil (EO) fraction of these plants. A wide range of AM agents derived from EOs have the potential to be used in AM packaging systems which is one of the promising forms of active packaging systems aimed at protecting food products from microbial contamination. Many studies have evaluated the AM activity of synthetic AM and/or natural AM agents incorporated into packaging materials and have demonstrated effective AM activity by controlling the growth of microorganisms. This review examines the more common synthetic and natural AM agents incorporated into or coated onto synthetic packaging films for AM packaging applications. The focus is on the widely studied herb varieties including basil, oregano, and thyme and their EOs.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Influence of replacing oregano essential oil by ground oregano leaves on chitosan/alginate-based dressings properties.

Autores: Andressa de Espíndola Sobczyk, Cláudia Leites Luchese, Débora Jung Luvizetto Faccin, Isabel Cristina Tessaro | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Biopolymers, as chitosan and alginate, have gained prominence in the biomedical area, mainly for application in wound dressings, as partial replacements for synthetic polymers. The present work aimed to compare the influence of the antimicrobial agent incorporation form on the properties of films prepared by casting. The chitosan/alginate-based films were manufactured containing oregano essential oil (OEO) or ground oregano leaves (OR). The OEO was chosen due to its excellent pharmacological properties, and the substitution by OR can represent an advantageous alternative for minimizing the final cost of the product, by removing the oil extraction step. The films, with different amounts of OEO and OR, were characterized in terms of their morphological, physicochemical, mechanical and antimicrobial properties. The films had properties according to desirable for wound dressing application: water vapor flux less than 35 g m-2 h-1, moderate liquid absorption capacity, and similar mechanical properties to human skin. All developed films showed antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Formulations containing OEO presented the largest inhibition zones, although OR showed high potential for the proposed use. These results suggest that films developed, with both OEO and ground oregano leaves, are promising for use as dressings.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro antimicrobial activity of selected essential oils against bacteria and yeasts isolated from the genital tract of mares.

Autores: Valentina Virginia Ebani, Simona Nardoni, Fabrizio Bertelloni, Claudia Pollera, Luisa Pistelli, Francesca Mancianti | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of the present study, the first to test clinical equine isolates, was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of commercial essential oils (EOs) obtained from Origanum vulgare, Thymus vulgaris, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Cymbopogon citratus, Aloysia triphylla and Syzygium aromaticum against Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Candida albicans and Rhodotorula spp. previously isolated from uteri of mares with reproductive disorders. T. vulgaris showed the best antibacterial activity against all the selected agents, with MICs ranging from 0.07 mg/mL for S. equi subsp. zooepidemicus to 0.29 mg/mL versus Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus spp. isolates and versus C. albicans and Rhodotorula spp., with MICs of 0.46 mg/mL and 1.86 mg/mL, respectively. O. vulgare, S. aromaticum, C. zeylanicum EOs showed good antibacterial activity with MICs ranging from 0.07 mg/mL to 0.29 mg/mL, 0.16 mg/mL to 0.32 mg/mL, 0.07 mg/mL to 0.63 mg/mL, respectively; A. triphylla was the most active EO against Rhodotorula spp. (0.43 mg/mL).

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Oregano Essential Oil and Its Fractions Obtained by Vacuum Distillation.

Autores: Magdalena de J Rostro-Alanis, Juan Báez-González, Cynthia Torres-Alvarez, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, José Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Sandra Castillo | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano (Poliomintha longiflora) essential oil (Ooil) is a product of high commercial value and many applications, including chemotherapy. Aiming to achieve the best use of this resource, the present study focuses on the characterization of separated fractions of Ooil by fractional vacuum distillation at low pressure. Four fractions (F1-F4) and undistilled oil (Unoil) were separated from Ooil and analyzed for their chemical composition and biological activities, such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry shows differences in the composition among the fractions and Ooil. The amount of monoterpenes oxygenated (MO), sesquiterpenes hydrocarbon (SeH) and monoterpenes hydrocarbon (MH) varied between the fractions in ranges of 1.51-68.08, 3.31-25.12 and 1.91-97.75%, respectively. The major concentrations of MO and SeH were observed in F4 and Unoil. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of MH were found in F1 and F2, while the lowest were in F4 and Unoil. These results were correlated with the biological activity. Free-radical scavenging activity varied among fractions, with F4 and Unoil showing the highest activity. The antimicrobial test showed that F4 and Unoil had the highest activity in almost all cases. The correlation between the variables studied in the different fractions allows the definition of the particular properties for each one of them.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Composition and Biological Activities of Oregano Essential Oil and Its Fractions Obtained by Vacuum Distillation.

Autores: Magdalena de J Rostro-Alanis, Juan Báez-González, Cynthia Torres-Alvarez, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, José Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Sandra Castillo | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano (Poliomintha longiflora) essential oil (Ooil) is a product of high commercial value and many applications, including chemotherapy. Aiming to achieve the best use of this resource, the present study focuses on the characterization of separated fractions of Ooil by fractional vacuum distillation at low pressure. Four fractions (F1-F4) and undistilled oil (Unoil) were separated from Ooil and analyzed for their chemical composition and biological activities, such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry shows differences in the composition among the fractions and Ooil. The amount of monoterpenes oxygenated (MO), sesquiterpenes hydrocarbon (SeH) and monoterpenes hydrocarbon (MH) varied between the fractions in ranges of 1.51-68.08, 3.31-25.12 and 1.91-97.75%, respectively. The major concentrations of MO and SeH were observed in F4 and Unoil. On the other hand, the highest concentrations of MH were found in F1 and F2, while the lowest were in F4 and Unoil. These results were correlated with the biological activity. Free-radical scavenging activity varied among fractions, with F4 and Unoil showing the highest activity. The antimicrobial test showed that F4 and Unoil had the highest activity in almost all cases. The correlation between the variables studied in the different fractions allows the definition of the particular properties for each one of them.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Volatile oil composition and antiproliferative activity of Laurus nobilis, Origanum syriacum, Origanum vulgare, and Salvia triloba against human breast adenocarcinoma cells.

Autores: Jelnar Z Al-Kalaldeh, Rana Abu-Dahab, Fatma U Afifi | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Medicinal plants and culinary herbs have gained importance in the last decade as cytotoxic and antitumor agents. We hypothesized that some of the commonly used spices with reported antimicrobial activity might have antiproliferative activity. In the present study, selected spices used in Jordan were chemically analyzed and investigated for their antiproliferative activity to the adenocarcinoma of breast cell line (MCF7). The composition of the essential oils of Laurus nobilis L, Origanum syriacum L, Origanum vulgare L, and Salvia triloba L was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The antiproliferative activities of the hydrodistilled volatile oils and the crude ethanol and water extracts were evaluated using the sulphorhodamine B assay. 1,8-Cineol was the major constituent in the hydrodistilled oils of both plants, L nobilis and S triloba, with concentrations of 40.91% and 45.16%, respectively. The major constituent of O syriacum was the carvacrol (47.10%), whereas that of O vulgare was trans-sabinene hydrate (27.19%). The ethanol crude extracts of O syriacum, L nobilis, and S triloba showed antiproliferative activity to MCF7 with IC(50) values 6.40, 24.49, and 25.25 microg/mL, respectively. However, none of the hydrodistilled essential oils of the tested plant species or their aqueous extracts demonstrated cytotoxic activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade in vitro de plantas condimentares (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lippia graveolens HBK e Thymus vulgaris L. ) contra o calicivírus felino/ In vitro activity of plants used as condiments (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lippia graveolens HBK e Thymus vulgaris L. ) against the feline calicivirus

Autores: Kubiça, TF; Alves, SH; Weiblen, R; Henzel, A; Martins, M; Lovato, LT | Ano: 2015 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O calicivírus felino (FCV) é um importante patógeno de gatos que causa lesões ulcerativas orais e infecções respiratórias. O vírus tem sido utilizado como modelo experimental para avaliação de agente antivirais contra norovírus (NoVs). Nesse estudo, investigou-se a ação dos óleos essenciais de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis L.), orégano mexicano (Lippia graveolens HBK.) e tomilho (Thymus vulgaris L.) frente ao FCV, in vitro. A toxicidade celular foi testada pelo método de MTT e os ensaios antivirais pelo teste de redução de placas. Três protocolos foram aplicados: a) diferentes concentrações não tóxicas dos óleos essenciais (CNTOE) foram incubadas com o vírus por 1 hora antes da inoculação (ensaio virucida); b) CNTOE foram adicionadas às células CRFK e incubadas por 1 hora antes da adsorção viral (ensaio de pré-tratamento); c) CNTOE foram adicionadas às células após a inoculação do FCV e mantidas por 18 horas (ensaio de pós-tratamento). A CC 50 para os óleos de alecrim, orégano mexicano e tomilho foram: 1300,21 ?g mL -1 ; 435,92 ?g mL -1 e 675,34 ?g mL -1 ; respectivamente. O óleo essencial de tomilho apresentou índice de seletividade [IS=CC 50 /CI 50 ] de 8,57 para o ensaio de pré-tratamento e 6,2 no ensaio virucida. O óleo de alecrim mostrou atividade antiviral no ensaio virucida (IS=6,54) e de pós-tratamento (IS=6,86). O orégano mexicano apresentou IS de 5,75 no ensaio virucida e 5,59 no de pós-tratamento. Conclui-se que os óleos essenciais de tomilho e alecrim apresentaram atividade frente ao FCV em diferentes momentos da infecção viral.(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Toxicity of twenty-two plant essential oils against pathogenic bacteria of vegetables and mushrooms.

Autores: Biljana Todorović, Ivana Potočnik, Emil Rekanović, Miloš Stepanović, Miroslav Kostić, Mihajlo Ristić, Svetlana Milijašević-Marčić | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: ASBTRACT Toxicity of twenty-two essential oils to three bacterial pathogens in different horticultural systems: Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (causing blight of bean), Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (bacterial wilt and canker of tomato), and Pseudomonas tolaasii (causal agent of bacterial brown blotch on cultivated mushrooms) was tested. Control of bacterial diseases is very difficult due to antibiotic resistance and ineffectiveness of chemical products, to that essential oils offer a promising alternative. Minimal inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations are determined by applying a single drop of oil onto the inner side of each plate cover in macrodilution assays. Among all tested substances, the strongest and broadest activity was shown by the oils of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), oregano (Origanum vulgare), and lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus. Carvacrol (64.0-75.8%) was the dominant component of oregano oils, while geranial (40.7%) and neral (26.7%) were the major constituents of lemongrass oil. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli was the most sensitive to plant essential oils, being susceptible to 19 oils, while 11 oils were bactericidal to the pathogen. Sixteen oils inhibited the growth of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and seven oils showed bactericidal effects to the pathogen. The least sensitive species was Pseudomonas tolaasii as five oils inhibited bacterial growth and two oils were bactericidal. Wintergreen, oregano, and lemongrass oils should be formulated as potential biochemical bactericides against different horticultural pathogens.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Toxicity of twenty-two plant essential oils against pathogenic bacteria of vegetables and mushrooms.

Autores: Biljana Todorović, Ivana Potočnik, Emil Rekanović, Miloš Stepanović, Miroslav Kostić, Mihajlo Ristić, Svetlana Milijašević-Marčić | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: ASBTRACT Toxicity of twenty-two essential oils to three bacterial pathogens in different horticultural systems: Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (causing blight of bean), Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (bacterial wilt and canker of tomato), and Pseudomonas tolaasii (causal agent of bacterial brown blotch on cultivated mushrooms) was tested. Control of bacterial diseases is very difficult due to antibiotic resistance and ineffectiveness of chemical products, to that essential oils offer a promising alternative. Minimal inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations are determined by applying a single drop of oil onto the inner side of each plate cover in macrodilution assays. Among all tested substances, the strongest and broadest activity was shown by the oils of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens), oregano (Origanum vulgare), and lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus. Carvacrol (64.0-75.8%) was the dominant component of oregano oils, while geranial (40.7%) and neral (26.7%) were the major constituents of lemongrass oil. Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli was the most sensitive to plant essential oils, being susceptible to 19 oils, while 11 oils were bactericidal to the pathogen. Sixteen oils inhibited the growth of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis and seven oils showed bactericidal effects to the pathogen. The least sensitive species was Pseudomonas tolaasii as five oils inhibited bacterial growth and two oils were bactericidal. Wintergreen, oregano, and lemongrass oils should be formulated as potential biochemical bactericides against different horticultural pathogens.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.

Autores: Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of natural compounds with biocidal activity to fight the growth of bacteria responsible for foodborne illness is one of the main research challenges in the food sector. This study reports the preparation and physicochemical characterization of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Thymus capitatus (Th-CNPs) and Origanum vulgare (Or-CNPs) essential oils. The nanosystems were obtained by ionotropic gelation technique with high encapsulation efficiency (80-83%) and loading capacity (26-27%). Nanoparticles showed a spherical shape, bimodal particle size distribution, and good stability (zeta potential values > 40 mV). The treatment of the nanosuspensions at different temperatures (4 and 40 °C) and storage times (7, 15, 21, and 30 days) did not affect their physicochemical parameters and highlights their reservoir ability for essential oils also under stressful conditions. Both Or-CNPs and Th-CNPs exhibited an enhanced bactericidal activity against foodborne pathogens (S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes) than pure essential oils. These ecofriendly nanosystems could represent a valid alternative to synthetic preservatives and be of interest for health and food safety.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.

Autores: Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of natural compounds with biocidal activity to fight the growth of bacteria responsible for foodborne illness is one of the main research challenges in the food sector. This study reports the preparation and physicochemical characterization of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Thymus capitatus (Th-CNPs) and Origanum vulgare (Or-CNPs) essential oils. The nanosystems were obtained by ionotropic gelation technique with high encapsulation efficiency (80-83%) and loading capacity (26-27%). Nanoparticles showed a spherical shape, bimodal particle size distribution, and good stability (zeta potential values > 40 mV). The treatment of the nanosuspensions at different temperatures (4 and 40 °C) and storage times (7, 15, 21, and 30 days) did not affect their physicochemical parameters and highlights their reservoir ability for essential oils also under stressful conditions. Both Or-CNPs and Th-CNPs exhibited an enhanced bactericidal activity against foodborne pathogens (S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes) than pure essential oils. These ecofriendly nanosystems could represent a valid alternative to synthetic preservatives and be of interest for health and food safety.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.

Autores: Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of natural compounds with biocidal activity to fight the growth of bacteria responsible for foodborne illness is one of the main research challenges in the food sector. This study reports the preparation and physicochemical characterization of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Thymus capitatus (Th-CNPs) and Origanum vulgare (Or-CNPs) essential oils. The nanosystems were obtained by ionotropic gelation technique with high encapsulation efficiency (80-83%) and loading capacity (26-27%). Nanoparticles showed a spherical shape, bimodal particle size distribution, and good stability (zeta potential values > 40 mV). The treatment of the nanosuspensions at different temperatures (4 and 40 °C) and storage times (7, 15, 21, and 30 days) did not affect their physicochemical parameters and highlights their reservoir ability for essential oils also under stressful conditions. Both Or-CNPs and Th-CNPs exhibited an enhanced bactericidal activity against foodborne pathogens (S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes) than pure essential oils. These ecofriendly nanosystems could represent a valid alternative to synthetic preservatives and be of interest for health and food safety.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.

Autores: Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of natural compounds with biocidal activity to fight the growth of bacteria responsible for foodborne illness is one of the main research challenges in the food sector. This study reports the preparation and physicochemical characterization of chitosan nanoparticles loaded with Thymus capitatus (Th-CNPs) and Origanum vulgare (Or-CNPs) essential oils. The nanosystems were obtained by ionotropic gelation technique with high encapsulation efficiency (80-83%) and loading capacity (26-27%). Nanoparticles showed a spherical shape, bimodal particle size distribution, and good stability (zeta potential values > 40 mV). The treatment of the nanosuspensions at different temperatures (4 and 40 °C) and storage times (7, 15, 21, and 30 days) did not affect their physicochemical parameters and highlights their reservoir ability for essential oils also under stressful conditions. Both Or-CNPs and Th-CNPs exhibited an enhanced bactericidal activity against foodborne pathogens (S. aureus, E. coli, L. monocytogenes) than pure essential oils. These ecofriendly nanosystems could represent a valid alternative to synthetic preservatives and be of interest for health and food safety.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits the growth of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria.

Autores: Nathalie Gaebler Vasconcelos, Júlio Croda, Késia Esther Silva, Maria Lorenza Leal Motta, Wirlaine Glauce Maciel, Letícia Cristina Limiere, Simone Simionatto | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Plant products are sources for drug development against multidrug resistant bacteria.

Resultados: Carbapenemase production was confirmed for all strains. OVeo exhibited a minimum inhibitory concentration of 0.059% v/v for Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens, and of 0.015 % v/v for Acinetobacter baumannii. A decrease in cell count was observed after a 4 h treatment.

Conclusão: N/A

Nanoencapsulation of Origanum vulgare essential oil into liposomes with anticancer potential.

Autores: T L Kryeziu, E Haloci, A Loshaj-Shala, U Bagci, A Oral, G J Stefkov, A Zimmer, M Basholli-Salihu | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. essential oil possesses a wide spectrum of biological activities. Nanoencapsulation of O. vulgare essential oil into liposomes seems to be a promising strategy to maintain and improve these biological properties. This research was carried out to develop a suitable liposomal formulation for the effective encapsulation of O. vulgare essential oil in order to improve the antioxidant and cytotoxic activities. The characterization of liposomal nanocarriers was conducted in terms of size, zeta potential, and encapsulation efficiency. An MTT assay was used to assess the cytotoxic activity of the prepared and characterized O. vulgare essential oil liposomes in MCF-7 cancer cell lines. Antioxidant activity was determined by assessing DPPH scavenging activity. O. vulgare essential oil exerted cytotoxic activity with an IC50 of 50 μg/ml. The essential oil of O. vulgare was effectively encapsulated in liposomes, with no significant change observed among the formulations. The antioxidant activity was significantly enhanced after encapsulating the essential oil in liposomes. Origanum vulgare essential-oil-loaded Phospholipon 90H liposomes demonstrated considerably increased cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 cells, whereas Lipoid S100 liposomes showed no significant differences from the non-encapsulated essential oil. Phospholipon 85G liposomes had the least cytotoxic impact. As a result, liposomes containing O. vulgare essential oil may be promising nanocarriers for the development of anticancer agents.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils with High Activity against Stationary Phase Bartonella henselae.

Autores: Xiao Ma, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Bartonella henselae is a fastidious Gram-negative intracellular bacterium that can cause cat scratch disease, endocarditis in humans and animals, as well as other complications, leading to acute or chronic infections. The current treatment for Bartonella infections is not very effective due to antibiotic resistance and also persistence. To develop better therapies for persistent and chronic Bartonella infections, in this study, with the help of SYBR Green I/PI viability assay, we performed a high-throughput screening of an essential oil library against the stationary phase B. henselae. We successfully identified 32 essential oils that had high activity, including four essential oils extracted from Citrus plants, three from Origanum, three from Cinnamomum, two from Pelargonium, and two from Melaleuca, as well as frankincense, ylang-ylang, fir needle, mountain savory (winter), citronella, spearmint, elemi, vetiver, clove bud, allspice, and cedarwood essential oils. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination of these 32 top hits indicated they were not only active against stationary phase non-growing B. henselae but also had good activity against log-phase growing B. henselae. The time-kill assay showed 13 active hits, including essential oils of oregano, cinnamon bark, mountain savory (winter), cinnamon leaf, geranium, clove bud, allspice, geranium bourbon, ylang-ylang, citronella, elemi, and vetiver, could eradicate all stationary phase B. henselae cells within seven days at the concentration of 0.032% (v/v). Two active ingredients, carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde, of oregano and cinnamon bark essential oils, respectively, were shown to be very active against the stationary phase B. henselae such that they were able to eradicate all the bacterial cells even at the concentration ≤ 0.01% (v/v). More studies are needed to identify the active components of some potent essential oils, decode their antimicrobial mechanisms, and evaluate their activity against Bartonella infections in animal models.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Identification of essential oils with activity against stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Shuzhen Xiao, Peng Cui, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Staphylococcus aureus is the most dominant human pathogen, responsible for a variety of chronic and severe infections. There is mounting evidence that persisters are associated with treatment failure and relapse of persistent infections. While some essential oils were reported to have antimicrobial activity against growing S. aureus, activity of essential oils against the stationary phase S. aureus enriched in persisters has not been investigated.

Resultados: We identified 39 essential oils (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), Sandalwood oil, Health shield, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa, Cinnamon leaf, Clove bud, Citronella, Geranium bourbon, Marjoram, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Cornmint, Elemi, Ho wood, Head ease, Lemon eucalyptus, Litsea cubeba, Myrrh, Parsley seed, Coriander oil, Dillweed, Hyssop, Neroli, Rosewood oil, Tea tree, Cajeput, Clove bud, Lavender, Sleep tight, Vetiver, Palo santo, Sage oil, Yarrow) at 0.5% (v/v) concentration, 10 essential oils (Cinnamon bark, Oregano, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass, Sandalwood oil, Health shield, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa at 0.25% (v/v) concentration, and 7 essential oils (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Lemongrass, Allspice, Amyris, Palmarosa at 0.125% (v/v) concentration to have high activity against stationary phase S. aureus with no visible growth on agar plates after five-day exposure. Among the 10 essential oils which showed high activity at 0.25% (v/v) concentration, 9 (Oregano, Cinnamon bark, Thyme white, Bandit "Thieves", Lemongrass, Health shield, Allspice, Palmarosa, Amyris showed higher activity than the known persister drug tosufloxacin, while Sandalwood oil had activity at a higher concentration. In Oregano essential oil combination studies with antibiotics, Oregano plus tosufloxacin (or levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin) and rifampin completely eradicated stationary phase S. aureus cells, but had no apparent enhancement for linezolid, vancomycin, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, azithromycin or gentamicin.

Conclusão: N/A

Nematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.

Autores: P Barbosa, A S Lima, P Vieira, L S Dias, M T Tinoco, J G Barroso, L G Pedro, A C Figueiredo, M Mota | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Twenty seven essential oils, isolated from plants representing 11 families of Portuguese flora, were screened for their nematicidal activity against the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation and the volatiles by distillation-extraction, and both were analysed by GC and GC-MS. High nematicidal activity was achieved with essential oils from Chamaespartium tridentatum, Origanum vulgare, Satureja montana, Thymbra capitata, and Thymus caespititius. All of these essential oils had an estimated minimum inhibitory concentration ranging between 0.097 and 0.374 mg/ml and a lethal concentration necessary to kill 100% of the population (LC(100)) between 0.858 and 1.984 mg/ml. Good nematicidal activity was also obtained with the essential oil from Cymbopogon citratus. The dominant components of the effective oils were 1-octen-3-ol (9%), n-nonanal, and linalool (both 7%) in C. tridentatum, geranial (43%), neral (29%), and β-myrcene (25%) in C. citratus, carvacrol (36% and 39%), γ-terpinene (24% and 40%), and p-cymene (14% and 7%) in O. vulgare and S. montana, respectively, and carvacrol (75% and 65%, respectively) in T. capitata and T. caespititius. The other essential oils obtained from Portuguese flora yielded weak or no activity. Five essential oils with nematicidal activity against PWN are reported for the first time.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oils from Origanum vulgare and Salvia officinalis exhibit antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes.

Autores: Niluni M Wijesundara, H P Vasantha Rupasinghe | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In the present study, essential oils (EOs) extracted from oregano, sage, cloves, and ginger were evaluated for the phytochemical profile, antibacterial, and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes. The broth microdilution method was used to determine the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) of EOs. The minimum biofilm inhibitory concentrations (MBICs) were determined using MTT assay and fixed biofilms were observed through scan electron microscopy. The oregano and sage EOs showed the lowest MIC as well as MBC of 0.25-0.5 mg/mL. Time kill assay results showed that oregano and sage EOs exhibited bactericidal effects within 5 min and 4 h, respectively. Both oregano and sage extracts acts as a potent anti-biofilm agent with dual actions, preventing and eradicating the biofilm. The microscopic visualization of biofilms treated with EOs have shown morphological and density changes compared to the untreated control. Oregano EO was constituted predominantly carvacrol (91.6%) and in sage EO, higher levels of α-thujone (28.5%) and camphor (16.6%) were revealed. EOs of oregano and sage inhibit the growth and biofilm formation of S. pyogenes. Effective concentrations of oregano and sage EOs and their phytochemicals can be used in developing potential plant-derived antimicrobial agents in the management of streptococcal pharyngitis.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chitosan boosts the antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil in modified atmosphere packaged pork.

Autores: Antonello Paparella, Giovanni Mazzarrino, Clemencia Chaves-López, Chiara Rossi, Giampiero Sacchetti, Oana Guerrieri, Annalisa Serio | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The potential of chitosan as a possible booster of the antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare EO (OEO) against spoilage bacteria and Listeria monocytogenes was investigated in fresh pork meat. Pork fillets were inoculated with 3 L. monocytogenes strains, dipped either in Origanum vulgare (oregano) Essential Oil (OEO) at 2 and 4%, or in chitosan 1% alone or added with 2 and 4% OEO, then packed under modified atmosphere (70% O2, 20% CO2, 10% N2) and stored at 4 °C for 15 days. OEO did not reduce L. monocytogenes growth, while 2 Log decrease was obtained after 2 days of storage in treatments with chitosan alone or with OEO, with growth inhibition up to day 15 in samples with chitosan and OEO 4%. When OEO was combined with chitosan, total viable counts and spoilage bacteria were reduced and contained over time, particularly Pseudomonas (2.0 Log CFU/g at day 15) and Brochothrix thermosphacta (undetectable). All the treatments applied extended meat shelf-life with respect to control, whose commercial shelf-life was 10 days. Chitosan treatments enhanced L* and maintained a* values almost stable during storage. Chitosan and OEO singly applied reduced lipid oxidation (0.62-0.75 mg malondialdehyde/Kg meat) compared to control (0.99 mg malondialdehyde/Kg meat). Finally, chitosan treated samples were not recognized with respect to the control, whereas OEO gave bitter taste; chitosan with OEO instead mitigated the effect of OEO addition to meat. Chitosan combined with OEO boosts its antimicrobial activity and shows a potential for application in industrial production of fresh pork in MAP, to achieve shelf-life extension, control of L. monocytogenes growth, stability of color and protective effect from oxidation, with low sensory impact.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Dietary origanum essential oil improved antioxidative status, immune-related genes, and resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection.

Autores: Hany M R Abdel-Latif, Mohsen Abdel-Tawwab, Asmaa F Khafaga, Mahmoud A O Dawood | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of herbal essential oils in aquafeeds is an important approach to maintain the fish health status. The origanum essential oil (OEO), extracted from Origanum vulgare, was included at levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g per kg diet to evaluate its beneficial effects on antioxidant, immunity status, and expression of immune-related genes of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. After 8 weeks, dietary inclusion of OEO significantly increased the activities of hepatic superoxide dismutase and catalase (P < 0.05); meanwhile, levels of hepatic malonaldehyde significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The levels of serum lysozyme activity, phagocytic activity, and phagocytic index have been linearly and quadratically increased by dietary OEO in a dose-dependent regime showing their highest levels in 15-20 g OEO/kg diet. Moreover, dietary OEO significantly upregulated the relative expression of hepatic interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) genes (P < 0.05). Dietary OEO maintained the normal histomorphological criteria and density of melanomacrophage centers of spleens, and hematopoietic tissues of the anterior kidneys in all fish groups with respect to the control. After challenge with pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila, the 10-day cumulative mortality significantly decreased (P < 0.05); meanwhile, the relative percent of survival of common carp significantly increased by OEO administration (P < 0.05) in a dose-dependent manner. The obtained results reflect the beneficial roles of dietary OEO to boost the antioxidative status and the immune responses in common carp with an optimum level of 15 g/kg diet.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of Oregano Essential Oil Combined with Live and Killed Newcastle Disease Vaccines on Immune Response in Broilers Chicks in Erbil, Iraq: A Comparative Study.

Autores: A A Abdulkadhim, F Mohammed Dughaim, A Ibrahim Ahmed | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of oregano essential oil supplementation at the concentration of 50 mL/1000L of drinking water on immune response and growth performance in broiler chickens. A total of 390 one-day-old Rose chickens were housed together in six experimental boxes (n=65 each), including non-vaccinated groups and non-vaccinated oregano treated groups. Group A: vaccinated with LaSota vaccine via eye drop at 5-, 15-, and 28-day-old adding oregano essential oil in drinking water 1 day post-vaccination. Group B: vaccinated with LaSota vaccine via eye drop at 5-, 15-, 28-day-old only without oregano essential oil. Group C: vaccinated with inactivated Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine at 5-day-old via subcutaneous (SC) injection one dose adding oregano essential oil in drinking water 1 day post-vaccination for 3 days. Group D: vaccinated with inactivated ND vaccine at 5-day-old via SC injection one dose only without oregano essential oil. Group E: non-vaccinated as the control group. Group F: non-vaccinated and adding oregano essential oil for 3 days in drinking water as the control group. The effect of oregano essential oil in drinking water combined with two forms of live and killed ND virus vaccines on the immune responses and serum proteins was investigated in broiler chickens. The results showed the significant effect of oregano on the immune response of chicks in groups D and C that were vaccinated with the killed vaccine at 23- and 33-day-old. Based on the findings, a peak was recorded at 38-day-old with a significant difference (P<0.05) in vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups, as well as a significant increase in 38-day-old for group C (P<0.05), compared to other groups regarding the oregano effects on the immune response of groups. In addition, an increase in the serum protein was significantly different (P0.05) in the vaccinated broiler chicks, and serum globulin showed a quantitative increase in the vaccinated broiler chicks, compared with non-vaccinated groups. However, the results showed that the effect of oregano was non-significantly different (P>0.05) and it had no beneficial effect on growth performance. The results of this study showed the effects of commercial Oregano supplementation (50 mL/1000L drinking water), which increased serum total protein, including globulin, and provoked the best immunological response to ND vaccinations in broiler chickens. More research is needed to develop a state that may beneficially affect the health and uniformity of chickens.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Dietary origanum essential oil improved antioxidative status, immune-related genes, and resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection.

Autores: Hany M R Abdel-Latif, Mohsen Abdel-Tawwab, Asmaa F Khafaga, Mahmoud A O Dawood | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of herbal essential oils in aquafeeds is an important approach to maintain the fish health status. The origanum essential oil (OEO), extracted from Origanum vulgare, was included at levels of 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 g per kg diet to evaluate its beneficial effects on antioxidant, immunity status, and expression of immune-related genes of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. After 8 weeks, dietary inclusion of OEO significantly increased the activities of hepatic superoxide dismutase and catalase (P < 0.05); meanwhile, levels of hepatic malonaldehyde significantly decreased (P < 0.05). The levels of serum lysozyme activity, phagocytic activity, and phagocytic index have been linearly and quadratically increased by dietary OEO in a dose-dependent regime showing their highest levels in 15-20 g OEO/kg diet. Moreover, dietary OEO significantly upregulated the relative expression of hepatic interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) and interleukin-10 (IL-10) genes (P < 0.05). Dietary OEO maintained the normal histomorphological criteria and density of melanomacrophage centers of spleens, and hematopoietic tissues of the anterior kidneys in all fish groups with respect to the control. After challenge with pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila, the 10-day cumulative mortality significantly decreased (P < 0.05); meanwhile, the relative percent of survival of common carp significantly increased by OEO administration (P < 0.05) in a dose-dependent manner. The obtained results reflect the beneficial roles of dietary OEO to boost the antioxidative status and the immune responses in common carp with an optimum level of 15 g/kg diet.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Acaricidal activity of the essential oils from Leptospermum scoparium, Origanum vulgare and Litsea cubeba on Rhipicephalus microplus: Influence of the solvents and search for fractions with higher bioactivity.

Autores: Lívia Senra Duque, Paula Marchesini, Caio Monteiro, Geovany Amorim Gomes, Tigressa Helena Soares Rodrigues, Diones Martins Mesquita, Ana Lúcia Coutinho Teixeira, Francisca Letícia Vale da Silva, Laís Carneiro Naziasene Lima Marreto, Ralph Maturano | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The use of natural products in research on tick control for Rhipicephalus microplus is increasing year by year, with promising results. In this regard, the aim of the present study was to phytochemically characterize the essential oils (EOs) of Leptospermum scoparium, Origanum vulgare and Litsea cubeba, and to evaluate the acaricidal activity of these EOs in solutions prepared using ethanol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and Tween 80 on larvae and females of R. microplus. In addition, three L. scoparium fractions were also isolated and their acaricidal activity on these larvae and adult females was tested. Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry results showed that cis-calamenene (29.82 %), carvacrol (64.85 %) and geranial (42.44 %) were the majority compounds of L. scoparium, O. vulgare and L. cubeba, respectively. Three fractions were isolated from L. scoparium: A1, rich in sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, and A2 and A3, rich in β-triketones. Bioassays on unfed larvae (immersion test) were performed using all the EOs at concentrations from 2.5 to 10.0 mg/mL; and using the three fractions obtained from L. scoparium EO at concentrations from 0.625 to 10 mg/mL. We observed 100 % mortality of larvae in all treatments with L. scoparium EO at all concentrations (diluted both in DMSO and in ethanol), and in treatments with O. vulgare EO diluted in DMSO. However, L. cubeba EO only gave rise to more than 99 % mortality at a concentration of 10 mg/mL, using the same solvents. For engorged females, the immersion test was performed at concentrations from 2.5 to 10.0 mg/mL. Percentage control greater than 90 % was observed only at the highest concentrations of L. scoparium and O. vulgare EOs diluted in DMSO and ethanol, while L. cubeba EO did not reach 90 % control in any of the treatments. In tests on L. scoparium fractions, larval mortality in the fractions rich in β-triketones (A2 and A3) was above 97 % at a concentration of 2.5 mg/mL, while in the A1 fraction, rich in sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, at the same concentration (2.5 mg/mL), mortality did not reach 22 %. In the adult immersion test, the percentage control was higher than 98 % at the lowest concentration (2.5 mg/mL) of the A1 fraction, while in the treatments with the fractions A2 and A3, the control levels were 16 and 50 %, respectively. Thus, we can conclude that the EOs of L. scoparium, O. vulgare and L. cubeba have acaricidal activity on R. microplus, as also do the fractions derived from L. scoparium EO.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.

Autores: A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to verify the existence of synergistic antibacterial effect between four essential oils (Aniba rosaeodora, Melaleuca alternifolia, Origanum vulgare, and Pelargonium graveolens) individually combined with the antibacterial drug Gentamicin. We investigated the effectiveness in vitro of the association of essential oil/Gentamicin, against fifteen different strains of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The antibacterial effects of these oils in combination with Gentamicin were evaluated by using the MHB microdilution method, while gas chromatography (GC) and GC/Mass spectrometry were used to analyze the chemical composition of the oils. A synergistic interaction was observed against all tested strains with the associations between the essential oils Aniba rosaeodora/Gentamicin and Pelargonium graveolens/Gentamicin. In particular a very strong synergistic interaction was observed against Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606 (FIC index = 0.11). In contrast, the essential oils Origanum vulgare and Melaleuca alternifolia in association with Gentamicin were less effective on bacterial species growth. In vitro interaction can improve the antimicrobial effectiveness of the Gentamicin and may contribute to reduce its dose correlated to side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Mechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.

Autores: Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2006 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of Spanish oregano (Corydothymus capitatus), Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and savory (Satureja montana) essential oils against cell membranes and walls of bacteria was studied by the measurement of the intracellular pH and ATP concentration, the release of cell constituents, and the electronic microscopy observations of the cells when these essential oils at their MICs were in contact with Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes, two pathogenic foodborne bacteria, were used as gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial models, respectively. Treatment with these essential oils at their MICs affected the membrane integrity of bacteria and induced depletion of the intracellular ATP concentration. Spanish oregano and savory essential oils, however, induced more depletion than Chinese cinnamon oil. An increase of the extracellular ATP concentration was observed only when Spanish oregano and savory oils were in contact with E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes. Also, a significantly higher (P < or = 0.05) cell constituent release was observed in the supernatant when E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes cells were treated with Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano oils. Chinese cinnamon oil was more effective to reduce significantly the intracellular pH of E. coli O157:H7, whereas Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano decreased more significantly the intracellular pH of L. monocytogenes. Electronic microscopy observations revealed that the cell membrane of both treated bacteria was significantly damaged. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic membrane is involved in the toxic action of essential oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Teste da ação antibacteriana in vitro de óleo essencial comercial de Origanum vulgare (orégano) diante das cepas de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus/ In vitro antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare (oregano) essential oil against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains

Autores: Araujo, Márcio Martins de; Longo, Priscila Larcher | Ano: 2016 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Origanum vulgare (orégano) tem sido reconhecido como uma espécie vegetal que possui várias propriedades terapêuticas, de modo que atualmente seu potencial antimicrobiano vem recebendo um grande interesse científico. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a ação antimicrobiana (bactericida e bacteriostática) do óleo essencial comercial de O. vulgare sobre cepas de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus , bactérias envolvidas em toxinfecções alimentares. Foram utilizadas cepas padrão (American Type Culture Collection - ATCC) e clínicas e estas foram submetidas à ação do óleo essencial em diferentes concentrações, por meio das técnicas de microdiluição (para determinação da concentração inibitória mínima - CIM) e de macrodiluição (para determinação da concentração bactericida mínima - CBM). Foi possível observar que houve variação do potencial antimicrobiano do óleo essencial entre as cepas utilizadas. Para E. coli ATCC 25922, a CIM foi de 6,25 µL/ mL e a CBM de 12,5 µL/mL, enquanto para a amostra clínica os valores foram 12,5 e 25 µL/mL, respectivamente. Já para S. aureus ATCC 25923, a CIM e a CBM foram de 12,5 µL/ mL, enquanto para a amostra clínica os valores foram 6,25 e 25 µL/mL, respectivamente. Portanto, esse óleo essencial de O. vulgare mostrou poder de inibição do crescimento e viabilidade das cepas ensaiadas. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários para que sejam determinadas as concentrações ideais do orégano como antimicrobiano natural, levando em consideração os fatores que influenciam sua composição e a quantidade e qualidade dos compostos ativos.(AU)

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Preservative of Essential Oil Blends: Control of Clostridium perfringens Type a in Mortadella

Autores: Martins, Heloísa Helena de Abreu; Simões, Luara Aparecida; Isidoro, Silas Rodrigo; Nascimento, Sabrina de Souza; Alcântara, João Paulo; Ramos, Eduardo Mendes; Piccoli, Roberta Hilsdorf | Ano: 2021 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of the essential oils of cinnamon, cardamom, clove, oregano, and thyme and their synergism on vegetative cells and endospores of Clostridium perfringens type A inoculated in meat sausage (mortadella), as well as the influence of blends on the color, and lipid oxidation through the determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS index). The anticlostridial action of the oil blends was established. The two added oil blends (Treat. 1: oregano, clove, and thyme; Treat. 2: oregano, clove, and cinnamon) in combination with reduced nitrite content (75 ppm) promoted a lower growth of C. perfringens in mortadella stored at 15 °C for 21 days in comparison to treatments containing only 75 ppm of nitrite. The essential oil blends showed antioxidant action and did not alter food color, thus possessing potential application as a preservative for the meat products industry.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Mechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.

Autores: Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2006 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of Spanish oregano (Corydothymus capitatus), Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and savory (Satureja montana) essential oils against cell membranes and walls of bacteria was studied by the measurement of the intracellular pH and ATP concentration, the release of cell constituents, and the electronic microscopy observations of the cells when these essential oils at their MICs were in contact with Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes, two pathogenic foodborne bacteria, were used as gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial models, respectively. Treatment with these essential oils at their MICs affected the membrane integrity of bacteria and induced depletion of the intracellular ATP concentration. Spanish oregano and savory essential oils, however, induced more depletion than Chinese cinnamon oil. An increase of the extracellular ATP concentration was observed only when Spanish oregano and savory oils were in contact with E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes. Also, a significantly higher (P < or = 0.05) cell constituent release was observed in the supernatant when E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes cells were treated with Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano oils. Chinese cinnamon oil was more effective to reduce significantly the intracellular pH of E. coli O157:H7, whereas Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano decreased more significantly the intracellular pH of L. monocytogenes. Electronic microscopy observations revealed that the cell membrane of both treated bacteria was significantly damaged. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic membrane is involved in the toxic action of essential oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

GC-MS Profiling of Naturally Extracted Essential Oils: Antimicrobial and Beverage Preservative Actions.

Autores: Reham F El-Kased, Dina M El-Kersh | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the antimicrobial effects of natural essential oils (EO) and determine their preservative action. Eight natural essential oils were tested against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans representing gram positive, gram negative, and fungi, respectively. The plant materials were used in this study viz. Thymus vulgaris-thyme (TV), Mentha virdis (MV), Mentha longifolia (ML), Rosmarinus officinalis-rosemary (RO), Lavandula dentata-lavender (LD), Origanum majorana-oregano (OM), which belong to the Lamiaceae family. The other two plants were Cymbopogon citratus-lemon grass (family Poaceae) (CC), and Eucalyptus globulus (family Myrtaceae) (EG). Employing the disc diffusion susceptibility test, minimum inhibitory and minimum bactericidal concentrations were estimated for each oil, followed by the addition of oils to pasteurized apple juice after microbial induction. The results revealed that thyme oil showed the maximum zone of inhibition against all tested microbes enriched with monoterpenes class viz. eucalyptol (24.3%), thymol (17.4%), and γ-terpinene (15.2%). All other tested oils exhibited a concentration-dependent inhibition of growth and their MIC ranged from 0.1 to 100 µL/mL. The recorded minimum bactericidal concentration values were apparently double the minimum inhibitory concentration. The EO of Mentha virdis followed by Mentha longifolia showed maximum antimicrobial activity against the tested organisms in pasteurized apple juice. A gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) analysis of lemon grass, thyme, and Mentha virdis essential oils showed their enrichment with monoterpenes class recording 97.10, 97.04, and 97.61%, respectively.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Mechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.

Autores: Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2006 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of Spanish oregano (Corydothymus capitatus), Chinese cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), and savory (Satureja montana) essential oils against cell membranes and walls of bacteria was studied by the measurement of the intracellular pH and ATP concentration, the release of cell constituents, and the electronic microscopy observations of the cells when these essential oils at their MICs were in contact with Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes. E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes, two pathogenic foodborne bacteria, were used as gram-negative and gram-positive bacterial models, respectively. Treatment with these essential oils at their MICs affected the membrane integrity of bacteria and induced depletion of the intracellular ATP concentration. Spanish oregano and savory essential oils, however, induced more depletion than Chinese cinnamon oil. An increase of the extracellular ATP concentration was observed only when Spanish oregano and savory oils were in contact with E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes. Also, a significantly higher (P < or = 0.05) cell constituent release was observed in the supernatant when E. coli O157:H7 and L. monocytogenes cells were treated with Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano oils. Chinese cinnamon oil was more effective to reduce significantly the intracellular pH of E. coli O157:H7, whereas Chinese cinnamon and Spanish oregano decreased more significantly the intracellular pH of L. monocytogenes. Electronic microscopy observations revealed that the cell membrane of both treated bacteria was significantly damaged. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic membrane is involved in the toxic action of essential oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oils block cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 delta variant.

Autores: Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, José Fernández-Romero, Natalia Teleshova, James Sailer, Carlos Adam Conte Junior | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Aiming to fill a gap in the literature, we aimed to identify the most promising EOs blocking in vitro cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 delta variant without conferring human cytotoxicity and provide insights into the influence of their composition on these activities. Twelve EOs were characterized by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. The antiviral and cytotoxicity activities were determined using the cell-based pseudoviral entry with SARS-CoV-2 delta pseudovirus and the XTT assay in HeLa cells expressing human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (HeLa ACE-2), respectively. Syzygium aromaticum, Cymbopogon citratus, Citrus limon, Pelargonium graveolens, Origanum vulgare, "Illicium verum", and Matricaria recutita showed EC50 lowered or close to 1 µg/mL but also the lowest CC50 (0.20-1.70 µg/mL), except "I. verum" (30.00 µg/mL). Among these, "I. verum", C. limon, P. graveolens and S. aromaticum proved to be promising alternatives for SARS-CoV-2 delta variant inhibition (therapeutic index above 4), which possibly was related to the compounds (E)-anetole, limonene and beta-pinene, citronellol, and eugenol, respectively.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Assessment and Characterization of Some New Photosensitizers for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT).

Autores: Laura Monica Dascalu Rusu, Marioara Moldovan, Doina Prodan, Irina Ciotlaus, Violeta Popescu, Ioana Baldea, Rahela Carpa, Sorina Sava, Radu Chifor, Mindra Eugenia Badea | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The novelty of this study consists on the formulation and evaluation of five complex experimental natural photosensitizers (PS): gel with oregano essential oil (O), gel with methylene blue (AM), gel with a mixture of essential oils (Thieves-H), gel with arnica oil and curcuma extract (CU) and gel with frankincense essential oil (T), used as photosensitizing agents (PS) in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) in the control of microbial biofilm in oral cavity. The experimental PS were characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV-Vis spectroscopy, cytotoxicity assay, antimicrobial effect and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The IR spectra of the experimental PS with essential oils exhibit absorption bands due to the presence of water and glycerol in high quantities. The studied compounds had a reduced cytotoxic effect on cell cultures. The lowest cytotoxic effect was observed in experimental PS with oregano essential oil and methylene blue PS. Essential oils with proven antibacterial capabilities used in experimental PS confer antibacterial activity to the gels in which they are incorporated, an activity that may be more efficient use of a PDT therapy. Single bacteria were detected mainly by SEM after 12 h, while aggregate bacteria and micro colonies dominated the samples at 48 h.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Radish powder and oregano essential oil as nitrite substitutes in fermented cooked sausages.

Autores: Maristela Midori Ozaki, Mirian Dos Santos, Wanessa Oliveira Ribeiro, Natalia Chinellato de Azambuja Ferreira, Carolina Siqueira Franco Picone, Rubén Domínguez, José Manuel Lorenzo, Marise Aparecida Rodrigues Pollonio | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Radish powder (0.5 and 1.0%) and oregano essential oil (OEO) (100 mg/kg) were applied in fermented cooked sausages without the addition of nitrite. The products were evaluated along processing and storage at 4 °C and 20 °C during 30 and 60 days. Carvacrol (77.19%), p-cymene (8.78%), γ-terpinene (4.78%) and thymol (3.53%) were the main compounds identified in OEO, which are responsible for its antioxidant capacity. The use of radish powder resulted in an adequate development of colour (12.5-13.5 for a*), nitrite formation (1.9-2.4 mg/kg), pH (5.0-5.2), aw (0.91-0.92), weight loss (35.8-37.7%) and texture (70-75 N) properties for this type of fermented meat products, and it was also efficient in the decrease of mesophilic bacteria counts (2.3-2.4 log CFU/g in samples with 0.5% radish powder). Sensory analysis showed the consumer's preference regarding aroma for treatments added of OEO and no differences were found in overall acceptance among all treatments, indicating that despite the absence of synthetic nitrite in formulations, the combination of radish powder and OEO was approved by the consumers. However, lipid oxidation was not controlled during storage, since higher TBARS values were found in nitrite-free treated sausages, especially in those stored at 20 °C (2.80 mg MDA/kg in samples with 1% radish powder). Therefore, the use of radish powder and OEO showed promising results to development of fermented cooked sausages from a natural source of nitrite, mainly regarding their physicochemical stability and sensory acceptance.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil diversity of European Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae).

Autores: Brigitte Lukas, Corinna Schmiderer, Johannes Novak | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This investigation focused on the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oil compounds of European Origanum vulgare. Extracts of 502 individual O. vulgare plants from 17 countries and 51 populations were analyzed via GC. Extracts of 49 plants of 5 populations of Israeli Origanum syriacum and 30 plants from 3 populations of Turkish Origanum onites were included to exemplify essential oil characteristics of 'high-quality' oregano. The content of essential oil compounds of European O. vulgare ranged between 0.03% and 4.6%. The monoterpenes were primarily made up of sabinene, myrcene, p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, β-ocimene, γ-terpinene, sabinene hydrate, linalool, α-terpineol, carvacrol methyl ether, linalyl acetate, thymol and carvacrol. Among the sesquiterpenes β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, germacrene D-4-ol, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide and oplopanone were often present in higher amounts. According to the proportions of cymyl-compounds, sabinyl-compounds and the acyclic linalool/linalyl acetate three different main monoterpene chemotypes were defined. The cymyl- and the acyclic pathway were usually active in plants from the Mediterranean climate whereas an active sabinyl-pathway was a characteristic of plants from the Continental climate.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Determinação de óleos essenciais de alfavaca (Ocimum gratissimum L. ), orégano (Origanum vulgare L. ) e tomilho (Thymus vulgaris L.)/ Determination of essential oils of basil (Ocimum gratissimum L. ), oregano (Ocimum gratissimum L. ) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.)

Autores: Borges, A. M; Pereira, J; Cardoso, M. G; Alves, J. A; Lucena, E. M. P | Ano: 2012 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização de plantas frescas e secas (comerciais) de alfavaca, orégano e tomilho, a obtenção dos óleos essenciais através do método de arraste a vapor e a quantificação dos compostos químicos por CG/EM. As plantas frescas e as secas comerciais foram submetidas às análises de umidade, extrato etéreo, proteína, fibra bruta, cinzas, extrato não nitrogenado, valor calórico, teor de óleo essencial e identificação dos compostos majoritários através da cromatografia gasosa-espectrometria de massas. Dentre a caracterização obtida os resultados na base seca mostraram-se promissores, sendo o teor de proteína e de cinzas na alfavaca seca comercial com 17,34 g 100 g-1 e 8,12 g 100 g-1, respectivamente; a fibra bruta no orégano seco comercial com 15,65 g 100 g-1; o extrato etéreo, o extrato não nitrogenado e o valor calórico no tomilho seco comercial com 9,30 g 100 g-1, 52,72 g 100 g-1 e 356,74 Kcal 100 g-1, respectivamente. Obteve-se o maior rendimento de óleo essencial na alfavaca seca comercial com 1,02%, enquanto a alfavaca fresca apresentou o menor rendimento, com apenas 0,13%. Na alfavaca fresca encontrou-se 87,38% de eugenol e 6,27% de timol, enquanto na alfavaca seca comercial observou-se redução no eugenol (71,12%) e aumento do timol (13,28%). No orégano fresco foram quantificados quatro picos o γ-terpineno (33,45%), 4-terpineol (25,59%), timol (14,21%) e carvacrol (2,30%). Já no óleo essencial de orégano seco comercial houve redução no γ-terpineno (28,73%) e aumento no 4-terpineol (27,58%), timol (19,71%) e carvacrol (3,67%). No óleo essencial do tomilho fresco foram quantificados três picos o borneol (66,66%), timol (13,41%) e linalol (3,24%). Por outro lado, no óleo essencial do tomilho seco comercial houve redução no borneol (37,90%) e aumento no timol (20,61%) e linalol (10,34%). Pode-se concluir que as folhas secas comerciais analisadas de alfavaca, orégano, e tomilho apresentam potencial para o enriquecimento dos alimentos ou para a obtenção dos óleos essenciais.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of chitosan coating incorporated with oregano or cinnamon essential oil on the bacterial diversity and shelf life of roast duck in modified atmosphere packaging.

Autores: Xue Chen, Wenwen Chen, Xiao Lu, Yanwei Mao, Xin Luo, Guoxing Liu, Lixian Zhu, Yimin Zhang | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of chitosan edible coating containing 0.15% oregano essential oil (OEO) or 0.60% cinnamon essential oil (CEO) on the quality characteristics and dynamic changes in the bacterial community of roast duck slices under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP, 30% CO2/70% N2) during 21 days of storage at 2 ± 2 °C. The results showed that the application of chitosan coating (CH) alone inhibited the growth of microorganisms and prevented lipid oxidation throughout storage. Moreover, the storage stability was further improved by including OEO or CEO, which lowered (P < 0.05) values for total viable count (TVC), Enterobacteriaceae, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N). Based on the microbiological results, the shelf-life of CH-OEO and CH-CEO treated roast duck slices was prolonged by at least 7 days compared to that of the control. In addition, packaging types applied in this study played a major role in the bacterial community development. Notably, Vibrio spp. were the most predominant bacteria in all samples, when TVC values approached the shelf-life threshold, suggesting that this bacterium may be the main contributor to the spoilage of roast duck. The growth inhibition of Vibrio spp. in the CH-OEO and CH-CEO treatments during the early period of chilled storage might be the reason for the extension of the shelf life. Taken together, CH incorporated with OEO or CEO could be developed as prospective edible packaging materials to preserve roast duck meat.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Óleo essencial de orégano, alecrim, canela e extrato de pimenta no controle de Salmonella, Eimeria e Clostridium em frangos de corte/ Oregano, rosemery, cinnamon essential oil and pepper extract to control Salmonella, Eimeria and Clostridium in broiler chickens

Autores: Bona, Tânia D. M. M; Pickler, Larissa; Miglino, Leonardo B; Kuritza, Leandro N; Vasconcelos, Sâmara P; Santin, Elizabeth | Ano: 2012 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de um composto vegetal contendo óleo essencial de orégano, alecrim, canela e extrato de pimenta vermelha no controle de Salmonella, Eimeria e Clostridium em frangos de corte. Para tal, foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro avaliou-se a eficiência deste produto no controle de Clostridium perfringens após desafio com Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima e E. tenella. Aves de um dia de idade foram divididas em três grupos: T1 - dieta controle sem aditivo promotor de crescimento; T2 - dieta com adição de avilamicina (10ppm); e T3 - dieta com adição do composto vegetal (100ppm). O uso do composto vegetal na alimentação de frangos reduziu lesões específicas de E. maxima e E. tenella aos 14 dias pós-inoculação (PI) como também reduziram a contagem de unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) de Clostridium perfringens no conteúdo do ceco das aves em relação ao grupo controle. No segundo experimento avaliou-se a eficiência deste mesmo produto em aves desafiadas com Salmonella Enteritidis. Aves de um dia de idade foram distribuídas em três tratamentos, sendo T1 - dieta controle sem adição de antibiótico promotor de crescimento, T2 - dieta com 10ppm de Avilamicina, T3 - dieta com 100ppm de um produto a base do composto vegetal acima citado. Aos 21 dias de idade todas as aves foram inoculadas com 10(5) UFC de Salmonella Enteritidis. A utilização do composto vegetal e avilamicina diminuiu a excreção de Salmonella nas aves 72 horas PI de Salmonella. A utilização do composto vegetal aumentou a relação vilo/células CD3+ no duodeno, em relação ao grupo avilamicina e controle, porém não teve efeito sobre a expressão destas células no ceco.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Efficacy of plant essential oils on postharvest control of rots caused by fungi on different stone fruits in vivo.

Autores: Jorge Giovanny Lopez-Reyes, Davide Spadaro, Ambra Prelle, Angelo Garibaldi, Maria Lodovica Gullino | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The antifungal activity of plant essential oils was evaluated as postharvest treatment on stone fruit against brown rot and grey mold rot of stone fruit caused by Monilinia laxa and Botrytis cinerea, respectively. The essential oils from basil (Ocimum basilicum), fennel (Foeniculum sativum), lavender (Lavandula officinalis), marjoram (Origanum majorana), oregano (Origanum vulgare), peppermint (Mentha piperita), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), sage (Salvia officinalis), savory (Satureja montana), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), and wild mint (Mentha arvensis) were tested at two different concentrations on apricots (cv. Kyoto and cv. Tonda di Costigliole), nectarines (cv. Big Top and cv. Nectaross) and plums (cv. Italia and cv. TC Sun). The volatile composition of the essential oils tested was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. The treatments containing essential oils from oregano, savory, and thyme at 1% (vol/vol) controlled both B. cinerea and M. laxa growing on apricots cv. Tonda di Costigliole and plums cv. Italia and cv. TC Sun; however, the same treatments were phytotoxic for the carposphere of nectarines cv. Big Top and cv. Nectaross. Treatments with 10% (vol/vol) essential oils were highly phytotoxic, notwithstanding their efficacy against the pathogens tested. The essential oils containing as major components α-pinene, p-cymene, carvacrol, and thymol showed similar results on stone fruit, so their antimicrobial activity and the phytotoxicity produced could be based on the concentration of their principal compounds and their synergistic activity. The efficacy of the essential oil treatments on control of fungal pathogens in postharvest depended on the fruit cultivar, the composition and concentration of the essential oil applied, and the length of storage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Potential of essential oil combinations for surface and air disinfection.

Autores: I Y Sengun, S Senturk, S Gul, G Kilic | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, it was aimed to develop a novel disinfectant from various essential oils containing active components with antimicrobial activity. The mixture of oregano, cinnamon and clove oils (1 : 1 : 1) with 10% oil concentration (SOM) was used as potential disinfectant on various areas and showed the highest antimicrobial activity among oil combinations tested. SOM reduced the numbers of total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB; 2·27 log CFU per 25 cm2 ) and Escherichia coli (4·60 log CFU per 25 cm2 ) under the detection limits. Application of SOM (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6%) into incubators reduced TMAB and mould-yeast counts of incubator air by 82·9 and 100% respectively. SOM application (3%) into ambient air also reduced its TMAB and mould-yeast counts by 92 and 84·6% respectively. While ethanol is commonly used for the disinfection of environments, equipment and surfaces, SOM is an important alternative that may also be used for the disinfection of various surfaces as well as air.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Eficiencia de la desingección con aceites esenciales y ultrasonido sobre Escherichia coli inoculada en frutos de tomate y el impacto sobre la actividad antioxidante/ Efficacy of disinfection treatments using essential oils and ultrasound on tomato fruits inoculated with escherichia coli and impact on antioxidant activity

Autores: Luna Guevara, María L; Luna Guevara, Juan L; Ruiz Espinosa, Héctor; Leyva Abascal, Lucero; Díaz González, Carolina B | Ano: 2015 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: La creciente demanda de frutos frescos puede constituir un riesgo para la salud de los consumidores, teniendo en cuenta la gran variedad de microorganismos que estos suelen albergar. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la eficacia de varios procedimientos de desinfección sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigénica (enterotoxigenic E. coli [ETEC]) inoculada en tomate y la conservación de las propiedades antioxidantes de los frutos desinfectados. Los frutos fueron sumergidos durante 5 o 10min en dispersiones de aceites esenciales de orégano o tomillo (5 o 10ppm), combinados o no con la aplicación de ultrasonido. La actividad antioxidante se determinó por la neutralización del radical 2,2-difenil-1-pricrilhidrazil (DPPH) y se reportó como porcentaje de inhibición (%I). Los tratamientos de desinfección más eficaces para una significativa reducción log10 UFG/g (S) de ETEC fueron con 10ppm de aceite de orégano durante 10min, con reducciones S=3,05 en tratamientos individuales y S=4,03 en mixtos. Los %I más altos se lograron con tratamientos individuales con sonicación (69,52 y 72,48) y en tratamientos combinados con aceite de tomillo 5ppm y ultrasonido durante 5 y 10min, con valores de 51,27 y 53,31%, respectivamente

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Potential of essential oil combinations for surface and air disinfection.

Autores: I Y Sengun, S Senturk, S Gul, G Kilic | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, it was aimed to develop a novel disinfectant from various essential oils containing active components with antimicrobial activity. The mixture of oregano, cinnamon and clove oils (1 : 1 : 1) with 10% oil concentration (SOM) was used as potential disinfectant on various areas and showed the highest antimicrobial activity among oil combinations tested. SOM reduced the numbers of total mesophilic aerobic bacteria (TMAB; 2·27 log CFU per 25 cm2 ) and Escherichia coli (4·60 log CFU per 25 cm2 ) under the detection limits. Application of SOM (1, 2, 3, 4 and 6%) into incubators reduced TMAB and mould-yeast counts of incubator air by 82·9 and 100% respectively. SOM application (3%) into ambient air also reduced its TMAB and mould-yeast counts by 92 and 84·6% respectively. While ethanol is commonly used for the disinfection of environments, equipment and surfaces, SOM is an important alternative that may also be used for the disinfection of various surfaces as well as air.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil diversity of European Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae).

Autores: Brigitte Lukas, Corinna Schmiderer, Johannes Novak | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This investigation focused on the qualitative and quantitative composition of essential oil compounds of European Origanum vulgare. Extracts of 502 individual O. vulgare plants from 17 countries and 51 populations were analyzed via GC. Extracts of 49 plants of 5 populations of Israeli Origanum syriacum and 30 plants from 3 populations of Turkish Origanum onites were included to exemplify essential oil characteristics of 'high-quality' oregano. The content of essential oil compounds of European O. vulgare ranged between 0.03% and 4.6%. The monoterpenes were primarily made up of sabinene, myrcene, p-cymene, 1,8-cineole, β-ocimene, γ-terpinene, sabinene hydrate, linalool, α-terpineol, carvacrol methyl ether, linalyl acetate, thymol and carvacrol. Among the sesquiterpenes β-caryophyllene, germacrene D, germacrene D-4-ol, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide and oplopanone were often present in higher amounts. According to the proportions of cymyl-compounds, sabinyl-compounds and the acyclic linalool/linalyl acetate three different main monoterpene chemotypes were defined. The cymyl- and the acyclic pathway were usually active in plants from the Mediterranean climate whereas an active sabinyl-pathway was a characteristic of plants from the Continental climate.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oil diversity of Origanum vulgare L. populations from Southern Italy.

Autores: Giuseppe De Mastro, Waed Tarraf, Leonardo Verdini, Gianluca Brunetti, Claudia Ruta | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) belonging to 25 wild populations of Origanum vulgare L. samples, growing wild in different locations of Calabria Region (Southern Italy), were analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The quantitative and qualitative data showed EO concentrations ranging from 0.96 to 5.10% and 37 compounds detected, representing more than 80% of the total composition of the oils. By applying hierarchical cluster analysis on the basis of the EO constituents, two main groups and three subgroups were found, reflecting the variation in the chemical composition of EOs from wild oregano populations. The first group consisted of acyclic (linalool/linalyl acetate) chemotypes with a predominant presence of linalyl acetate; the second was characterized by chemotypes rich in cymyl-compounds, mainly carvacrol, thymol and γ-terpinene. The data obtained contribute to broaden the inventory of wild oregano populations from Calabria to plan programs for the selection of chemotypes with new and specific uses.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

An Optimization of Oregano, Thyme, and Lemongrass Essential Oil Blend to Simultaneous Inactivation of Relevant Foodborne Pathogens by Simplex-Centroid Mixture Design.

Autores: Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, Maxsueli Aparecida Moura Machado, Diego Galvan, Carlos Adam Conte Junior | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: (1) Background: This study aimed to use the simplex-centroid mixture design methodology coupled with a microdilution assay to predict optimal essential oil (EO) formulations against three potential foodborne pathogens simultaneously through the desirability (D) function. (2) Methods: Oregano (ORE; Origanum vulgare), thyme (THY; Thymus vulgaris), and lemongrass (LG; Cymbopogon citratus) and their blends were evaluated concerning minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) for Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. (3) Results: THY combined with ORE or LG were the most promising EO formulations in inhibiting and killing each bacterium separately. Regarding the simultaneous effect, the optimal proportion for maximum inhibition was composed of 75% ORE, 15% THY, and 10% LG, while for maximum inactivation was 50% ORE, 40% THY, and 10% LG. (4) Conclusion: The multiresponse optimization allowed identifying an EO blend to simultaneously control three potential foodborne pathogens. This first report could be a helpful natural and green alternative for the industry to produce safer food products and mitigate public health risks.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.

Autores: A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to verify the existence of synergistic antibacterial effect between four essential oils (Aniba rosaeodora, Melaleuca alternifolia, Origanum vulgare, and Pelargonium graveolens) individually combined with the antibacterial drug Gentamicin. We investigated the effectiveness in vitro of the association of essential oil/Gentamicin, against fifteen different strains of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The antibacterial effects of these oils in combination with Gentamicin were evaluated by using the MHB microdilution method, while gas chromatography (GC) and GC/Mass spectrometry were used to analyze the chemical composition of the oils. A synergistic interaction was observed against all tested strains with the associations between the essential oils Aniba rosaeodora/Gentamicin and Pelargonium graveolens/Gentamicin. In particular a very strong synergistic interaction was observed against Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606 (FIC index = 0.11). In contrast, the essential oils Origanum vulgare and Melaleuca alternifolia in association with Gentamicin were less effective on bacterial species growth. In vitro interaction can improve the antimicrobial effectiveness of the Gentamicin and may contribute to reduce its dose correlated to side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Increased seizure latency and decreased severity of pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in mice after essential oil administration.

Autores: Eleni Koutroumanidou, Athanasios Kimbaris, Alexandros Kortsaris, Eugenia Bezirtzoglou, Moschos Polissiou, Konstantinos Charalabopoulos, Olga Pagonopoulou | Ano: 2013 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The effect of pretreatment with essential oils (EOs) from eight aromatic plants on the seizure latency and severity of pentylenetetrazol- (PTZ-) induced seizures in mice was evaluated. Weight-dependent doses of Rosmarinus officinalis, Ocimum basilicum, Mentha spicata, Mentha pulegium, Lavandula angustifolia, Mentha piperita, Origanum dictamnus, and Origanum vulgare, isolated from the respective aromatic plants from NE Greece, were administered 60 minutes prior to intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of a lethal dose of PTZ to eight respective groups of Balb-c mice. Control group received only one i.p. PTZ injection. Motor and behavioral activity of the animals after EOs administration, development of tonic-clonic seizures, seizure latency and severity, and percentage of survival after PTZ administration were determined for each group. All groups of mice treated with the EOs showed reduced activity and stability after the administration of the oil, except for those treated with O. vulgare (100% mortality after the administration of the oil). After PTZ administration, mice from the different groups showed increased latency and reduced severity of seizures (ranging from simple twitches to complete seizures). Mice who had received M. piperita demonstrated no seizures and 100% survival. The different drastic component and its concentration could account for the diversity of anticonvulsant effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Avaliação da ação de antimicrobianos naturais no controle de Salmonella Enteritidis em salada de legumes com maionese/ Evaluation of the activity of natural antimicrobials on the control of Salmonella Enteritidis in mayonnaise-based legume salad

Autores: Silva, Janine Passos Lima da | Ano: 2007 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) é um enteropatógeno de grande preocupação para indústria de alimentos, principalmente de produtos que não podem ser submetidos a tratamento térmico, como as saladas à base de maionese, frequentemente envolvidas em surtos de salmonelose. O uso de antimicrobianos naturais nesses produtos pode ser um método alternativo para o controle de SE. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito antimicrobiano de óleo essencial de orégano, EDTA e nisina individualmente e a combinação de nisina com EDTA e nisina com óleo essencial de orégano no controle (OEO) da multiplicação SE em salada de legumes com maionese. A atividade inibitória foi inicialmente avaliada in vitro e posteriormente em salada preparada com legumes, experimentalmente contaminados com SE, misturados à maionese, na concentração de `10 POT.3` UFC/g, e armazenados em refrigeração (8°C) e em temperatura ambiente (30 °C). Os resultados da avaliação in vitro indicaram que o OEO usado individualmente tem melhor efeito antimicrobiano contra SE do que quando empregado em combinação com nisina. Nem a nisina nem o EDTA, quando testados isoladamente ou combinados apresentaram efeito sobre SE. Na ação na maionese preparada artesanalmente misturada com a salada de legumes, a presença de 0,2% de OEO resultou em uma redução na contagem de SE, constituindo-se em uma barreira adicional para a multiplicação do patógeno nesse produto. A análise sensorial da salada de legumes com maionese contendo 0,2% de OEO indicou que houve 95% de aceitação do aroma, 93% de aceitação do sabor e 74% de intenção de compra. A análise sensorial da maionese contendo 0,5% ou 1% de OEO indicou a inviabilidade de se aumentar a concentração do OEO na maionese como alternativa para melhorar o efeito antimicrobiano.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Antimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.

Autores: Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity and determine the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the essential oils derived from Origanum vulgare (oregano), Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree), Cinnamomum cassia (cassia), and Thymus vulgaris (white thyme) against Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis. The study also investigated the ability of these different bacterial strains to develop adaptation after repetitive exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of these essential oils. The MBC of the essential oils studied was determined by disc diffusion and broth dilution methods. All essential oils showed antimicrobial effect against all bacterial strains. In general, the development of adaptation varied according to the bacterial strain and the essential oil (tea tree > white thyme > oregano). Therefore, it is important to use essential oils at efficient bactericidal doses in animal feed, food, and sanitizers, since bacteria can rapidly develop adaptation when exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of these oils.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Synergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.

Autores: Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano essential oil (Origanum compactum; 250 μg/ml), cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum cassia; 250 μg/ml) and nisin (16 μg/ml) were used alone or in combination to evaluate their efficiency to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes on RTE ham. Microencapsulation of the antimicrobial formulations was done to verify the potential effect of the polymer to protect the antimicrobial efficiency during storage. Combined treatments of antimicrobial formulation with γ-irradiation were done to verify the synergistic effect against L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulation of essential oils-nisin and γ-irradiation treatment in combination showed synergistic antimicrobial effect during storage on RTE meat products. Microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation (at 1.5 kGy) showed 0.03 ln CFU/g/day growth rate of L. monocytogenes whereas the growth rate of non-microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation was 0.17 ln CFU/g/day. Microencapsulation significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved the radiosensitivity of L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulated oregano and cinnamon essential oil in combination with nisin showed the highest bacterial radiosensitization 2.89 and 5, respectively, compared to the control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composição química e concentração mínima bactericida de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica/ Determination of minimum bactericidal concentration of sixteen essential oils on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli

Autores: SOUZA, A.A.; DIAS, N.A.A.; PICCOLI, R.H.; BERTOLUCCI, S.K.V. | Ano: 2016 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito bactericida in vitro de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC). Dentre os óleos essenciais estudados, três foram extraídos in situ por arraste a vapor e treze foram adquiridos comercialmente. Todos os óleos foram analisados por CG-EM e CG-DIC. A atividade bactericida foi avaliada pelo método de microdiluição utilizando-se caldo triptona de soja e microplacas de poliestireno de 96 poços, com posterior plaqueamento das culturas em ágar triptona de soja. Os óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris apresentaram concentração mínima bactericida (CMB) de 0,12% e 0,25%, respectivamente. Já os óleos comerciais de Syzygium aromaticum e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 0,50% e os óleos extraídos in situ de Cymbopogon citratus e Origanum vulgare apresentaram ambos CMB de 1,00%. Os dezesseis óleos essenciais apresentaram composição química qualitativa e quantitativa distintas. As análises químicas dos óleos essenciais de Cinnamomum cassia e de Thymus vulgaris tiveram a presença majoritária de E-cinamaldeído (84,52%) e timol (50,89%). Conclui-se que os óleos de C. cassia e T. vulgaris foram os mais eficazes na inibição do crescimento in vitro dessa bactéria, a qual possui diferentes níveis de sensibilidade dependendo da composição química do óleo.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Incorporation of copaiba and oregano essential oils on the shelf life of fresh ground beef patties under display: Evaluation of their impact on quality parameters and sensory attributes.

Autores: Silvana Mari Belloli Leite, Esther Morais da Silva Assunção, Anandra Vitória das Neves Gurgel Alves, Edymeiko de Souza Maciel, Laura Adriane de Moraes Pinto, Isabelle Naemi Kaneko, Ana Guerrero, Ana Paula Folmer Correa, Jovanir Inês Müller Fernandes, Nívia Pires Lopes, Marcos José Salgado Vital, Jéssica de Oliveira Monteschio | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The preservative effect of the addition of different essential oils (copaiba and oregano) on meat quality parameters and sensorial acceptability was analyzed for fresh ground beef patties over 21 days of display. Five treatments were assessed: control (CON) without antioxidants; addition of the synthetic additive butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT); addition 0.05% of copaiba essential oil (CEO); 0.05% of oregano essential oil (OEO); or blend of 0.025% copaiba and 0.025% oregano essential oils (BEO). The lowest cooking losses and greatest tenderness (P <0.05) were reached with the blend (BEO). The inclusion of oregano essential oil presented a more intense chroma (P <0.05), with the best color retained during display. Oregano essential oil (OEO) and the blend (BEO) showed the highest antioxidant activity, reducing the lipid oxidation of beef patties during display (P < 0.05). Consumers preferred the odor of beef patties with essential oils (OEO and BEO) to the CON; however, the flavor from OEO had the lowest acceptability and the worst scores for overall acceptability (P < 0.05). Patties with the blend addition (BEO) were the best scored on overall acceptability assessments. In conclusion, the oregano and copaiba essential oils blend had a good preservative effect on fresh beef patties during display and increased sensory acceptability of the product, thus being a possible alternative for replacing synthetic compounds in processed foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Incorporation of copaiba and oregano essential oils on the shelf life of fresh ground beef patties under display: Evaluation of their impact on quality parameters and sensory attributes.

Autores: Silvana Mari Belloli Leite, Esther Morais da Silva Assunção, Anandra Vitória das Neves Gurgel Alves, Edymeiko de Souza Maciel, Laura Adriane de Moraes Pinto, Isabelle Naemi Kaneko, Ana Guerrero, Ana Paula Folmer Correa, Jovanir Inês Müller Fernandes, Nívia Pires Lopes, Marcos José Salgado Vital, Jéssica de Oliveira Monteschio | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The preservative effect of the addition of different essential oils (copaiba and oregano) on meat quality parameters and sensorial acceptability was analyzed for fresh ground beef patties over 21 days of display. Five treatments were assessed: control (CON) without antioxidants; addition of the synthetic additive butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT); addition 0.05% of copaiba essential oil (CEO); 0.05% of oregano essential oil (OEO); or blend of 0.025% copaiba and 0.025% oregano essential oils (BEO). The lowest cooking losses and greatest tenderness (P <0.05) were reached with the blend (BEO). The inclusion of oregano essential oil presented a more intense chroma (P <0.05), with the best color retained during display. Oregano essential oil (OEO) and the blend (BEO) showed the highest antioxidant activity, reducing the lipid oxidation of beef patties during display (P < 0.05). Consumers preferred the odor of beef patties with essential oils (OEO and BEO) to the CON; however, the flavor from OEO had the lowest acceptability and the worst scores for overall acceptability (P < 0.05). Patties with the blend addition (BEO) were the best scored on overall acceptability assessments. In conclusion, the oregano and copaiba essential oils blend had a good preservative effect on fresh beef patties during display and increased sensory acceptability of the product, thus being a possible alternative for replacing synthetic compounds in processed foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare essential oils inhibit glutamate and aspartate metabolism altering the photorespiratory pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.

Autores: F Araniti, M Landi, A Lupini, F Sunseri, L Guidi, M R Abenavoli | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) have been extensively studied as valuable eco-friendly compounds with herbicidal activity for weed management. Phytotoxic potential of EOs, extracted from a wild population of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart, has been here evaluated on plant model Arabidopsis, through a physiological and metabolomic approach. The EOs composition was mainly characterized by monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, with a strong abundance of two monoterpenic phenols, namely carvacrol and thymol, and the monoterpene o-cymene. The in vitro bioassay confirmed a strong phytotoxic effect of EOs on Arabidopsis rosettes, showing by both a strong growth reduction and highly chlorotic leaves. In well-developed seedlings, EOs firstly caused growth reduction and leaf chlorosis, together with a series of interconnected metabolic alterations: i) impairing the nitrogen assimilation into amino acids, which affects in particular the glutamine metabolism; and as consequence ii) excessive accumulation of toxic ammonia into the leaves, associated with oxidative stress and damage; iii) declining the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus, connected to the reduced CO2 fixation and photooxidation protection; iv) impairing the photorespiratory pathway. Overall, the results highlights that EOs alters principally the ability of Arabidopsis seedlings to incorporate inorganic nitrogen into amino acids, principally glutamine, leading to a dramatic accumulation of ammonia in leaf cells. This primary effect induces, in turn, a cascade of reactions that limits the efficiency of PSII, inducing oxidative stress and finally causing a strong plant growth reduction, leaf necrosis and eventually plant death. These findings suggest that O. vulgare EOs might be proficiently exploited as a potential bioherbicide in an ecofriendly agriculture. Moreover, its multitarget activity could be advantageous in limiting weed resistance phenomenon.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Empirical prediction and validation of antibacterial inhibitory effects of various plant essential oils on common pathogenic bacteria.

Autores: Gulsun Akdemir Evrendilek | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In this study, fractional compound composition, antioxidant capacity, and phenolic substance content of 14 plant essential oils-anise (Pimpinella anisum), bay leaves (Laurus nobilis), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum verum), clove (Eugenia caryophyllata), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), hop (Humulus lupulus), Istanbul oregano (Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum), Izmir oregano (Origanum onites), mint (Mentha piperita), myrtus (Myrtus communis), orange peel (Citrus sinensis), sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymbra spicata), and Turkish oregano (Origanum minutiflorum)--were related to inhibition of 10 bacteria through multiple linear or non-linear (M(N)LR) models-four Gram-positive bacteria of Listeria innocua, coagulase-negative staphylococci, Staphylococcus aureus, and Bacillus subtilis, and six Gram-negative bacteria of Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Klebsiella oxytoca. A total of 65 compounds with different antioxidant capacity, phenolic substance content and antibacterial properties were detected with 14 plant essential oils. The best-fit M(N)LR models indicated that relative to anise essential oil, the essential oils of oreganos, cinnamon, and thyme had consistently high inhibitory effects, while orange peel essential oil had consistently a low inhibitory effect. Regression analysis indicated that beta-bisabolene (Turkish and Istanbul oreganos), and terpinolene (thyme) were found to be the most inhibitory compounds regardless of the bacteria type tested.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Caracterização química e efeito inibitório de óleos essenciais sobre o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli/ Chemical ckaracterization and inhibitory effect of essential oils on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli

Autores: Pereira, Alcilene de Abreu; Cardoso, Maria das Graças; Abreu, Luiz Ronaldo de; Morais, Augusto Ramalho de; Guimarães, Luiz Gustavo de Lima; Salgado, Ana Paula Soares Pinto | Ano: 2008 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito inibitório dos óleos essenciais de Cymbopogon citratus (capim-limão), Origanum vulgare (orégano) e Syzygium aromaticum (cravo-da-índia); os experimentos foram realizados com as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli, importantes patógenos causadores de contaminações em queijos e outros alimentos. Para quantificação e identificação dos constituintes químicos dos óleos, utilizou-se um cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado a um espectrômetro de massa. Os resultados dos testes in vitro, os óleos essenciais de C. citratus, O. vulgare e S. aromaticum promoveram efeito inibitório sobre as bactérias S. aureus e E. coli, porém o S. aromaticum apresentou melhor formação de halo de inibição nas menores concentrações. Para o efeito sinergístico dos óleos sobre as bactérias não foram observadas diferenças quando comparados com o efeito individual dos mesmos. Foi possível verificar que os óleos possuem efeito inibitório sobre os microrganismos estudados, sendo, portanto uma alternativa no controle microbiológico de alimentos.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical characterization of the Allium sativum and Origanum vulgare essential oils and their inhibition effect on the growth of some food pathogens/ Caracterização química e efeito inibitório dos óleos essenciais de Allium sativum e Origanum vulgare frente ao crescimento de alguns patógenos de alimentos

Autores: Mallet, A.C.T.; Cardoso, M.G; Souza, P.E.; Machado, S.M.F.; Andrade, M.A.; Nelson, D.L.; Piccoli, R.H.; Pereira, C.G | Ano: 2014 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: This study sought to evaluate the chemical composition of the Allium sativum and Origanum vulgare essential oils and their effect on the growth inhibition of microorganisms, such as P. aeruginosa, S. Choleraesuis, A. flavus, A. niger and P. simplicissimum, important food contaminants. The main constituents of the oregano essential oil were 4-terpineol (27.03%), γ-terpinene (20.04%), and β-cymene (6.34%), and the main constituents of the garlic essential oil were diallyl trisulfide (38, 81%), diallyl disulfide (25.23%), and methyl allyl trisulfide (12.52%). Inhibition zones were formed in in vitro tests on the bacteria S. Choleraesuis and P. aeruginosa, except for A. sativum against P. aeruginosa. The inhibition of mycelial growth caused by the oregano essential oil occurred with the concentrations of 0.10, 0.03 and 0.05 mg mL-1 for the A. flavus, A. niger and P. simplicissimum fungi, respectively. The CMI for the garlic oil began at the 0.03 mg mL-1 concentration for all species of fungi. The oils presented an inhibitory effect against the microorganisms studied and constitute an alternative for microbiological control in food.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Autores: Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The study was designed to evaluate the possible protective roles of dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil (OVEO) against cypermethrin (CP)-induced serum biochemical changes and oxidative stress of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Moreover, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and DNA damage in the gills and hepatic tissues were also assessed. Briefly, fish were allotted into six groups with three triplicates whereas a group fed on basal diet and did not exposed to CP and served as control (CTR), two groups were fed on diets supplemented with two levels of OVEO (0.5 % and 1.0 %), a group exposed to sub-lethal concentration of CP (1/10 of 96 h-LC50 = 0.4134 μg/L), and two other groups exposed to the same concentration of CP and fed on diets supplemented with both levels of OVEO (CP + 0.5 % OVEO, and CP + 1.0 % OVEO), respectively, for 30 days. CP induced significant elevation of serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea, and creatinine levels indicating hepato-renal toxicity (P < 0.05). Besides, there was a significant decrease in serum catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (P < 0.05). Moreover, CP induced significant histopathologic alterations in gills, anterior kidneys, and hepatic tissues with activation of apoptosis (Caspase-3) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Comet assay demonstrated significant DNA damage in gills and liver tissues of the CP-exposed group. Interestingly, a significant attenuation of serum ALT, AST, ALP, urea, creatinine, CAT, and SOD levels (P < 0.05) was noticed in CP-exposed fish and concurrently fed diets supplemented with either 0.5 % or 1.0 % OVEO. Moreover, histopathologic alterations and apoptosis were significantly reduced along with a concomitant significant decrease in DNA damage (P < 0.05) which indicated the mitigation of DNA damage. Conclusively, the study showed that OVEO is an effective counteractive treatment against CP-induced damage in exposed common carp and is recommended during the formulation of fish rations.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Autores: Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The study was designed to evaluate the possible protective roles of dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil (OVEO) against cypermethrin (CP)-induced serum biochemical changes and oxidative stress of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Moreover, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and DNA damage in the gills and hepatic tissues were also assessed. Briefly, fish were allotted into six groups with three triplicates whereas a group fed on basal diet and did not exposed to CP and served as control (CTR), two groups were fed on diets supplemented with two levels of OVEO (0.5 % and 1.0 %), a group exposed to sub-lethal concentration of CP (1/10 of 96 h-LC50 = 0.4134 μg/L), and two other groups exposed to the same concentration of CP and fed on diets supplemented with both levels of OVEO (CP + 0.5 % OVEO, and CP + 1.0 % OVEO), respectively, for 30 days. CP induced significant elevation of serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea, and creatinine levels indicating hepato-renal toxicity (P < 0.05). Besides, there was a significant decrease in serum catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (P < 0.05). Moreover, CP induced significant histopathologic alterations in gills, anterior kidneys, and hepatic tissues with activation of apoptosis (Caspase-3) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Comet assay demonstrated significant DNA damage in gills and liver tissues of the CP-exposed group. Interestingly, a significant attenuation of serum ALT, AST, ALP, urea, creatinine, CAT, and SOD levels (P < 0.05) was noticed in CP-exposed fish and concurrently fed diets supplemented with either 0.5 % or 1.0 % OVEO. Moreover, histopathologic alterations and apoptosis were significantly reduced along with a concomitant significant decrease in DNA damage (P < 0.05) which indicated the mitigation of DNA damage. Conclusively, the study showed that OVEO is an effective counteractive treatment against CP-induced damage in exposed common carp and is recommended during the formulation of fish rations.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Synergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.

Autores: Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano essential oil (Origanum compactum; 250 μg/ml), cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum cassia; 250 μg/ml) and nisin (16 μg/ml) were used alone or in combination to evaluate their efficiency to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes on RTE ham. Microencapsulation of the antimicrobial formulations was done to verify the potential effect of the polymer to protect the antimicrobial efficiency during storage. Combined treatments of antimicrobial formulation with γ-irradiation were done to verify the synergistic effect against L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulation of essential oils-nisin and γ-irradiation treatment in combination showed synergistic antimicrobial effect during storage on RTE meat products. Microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation (at 1.5 kGy) showed 0.03 ln CFU/g/day growth rate of L. monocytogenes whereas the growth rate of non-microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation was 0.17 ln CFU/g/day. Microencapsulation significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved the radiosensitivity of L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulated oregano and cinnamon essential oil in combination with nisin showed the highest bacterial radiosensitization 2.89 and 5, respectively, compared to the control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Combination of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and lactic acid to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus in meat broth and meat model

Autores: Barros, Jefferson C. de; Conceição, Maria Lúcia da; Gomes Neto, Nelson Justino; Costa, Ana Caroliny Vieira da; Souza, Evandro Leite de | Ano: 2012 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: This study assessed the occurrence of an enhancing inhibitory effect of the combined application of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and lactic acid against Staphylococcus aureus by the determination of Fractional Inhibitory Concentration (FIC) index and cell viability in meat broth and meat model. Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of the oil was 0.6 and 1.25 µL.mL-1, respectively. Lactic acid showed MIC and MBC of 2.5 and 5µL.mL-1, respectively. FIC indices of the combined application of the oil and lactic acid were 0.5 showing a synergic interaction. The essential oil and lactic acid showed similar (p>0.05) anti-S. aureus effect in meat broth over 96 h of exposure. Treatment with essential oil or lactic acid presented a smaller anti-staphylococcal effect in meat in comparison to meat broth. No significant difference (p>0.05) was found for the microbial counts in meat treated with each antimicrobial alone or in mixture. These results could arise as an interesting approach for the improvement of food preservation using more natural procedures, considering the current demand of consumer and sensory quality of foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare) to feed laying hens and its effects on animal health.

Autores: Marcos J Migliorini, Marcel M Boiago, Lenilson F Roza, Mauricio Barreta, Alessandra Arno, Weber S Robazza, Alessandro C Galvão, Gabriela M Galli, Gustavo Machado, Matheus D Baldissera, Roger Wagner, Lenita C M Stefani, Aleksandro S DA Silva | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the effect of oregano essential oil added to the feed of commercial laying hens. This research was focused on the analysis of biochemical changes linked to hepatic function, and protein and lipid metabolism. It was used 240 laying hens (59 weeks-old) distributed in a completely randomized design of six treatments (five repetitions with eight birds each). The experiments were constituted by a control treatment (CT) with the inclusion of zinc bacitracin and five treatments of oregano essential oil (OEO: 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200, respectively. After 28 days of feeding, an increase on serum levels of total proteins and globulins was observed on groups T150 and T200, as well as an increase on albumin levels on group CT. After 84 days of feeding, a significant reduction on total proteins and albumin was observed on group T200, as well as an increase in serum triglycerides. OEO at 200 increased globulin levels on day 28, which may be considered an effect in the inflammatory response, which increases serum immunoglobulins and proteins.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of Origanum dubium, Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum, and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes.

Autores: Hasan Maral, Süleyman Ulupınar, Ayşegül Türk Baydır, Serhat Özbay, Konca Altınkaynak, Engin Şebin, Erdinç Şiktar, Necip Fazıl Kishalı, Yusuf Buzdağlı, Cebrail Gençoğlu, İzzet İnce | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aims to determine the effects of essential oils of Origanum dubium (DUB), Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (HIR), and Lavandula angustifolia (LAV) on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes. Thirty-four trained athletes were randomly assigned to one of three experimental groups or the control group (CON). The concentrations of serum lipids and liver biomarkers were assessed before and after the 14-day essential oil intervention. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis showed 68.0 and 82.1% carvacrol in DUB and HIR, respectively, and 34.50% linalyl acetate and 33.68% linalool in LAV essential oils. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated a significant difference (p = 0.001) among the groups for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) when the associated preintervention values were used as a covariate. The related pairwise comparisons revealed that DUB (p = 0.001) and HIR (p = 0.024) had greater HDL-C values than CON. From the two-way ANOVA, an interaction between time (before vs. after) and the groups (DUB vs. HIR vs. LAV vs. CON) was found for HDL-C (p = 0.030). Findings indicated a significant increase in DUB (p = 0.0001) and HIR (p = 0.010) for HDL-C, and there was a significant decrease in DUB (p = 0.023) for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. However, there was no difference in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and all liver biomarkers.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare Essential Oil Modulates the AFB1-Induced Oxidative Damages, Nephropathy, and Altered Inflammatory Responses in Growing Rabbits.

Autores: Mona A Hassan, Azza M A Abo-Elmaaty, Asmaa W Zaglool, Sally A M Mohamed, Shimaa M Abou-Zeid, Mayada R Farag, Mahmoud Alagawany, Alessandro Di Cerbo, Mahmoud M Azzam, Rashed Alhotan, Enas El-Hady | Ano: 2023 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The current study was performed to investigate the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) through the evaluation of kidney function tests and histopathological examination of renal tissues, targeting the therapeutic role of Marjoram (Origanum vulgare essential oil-OEO) in improving health status. Forty-eight New Zealand Whites growing rabbits (four weeks old) weighing on average 660.5 ± 2.33 g were randomly and equally distributed into four groups, each of which had four replicas of three animals as the following: Control group (only basal diet), AFB1 group (0.3 mg AFB1/kg diet), OEO group (1 g OEO/kg diet) and co-exposed group (1 g OEO/kg + 0.3 mg AF/kg diet). Our study lasted eight weeks and was completed at 12 weeks of age. The results revealed that OEO decreased the toxic effects of AFB1 in rabbit kidneys by substantially reducing the cystatin C levels in the AFB1 group. Additionally, OEO decreased oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation levels in the co-exposed group. Moreover, OEO reduced DNA damage and inflammatory response in addition to the down-regulation of stress and inflammatory cytokines-encoding genes. Besides, OEO preserved the cytoarchitecture of rabbits' kidneys treated with AFB1. In conclusion, O. vulgare essential oil supplementation ameliorated the deleterious effects of AFB1 on the rabbits' kidneys by raising antioxidant levels, decreasing inflammation, and reversing oxidative DNA damage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare Essential Oil Modulates the AFB1-Induced Oxidative Damages, Nephropathy, and Altered Inflammatory Responses in Growing Rabbits.

Autores: Mona A Hassan, Azza M A Abo-Elmaaty, Asmaa W Zaglool, Sally A M Mohamed, Shimaa M Abou-Zeid, Mayada R Farag, Mahmoud Alagawany, Alessandro Di Cerbo, Mahmoud M Azzam, Rashed Alhotan, Enas El-Hady | Ano: 2023 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The current study was performed to investigate the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) through the evaluation of kidney function tests and histopathological examination of renal tissues, targeting the therapeutic role of Marjoram (Origanum vulgare essential oil-OEO) in improving health status. Forty-eight New Zealand Whites growing rabbits (four weeks old) weighing on average 660.5 ± 2.33 g were randomly and equally distributed into four groups, each of which had four replicas of three animals as the following: Control group (only basal diet), AFB1 group (0.3 mg AFB1/kg diet), OEO group (1 g OEO/kg diet) and co-exposed group (1 g OEO/kg + 0.3 mg AF/kg diet). Our study lasted eight weeks and was completed at 12 weeks of age. The results revealed that OEO decreased the toxic effects of AFB1 in rabbit kidneys by substantially reducing the cystatin C levels in the AFB1 group. Additionally, OEO decreased oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation levels in the co-exposed group. Moreover, OEO reduced DNA damage and inflammatory response in addition to the down-regulation of stress and inflammatory cytokines-encoding genes. Besides, OEO preserved the cytoarchitecture of rabbits' kidneys treated with AFB1. In conclusion, O. vulgare essential oil supplementation ameliorated the deleterious effects of AFB1 on the rabbits' kidneys by raising antioxidant levels, decreasing inflammation, and reversing oxidative DNA damage.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Transdermal delivery enhancement of carvacrol from Origanum vulgare L. essential oil by microemulsion.

Autores: Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Waranya Neimkhum, Songyot Anuchapreeda, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Carvacrol has been reported for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity by cyclooxygenase inhibition but it could induce gastrointestinal toxicity because of its non-selective inhibition. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop transdermal microemulsion from Origanum vulgare essential oil to deliver carvacrol into and through the skin which would overwhelm the gastrointestinal problems. O. vulgare essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and its carvacrol content was determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were constructed using water dilution method to investigate the suitable microemulsion components. Microemulsions were then characterized for external appearance, particle size, size distribution, zeta potential, electrical conductivity, refractive index, viscosity, transmittance, pH, and stability. Additionally, the irritation property of microemulsions were investigated by hen's egg on the chorioallantoic membrane assay. The release profile, percutaneous absorption, and skin retention were investigated using dialysis bag and Franz diffusion cell, respectively. The interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were investigated using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results remarked that carvacrol was a major component of O. vulgare essential oil with high concentration of 83.7%. The most suitable microemulsion (ME 1), composing of 5% w/w O. vulgare essential oil, 25%w/w Tween 60, 25%w/w butylene glycol, and 45%w/w deionized water, had the smallest internal droplet size (179.5 ± 27.9 nm), the narrowest polydispersity index (0.30 ± 0.07), the highest transmittance (93.13 ± 0.04%), and Newtonian flow behavior with low viscosity of 0.30 ± 0.07 Pas. ME 1 could reduce the irritation effect of O. vulgare essential oil since ME 1 (IS = 3.1 ± 0.10) exhibited significantly lower irritation effect than its blank formulation (IS = 4.8 ± 0.02) and O. vulgare oil solution (IS = 5.0 ± 0.01) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, ME 1 sustain released carvacrol from the formulation, remarkedly deliver more carvacrol through the skin layer (2.6 ± 2.2%) and significantly retained carvacrol in the skin layer (2.60 ± 1.25%). Additionally, ME 1 significantly enhanced IL-6 inhibition of O. vulgaris oil and carvacrol (p < 0.05). Therefore, O. vulgaris oil microemulsion was suggested to be used for the transdermal delivery and anti-inflammatory activities enhancement of carvacrol.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.

Autores: Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils have a high volatility that leads to evaporation and loss of their pharmacological effect when exposed to the environment. The objectives of the present work were to prepare microcapsules with oregano essential oil by extrusion using sodium alginate as a shell material and non-ionic surfactant polysorbate 80 as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion. The present study was aimed to evaluate the physical parameters of microcapsules and to compare the influence of the amount of emulsifier and the essential oil-to-emulsifier ratio on the capsules' physical parameters and encapsulation efficiency; to our knowledge, the existing research had not yet revealed whether unstable emulsion affects the encapsulation efficiency of oregano essential oil. This study showed that increasing the emulsifier amount in the formulation significantly influenced encapsulation efficiency and particle size. Moreover, increasing the emulsion stability positively influenced the encapsulation efficiency. The emulsion creaming index depended on the emulsifier amount in the formulation: the highest creaming index (%) was obtained with the highest amount of polysorbate 80. However, the essential oil-to-polysorbate 80 ratio and essential oil amount did not affect the hardness of the microcapsules (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the obtained results could be promising information for production of microcapsules. Despite the fact that microencapsulation of essential oils is a promising and extremely attractive application area for the pharmaceutical industry, further basic research needs to be carried out.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.

Autores: Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils have a high volatility that leads to evaporation and loss of their pharmacological effect when exposed to the environment. The objectives of the present work were to prepare microcapsules with oregano essential oil by extrusion using sodium alginate as a shell material and non-ionic surfactant polysorbate 80 as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion. The present study was aimed to evaluate the physical parameters of microcapsules and to compare the influence of the amount of emulsifier and the essential oil-to-emulsifier ratio on the capsules' physical parameters and encapsulation efficiency; to our knowledge, the existing research had not yet revealed whether unstable emulsion affects the encapsulation efficiency of oregano essential oil. This study showed that increasing the emulsifier amount in the formulation significantly influenced encapsulation efficiency and particle size. Moreover, increasing the emulsion stability positively influenced the encapsulation efficiency. The emulsion creaming index depended on the emulsifier amount in the formulation: the highest creaming index (%) was obtained with the highest amount of polysorbate 80. However, the essential oil-to-polysorbate 80 ratio and essential oil amount did not affect the hardness of the microcapsules (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the obtained results could be promising information for production of microcapsules. Despite the fact that microencapsulation of essential oils is a promising and extremely attractive application area for the pharmaceutical industry, further basic research needs to be carried out.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.

Autores: Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils have a high volatility that leads to evaporation and loss of their pharmacological effect when exposed to the environment. The objectives of the present work were to prepare microcapsules with oregano essential oil by extrusion using sodium alginate as a shell material and non-ionic surfactant polysorbate 80 as an emulsifier to stabilize the emulsion. The present study was aimed to evaluate the physical parameters of microcapsules and to compare the influence of the amount of emulsifier and the essential oil-to-emulsifier ratio on the capsules' physical parameters and encapsulation efficiency; to our knowledge, the existing research had not yet revealed whether unstable emulsion affects the encapsulation efficiency of oregano essential oil. This study showed that increasing the emulsifier amount in the formulation significantly influenced encapsulation efficiency and particle size. Moreover, increasing the emulsion stability positively influenced the encapsulation efficiency. The emulsion creaming index depended on the emulsifier amount in the formulation: the highest creaming index (%) was obtained with the highest amount of polysorbate 80. However, the essential oil-to-polysorbate 80 ratio and essential oil amount did not affect the hardness of the microcapsules (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the obtained results could be promising information for production of microcapsules. Despite the fact that microencapsulation of essential oils is a promising and extremely attractive application area for the pharmaceutical industry, further basic research needs to be carried out.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

An Optimization of Oregano, Thyme, and Lemongrass Essential Oil Blend to Simultaneous Inactivation of Relevant Foodborne Pathogens by Simplex-Centroid Mixture Design.

Autores: Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, Maxsueli Aparecida Moura Machado, Diego Galvan, Carlos Adam Conte Junior | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: (1) Background: This study aimed to use the simplex-centroid mixture design methodology coupled with a microdilution assay to predict optimal essential oil (EO) formulations against three potential foodborne pathogens simultaneously through the desirability (D) function. (2) Methods: Oregano (ORE; Origanum vulgare), thyme (THY; Thymus vulgaris), and lemongrass (LG; Cymbopogon citratus) and their blends were evaluated concerning minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) for Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. (3) Results: THY combined with ORE or LG were the most promising EO formulations in inhibiting and killing each bacterium separately. Regarding the simultaneous effect, the optimal proportion for maximum inhibition was composed of 75% ORE, 15% THY, and 10% LG, while for maximum inactivation was 50% ORE, 40% THY, and 10% LG. (4) Conclusion: The multiresponse optimization allowed identifying an EO blend to simultaneously control three potential foodborne pathogens. This first report could be a helpful natural and green alternative for the industry to produce safer food products and mitigate public health risks.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng (orégano francés): estudio toxicogenético de un extracto fluido y del aceite esencial/ Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng (orégano francés): toxicogenetic study of a fluid extract and of essential oil

Autores: Vizoso Parra, Angel; Ramos Ruiz, Alberto; Edreira Armenteros, Aymee; Betancourt Badell, José; Décalo Michelena, Mercedes | Ano: 1999 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Se emplearon 2 sistemas de ensayo de genotoxicidad, uno in vitro, la prueba de segregación somática en el hongo diploide Aspergillus nidulans D-30, se evaluó el posible efecto genotóxico de un extracto fluido y el aceite esencial del Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng (orégano francés) y el ensayo in vivo de inducción de micronúcleos en médula ósea de ratón para evaluar la acción clastogénica o aneugénica del extracto fluido de orégano francés. Las concentraciones ensayadas en el ensayo in vitro para el extracto fluido y del aceite esencial fueron de 0,323 a 1,292 mg de sólidos totales/mL y de 0,01 a 0,1 porciento v/v, respectivamente. En el ensayo in vivo para el extracto fluido, se probaron dosis de 193,50 a 773,20 mg/kg de peso corporal (pc). El extracto fluido de orégano francés y el aceite esencial presentaron una acción citotóxica y genotóxica significativa dosis-dependiente en el ensayo de segregación somática frente al hongo Aspergillus nidulans D-30, no evidenciándose este efecto en el ensayo de inducción de micronúcleos en médula ósea de ratón para el extracto fluido de Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare essential oils inhibit glutamate and aspartate metabolism altering the photorespiratory pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.

Autores: F Araniti, M Landi, A Lupini, F Sunseri, L Guidi, M R Abenavoli | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils (EOs) have been extensively studied as valuable eco-friendly compounds with herbicidal activity for weed management. Phytotoxic potential of EOs, extracted from a wild population of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart, has been here evaluated on plant model Arabidopsis, through a physiological and metabolomic approach. The EOs composition was mainly characterized by monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, with a strong abundance of two monoterpenic phenols, namely carvacrol and thymol, and the monoterpene o-cymene. The in vitro bioassay confirmed a strong phytotoxic effect of EOs on Arabidopsis rosettes, showing by both a strong growth reduction and highly chlorotic leaves. In well-developed seedlings, EOs firstly caused growth reduction and leaf chlorosis, together with a series of interconnected metabolic alterations: i) impairing the nitrogen assimilation into amino acids, which affects in particular the glutamine metabolism; and as consequence ii) excessive accumulation of toxic ammonia into the leaves, associated with oxidative stress and damage; iii) declining the efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus, connected to the reduced CO2 fixation and photooxidation protection; iv) impairing the photorespiratory pathway. Overall, the results highlights that EOs alters principally the ability of Arabidopsis seedlings to incorporate inorganic nitrogen into amino acids, principally glutamine, leading to a dramatic accumulation of ammonia in leaf cells. This primary effect induces, in turn, a cascade of reactions that limits the efficiency of PSII, inducing oxidative stress and finally causing a strong plant growth reduction, leaf necrosis and eventually plant death. These findings suggest that O. vulgare EOs might be proficiently exploited as a potential bioherbicide in an ecofriendly agriculture. Moreover, its multitarget activity could be advantageous in limiting weed resistance phenomenon.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Sub-inhibitory concentration of essential oils induces antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Barbara Turchi, Simone Mancini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Filippo Fratini | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Fourteen Staphylococcus aureus wild strains were stressed with sub-inhibitory concentration of five essential oils: Leptospermum scoparium (manuka), Origanum majorana (marjoram), Origanum vulgare (oregano), Satureja montana (winter savoury) and Thymus vulgaris (thyme). Antibiotics susceptibility profiles of the strains were determined by agar disk diffusion method before and after EOs treatment. The following antibiotics were employed: amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, amikacin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, aztreonam, ceftazidime, cephalothin, ciprofloxacin, colistin, cefotaxime, doxycycline, enrofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, cephalexin, neomycin, piperacillin, rifampin, streptomycin, trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, tetracycline and tobramycin. Before EOs treatment, strains were susceptible to all antibiotics except for aztreonam and colistin. After exposure to sub-inhibitory EOs concentration of manuka, marjoram and oregano, several modifications in antibiotics susceptibility profiles were detected. Conversely, few modifications were induced by winter savoury and thyme EOs. Moreover, occurrence of resistances seems uncorrelated with drug classes as low concentration of EO could induce phenotypic changes in susceptible bacteria leading to antibiotic resistance phenomena.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Impact of drying methods on the yield and chemistry of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil.

Autores: Lucia Caputo, Giuseppe Amato, Pietro de Bartolomeis, Laura De Martino, Francesco Manna, Filomena Nazzaro, Vincenzo De Feo, Anna Angela Barba | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is mainly cultivated, both as fresh and dried herb, for several purposes, such as ailments, drugs, and spices. To evaluate the influence of some drying methods on the chemical composition of the essential oil of oregano, its aerial parts were dehydrated by convective drying techniques (shade, static oven), microwave-assisted heating (three different treatments) and osmotic treatment. The oils were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The highest essential oil yield was achieved from microwave and shade drying methods. In total, 39 components were found, with carvacrol (ranging from 56.2 to 81.4%) being the main constituent; other compounds present in lower amounts were p-cymene (1.6-17.7%), γ-terpinene (0.8-14.2%), α-pinene (0.1-2.1%), thymol methyl ether (0.4-1.8%) and thimoquinone (0.5-3.5%). The essential oil yields varied among the different treatments as well as the relative compositions. The percentages of p-cymene, γ-terpinene and α-pinene decreased significantly in the dried sample compared with the fresh sample; on the other hand, carvacrol, isoborneol and linalool increased significantly in the dried materials. The choice of the drying method for obtaining the essential oil therefore appears crucial not only in relation to the higher yield but also and above all in reference to the percentage presence of components that can direct the essential oil toward an appropriate use.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Impact of drying methods on the yield and chemistry of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil.

Autores: Lucia Caputo, Giuseppe Amato, Pietro de Bartolomeis, Laura De Martino, Francesco Manna, Filomena Nazzaro, Vincenzo De Feo, Anna Angela Barba | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is mainly cultivated, both as fresh and dried herb, for several purposes, such as ailments, drugs, and spices. To evaluate the influence of some drying methods on the chemical composition of the essential oil of oregano, its aerial parts were dehydrated by convective drying techniques (shade, static oven), microwave-assisted heating (three different treatments) and osmotic treatment. The oils were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. The highest essential oil yield was achieved from microwave and shade drying methods. In total, 39 components were found, with carvacrol (ranging from 56.2 to 81.4%) being the main constituent; other compounds present in lower amounts were p-cymene (1.6-17.7%), γ-terpinene (0.8-14.2%), α-pinene (0.1-2.1%), thymol methyl ether (0.4-1.8%) and thimoquinone (0.5-3.5%). The essential oil yields varied among the different treatments as well as the relative compositions. The percentages of p-cymene, γ-terpinene and α-pinene decreased significantly in the dried sample compared with the fresh sample; on the other hand, carvacrol, isoborneol and linalool increased significantly in the dried materials. The choice of the drying method for obtaining the essential oil therefore appears crucial not only in relation to the higher yield but also and above all in reference to the percentage presence of components that can direct the essential oil toward an appropriate use.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits virulence patterns of Candida spp. and potentiates the effects of fluconazole and nystatin in vitro.

Autores: Camila Cid-Chevecich, Andrea Müller-Sepúlveda, José Antonio Jara, Rodrigo López-Muñoz, Rocío Santander, Mauricio Budini, Alejandro Escobar, Raúl Quijada, Alfredo Criollo, Mario Díaz-Dosque, Alfredo Molina-Berríos | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Recurrence and resistance of Candida spp. infections is associated with the ability of these microorganisms to present several virulence patterns such as morphogenesis, adhesion, and biofilm formation. In the search for agents with antivirulence activity, essential oils could represent a strategy to act against biofilms and to potentiate antifungal drugs.

Resultados: MIC for C. albicans ATCC-90029 and ATCC-10231 was 0.01 mg/L and 0.97 mg/L, respectively. For non-albicans Candida strains MIC values were 2.6 mg/L for C. dubliniensis ATCC-CD36 and 5.3 mg/L for C. krusei ATCC-6258. By using these concentrations, O-EO inhibited morphogenesis, adhesion, and proliferation at least by 50% for the strains assayed. In formed biofilms O-EO decreased viability in ATCC 90029 and ATCC 10231 strains (IC50 7.4 and 2.8 mg/L respectively). Finally, we show that O-EO interacted synergistically with fluconazole and nystatin.

Conclusão: N/A

Influence of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Evandro Leite de Souza, Jefferson Carneiro de Barros, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Maria Lúcia da Conceição | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the influence of the essential oil from Origanum vulgare L. on the enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and cell surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus. The suppression of enterotoxin production occurred totally in the broth added with the essential oil at subinhibitory concentrations (0.3 and 0.15 microL/mL). Loss of 260-nm-absorbing material and potassium ions occurred immediately after addition of the essential oil at 0.6 and 1.2 microL/mL and followed up to 120 min. Electron microscopy of essential oil-treated cells revealed the formation of roles in the cell surfaces and loss of cytoplasm material. According to these results, O. vulgare essential oil could be rationally applied in food products both to inhibit the growth of S. aureus and to suppress the synthesis of staphylococcal enterotoxins.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Inhibitory effect of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare essential oils on virulence factors of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains.

Autores: M E Carezzano, J P Sotelo, E Primo, E B Reinoso, M F Paletti Rovey, M S Demo, W F Giordano, M de Las M Oliva | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Pseudomonas syringae is a phytopathogenic bacterium that causes lesions in leaves during the colonisation process. The damage is associated with production of many virulence factors, such as biofilm and phytotoxins. The essential oils of Thymus vulgaris (thyme) and Origanum vulgare (oregano) have been demonstrated to inhibit P. syringae. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare essential oils on production of virulence factors of phytopathogenic P. syringae strains, including anti-biofilm and anti-toxins activities. The broth microdilution method was used for determination of MIC and biofilm inhibition assays. Coronatine, syringomycin and tabtoxin were pheno- and genotypically evaluated. Both oils showed good inhibitory activity against P. syringae, with MIC values from 1.43 to 11.5 mg·ml-1 for thyme and 5.8 to 11.6 mg·ml-1 for oregano. Biofilm formation, production of coronatine, syringomycin and tabtoxin were inhibited by thyme and oregano essential oil in most strains. The results presented here are promising, demonstrating the bactericidal activity and reduction of virulence factor production after treatment with thyme and oregano oil, providing insight into how they exert their antibacterial activity. These natural products could be considered in the future for the control of diseases caused by P. syringae.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits virulence patterns of Candida spp. and potentiates the effects of fluconazole and nystatin in vitro.

Autores: Camila Cid-Chevecich, Andrea Müller-Sepúlveda, José Antonio Jara, Rodrigo López-Muñoz, Rocío Santander, Mauricio Budini, Alejandro Escobar, Raúl Quijada, Alfredo Criollo, Mario Díaz-Dosque, Alfredo Molina-Berríos | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Recurrence and resistance of Candida spp. infections is associated with the ability of these microorganisms to present several virulence patterns such as morphogenesis, adhesion, and biofilm formation. In the search for agents with antivirulence activity, essential oils could represent a strategy to act against biofilms and to potentiate antifungal drugs.

Resultados: MIC for C. albicans ATCC-90029 and ATCC-10231 was 0.01 mg/L and 0.97 mg/L, respectively. For non-albicans Candida strains MIC values were 2.6 mg/L for C. dubliniensis ATCC-CD36 and 5.3 mg/L for C. krusei ATCC-6258. By using these concentrations, O-EO inhibited morphogenesis, adhesion, and proliferation at least by 50% for the strains assayed. In formed biofilms O-EO decreased viability in ATCC 90029 and ATCC 10231 strains (IC50 7.4 and 2.8 mg/L respectively). Finally, we show that O-EO interacted synergistically with fluconazole and nystatin.

Conclusão: N/A

Recent advances on the efficacy of essential oils on mycotoxin secretion and their mode of action.

Autores: Adel Mirza Alizadeh, S Amirhossein Golzan, Aida Mahdavi, Samira Dakhili, Zahra Torki, Hedayat Hosseini | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils, as extracted compounds from plants, are volatile and aromatic liquids which their unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its distinctive essence. Fungi toxins can induce various adverse health effects like allergy, cancer, and immunosuppression. Moreover, fungal spoilage impacts pharmaceutical and food industries economic state. A drop in the utilization of synthetic compounds as food prophylaxis has occurred due to several factors such as hygiene agents' alerts and stricter legal regulations. Therefore, the applications of natural substances such as essential oils have increased in recent years. Oregano, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, fennel, clove, palmarosa, and eucalyptus have been the highest employed essential oils against mycotoxigenic fungi and their mycotoxins in studies conducted in the past decade. Essential oils inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin synthesis via diverse pathways including modified fungal growth rate and extended lag phase, disruption of cell permeability, disruption of the electron transport chain and manipulating gene expression patterns and metabolic processes. In the present review, we will investigate the implications and efficacy of essential oils in preventing the growth of mycotoxigenic fungi, eliminating mycotoxins and their mechanism of actions conducted in the last decade.HighlightsThe most investigated toxigenic genera are Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium Spp.AB1, AG1, OTA and AB2 are the most frequently studied toxinsOregano, cinnamon and thyme are mostly exploited EOs on toxigenic fungi & mycotoxinsOregano, thyme & cinnamon are the most significant antifungals on toxigenic generaCinnamon, oregano & cinnamaldehyde are the fittest antimycotoxins on DON, OTA & AFB1.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of Origanum vulgare essential oil on biofilm formation and motility capacity of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from discoloured Mozzarella cheese.

Autores: C Rossi, C Chaves-López, A Serio, F Anniballi, L Valbonetti, A Paparella | Ano: 2018 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The study was focused on Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from Mozzarella cheese, with the aim of evaluating the effects of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) on the biofilm formation and eradication, as well as on the motility and blue pigment production at 10°C.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

[Chemical composition and allelopathic potential of essential oil isolated from Origanum vulgare].

Autores: Yun Zhao, Yun-Hai Yang, Kai-Bo Wang, Li-Ming Fan, Fa-Wu Su, Min Ye | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study aimed to explore the chemical composition of essential oil isolated from Origanum vulgare and investigated its allelopathic potential. The essential oil isolated by hydro-distillation from the whole plant of O. vulgare was analyzed by GC and GC-MS. Fourteen different components were identified, constituting 93.56% of the total area of peaks. The major components were methyleugenol (16.5%), myristicin (15.6%), carvacrol (15.0%), thymol (9.8%), and apioline (9.4%). We examined the inhibitory effects of essential oil on seed germination and seedling growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum), mung bean (Vigna radiata), and radish (Raphanus sativus). The results showed that essential oil of O. vulgare inhibited seed germination of all tested crops, with wheat being the most susceptible, followed by radish and mung bean. The inhibitory effects of essential oil on growth of the aboveground part of tested crops were greater than that of underground part. The inhibitory effects of essential oil on the seedling length of all tested crops increased in a dose-dependent manner, with the same pattern for radicle length of wheat and radish as well. Meanwhile, essential oil could stimulate radicle growth of V. radiata at low concentration, but inhibit the growth at high concentration. Our results confirmed the existence of allelochemicals in the essential oil of O. vulgare. However, what the compounds will be and how about their allelopathic mechanism needs further investigation.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Influence of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus.

Autores: Evandro Leite de Souza, Jefferson Carneiro de Barros, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Maria Lúcia da Conceição | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study evaluated the influence of the essential oil from Origanum vulgare L. on the enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and cell surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus. The suppression of enterotoxin production occurred totally in the broth added with the essential oil at subinhibitory concentrations (0.3 and 0.15 microL/mL). Loss of 260-nm-absorbing material and potassium ions occurred immediately after addition of the essential oil at 0.6 and 1.2 microL/mL and followed up to 120 min. Electron microscopy of essential oil-treated cells revealed the formation of roles in the cell surfaces and loss of cytoplasm material. According to these results, O. vulgare essential oil could be rationally applied in food products both to inhibit the growth of S. aureus and to suppress the synthesis of staphylococcal enterotoxins.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Influence of lipids and proteins amounts and pH values on the inhibitory effects of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil against Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium

Autores: Medeiros, Andrea Sulamita de Jesus; Carvalho, Rhayane Idalyne; Conceição, Maria Lúcia da; Magnani, Marciane; Souza, Evandro Leite de | Ano: 2020 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. (OVEO) essential oil has been considered a candidate antimicrobial for use in food conservation systems. However, studies on the influence of concomitant variations of different food components or physicochemical parameters on the antibacterial properties of OVEO are scarce. This study assessed the influence of concomitant variations in amounts of proteins - PTN (4.0, 6.0 or 8.0 g/100 mL) and lipids - LIP (3.75, 5.0 or 6.25 g/100 mL) and pH values (5.0, 5.5 or 6.0) in cultivation medium on the inhibitory effects of OVEO against Escherichia coli (EC) and Salmonella Typhimurium (ST). Lowest minimum inhibitory concentration values of OVEO against EC and ST were observed in media with the highest LIP amounts regardless the PTN amount and pH value. In absorbance based microtiter plate assay (MPA), for both EC and ST, OVEO caused the lowest Grmax values in medium containing the highest LIP and PTN amounts and lowest pH value. Highest Grmax values for EC and ST were observed in medium containing the lowest LIP and PTN amount and highest pH value. Grmax values estimated from viable counts of EC and ST in tested media with OVEO confirmed bacterial growth behavior similar to that observed in MPA. Overall, the LIP amount in media was as the most influential factor to enhance the antibacterial effects of OVEO. These results indicate that the concomitant influence of LIP and PTN amounts and pH values on the antibacterial effects of OVEO should be considered for optimizing its antimicrobial efficacy in foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Composition and antiproliferative effect of essential oil of Origanum vulgare against tumor cell lines.

Autores: Karine Rech Begnini, Fernanda Nedel, Rafael Guerra Lund, Pedro Henrique de Azambuja Carvalho, Maria Regina Alves Rodrigues, Fátima Tereza Alves Beira, Francisco Augusto Burkert Del-Pino | Ano: 2014 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Cancer is a leading cause of death and is responsible for one in eight deaths worldwide. The use of herbs as complementary medicine for cancer, especially advanced cancer, has recently increased. The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro, the antiproliferative effect of Origanum vulgare against human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7), and human colon adenocarcinoma (HT-29). The essential oil (EO) was extracted from a bought amount of O. vulgare dried leaves and analyzed in a gas chromatograph interfaced with a mass selective detector. The cytotoxicity test was performed by sulforhodamine B assay. The results show that the EO is composed mostly of 4-terpineol and induces a high cytotoxicity effect in HT-29. In the MCF-7 cell line the EO was less effective. In conclusion, this study showed that O. vulgare main component is 4-terpineol and was effective in inducing cancer cell growth inhibition.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Inhibitory effect of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare essential oils on virulence factors of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains.

Autores: M E Carezzano, J P Sotelo, E Primo, E B Reinoso, M F Paletti Rovey, M S Demo, W F Giordano, M de Las M Oliva | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Pseudomonas syringae is a phytopathogenic bacterium that causes lesions in leaves during the colonisation process. The damage is associated with production of many virulence factors, such as biofilm and phytotoxins. The essential oils of Thymus vulgaris (thyme) and Origanum vulgare (oregano) have been demonstrated to inhibit P. syringae. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare essential oils on production of virulence factors of phytopathogenic P. syringae strains, including anti-biofilm and anti-toxins activities. The broth microdilution method was used for determination of MIC and biofilm inhibition assays. Coronatine, syringomycin and tabtoxin were pheno- and genotypically evaluated. Both oils showed good inhibitory activity against P. syringae, with MIC values from 1.43 to 11.5 mg·ml-1 for thyme and 5.8 to 11.6 mg·ml-1 for oregano. Biofilm formation, production of coronatine, syringomycin and tabtoxin were inhibited by thyme and oregano essential oil in most strains. The results presented here are promising, demonstrating the bactericidal activity and reduction of virulence factor production after treatment with thyme and oregano oil, providing insight into how they exert their antibacterial activity. These natural products could be considered in the future for the control of diseases caused by P. syringae.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effects of Origanum vulgare essential oil and its two main components, carvacrol and thymol, on the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea.

Autores: Huiyu Hou, Xueying Zhang, Te Zhao, Lin Zhou | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Botrytis cinerea causes serious gray mold disease in many plants. This pathogen has developed resistance to many fungicides. Thus, it has become necessary to look for new safe yet effective compounds against B. cinerea.

Resultados: Of all the 17 plant EOs tested, Cinnamomum cassia, Litsea cubeba var. formosana and O. vulgare EOs had the best inhibitory effect on B. cinerea, with 0.5 mg/mL completely inhibiting the mycelium growth of B. cinerea. Twenty-one different compounds of OVEO were identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the main chemical components were carvacrol (89.98%), β-caryophyllene (3.34%), thymol (2.39%), α-humulene (1.38%) and 1-methyl-2-propan-2-ylbenzene isopropyl benzene (1.36%). In vitro experiment showed EC50 values of OVEO, carvacrol and thymol were 140.04, 9.09 and 21.32 μg/mL, respectively. Carvacrol and thymol completely inhibited the spore germination of B. cinerea at the concentration of 300 μg/mL while the inhibition rate of OVEO was 80.03%. EC50 of carvacrol and thymol have significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the fresh and dry weight of mycelia. The collapse and damage on B. cinerea mycelia treated with 40 μg/mL of carvacrol and thymol was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). Through extracellular conductivity test and fluorescence microscope observation, it was found that carvacrol and thymol led to increase the permeability of target cells, the destruction of mitochondrial membrane and ROS accumulation. In vivo conditions, 1000 μg/mL carvacrol had the best protective and therapeutic effects on tomato gray mold (77.98% and 28.04%, respectively), and the protective effect was significantly higher than that of 400 μg/mL pyrimethanil (43.15%). While the therapeutic and protective effects of 1,000 μg/mL OVEO and thymol were comparable to chemical control.

Conclusão: N/A

Synergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.

Autores: Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Oregano essential oil (Origanum compactum; 250 μg/ml), cinnamon essential oil (Cinnamomum cassia; 250 μg/ml) and nisin (16 μg/ml) were used alone or in combination to evaluate their efficiency to inhibit the growth of Listeria monocytogenes on RTE ham. Microencapsulation of the antimicrobial formulations was done to verify the potential effect of the polymer to protect the antimicrobial efficiency during storage. Combined treatments of antimicrobial formulation with γ-irradiation were done to verify the synergistic effect against L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulation of essential oils-nisin and γ-irradiation treatment in combination showed synergistic antimicrobial effect during storage on RTE meat products. Microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation (at 1.5 kGy) showed 0.03 ln CFU/g/day growth rate of L. monocytogenes whereas the growth rate of non-microencapsulated cinnamon and nisin in combination with γ-irradiation was 0.17 ln CFU/g/day. Microencapsulation significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved the radiosensitivity of L. monocytogenes. Microencapsulated oregano and cinnamon essential oil in combination with nisin showed the highest bacterial radiosensitization 2.89 and 5, respectively, compared to the control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Assessment of tolerance induction by Origanum vulgare L. essential oil or carvacrol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in a meat-based broth and in a meat model.

Autores: Isabelle da Silva Luz, Nelson Justino Gomes-Neto, Marciane Magnani, Evandro Leite de Souza | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study assessed the efficacy of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OVEO) and carvacrol in inhibiting the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, as well as the development of direct tolerance and cross-tolerance when this bacterium was challenged with sublethal amounts of these substances in a meat-based broth and in a meat model. OVEO and carvacrol at their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), 1/2 MIC and 1/4 MIC decreased the viable cell counts of P. aeruginosa in meat-based broth. Direct tolerance or cross-tolerance was not induced after exposure of the assayed bacterial strain to sublethal amounts of OVEO or carvacrol in meat-based broth and in an artificially contaminated ground beef. Bacterial cells progressively subcultured in meat-based broth with increasing amounts of the tested substances survived up to the MIC of OVEO and to 1/2 MIC of carvacrol. The results reveal a lack of induction of tolerance in P. aeruginosa by exposure to OVEO or carvacrol in meat-based broth and in a meat model.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Assessment of tolerance induction by Origanum vulgare L. essential oil or carvacrol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in a meat-based broth and in a meat model.

Autores: Isabelle da Silva Luz, Nelson Justino Gomes-Neto, Marciane Magnani, Evandro Leite de Souza | Ano: 2015 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study assessed the efficacy of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OVEO) and carvacrol in inhibiting the growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, as well as the development of direct tolerance and cross-tolerance when this bacterium was challenged with sublethal amounts of these substances in a meat-based broth and in a meat model. OVEO and carvacrol at their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs), 1/2 MIC and 1/4 MIC decreased the viable cell counts of P. aeruginosa in meat-based broth. Direct tolerance or cross-tolerance was not induced after exposure of the assayed bacterial strain to sublethal amounts of OVEO or carvacrol in meat-based broth and in an artificially contaminated ground beef. Bacterial cells progressively subcultured in meat-based broth with increasing amounts of the tested substances survived up to the MIC of OVEO and to 1/2 MIC of carvacrol. The results reveal a lack of induction of tolerance in P. aeruginosa by exposure to OVEO or carvacrol in meat-based broth and in a meat model.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Recent advances on the efficacy of essential oils on mycotoxin secretion and their mode of action.

Autores: Adel Mirza Alizadeh, S Amirhossein Golzan, Aida Mahdavi, Samira Dakhili, Zahra Torki, Hedayat Hosseini | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils, as extracted compounds from plants, are volatile and aromatic liquids which their unique aromatic compounds give each essential oil its distinctive essence. Fungi toxins can induce various adverse health effects like allergy, cancer, and immunosuppression. Moreover, fungal spoilage impacts pharmaceutical and food industries economic state. A drop in the utilization of synthetic compounds as food prophylaxis has occurred due to several factors such as hygiene agents' alerts and stricter legal regulations. Therefore, the applications of natural substances such as essential oils have increased in recent years. Oregano, cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, fennel, clove, palmarosa, and eucalyptus have been the highest employed essential oils against mycotoxigenic fungi and their mycotoxins in studies conducted in the past decade. Essential oils inhibit fungi growth and mycotoxin synthesis via diverse pathways including modified fungal growth rate and extended lag phase, disruption of cell permeability, disruption of the electron transport chain and manipulating gene expression patterns and metabolic processes. In the present review, we will investigate the implications and efficacy of essential oils in preventing the growth of mycotoxigenic fungi, eliminating mycotoxins and their mechanism of actions conducted in the last decade.HighlightsThe most investigated toxigenic genera are Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium Spp.AB1, AG1, OTA and AB2 are the most frequently studied toxinsOregano, cinnamon and thyme are mostly exploited EOs on toxigenic fungi & mycotoxinsOregano, thyme & cinnamon are the most significant antifungals on toxigenic generaCinnamon, oregano & cinnamaldehyde are the fittest antimycotoxins on DON, OTA & AFB1.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Atividade do óleo essêncial de orégano contra fungos patogênicos do arroz: crescimentos micelial em placas

Autores: Zanandrea, I; Juliano, D. S; Andréa, B. M; Juliane, L; Veridiana, K. B | Ano: 2004 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar o efeito do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. sobre o crescimento micelial de fungos patogênicos do arroz. Discos de micélio dos fungos Alternaria sp., Bipolaris oryzae, Curvularia sp., Gerlachia oryzae, Rhizoctonia solani e Sclerotinia sclerotiorum foram colocados no centro de placas de Petry com BDA e óleo em diferentes concentrações: óleo puro, 1:2, 1:4, 1:8, 1:16, 1:32 as quais foram incubadas a 22 ± 2ºC sob fotoperíodo de 12 h, utilizando-se para controle placas com Batata-Dextrose-Ágar + etanol. O crescimento foi medido assim que o micélio controle preenchesse toda a placa. Todos os fungos apresentaram redução do crescimento micelial. B. oryzae foi o mais sensível, com diferença estatística em todas as concentrações.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Efficacy of Origanum vulgare essential oil and carvacrol against the housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae).

Autores: Yongjian Xie, Qianqian Huang, Yuqing Rao, Liang Hong, Dayu Zhang | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The toxicity of Origanum vulgare essential oil to the housefly Musca domestica L. was evaluated. The major constituents of the O. vulgare essential oil by gas chromatographic mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis were carvacrol (58.13%), p-cymene (17.85%), thymol (8.15%), γ-terpinene (4.96%), and linalool (3.69%). Toxicity of O. vulgare essential oil against larvae and pupae was evaluated using fumigation and contact assays. The contact toxicity (LC50) of O. vulgare essential oil and carvacrol for larvae was 0.23 and 0.03 μL/cm2, respectively. The fumigation toxicity (LC50) of O. vulgare essential oil and carvacrol for larvae was 9.52 and 2.78 μL/L, respectively. Pupal toxicity was evaluated by percentage inhibition rate (PIR). PIR of O. vulgare essential oil at 0.25 μL/cm2 was 90.9% for the contact assay and 100% at 20 μL/L for the fumigation assay. PIR of carvacrol was 29.5% (0.025 μL/cm2) and 81.8% (1.25 μL/L) for the contact toxicity and fumigation assay, respectively. O. vulgare essential oil and carvacrol have significant toxicity to the housefly and are potential insecticides for housefly control.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano Essential Oil Interactions with Photogenerated Singlet Molecular Oxygen.

Autores: Frida C D Dimarco Palencia, Vanesa A Muñoz, Ariana C Posadaz, Diego A Cifuente, Sandra Miskoski, Gabriela V Ferrari, Norman A García, María P Montaña | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils are a mixture of volatile compounds, products of the secondary metabolism of plants. Once extracted, they can be deteriorated losing their organoleptic and therapeutic properties due to various environmental factors, being light exposure in aerobic conditions the main cause. In this work, the oregano essential oil extraction and characterization from Origanum vulgare plants grown in the experimental field of the FTU-UNSL and its photodegradation in MeOH:H2 O 60:40 v/v solvent were studied. Characterization by EIMS and NIST Mass Spectrometry indicates the main compounds of oregano essential oil, quantified in the extracted oil by GC-MS, are carvacrol (7.14%) and thymol (47.37%). Degradation of essential oil and its two major components can be caused by reactive oxygen species photogenerated from endogenous sensitizers as riboflavin. Our results suggest degradation occurs involving singlet molecular oxygen. Interaction of carvacrol and thymol with singlet oxygen is mainly a physical process, while essential oil has an important reactive component, which indicates there might be other constituents which could contribute to reactive photoprotection. The effect of simultaneous presence of oregano essential oil and tryptophan amino acid-used as a photooxidizable model under riboflavin-photosensitizing conditions-was studied in order to evaluate the possible photoprotection exerted by the essential oil.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Sublethal effects of oregano essential oil and its major compound carvacrol on biological parameters of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae).

Autores: Athanasios Giatropoulos, Filitsa Karamaouna, Argyro Ampatzi, Dimitrios Papachristos, Antonios Michaelakis | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Mosquito management programs rely basically on the use of conventional synthetic larvicides. However, frequent applications and misuse of some synthetic insecticides have led to problems related to mosquito resistance development, harmful effects on human health and unacceptable environmental effects on non-target organisms. Recently, a growing number of phytochemicals has been tested as more eco-friendly larvicides against various mosquito species, exerting high efficacy with multiple modes of action. In the laboratory, we investigated for the first time the sublethal effects of oregano oil and its major compound carvacrol, against Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito), a mosquito of great medical importance. We determined the effects of short term (24h) exposure of 3rd- 4th larvae to LC50 concentrations on survival and development of survived larvae until adulthood, as well as on fecundity, fertility, longevity and wing length of emerged adults. Only half of 24h survived larvae from oregano oil and carvacrol treatment finally reached adulthood. Abnormal shapes of dead larvae and pupae, and failed adult emergence were also observed, indicating a potential growth inhibitory activity of the tested materials. No particular effects from exposure to larvicidal LC50 concentrations were recorded on life cycle parameters of successfully emerged adults. These findings suggest the tested oregano oil and carvacrol as sufficiently effective larvicides against Ae. albopictus at lower than the acutely toxic concentrations, promoting a more eco-friendly and less costly profile for these biopesticides.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Intestinal mucosa structure of broiler chickens infected experimentally with Eimeria tenella and treated with essential oil of oregano/ Morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte infectados experimentalmente com Eimeria tenella e tratados com óleo essencial de orégano

Autores: Silva, Maria Aparecida da; Pessotti, Bruna Mirelly de Sousa; Zanini, Surama Freitas; Colnago, Geraldo Luiz; Rodrigues, Maria Regina Alves; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Zanini, Marcos Santos; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire | Ano: 2009 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: In the first trial a total of 250 day-old male chicks were distributed into five treatments and given the following diets: a diet with growth promoter; a diet without added growth promoter; a diet added with avilamycin only; diet supplemented with 0.5g of oregano oil kg diet-1; 1.0g of oregano oil kg diet-1. In other trial a total of 288 day-old chicks was used and distributed into four treatments, which were given the following diets: a diet with anticoccidial agent; a diet without anticoccidial agent; a diet supplemented with 0.5g of oregano oil kg diet-1; a 1.0g of oregano oil kg diet-1. In the first trial the nonmedicated group had the highest crypt depth which differs from chickens fed with growth promoter or with 0.5 and 1.0g of oregano oil kg diet-1. The broilers fed with positive control (antibiotic and anticoccidial) had the highest villous: crypt ratio compared with the negative control that had the lowest villous:crypt ratio and the highest oocyst excretion in litter (P<0.05) In the second trial it was observed that broilers fed with non anticoccidial agent had the highest cecal lamina propria thickeness which differ from chickens fed with anticoccidial agent in diet or supplemented with 1.0 of oregano oil kg diet-1 (P<0.05).

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris Extract Usability to Improve Silage Hygienic Quality and Reduce Mycotoxin Concentrations.

Autores: Gintarė Vaičiulienė, Bronius Bakutis, Jurgita Jovaišienė, Rimvydas Falkauskas, Gediminas Gerulis, Violeta Baliukonienė | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Silage is one of the main feed components of ruminants in the world. Which can consist about 50 - 80% part of the ration of dairy cows during the winter. The aim of this study was to evaluate oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) aqueous and ethanol extracts usability to improve the hygienic quality of perennial ryegrass, red clover and blue alfalfa silage samples and estimate their effect to mycotoxins concentrations. During the experiment under laboratory conditions 63 silage samples (21 perennial ryegrasses, 21 blue alfalfa, 21 red clover) has been fermented with inserted oregano and thyme aqueous and ethanol extracts and two commercial inoculants with mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. After 96 days of fermentation in silage samples were established fermentation parameters, microbiological status and mycotoxins concentrations. It was determined that the best results for perennial ryegrass and red clover silage samples hygienic quality was achieved with inserted oregano aqueous and thyme ethanol extracts. While in blue alfalfa samples, the best results of silage hygienic indicators were determined with inserted oregano aqueous and ethanol extracts. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA) and T-2 toxin concentrations in perennial ryegrass, red clover and blue alfalfa silage samples were best reduced with inserted aqueous and ethanol extracts of oregano and thyme. The present study shows that oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) aqueous and ethanol extracts can be used to improve the silage hygienic quality, reduce mycotoxins concentrations and thus ensure the wellness of cattle.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris Extract Usability to Improve Silage Hygienic Quality and Reduce Mycotoxin Concentrations.

Autores: Gintarė Vaičiulienė, Bronius Bakutis, Jurgita Jovaišienė, Rimvydas Falkauskas, Gediminas Gerulis, Violeta Baliukonienė | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Silage is one of the main feed components of ruminants in the world. Which can consist about 50 - 80% part of the ration of dairy cows during the winter. The aim of this study was to evaluate oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) aqueous and ethanol extracts usability to improve the hygienic quality of perennial ryegrass, red clover and blue alfalfa silage samples and estimate their effect to mycotoxins concentrations. During the experiment under laboratory conditions 63 silage samples (21 perennial ryegrasses, 21 blue alfalfa, 21 red clover) has been fermented with inserted oregano and thyme aqueous and ethanol extracts and two commercial inoculants with mesophilic lactic acid bacteria. After 96 days of fermentation in silage samples were established fermentation parameters, microbiological status and mycotoxins concentrations. It was determined that the best results for perennial ryegrass and red clover silage samples hygienic quality was achieved with inserted oregano aqueous and thyme ethanol extracts. While in blue alfalfa samples, the best results of silage hygienic indicators were determined with inserted oregano aqueous and ethanol extracts. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), deoxynivalenol (DON), zearalenone (ZEA) and T-2 toxin concentrations in perennial ryegrass, red clover and blue alfalfa silage samples were best reduced with inserted aqueous and ethanol extracts of oregano and thyme. The present study shows that oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) aqueous and ethanol extracts can be used to improve the silage hygienic quality, reduce mycotoxins concentrations and thus ensure the wellness of cattle.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Efecto del aceite esencial de orégano (Lippia origanoides) sobre metabolitos sanguíneos en pollos de engorde/ Effect of oregano essential oil (Lippia origanoides) on blood metabolites in broiler chickens/ Efeito do óleo essencial de orégano (Lippia origanoides) sobre metabolitos sanguíneos em frangos de corte

Autores: Madrid Garcés, Tomás Antonio; López Herrera, Albeiro; Parra Suescún, Jaime Eduardo | Ano: 2018 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Resumen Objetivo: evaluar parámetros sanguíneos en pollos de engorde de la línea genética Cobb500, luego de la administración de aceite esencial de orégano (Lippia origanoides) (AEO). Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron 200 pollos de línea genética Cobb 500 y se realizaron mediciones los días 14, 28 y 42. Los animales fueron aleatorizados a una de dos dietas: dieta comercial con antibiótico y sin este. A esta última se adicionaron diferentes concentraciones de AEO (75 ppm, 100 ppm o 200 ppm AEO). Se realizó un diseño estadístico de bloques al azar en un arreglo de parcelas dividas. Resultados: los pollos del grupo D5 (200 ppm) presentaron mayores valores en glucosa, fosfatasa y fósforo que los pollos alimentados con antibiótico (D2) a lo largo del experimento. Conclusión: la adición de 200 ppm de AEO en el alimento de pollos de engorde de la línea genética Cobb 500 induce una mejora en metabolitos sanguíneos. Este trabajo permitió evaluar las variables metabólicas de pollos que consumieron AEO.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Preparation and characterization of β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsule and its effect on storage behavior of purple yam.

Autores: Haohe Huang, Chongxing Huang, Cheng Yin, Muhammad Ru Khan, Hui Zhao, Yangfan Xu, Lijie Huang, Dantong Zheng, Minghui Qi | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Natural plant essential oils have antimicrobial properties; however, essential oils are difficult to maintain in a system because of their volatile nature. First, we prepared microcapsules from β-cyclodextrin and oregano essential oil and characterized their properties. Second, the effect of microcapsules on the preservation of freshly cut purple yam was studied using an edible coating technique. Purple yams immersed in distilled water were used as control, and their characteristics were compared with yams coated with citric acid, citric acid + sodium alginate, and citric acid + sodium alginate + β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsules (CA-SA-MC) and stored at 4 °C for 5 days.

Resultados: Microcapsules of oregano essential oil and β-cyclodextrin solution were successfully prepared via the inclusion method, with an optimal encapsulation efficiency of 55.14%. Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis showed strong bonds between β-cyclodextrin and oregano essential oil. All edible coatings, particularly CA-SA-MC, significantly (P ≤ 0.05) maintained firmness, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid content, and anthocyanin content compared with control treatment. This treatment also prevented browning and extended the shelf life of purple yam.

Conclusão: Oregano essential oil can be successfully encapsulated into cyclodextrin microcapsules. It has a great impact on the shelf life extension of purple yam and could be successfully applied to other fresh produce. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.

Preparation and characterization of β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsule and its effect on storage behavior of purple yam.

Autores: Haohe Huang, Chongxing Huang, Cheng Yin, Muhammad Ru Khan, Hui Zhao, Yangfan Xu, Lijie Huang, Dantong Zheng, Minghui Qi | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Natural plant essential oils have antimicrobial properties; however, essential oils are difficult to maintain in a system because of their volatile nature. First, we prepared microcapsules from β-cyclodextrin and oregano essential oil and characterized their properties. Second, the effect of microcapsules on the preservation of freshly cut purple yam was studied using an edible coating technique. Purple yams immersed in distilled water were used as control, and their characteristics were compared with yams coated with citric acid, citric acid + sodium alginate, and citric acid + sodium alginate + β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsules (CA-SA-MC) and stored at 4 °C for 5 days.

Resultados: Microcapsules of oregano essential oil and β-cyclodextrin solution were successfully prepared via the inclusion method, with an optimal encapsulation efficiency of 55.14%. Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis showed strong bonds between β-cyclodextrin and oregano essential oil. All edible coatings, particularly CA-SA-MC, significantly (P ≤ 0.05) maintained firmness, total soluble solids, ascorbic acid content, and anthocyanin content compared with control treatment. This treatment also prevented browning and extended the shelf life of purple yam.

Conclusão: Oregano essential oil can be successfully encapsulated into cyclodextrin microcapsules. It has a great impact on the shelf life extension of purple yam and could be successfully applied to other fresh produce. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry.

Nematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.

Autores: P Barbosa, A S Lima, P Vieira, L S Dias, M T Tinoco, J G Barroso, L G Pedro, A C Figueiredo, M Mota | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Twenty seven essential oils, isolated from plants representing 11 families of Portuguese flora, were screened for their nematicidal activity against the pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. The essential oils were isolated by hydrodistillation and the volatiles by distillation-extraction, and both were analysed by GC and GC-MS. High nematicidal activity was achieved with essential oils from Chamaespartium tridentatum, Origanum vulgare, Satureja montana, Thymbra capitata, and Thymus caespititius. All of these essential oils had an estimated minimum inhibitory concentration ranging between 0.097 and 0.374 mg/ml and a lethal concentration necessary to kill 100% of the population (LC(100)) between 0.858 and 1.984 mg/ml. Good nematicidal activity was also obtained with the essential oil from Cymbopogon citratus. The dominant components of the effective oils were 1-octen-3-ol (9%), n-nonanal, and linalool (both 7%) in C. tridentatum, geranial (43%), neral (29%), and β-myrcene (25%) in C. citratus, carvacrol (36% and 39%), γ-terpinene (24% and 40%), and p-cymene (14% and 7%) in O. vulgare and S. montana, respectively, and carvacrol (75% and 65%, respectively) in T. capitata and T. caespititius. The other essential oils obtained from Portuguese flora yielded weak or no activity. Five essential oils with nematicidal activity against PWN are reported for the first time.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Influencia del aceite esencial de orégano en la elaboración tradicional de quesos: efecto sobre el fermento láctico/ Influence of oregano essential oil on traditional Argentinean cheese elaboration: Effect on lactic starter cultures

Autores: Marcial, Guillermo E; Gerez, Carla L; Nuñez de Kairuz, Martha; Coll Araoz, Victoria; Schuff, Carola; Font de Valdez, Graciela | Ano: 2016 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: The aim of this work is to study the oregano essential oil (OEO) composition from Northwestern Argentinean regions and to evaluate its effect on the lactic starter cultures. The oregano used, Origanum vulgare var hirtum, was obtained from Andalgalá, Catamarca. The essential oil presented high amounts of α-terpinene (10%), γ-terpinene (15.1%), terpinen-4-ol (15.5%) and thymol (13.0%) as the main components. No negative effect on growth or metabolic activity of lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus CRL 728 and CRL 813, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CRL 656 and CRL 468, and Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CRL 597 up to the maximum concentration (200 μg/g) assayed was observed. No differences in the organoleptic characteristics of semi-hard cheeses flavored with oregano essential oil (200 μg/g) and homemade cheeses flavored with oregano leaves were found. With respect to the microbiological quality of the products, neither enterobacteria nor mold and yeast were detected during ripening in essential-oil flavored cheese compared to control cheese (enterobacteria 2 × 10³ UFC/g) and cheese flavored with oregano leaves (mold/yeast 4 × 10(4) CFU/g). Our results showed that the use of oregano essential oil and lactic starter culture considerably improved cheese quality.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Prevents Behavioral and Oxidative Stress Changes in the Scopolamine Zebrafish Model.

Autores: Luminita Capatina, Edoardo Marco Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, Lucian Hritcu | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum has been used as medicinal herbs promoting antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective activities. We investigated the protective effects and the mechanism of O. vulgare ssp. hirtum essential oil (OEO) on cognitive impairment and brain oxidative stress in a scopolamine (Sco)-induced zebrafish (Danio rerio) model of cognitive impairment. Our results show that exposure to Sco (100 µM) leads to anxiety, spatial memory, and response to novelty dysfunctions, whereas the administration of OEO (25, 150, and 300 µL/L, once daily for 13 days) reduced anxiety-like behavior and improved cognitive ability, which was confirmed by behavioral tests, such as the novel tank-diving test (NTT), Y-maze test, and novel object recognition test (NOR) in zebrafish. Additionally, Sco-induced brain oxidative stress and increasing of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity were attenuated by the administration of OEO. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses were used to elucidate the OEO composition, comprising thymol (38.82%), p-cymene (20.28%), and γ-terpinene (19.58%) as the main identified components. These findings suggest the ability of OEO to revert the Sco-induced cognitive deficits by restoring the cholinergic system activity and brain antioxidant status. Thus, OEO could be used as perspective sources of bioactive compounds, displaying valuable biological activities, with potential pharmaceutical applications.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Prevents Behavioral and Oxidative Stress Changes in the Scopolamine Zebrafish Model.

Autores: Luminita Capatina, Edoardo Marco Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, Lucian Hritcu | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum has been used as medicinal herbs promoting antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective activities. We investigated the protective effects and the mechanism of O. vulgare ssp. hirtum essential oil (OEO) on cognitive impairment and brain oxidative stress in a scopolamine (Sco)-induced zebrafish (Danio rerio) model of cognitive impairment. Our results show that exposure to Sco (100 µM) leads to anxiety, spatial memory, and response to novelty dysfunctions, whereas the administration of OEO (25, 150, and 300 µL/L, once daily for 13 days) reduced anxiety-like behavior and improved cognitive ability, which was confirmed by behavioral tests, such as the novel tank-diving test (NTT), Y-maze test, and novel object recognition test (NOR) in zebrafish. Additionally, Sco-induced brain oxidative stress and increasing of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity were attenuated by the administration of OEO. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses were used to elucidate the OEO composition, comprising thymol (38.82%), p-cymene (20.28%), and γ-terpinene (19.58%) as the main identified components. These findings suggest the ability of OEO to revert the Sco-induced cognitive deficits by restoring the cholinergic system activity and brain antioxidant status. Thus, OEO could be used as perspective sources of bioactive compounds, displaying valuable biological activities, with potential pharmaceutical applications.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Unraveling the Biosynthesis of Carvacrol in Different Tissues of Origanum vulgare.

Autores: Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Rui Yang, Yihao Yan, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Jingyi Li, Lei Shi | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is a principal culinary herb used worldwide which possesses great antioxidant and antibacterial properties corresponding to various volatile organic components (VOCs). However, the metabolite profiles and underlying biosynthesis mechanisms of elaborate tissues (stems, leaves, bracts, sepals, petals) of Origanum vulgare have seldom been reported. Here, solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry results showed that Origanum vulgare 'Hot and Spicy' (O. vulgare 'HS') was extremely rich in carvacrol and had the tissue dependence characteristic. Moreover, a full-length transcriptome analysis revealed carvacrol biosynthesis and its tissue-specific expression patterns of 'upstream' MVA/MEP pathway genes and 'downstream' modifier genes of TPSs, CYPs, and SDRs. Furthermore, the systems biology method of modular organization analysis was applied to cluster 16,341 differently expressed genes into nine modules and to identify significant carvacrol- and peltate glandular trichome-correlated modules. In terms of these positive and negative modules, weighted gene co-expression network analysis results showed that carvacrol biosynthetic pathway genes are highly co-expressed with TF genes, such as ZIPs and bHLHs, indicating their involvement in regulating the biosynthesis of carvacrol. Our findings shed light on the tissue specificity of VOC accumulation in O. vulgare 'HS' and identified key candidate genes for carvacrol biosynthesis, which would allow metabolic engineering and breeding of Origanum cultivars.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Multifunctional poly(vinyl alcohol) films using cellulose nanocrystals/oregano and cellulose nanocrystals/cinnamon Pickering emulsions: Effect of oil type and concentration.

Autores: Ahmed A Oun, Gye Hwa Shin, Jun Tae Kim | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films with high transparency, UV-barrier, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties were prepared using oregano essential oil (OEO) and cinnamon essential oil (CEO) Pickering emulsions. The effect of Pickering emulsion type and concentration on the PVA film properties was studied. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were used as a natural stabilizer to prepare OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions. Both emulsions showed spherical droplets with diameters of 155-291 nm, zeta potential of -36.2 to -49.6 mV, minimum inhibition concentration of 6.25-12.5 μL/mL, and inhibition zone of 40-65 mm, depending on oil type. Morphology and FTIR analysis showed that OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions were compatible with the PVA matrix. The UV-transmittance of PVA films decreased from 77.3% to 30.4% and 2.0% without sacrificing the transparency after adding OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions, respectively. Antimicrobial results showed that E. coli was more sensitive to CEO, while S. aureus was sensitive to OEO Pickering emulsion. PVA/CEO film displayed higher properties than PVA/OEO film.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Crescimento, produção de óleo essencial e trocas gasosas em orégano influenciados por diferentes lâminas de irrigação/ Growth, essential oil production and gas exchange in oregano affected by different irrigation depth

Autores: Marques, Patricia Angélica Alves; Bernardi Filho, Lineu; Santos, Ana Cláudia Pacheco | Ano: 2009 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: O orégano é uma planta aromática da família Lamiaceae muito comum na região do mediterrâneo. Ele é rico em óleo essencial e muito usado como tempero na preparação de alimentos. Conhecer o comportamento da espécie em relação às características climáticas da região de plantio é essencial para o sucesso do cultivo. Assim, um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de analisar o efeito de cinco lâminas de irrigação em condições de campo, na produção de óleo essencial e nas trocas gasosas da planta de orégano. As lâminas calculadas com base na ECA (Evaporação do Tanque Classe A) foram 0 (sem reposição de água); 25; 50; 75 e 100 por cento ECA. O experimento foi instalado em Presidente Prudente, em São Paulo (SP), no período de fevereiro a maio de 2006. Observou-se uma relação linear positiva com o incremento das lâminas de irrigação para as variáveis matéria fresca da parte aérea, matéria seca da parte aérea e da raiz; relação raiz/parte aérea, teor e rendimento do óleo essencial. O uso da lâmina de 100 por cento ECA apresentou os melhores resultados de crescimento das plantas de orégano e de produção de óleo essencial. As diferentes lâminas de irrigação não afetaram as trocas gasosas da planta.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Date of harvesting affects yields and quality of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart.

Autores: Beata Król, Barbara Kołodziej, Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia, Danuta Sugier, Katarzyna Luchowska | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this experiment was to determine the essential oil, flavonoid and phenolic acid contents as well as yields of raw material collected from different morphological parts of Greek oregano in five consecutive developmental stages. Antibacterial and antifungal properties of methanol and hexane extracts from the aerial parts of Greek oregano were assessed as well.

Resultados: The findings showed that Greek oregano grown in the cool climate of central Europe had a considerable variation in the essential oil yield and chemical composition related to the harvesting stage. Forty volatile compounds were detected in essential oils, with the highest amount of carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene and γ-terpinene, constituting in total from 90.72 to 92.9%.

Conclusão: Different morphological parts of the plants contained different amounts of essential oils, with dominant amounts in the flowers. The essential oil content systematically increased, reaching its maximum in the full blooming period. In that phase, the plants produced the highest yields of aboveground parts and provided approximately 190 L ha-1 of essential oils. Mainly owing to its content of phenolic compounds, the Greek oregano raw material exhibited relatively high antioxidant activity. The data obtained clearly showed the inhibitory activity of methanol and hexane extracts against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Process Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.

Autores: Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) is widely known for its good biological activity, but different extraction methods with significant implications on the yield of OEO and the content of the thymol and carvacrol. As an efficient method for extracting essential oils (EO), the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SC-CO2) can improve the yield of EOs while protecting their main active components from loss.

Resultados: The results showed that extraction pressure was the most significant factor affecting the OEO yield, thymol, and carvacrol content. In the optimal conditions (pressure: 217 bar, temperature: 54°C, time: 2 h, modifier concentration: 14%), the yield of OEO reached up to 1.136%, and the contents of thymol and carvacrol reached 53.172  and 41.785 mg/g, respectively.

Conclusão: N/A

Effect of chitosan coating incorporated with oregano or cinnamon essential oil on the bacterial diversity and shelf life of roast duck in modified atmosphere packaging.

Autores: Xue Chen, Wenwen Chen, Xiao Lu, Yanwei Mao, Xin Luo, Guoxing Liu, Lixian Zhu, Yimin Zhang | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of chitosan edible coating containing 0.15% oregano essential oil (OEO) or 0.60% cinnamon essential oil (CEO) on the quality characteristics and dynamic changes in the bacterial community of roast duck slices under modified atmosphere packaging (MAP, 30% CO2/70% N2) during 21 days of storage at 2 ± 2 °C. The results showed that the application of chitosan coating (CH) alone inhibited the growth of microorganisms and prevented lipid oxidation throughout storage. Moreover, the storage stability was further improved by including OEO or CEO, which lowered (P < 0.05) values for total viable count (TVC), Enterobacteriaceae, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N). Based on the microbiological results, the shelf-life of CH-OEO and CH-CEO treated roast duck slices was prolonged by at least 7 days compared to that of the control. In addition, packaging types applied in this study played a major role in the bacterial community development. Notably, Vibrio spp. were the most predominant bacteria in all samples, when TVC values approached the shelf-life threshold, suggesting that this bacterium may be the main contributor to the spoilage of roast duck. The growth inhibition of Vibrio spp. in the CH-OEO and CH-CEO treatments during the early period of chilled storage might be the reason for the extension of the shelf life. Taken together, CH incorporated with OEO or CEO could be developed as prospective edible packaging materials to preserve roast duck meat.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Oregano Essential Oils Mediated Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolites and Improved Growth Performance and Intestinal Barrier Function in Sheep.

Autores: Li Jia, Jianping Wu, Yu Lei, Fanyun Kong, Rui Zhang, Jianxiang Sun, Liao Wang, Zemin Li, Jinping Shi, Ying Wang, Yubing Wei, Ke Zhang, Zhaomin Lei | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: With the increased demand for safe and sustainable alternatives to growth promoting antibiotics in the livestock industry, oregano essential oils (OEO) and Lactobacillus reuteri (LR) have been examined as alternatives to antibiotics for growth promotion and to improve animal health and performance. However, the mechanism underlying the OEO and LR mediation of sheep growth remains unknown. In this study, 16S rRNA gene sequencing and untargeted metabolomics were used to determine the role of the gut microbiota in the growth improvements observed. The potential modulating roles of intestinal microbial metabolites of OEO and LR to intestinal health were systematically explored as well. It was observed that both OEO and LR had greater average daily gain (ADG) and lower F/G ratio. Furthermore, OEO also appeared to have produced a greater amylase enzyme activity and mucin gene expression in the jejunal mucosa. It was also observed that OEO reduced serum IL-2 and TNF-β as well as mRNA levels of NF-κB p65, toll-like receptor-4 (TLR-4), and IL-6 in the jejunal mucosa. Moreover, dietary OEO supplementation increased the abundances of Ruminococcus, Bifidobacterium and Enterococcus, while the relative abundances of Succiniclasticum, Marvinbryantia and Streptococcus were enriched in LR group. Spearman's correlation analysis revealed that the abundances of Bifidobacterium, Ruminococcus and Enterococcus were positively correlated with the mRNA expression of mucins. Moreover, the relative abundance of Enterococcus was positively correlated with amylase activity. Metabolomics analysis indicated that OEO and LR increased the levels of indole acetaldehyde and indole-3-acetic acid through the tryptophan metabolism pathway. It was observed that LR also decreased the inflammatory metabolites including tryptamine and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid. Collectively, these results suggested that OEO exerted a beneficial effect on growth performance and the mucosal barrier, affected tryptophan metabolism and improved the intestinal microbiota of sheep.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Synergistic antimicrobial activities of essential oil vapours against Penicillium corylophilum on a laboratory medium and beef jerky.

Autores: Hyegeun Ji, Hoikyung Kim, Larry R Beuchat, Jee-Hoon Ryu | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study was done to determine the antifungal activities of essential oil (EO) vapours of 97 plants against Penicillium corylophilum and to test combinations of EO vapours for synergistic antifungal effects. Among 97 commercially available EOs extracted from plant parts, garlic, cinnamon bark, may chang (mountain pepper), citronella, thyme thymol, oregano, spearmint, and thyme linalool EO vapours exhibited relatively strong antifungal activities. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of these EO vapours were 0.0390-0.6250 μL/mL. A combination of cinnamon bark, citronella, and may chang EO vapours, as well as a combination of cinnamon bark and citronella EO vapours, showed synergistic inhibitory activities to P. corylophilum on a laboratory medium. A combination of cinnamon bark, citronella, and may chang EO vapours had synergistic activity in inhibiting growth of P. corylophilium on beef jerky. Observations reported here provide basic information valuable when developing strategies to inhibit the growth of P. corylophilum and possibly other moderately xerophilic molds on intermediate-moisture foods.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Multifunctional poly(vinyl alcohol) films using cellulose nanocrystals/oregano and cellulose nanocrystals/cinnamon Pickering emulsions: Effect of oil type and concentration.

Autores: Ahmed A Oun, Gye Hwa Shin, Jun Tae Kim | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) films with high transparency, UV-barrier, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties were prepared using oregano essential oil (OEO) and cinnamon essential oil (CEO) Pickering emulsions. The effect of Pickering emulsion type and concentration on the PVA film properties was studied. Cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) were used as a natural stabilizer to prepare OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions. Both emulsions showed spherical droplets with diameters of 155-291 nm, zeta potential of -36.2 to -49.6 mV, minimum inhibition concentration of 6.25-12.5 μL/mL, and inhibition zone of 40-65 mm, depending on oil type. Morphology and FTIR analysis showed that OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions were compatible with the PVA matrix. The UV-transmittance of PVA films decreased from 77.3% to 30.4% and 2.0% without sacrificing the transparency after adding OEO and CEO Pickering emulsions, respectively. Antimicrobial results showed that E. coli was more sensitive to CEO, while S. aureus was sensitive to OEO Pickering emulsion. PVA/CEO film displayed higher properties than PVA/OEO film.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Autores: Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The study was designed to evaluate the possible protective roles of dietary Origanum vulgare essential oil (OVEO) against cypermethrin (CP)-induced serum biochemical changes and oxidative stress of common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Moreover, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and DNA damage in the gills and hepatic tissues were also assessed. Briefly, fish were allotted into six groups with three triplicates whereas a group fed on basal diet and did not exposed to CP and served as control (CTR), two groups were fed on diets supplemented with two levels of OVEO (0.5 % and 1.0 %), a group exposed to sub-lethal concentration of CP (1/10 of 96 h-LC50 = 0.4134 μg/L), and two other groups exposed to the same concentration of CP and fed on diets supplemented with both levels of OVEO (CP + 0.5 % OVEO, and CP + 1.0 % OVEO), respectively, for 30 days. CP induced significant elevation of serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), urea, and creatinine levels indicating hepato-renal toxicity (P < 0.05). Besides, there was a significant decrease in serum catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (P < 0.05). Moreover, CP induced significant histopathologic alterations in gills, anterior kidneys, and hepatic tissues with activation of apoptosis (Caspase-3) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Comet assay demonstrated significant DNA damage in gills and liver tissues of the CP-exposed group. Interestingly, a significant attenuation of serum ALT, AST, ALP, urea, creatinine, CAT, and SOD levels (P < 0.05) was noticed in CP-exposed fish and concurrently fed diets supplemented with either 0.5 % or 1.0 % OVEO. Moreover, histopathologic alterations and apoptosis were significantly reduced along with a concomitant significant decrease in DNA damage (P < 0.05) which indicated the mitigation of DNA damage. Conclusively, the study showed that OVEO is an effective counteractive treatment against CP-induced damage in exposed common carp and is recommended during the formulation of fish rations.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oil Coating: Mediterranean Culinary Plants as Grain Protectants against Larvae and Adults of Tribolium castaneum and Trogoderma granarium.

Autores: Nikos E Papanikolaou, Nickolas G Kavallieratos, Vassilios Iliopoulos, Epameinondas Evergetis, Anna Skourti, Erifili P Nika, Serkos A Haroutounian | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Postharvest agricultural losses constitute a major food security risk. In contrast, postharvest protection is strongly linked with food safety. The present study aims to develop novel postharvest protection tools through a bioprospecting protocol utilizing edible essential oils (EOs) as grain coatings. For this purpose, six Mediterranean culinary plants were selected for evaluation. The EOs of juniper, Juniperus phoenicea L. (Pinales: Cupressaceae), marjoram, Origanum majorana L. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae), oregano, Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) A.Terracc. (Lamiales: Lamiaceae), bay laurel, Laurus nobilis L. (Laurales: Lauraceae) and tarhan, Echinophora tenuifolia ssp. sibthorpiana (Guss.) Tutin (Apiales: Apiaceae) were retrieved through steam distillation, while lemon, Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck (Sapindales: Rutaceae) EO was retrieved through cold press extraction. All EOs were formulated to microemulsions (MEs) and applied uniformly as a coating on wheat against larvae and adults of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and Trogoderma granarium Everts (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). All EO-based MEs have been evaluated for the first time as grain coatings. They caused moderate to high mortality to T. castaneum larvae (67.8-93.3% 14 days post-exposure) and T. granarium adults (70.0-87.8% after 7 days of exposure). Citrus limon, O. majorana and E. tenuifolia ssp. sibthorpiana EO-based MEs were the most efficient against T. castaneum larvae, by exhibiting 93.3%, 91.1% and 90.0% mortality 14 days post-exposure, respectively. Origanum majorana, L. nobilis and J. phoenicea EO-based MEs were the most efficient against T. granarium adults, exhibiting 87.8%, 84.4% and 83.3% mortality after 7 days of exposure, respectively. These results indicate that EO-based ME coating is a potent tool against the tested postharvest pests.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Determination of Thymol in Commercial Formulation, Essential Oils, Traditional, and Ultrasound-Based Extracts of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare Using a Greener HPTLC Approach.

Autores: Ahmed I Foudah, Faiyaz Shakeel, Mohammed H Alqarni, Abuzer Ali, Sultan Alshehri, Mohammed M Ghoneim, Prawez Alam | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In the literature, greener analytical approaches for determining thymol in its commercial formulations, plant-based phytopharmaceuticals, and biological fluids are scarce. As a result, the goal of this study is to develop and validate a normal-phase "high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC)" method for determining thymol in commercial formulations, essential oils, traditional extracts (TE), and ultrasound-based extracts (UBE) of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare obtained from various geographical regions. The greener mobile phase for thymol analysis was a binary combination of cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (85:15, v/v). The derivatized densitometric analysis of thymol was carried out under visible mode at 530 nm utilizing anisaldehyde-sulfuric acid as a derivatizing/visualizing agent. In the 10-2000 ng/band range, the greener normal-phase HPTLC method was linear. Furthermore, for thymol analysis, the proposed analytical approach was simple, quick, inexpensive, accurate, precise, robust, sensitive, and greener. The thymol contents in commercial formulation were computed as 7.61% w/w. In general, the thymol contents were maximum in essential oils of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare compared to the other sample matrices studied. The thymol contents of TE of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare of different geographical regions were significantly low compared to their UBE extract. Using 12 distinct components of green analytical chemistry, the overall "analytical GREEnness (AGREE)" scale for the proposed analytical approach was computed 0.79, showing the good greener nature of the proposed analytical approach. Overall, the greener normal-phase HPTLC technique was found to be reliable for determining thymol in commercial formulations and plant-based phytopharmaceuticals.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils as In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Manipulators to Mitigate Methane Emission by Beef Cattle Grazing Tropical Grasses.

Autores: Gabriela Benetel, Thaysa Dos Santos Silva, Gisele Maria Fagundes, Katiéli Caroline Welter, Flavia Alves Melo, Annelise A G Lobo, James Pierre Muir, Ives C S Bueno | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: There is increasing pressure to identify natural feed additives to mitigate methane emissions from livestock systems. Our objective was to investigate the effects of essential oils (EO) extracts star anise (Illicium verum), citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus), clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllus), staigeriana eucalyptus (Eucalyptus staigeriana), globulus eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), ho wood (Cinnamomum camphora), melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia), oregano (Origanum vulgare) and white thyme (Thymus vulgaris) on in vitro methane emissions from four rumen-cannulated Nellore cattle grazing a tropical grass pasture as inoculum donors. The semi-automated gas production technique was used to assess total gas production, dry matter degradability, partitioning factor, ammoniacal nitrogen, short-chain fatty acids and methane production. All essential oils were tested in four doses (0, 50, 250 and 500 mg/L) in a randomized block design, arranged with four blocks, 10 treatments, four doses and two replicates. Within our study, oregano and white Thyme EO reduced net methane production at 250 mg/L, without affecting substrate degradation. Essential oils from oregano and white thyme have the potential to modify ruminal fermentation and suppress rumen methanogenesis without negative effects on feed digestibility, indicating promise as alternatives to ionophores for methane reduction in beef cattle.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Essential Oils as In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Manipulators to Mitigate Methane Emission by Beef Cattle Grazing Tropical Grasses.

Autores: Gabriela Benetel, Thaysa Dos Santos Silva, Gisele Maria Fagundes, Katiéli Caroline Welter, Flavia Alves Melo, Annelise A G Lobo, James Pierre Muir, Ives C S Bueno | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: There is increasing pressure to identify natural feed additives to mitigate methane emissions from livestock systems. Our objective was to investigate the effects of essential oils (EO) extracts star anise (Illicium verum), citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus), clove bud (Eugenia caryophyllus), staigeriana eucalyptus (Eucalyptus staigeriana), globulus eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), ginger (Zingiber officinale), ho wood (Cinnamomum camphora), melaleuca (Melaleuca alternifolia), oregano (Origanum vulgare) and white thyme (Thymus vulgaris) on in vitro methane emissions from four rumen-cannulated Nellore cattle grazing a tropical grass pasture as inoculum donors. The semi-automated gas production technique was used to assess total gas production, dry matter degradability, partitioning factor, ammoniacal nitrogen, short-chain fatty acids and methane production. All essential oils were tested in four doses (0, 50, 250 and 500 mg/L) in a randomized block design, arranged with four blocks, 10 treatments, four doses and two replicates. Within our study, oregano and white Thyme EO reduced net methane production at 250 mg/L, without affecting substrate degradation. Essential oils from oregano and white thyme have the potential to modify ruminal fermentation and suppress rumen methanogenesis without negative effects on feed digestibility, indicating promise as alternatives to ionophores for methane reduction in beef cattle.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Process Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.

Autores: Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) is widely known for its good biological activity, but different extraction methods with significant implications on the yield of OEO and the content of the thymol and carvacrol. As an efficient method for extracting essential oils (EO), the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SC-CO2) can improve the yield of EOs while protecting their main active components from loss.

Resultados: The results showed that extraction pressure was the most significant factor affecting the OEO yield, thymol, and carvacrol content. In the optimal conditions (pressure: 217 bar, temperature: 54°C, time: 2 h, modifier concentration: 14%), the yield of OEO reached up to 1.136%, and the contents of thymol and carvacrol reached 53.172  and 41.785 mg/g, respectively.

Conclusão: N/A

Essential oils as tick repellents on clothing.

Autores: Oliver Soutar, Freya Cohen, Richard Wall | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Essential oils show promise as natural alternatives to synthetic tick repellents, but few studies have investigated their repellent efficacy in vivo or under field conditions. Here, blanket-drags and standardised walks were employed to evaluate tick acquisition by 1 m2 cotton blankets or cotton trousers, respectively, in woodland edge habitats of known high tick abundance. Blankets and trousers had been treated with one of 5% oregano, rosemary, spearmint or thyme oils, 20% DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) (positive control) or ethanol excipient-only (negative control). The number of ticks present on the blankets or trousers differed significantly between treatments: spearmint oil treatments resulted in significantly fewer ticks than the negative controls for both blankets and trousers and significantly fewer ticks were present on the oregano oil treated blankets. For ticks that did attach to the trousers, the rate of drop off within 3 min was significantly higher for trousers treated with spearmint oil or thyme oil than ethanol, oregano oil and rosemary oil. No reduction in repellence was detected over a 24 h period between treatment and testing. The results suggest that 5% oregano and spearmint oils exhibit potential as natural clothing repellents, with an effective equivalence to 20% DEET.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Chemical Compositions and Anti-Skin-Ageing Activities of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil from Tropical and Mediterranean Region.

Autores: Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. has been used as a culinary ingredient worldwide. This study revealed the cosmeceutical potential of O. vulgare essential oil as a skin-ageing retardant. The O. vulgare essential oil from a highland area of a tropical country (HO), obtained by hydrodistillation was investigated and compared to a commercial oil from the Mediterranean region (CO). Their chemical compositions were investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Antioxidant activities were investigated by ferric reducing antioxidant power, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, and ferric thiocyanate assay. Anti-skin-ageing activities were determined by means of collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase inhibition. Carvacrol was the major component in both oils, but a higher amount was detected in HO (79.5%) than CO (64.6%). HO possessed comparable radical scavenging activity to CO (IC50 = 1.8 ± 0.8 mg/mL) but significantly higher lipid peroxidation inhibition (38.0 ± 0.8%). Carvacrol was remarked as the major compound responsible for the reducing power of both oils. Interestingly, HO possessed significant superior anti-skin-ageing activity than ascorbic acid (P < 0.01), with inhibition against collagenase, elastase, and hyaluronidase of 92.0 ± 9.7%, 53.1 ± 13.3%, and 16.7 ± 0.3%, at the concentration of 67, 25, and 4 µg/mL, respectively. Since HO possessed comparable anti-hyaluronidase activity to CO and superior anti-collagenase and anti-elastase (P < 0.01), HO was suggested to be used as a natural skin-ageing retardant in a cosmetic industry.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Unraveling the Biosynthesis of Carvacrol in Different Tissues of Origanum vulgare.

Autores: Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Rui Yang, Yihao Yan, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Jingyi Li, Lei Shi | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare, belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is a principal culinary herb used worldwide which possesses great antioxidant and antibacterial properties corresponding to various volatile organic components (VOCs). However, the metabolite profiles and underlying biosynthesis mechanisms of elaborate tissues (stems, leaves, bracts, sepals, petals) of Origanum vulgare have seldom been reported. Here, solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry results showed that Origanum vulgare 'Hot and Spicy' (O. vulgare 'HS') was extremely rich in carvacrol and had the tissue dependence characteristic. Moreover, a full-length transcriptome analysis revealed carvacrol biosynthesis and its tissue-specific expression patterns of 'upstream' MVA/MEP pathway genes and 'downstream' modifier genes of TPSs, CYPs, and SDRs. Furthermore, the systems biology method of modular organization analysis was applied to cluster 16,341 differently expressed genes into nine modules and to identify significant carvacrol- and peltate glandular trichome-correlated modules. In terms of these positive and negative modules, weighted gene co-expression network analysis results showed that carvacrol biosynthetic pathway genes are highly co-expressed with TF genes, such as ZIPs and bHLHs, indicating their involvement in regulating the biosynthesis of carvacrol. Our findings shed light on the tissue specificity of VOC accumulation in O. vulgare 'HS' and identified key candidate genes for carvacrol biosynthesis, which would allow metabolic engineering and breeding of Origanum cultivars.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Process Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.

Autores: Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) is widely known for its good biological activity, but different extraction methods with significant implications on the yield of OEO and the content of the thymol and carvacrol. As an efficient method for extracting essential oils (EO), the supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (SC-CO2) can improve the yield of EOs while protecting their main active components from loss.

Resultados: The results showed that extraction pressure was the most significant factor affecting the OEO yield, thymol, and carvacrol content. In the optimal conditions (pressure: 217 bar, temperature: 54°C, time: 2 h, modifier concentration: 14%), the yield of OEO reached up to 1.136%, and the contents of thymol and carvacrol reached 53.172  and 41.785 mg/g, respectively.

Conclusão: N/A

Determination of Thymol in Commercial Formulation, Essential Oils, Traditional, and Ultrasound-Based Extracts of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare Using a Greener HPTLC Approach.

Autores: Ahmed I Foudah, Faiyaz Shakeel, Mohammed H Alqarni, Abuzer Ali, Sultan Alshehri, Mohammed M Ghoneim, Prawez Alam | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: In the literature, greener analytical approaches for determining thymol in its commercial formulations, plant-based phytopharmaceuticals, and biological fluids are scarce. As a result, the goal of this study is to develop and validate a normal-phase "high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC)" method for determining thymol in commercial formulations, essential oils, traditional extracts (TE), and ultrasound-based extracts (UBE) of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare obtained from various geographical regions. The greener mobile phase for thymol analysis was a binary combination of cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (85:15, v/v). The derivatized densitometric analysis of thymol was carried out under visible mode at 530 nm utilizing anisaldehyde-sulfuric acid as a derivatizing/visualizing agent. In the 10-2000 ng/band range, the greener normal-phase HPTLC method was linear. Furthermore, for thymol analysis, the proposed analytical approach was simple, quick, inexpensive, accurate, precise, robust, sensitive, and greener. The thymol contents in commercial formulation were computed as 7.61% w/w. In general, the thymol contents were maximum in essential oils of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare compared to the other sample matrices studied. The thymol contents of TE of T. vulgaris and O. vulgare of different geographical regions were significantly low compared to their UBE extract. Using 12 distinct components of green analytical chemistry, the overall "analytical GREEnness (AGREE)" scale for the proposed analytical approach was computed 0.79, showing the good greener nature of the proposed analytical approach. Overall, the greener normal-phase HPTLC technique was found to be reliable for determining thymol in commercial formulations and plant-based phytopharmaceuticals.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Transdermal delivery enhancement of carvacrol from Origanum vulgare L. essential oil by microemulsion.

Autores: Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Waranya Neimkhum, Songyot Anuchapreeda, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana | Ano: 2020 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Carvacrol has been reported for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity by cyclooxygenase inhibition but it could induce gastrointestinal toxicity because of its non-selective inhibition. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop transdermal microemulsion from Origanum vulgare essential oil to deliver carvacrol into and through the skin which would overwhelm the gastrointestinal problems. O. vulgare essential oil was extracted by hydrodistillation and its carvacrol content was determined using high performance liquid chromatography. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were constructed using water dilution method to investigate the suitable microemulsion components. Microemulsions were then characterized for external appearance, particle size, size distribution, zeta potential, electrical conductivity, refractive index, viscosity, transmittance, pH, and stability. Additionally, the irritation property of microemulsions were investigated by hen's egg on the chorioallantoic membrane assay. The release profile, percutaneous absorption, and skin retention were investigated using dialysis bag and Franz diffusion cell, respectively. The interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were investigated using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results remarked that carvacrol was a major component of O. vulgare essential oil with high concentration of 83.7%. The most suitable microemulsion (ME 1), composing of 5% w/w O. vulgare essential oil, 25%w/w Tween 60, 25%w/w butylene glycol, and 45%w/w deionized water, had the smallest internal droplet size (179.5 ± 27.9 nm), the narrowest polydispersity index (0.30 ± 0.07), the highest transmittance (93.13 ± 0.04%), and Newtonian flow behavior with low viscosity of 0.30 ± 0.07 Pas. ME 1 could reduce the irritation effect of O. vulgare essential oil since ME 1 (IS = 3.1 ± 0.10) exhibited significantly lower irritation effect than its blank formulation (IS = 4.8 ± 0.02) and O. vulgare oil solution (IS = 5.0 ± 0.01) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, ME 1 sustain released carvacrol from the formulation, remarkedly deliver more carvacrol through the skin layer (2.6 ± 2.2%) and significantly retained carvacrol in the skin layer (2.60 ± 1.25%). Additionally, ME 1 significantly enhanced IL-6 inhibition of O. vulgaris oil and carvacrol (p < 0.05). Therefore, O. vulgaris oil microemulsion was suggested to be used for the transdermal delivery and anti-inflammatory activities enhancement of carvacrol.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Date of harvesting affects yields and quality of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart.

Autores: Beata Król, Barbara Kołodziej, Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia, Danuta Sugier, Katarzyna Luchowska | Ano: 2019 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this experiment was to determine the essential oil, flavonoid and phenolic acid contents as well as yields of raw material collected from different morphological parts of Greek oregano in five consecutive developmental stages. Antibacterial and antifungal properties of methanol and hexane extracts from the aerial parts of Greek oregano were assessed as well.

Resultados: The findings showed that Greek oregano grown in the cool climate of central Europe had a considerable variation in the essential oil yield and chemical composition related to the harvesting stage. Forty volatile compounds were detected in essential oils, with the highest amount of carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene and γ-terpinene, constituting in total from 90.72 to 92.9%.

Conclusão: Different morphological parts of the plants contained different amounts of essential oils, with dominant amounts in the flowers. The essential oil content systematically increased, reaching its maximum in the full blooming period. In that phase, the plants produced the highest yields of aboveground parts and provided approximately 190 L ha-1 of essential oils. Mainly owing to its content of phenolic compounds, the Greek oregano raw material exhibited relatively high antioxidant activity. The data obtained clearly showed the inhibitory activity of methanol and hexane extracts against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
OréganoAgente antibacteriano naturalSimComparison of Origanum Essential Oil Chemical Compounds and Their Antibacterial Activity against Cronobacter sakazakii.Xiaoqi Guo, Yuanpeng Hao, Wenying Zhang, Fei Xia, Hongtong Bai, Hui Li, Lei Shi2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAlteração do perfil lipídico e biomarcadores hepáticosSimEffect of Origanum dubium, Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum, and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes.Hasan Maral, Süleyman Ulupınar, Ayşegül Türk Baydır, Serhat Özbay, Konca Altınkaynak, Engin Şebin, Erdinç Şiktar, Necip Fazıl Kishalı, Yusuf Buzdağlı, Cebrail Gençoğlu, İzzet İnce2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAnti-inflamatória e antioxidanteSimOregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil provides anti-inflammatory activity and facilitates wound healing in a human keratinocytes cell model.Rosanna Avola, Giuseppe Granata, Corrada Geraci, Edoardo Napoli, Adriana Carol Eleonora Graziano, Venera Cardile2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAnti-inflamatório, antioxidante e CicatrizanteSimOregano (Origanum vulgare L.) essential oil provides anti-inflammatory activity and facilitates wound healing in a human keratinocytes cell model.Rosanna Avola, Giuseppe Granata, Corrada Geraci, Edoardo Napoli, Adriana Carol Eleonora Graziano, Venera Cardile2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAntibacterianaSimPreparation and characterization of oregano essential oil-loaded Dioscorea zingiberensis starch film with antioxidant and antibacterial activity and its application in chicken preservation.Yuping Shen, Jinwei Zhou, Chengyu Yang, Yufei Chen, Yaya Yang, Cunshan Zhou, Liwei Wang, Guohua Xia, Xiaojie Yu, Huan Yang2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAntibacterianaSimChemical composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎, and time-kill activities of some selected plant essential oils against foodborne pathogenic and spoilage organisms.Maryam Torabian Kakhki, Naser Sedaghat, Mohammad Mohsenzadeh2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAntibacterianas e antioxidantesSimChemical composition, antioxidative‎, antibacterial‎‎, and time-kill activities of some selected plant essential oils against foodborne pathogenic and spoilage organisms.Maryam Torabian Kakhki, Naser Sedaghat, Mohammad Mohsenzadeh2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAntibacteriano contra EnterobacteriaceaeSimComparison of sensitivity to a commercial Origanum vulgare essential oil between extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL-) and non-ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates.Qada Benameur, Teresa Gervasi, Vito Pellizzeri, Mária Pľuchtová, Daniela Gruľová, Nicola Cicero, Benmahdi Meriem-Hind2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAntibacteriano, antifúngico, antiparasitário, antioxidante, anti-inflamatório, antitumoral, benéfico para distúrbios de pele, antidiabético e anti-AlzheimerSimA Recent Insight Regarding the Phytochemistry and Bioactivity of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil.Adelina Lombrea, Diana Antal, Florina Ardelean, Stefana Avram, Ioana Zinuca Pavel, Lavinia Vlaia, Ana-Maria Mut, Zorita Diaconeasa, Cristina Adriana Dehelean, Codruta Soica, Corina Danciu2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAntifúngica e antioxidanteSimInvestigation of physicochemical properties, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of edible films based on chitosan/casein containing Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and its effect on quality maintenance of cherry tomato.Narjes Roshandel-Hesari, Majid Mokaber-Esfahani, Akram Taleghani, Reza Akbari2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAntifúngicoSimEfficacy of Origanum essential oils for inhibition of potentially pathogenic fungi/ Eficácia de Origanum óleos essenciais para a inibição de fungos potencialmente patogênicosSouza, Nadábia Almeida B; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Guedes, Diego Nunes; Pereira, Fillipe de Oliveira; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Sousa, Fredterico Barbosa de2010LILACS
OréganoAntifúngicoSimThe potential of Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) essential oil in inhibiting the growth of some food-related Aspergillus species/ Potencial do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) em inibir o crescimento de algumas cepas de Aspergillus de interesse em alimentosCarmo, Egberto Santos; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira; Souza, Evandro Leite de2008LILACS
OréganoAntifúngicoSimSynthesis and Nano-Sized Characterization of Bioactive Oregano Essential Oil Molecule-Loaded Small Unilamellar Nanoliposomes with Antifungal Potentialities.Katya M Aguilar-Pérez, Dora I Medina, Jayanthi Narayanan, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, Hafiz M N Iqbal2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAntifúngico contra Botrytis cinereaSimChemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil from Origanum vulgare against Botrytis cinerea.Yun Zhao, Yun-Hai Yang, Min Ye, Kai-Bo Wang, Li-Ming Fan, Fa-Wu Su2021pubmedN/A
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OréganoAntifúngico contra Sporothrix schenckiiSimAtividade in vitro do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare frente à Sporothrix Schenckii/ In vitro activity of the essential oil of Origanum vulgare against Sporothrix schenckiiCleff, M. B; Meinerz, A. R. M; Schuch, L. F. D; Rodrigues, M. R. A; Meireles, M. C. A; Mello, J. R. B2008LILACS
OréganoAntifúngico contra o agente causador da doença do tomate Phytophthora infestansSimAntimicrobial activities of the essential oils of various plants against tomato late blight disease agent Phytophthora infestans.E Mine Soylu, Soner Soylu, Sener Kurt2006pubmedN/A
OréganoAntifúngico e antibiofilmeSimOregano essential oil inhibits Candida spp. biofilms.Mayram Hacioglu, Ozlem Oyardi, Alpcan Kirinti2021pubmedN/A
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OréganoAntimicrobianoSimAn Overview of the Potential Therapeutic Applications of Essential Oils.Mariam Nasser Aljaafari, Asma Obaid AlAli, Laila Baqais, Maream Alqubaisy, Mudhi AlAli, Aidin Molouki, Janna Ong-Abdullah, Aisha Abushelaibi, Kok-Song Lai, Swee-Hua Erin Lim2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAntimicrobianoSimBiological and pharmacological activities of carvacrol and carvacrol bearing essential oils.K Husnu Can Baser2008pubmedN/A
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OréganoAntioxidanteSimEvaluación del efecto antioxidante de aceites esenciales y extractos de Eugenia caryophyllata, Origanum vulgare Y Thymus vulgaris/ Evaluation of antioxidant effect of essential oils and extracts of eugenia caryophyllata, origanumCardona Henao, Luis Eduardo; Mejía G., Luis Fernando2009LILACS
OréganoAntioxidanteSimEssential Oils from Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Cupressaceae and Lamiaceae Families Grown in Serbia: Comparative Chemical Profiling with In Vitro Antioxidant Activity.Nevena Gladikostić, Bojana Ikonić, Nemanja Teslić, Zoran Zeković, Danica Božović, Predrag Putnik, Danijela Bursać Kovačević, Branimir Pavlić2023pubmedN/A
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OréganoAntioxidante e antimicrobianoSimInvestigation of physicochemical properties, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of edible films based on chitosan/casein containing Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and its effect on quality maintenance of cherry tomato.Narjes Roshandel-Hesari, Majid Mokaber-Esfahani, Akram Taleghani, Reza Akbari2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAntioxidante, Anti-inflamatório, Antidiabético e AnticancerígenoSimEssential Oils of Oregano: Biological Activity beyond Their Antimicrobial Properties.Nayely Leyva-López, Erick P Gutiérrez-Grijalva, Gabriela Vazquez-Olivo, J Basilio Heredia2017pubmedN/A
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OréganoAtividade anti-AspergillusSimAtividade in vitro do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare L. em isolados clínicos de Aspergillus spp/ In vitro activity of essential oil of Origanum vulgare L. in clinical isolates from Aspergillus sppOsório, L. G; Silva, A. L; Fonseca, A. O. S; Dias, T. P; Martins, O. A; Faria, R. O; Meireles, M. C. A; Cleff, M. B; Freitag, R; Mello, J. R. B2019LILACS
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OréganoAtividade antibacteriana contra bactérias relacionadas a alimentosSimSensitivity of spoiling and pathogen food-related bacteria to Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae) essential oilSouza, Evandro Leite de; Stamford, Tânia Lúcia Montenegro; Lima, Edeltrudes de Oliveira2006LILACS
OréganoAtividade antibacteriana contra cepas resistentes a carbapenêmicosSimOriganum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits the growth of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteriaVasconcelos, Nathalie Gaebler; Croda, Júlio; Silva, Késia Esther; Motta, Maria Lorenza Leal; Maciel, Wirlaine Glauce; Limiere, Letícia Cristina; Simionatto, Simone2019LILACS
OréganoAtividade antibacteriana contra cepas selvagens de Staphylococcus aureusSimA novel interpretation of the Fractional Inhibitory Concentration Index: The case Origanum vulgare L. and Leptospermum scoparium J. R. et G. Forst essential oils against Staphylococcus aureus strains.Filippo Fratini, Simone Mancini, Barbara Turchi, Elisabetta Friscia, Luisa Pistelli, Giulia Giusti, Domenico Cerri2017pubmedN/A
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OréganoAtividade antibacteriana e anti-biofilme contra Streptococcus pyogenesSimEssential oils from Origanum vulgare and Salvia officinalis exhibit antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes.Niluni M Wijesundara, H P Vasantha Rupasinghe2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antibacteriana e modificação da produção de enterotoxinasSimSub-inhibitory stress with essential oil affects enterotoxins production and essential oil susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus.Barbara Turchi, Simone Mancini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Domenico Cerri, Filippo Fratini2018pubmedN/A
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OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Aspergillus flavus e Aspergillus nigerSimTerpenoid composition and antifungal activity of three commercially important essential oils against Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.Deepa Bisht, Anirban Pal, C S Chanotiya, Dhirendra Mishra, K N Pandey2011pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra C. albicans, S. schenckii, M. pachydermatis, A. flavus e A. fumigatusSimAtividade inibitória do óleo essencial de orégano em fungos de importância médica e veterinária/ Inhibitory activity of origanum essential oil against important fungus in veterinaryCleff, M. B; Meinerz, A. R; Faria, R. O; Xavier, M. O; Santin, R; Nascente, P. S; Rodrigues, M. R; Meireles, M. C. A2010LILACS
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Candida albicansSimAtividade in vitro de óleos essenciais de espécies de plantas da família lamiaceae sobre candida albicans/ In vitro activity of essential oils from plant species of the Lamiaceae family on candida albicansOliveira, Priscilla Lima2021LILACS
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Candida spp.SimIn vitro activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against Candida speciesCleff, Marlete Brum; Meinerz, Ana Raquel; Xavier, Melissa; Schuch, Luiz Filipe; Meireles, Mário Carlos Araújo; Rodrigues, Maria Regina Alves; Mello, João Roberto Braga de2010LILACS
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Corynespora cassiicola, Fusarium sp., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides e Rhizoctonia solaniSimComposição química e atividade do óleo essencial de origanum vulgare sobre fungos fitopatogênicos/ Chemical composition and activity of origanum vulgare essential oil against phytopathogenic fungiRomero, Adriano Lopes; Romero, Rafaelle Bonzanini; Silva, Expedito Leite; Diniz, Sergio Paulo Severo de Souza; Oliveira, Ricardo Ribeiro de; Vida, João Batista2012LILACS
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Fusarium graminearumSimComparison of antifungal activity of selected essential oils against Fusarium graminearum in vitro.Michaela Harčárová, Eva Čonková, Martina Proškovcová, Peter Váczi, Dana Marcinčáková, Lukáš Bujňák2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Malassezia pachydermatisSimAtividade antifúngica do óleo essencial de Origanum vulgare frente a Malassezia pachydermatis/ Antifungal activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil against Malassezia pachydermatisSantin, R; Giordani, C; Madrid, I. M; Matos, C. B; Freitag, R. A; Meireles, M. C. A; Cleff, M. B; Mello, J. R. B2014LILACS
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Penicillium corylophilumSimSynergistic antimicrobial activities of essential oil vapours against Penicillium corylophilum on a laboratory medium and beef jerky.Hyegeun Ji, Hoikyung Kim, Larry R Beuchat, Jee-Hoon Ryu2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Penicillium funiculosum e Mucor racemosusSimActivity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra Penicillium funiculosum e Mucor racemosus no queijo MarzolinoSimActivity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra cepas de Malassezia pachydermatisSimInteractions between Clotrimazole and selected essential oils against Malassezia pachydermatis clinical isolates.E Bohmova, E Conkova, M Harcarova, Z Sihelska2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra isolados de Malassezia pachydermatisSimInteractions between Clotrimazole and selected essential oils against Malassezia pachydermatis clinical isolates.E Bohmova, E Conkova, M Harcarova, Z Sihelska2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra isolados felinos de Microsporum canisSimIn vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of some essential oils against feline isolates of Microsporum canis.L Mugnaini, S Nardoni, L Pinto, L Pistelli, M Leonardi, F Pisseri, F Mancianti2012pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica contra o Penicillium funiculosum e Mucor racemosus presentes em Marzolino, um tipo de queijo pecorino italiano.SimActivity of selected essential oils on spoiling fungi cultured from Marzolino cheese.Simona Nardoni, Carlo D'Ascenzi, Irene Caracciolo, Gaia Mannaioni, Roberto Amerigo Papini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Francesca Mancianti2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica e anti-toxigênica contra Aspergillus spp.SimThe in vitro effect of selected essential oils on the growth and mycotoxin production of Aspergillus species.Miroslava Císarová, Dana Tančinová, Juraj Medo, Miroslava Kačániová2016pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antifúngica e anti-virulência contra cinco espécies de CandidaSimAntifungal and anti-virulence activity of six essential oils against important Candida species - a preliminary study.Adrian Man, Anca-Delia Mare, Mihai Mares, Florina Ruta, Mirela Pribac, Adrian-Cornel Maier, Anca Cighir, Cristina-Nicoleta Ciurea2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antileishmanialSimCinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa Essential Oils: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antileishmanial Activity.Amanda Mara Teles, Taynan Dulce da Silva Rosa, Adenilde Nascimento Mouchrek, Ana Lucia Abreu-Silva, Kátia da Silva Calabrese, Fernando Almeida-Souza2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimChemical Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oil of Medicinal Plants from Eastern Serbia.Milica Aćimović, Miroslav Zorić, Valtcho D Zheljazkov, Lato Pezo, Ivana Čabarkapa, Jovana Stanković Jeremić, Mirjana Cvetković2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimAntimicrobial Activity of Basil, Oregano, and Thyme Essential Oils.Hercules Sakkas, Chrissanthy Papadopoulou2017pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimMicroencapsulação de enterocina e oleo de oregano em leitelho/ Microencapsulation of the enterocin and essential oil oregano in buttermilk/ Microencapsulación de enterocina y aceite esencial de orégano en suero de lecheOliveira, Veridiana de Almeida Flores de; Maia, Luciana Furlaneto2023LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimBiological Efficacy of Essential Oils and Plant Extracts of Cultivated and Wild Ecotypes of Origanum vulgare L.Sumira Jan, Megna Rashid, Elsayed F Abd Allah, Parvaiz Ahmad2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimCinnamomum zeylanicum, Origanum vulgare, and Curcuma longa Essential Oils: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antileishmanial Activity.Amanda Mara Teles, Taynan Dulce da Silva Rosa, Adenilde Nascimento Mouchrek, Ana Lucia Abreu-Silva, Kátia da Silva Calabrese, Fernando Almeida-Souza2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimPreparation and antimicrobial activity of oregano essential oil Pickering emulsion stabilized by cellulose nanocrystals.Yan Zhou, Shanshan Sun, Weiya Bei, Mohamed Reda Zahi, Qipeng Yuan, Hao Liang2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobianaSimAntimicrobial activity of oregan and clove essential oils against some foodborne pathogens/ Atividade antimicrobiona dos óleos essenciais de orégano e cravo frente a patógenos alimentaresDebiagi, Flávia; Kobayashi, Renata K. T; Nakazato, Gerson; Mali, Suzana; Mali, Suzana2020LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra 12 cepas bacterianas relacionadas a alimentosSimChemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from selected herbs cultivated in the South of Brazil against food spoilage and foodborne pathogens/ Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais de plantas selecionadas cultivadas no Sul do Brasil contra micro-organismos patogênicos e deteriorantes de alimentosSilveira, Sheila Mello da; Cunha Júnior, Anildo; Scheuermann, Gerson Neudí; Secchi, Fábio Luiz; Vieira, Cleide Rosana Werneck2012LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Candida spp.Sim"In vivo" and "in vitro" antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil and its two phenolic compounds on clinical isolates of Candida spp.Annarita Stringaro, Marisa Colone, Serena Cecchetti, Elisa Zeppetella, Francesca Spadaro, Letizia Angiolella2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra MRSASimAntimicrobial and toxicological evaluation of Origanum vulgare: an in vivo study.I Liaqat, A Mahreen, M Arshad, N Arshad2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra MRSASimAntimicrobial and toxicological evaluation of Origanum vulgare: an in vivo study/ Avaliação antimicrobiana e toxicológica de Origanum vulgare: um estudo in vivoLiaqat, I; Mahreen, A; Arshad, M; Arshad, N2023LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Enterococcus faecalisSimAntimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno2015pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Salmonella enterica sorovares de origem avícolaSimAtividade antimicrobiana dos óleos essenciais de orégano, tomilho e canela frente a sorovares de Salmonella enterica de origem avícola/ Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from oregano, thyme and cinnamon against Salmonella enterica sorovars from avian sourceSanturio, Janio Morais; Santurio, Deise Flores; Pozzatti, Patrícia; Moraes, Cristiane; Franchin, Paulo Rogério; Alves, Sydney Hartz2007LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Staphylococcus aureus e Pseudomonas aeruginosaSimAtividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais e compostos isolados frente aos agentes patogênicos de origem clínica e alimentar/ Antimicrobial activity of the essential oils and isolated compounds on the hospital-borne and foodborne pathogensSantos, Caio Henrique da Silva; Piccoli, Roberta Hilsdorf; Tebaldi, Victor Maximiliano Reis2017LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Staphylococcus aureus em fase estacionária.SimIdentification of essential oils with activity against stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus.Shuzhen Xiao, Peng Cui, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus salivarius e Escherichia coliSimFormulation and antimicrobial activity evaluation of a 0. 2% chlorhexidine canine mouthwash with essential oils/ Formulación y evaluación de la actividad antimicrobiana de un enjuague bucal canino de clorhexidina al 2% y aceites esencialesGonzález Corrales, Daniela; Monge Quirós, Tatiana; Chavarría Rojas, Marianela; Rojas Campos, Norman; Cruz Sibaja, Wendy; Madrigal Redondo, German2021LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias cariogênicasSimPhysicochemical characteristics and antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and carvacrol on cariogenic bacteria: an in vitro and in silico study.Ellen Caroline Araújo da Silva, Letícia Lopes Leuthier, Alexandre Almeida Júnior, Jocianelle Maria Felix Fernandes Nunes, Fábio Correia Sampaio, Isabela Albuquerque Passos Farias2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra bactérias e Candida albicansSimComposition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from aromatic plants used in BrazilSartoratto, Adilson; Machado, Ana Lúcia M; Delarmelina, Camila; Figueira, Glyn Mara; Duarte, Marta Cristina T; Rehder, Vera Lúcia G2004LILACS
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra micro-organismos resistentes a medicamentos e propriedades antioxidantesSimThe Effect of Ten Essential Oils on Several Cutaneous Drug-Resistant Microorganisms and Their Cyto/Genotoxic and Antioxidant Properties.Katarína Kozics, Mária Bučková, Andrea Puškárová, Viktória Kalászová, Terézia Cabicarová, Domenico Pangallo2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana contra microrganismos cutâneos resistentes a medicamentosSimThe Effect of Ten Essential Oils on Several Cutaneous Drug-Resistant Microorganisms and Their Cyto/Genotoxic and Antioxidant Properties.Katarína Kozics, Mária Bučková, Andrea Puškárová, Viktória Kalászová, Terézia Cabicarová, Domenico Pangallo2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana e concentração bactericida mínima (CBM)SimAntimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno2015pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana em filmes de embalagem sintéticaSimEssential oils and their principal constituents as antimicrobial agents for synthetic packaging films.Kuorwel K Kuorwel, Marlene J Cran, Kees Sonneveld, Joseph Miltz, Stephen W Bigger2011pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana em filmes de quitosana/alginateSimInfluence of replacing oregano essential oil by ground oregano leaves on chitosan/alginate-based dressings properties.Andressa de Espíndola Sobczyk, Cláudia Leites Luchese, Débora Jung Luvizetto Faccin, Isabel Cristina Tessaro2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antimicrobiana in vitro contra bactérias e fungos isolados do trato genital de éguasSimIn vitro antimicrobial activity of selected essential oils against bacteria and yeasts isolated from the genital tract of mares.Valentina Virginia Ebani, Simona Nardoni, Fabrizio Bertelloni, Claudia Pollera, Luisa Pistelli, Francesca Mancianti2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antioxidante e antimicrobianaSimChemical Composition and Biological Activities of Oregano Essential Oil and Its Fractions Obtained by Vacuum Distillation.Magdalena de J Rostro-Alanis, Juan Báez-González, Cynthia Torres-Alvarez, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, José Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Sandra Castillo2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana das frações obtidas por destilação a vácuo fracionadaSimChemical Composition and Biological Activities of Oregano Essential Oil and Its Fractions Obtained by Vacuum Distillation.Magdalena de J Rostro-Alanis, Juan Báez-González, Cynthia Torres-Alvarez, Roberto Parra-Saldívar, José Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Sandra Castillo2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antiproliferativa contra células de adenocarcinoma de mama humanoSimVolatile oil composition and antiproliferative activity of Laurus nobilis, Origanum syriacum, Origanum vulgare, and Salvia triloba against human breast adenocarcinoma cells.Jelnar Z Al-Kalaldeh, Rana Abu-Dahab, Fatma U Afifi2010pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade antiviral contra o calicivírus felino (FCV)SimAtividade in vitro de plantas condimentares (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lippia graveolens HBK e Thymus vulgaris L. ) contra o calicivírus felino/ In vitro activity of plants used as condiments (Rosmarinus officinalis L., Lippia graveolens HBK e Thymus vulgaris L. ) against the feline calicivirusKubiça, TF; Alves, SH; Weiblen, R; Henzel, A; Martins, M; Lovato, LT2015LILACS
OréganoAtividade bactericida contra Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis e Pseudomonas tolaasiiSimToxicity of twenty-two plant essential oils against pathogenic bacteria of vegetables and mushrooms.Biljana Todorović, Ivana Potočnik, Emil Rekanović, Miloš Stepanović, Miroslav Kostić, Mihajlo Ristić, Svetlana Milijašević-Marčić2016pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade bactericida contra agentes causadores de doenças transmitidas por alimentosSimOregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade bactericida contra patógenos transmitidos por alimentosSimOregano and Thyme Essential Oils Encapsulated in Chitosan Nanoparticles as Effective Antimicrobial Agents against Foodborne Pathogens.Giuseppe Granata, Stefano Stracquadanio, Marco Leonardi, Edoardo Napoli, Graziella Malandrino, Viviana Cafiso, Stefania Stefani, Corrada Geraci2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade bacteriostática contra bactérias gram-negativas resistentes a carbapenêmicosSimOriganum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits the growth of carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria.Nathalie Gaebler Vasconcelos, Júlio Croda, Késia Esther Silva, Maria Lorenza Leal Motta, Wirlaine Glauce Maciel, Letícia Cristina Limiere, Simone Simionatto2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade citotóxica e antioxidanteSimNanoencapsulation of Origanum vulgare essential oil into liposomes with anticancer potential.T L Kryeziu, E Haloci, A Loshaj-Shala, U Bagci, A Oral, G J Stefkov, A Zimmer, M Basholli-Salihu2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade contra a bactéria intracelular Bartonella henselae em fase estacionáriaSimEssential Oils with High Activity against Stationary Phase Bartonella henselae.Xiao Ma, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang2019pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade contra a fase estacionária de Staphylococcus aureus.SimIdentification of essential oils with activity against stationary phase Staphylococcus aureus.Shuzhen Xiao, Peng Cui, Wanliang Shi, Ying Zhang2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividade nematicida contra o nematoide do pinheiro (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilusSimNematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.P Barbosa, A S Lima, P Vieira, L S Dias, M T Tinoco, J G Barroso, L G Pedro, A C Figueiredo, M Mota2010pubmedN/A
OréganoAtividades antibacterianas e anti-biofilme contra Streptococcus pyogenesSimEssential oils from Origanum vulgare and Salvia officinalis exhibit antibacterial and anti-biofilm activities against Streptococcus pyogenes.Niluni M Wijesundara, H P Vasantha Rupasinghe2018pubmedN/A
OréganoAumento da atividade antimicrobianaSimChitosan boosts the antimicrobial activity of Origanum vulgare essential oil in modified atmosphere packaged pork.Antonello Paparella, Giovanni Mazzarrino, Clemencia Chaves-López, Chiara Rossi, Giampiero Sacchetti, Oana Guerrieri, Annalisa Serio2016pubmedN/A
OréganoAumento da atividade antioxidante e imunidade em carpas comunsSimDietary origanum essential oil improved antioxidative status, immune-related genes, and resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection.Hany M R Abdel-Latif, Mohsen Abdel-Tawwab, Asmaa F Khafaga, Mahmoud A O Dawood2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAumento da resposta imunológica em frangos de corte vacinados contra a doença de NewcastleSimEffect of Oregano Essential Oil Combined with Live and Killed Newcastle Disease Vaccines on Immune Response in Broilers Chicks in Erbil, Iraq: A Comparative Study.A A Abdulkadhim, F Mohammed Dughaim, A Ibrahim Ahmed2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAumento do status antioxidante e da imunidade em carpas comunsSimDietary origanum essential oil improved antioxidative status, immune-related genes, and resistance of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection.Hany M R Abdel-Latif, Mohsen Abdel-Tawwab, Asmaa F Khafaga, Mahmoud A O Dawood2020pubmedN/A
OréganoAção acaricida em Rhipicephalus microplusSimAcaricidal activity of the essential oils from Leptospermum scoparium, Origanum vulgare and Litsea cubeba on Rhipicephalus microplus: Influence of the solvents and search for fractions with higher bioactivity.Lívia Senra Duque, Paula Marchesini, Caio Monteiro, Geovany Amorim Gomes, Tigressa Helena Soares Rodrigues, Diones Martins Mesquita, Ana Lúcia Coutinho Teixeira, Francisca Letícia Vale da Silva, Laís Carneiro Naziasene Lima Marreto, Ralph Maturano2021pubmedN/A
OréganoAção antibacteriana sinérgica em conjunto com gentamicinaSimIn vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali2010pubmedN/A
OréganoAção antimicrobiana contra Escherichia coli O157:H7 e Listeria monocytogenesSimMechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix2006pubmedN/A
OréganoAção antimicrobiana contra Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureusSimTeste da ação antibacteriana in vitro de óleo essencial comercial de Origanum vulgare (orégano) diante das cepas de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus/ In vitro antibacterial activity of Origanum vulgare (oregano) essential oil against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strainsAraujo, Márcio Martins de; Longo, Priscila Larcher2016LILACS
OréganoAção antimicrobiana contra células vegetativas e esporos de Clostridium perfringens tipo ASimPreservative of Essential Oil Blends: Control of Clostridium perfringens Type a in MortadellaMartins, Heloísa Helena de Abreu; Simões, Luara Aparecida; Isidoro, Silas Rodrigo; Nascimento, Sabrina de Souza; Alcântara, João Paulo; Ramos, Eduardo Mendes; Piccoli, Roberta Hilsdorf2021LILACS
OréganoAção antimicrobiana contra membranas e paredes celulares de Escherichia coli O157: H7 e Listeria monocytogenesSimMechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix2006pubmedN/A
OréganoAção antimicrobiana e conservante em suco de maçã pasteurizadoSimGC-MS Profiling of Naturally Extracted Essential Oils: Antimicrobial and Beverage Preservative Actions.Reham F El-Kased, Dina M El-Kersh2022pubmedN/A
OréganoAção antimicrobiana em Escherichia coli O157: H7 e Listeria monocytogenesSimMechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and savory essential oils against cell membranes and walls of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Listeria monocytogenes.Mounia Oussalah, Stéphane Caillet, Monique Lacroix2006pubmedN/A
OréganoBloqueio da entrada celular da variante delta do SARS-CoV-2SimEssential oils block cellular entry of SARS-CoV-2 delta variant.Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, José Fernández-Romero, Natalia Teleshova, James Sailer, Carlos Adam Conte Junior2022pubmedN/A
OréganoCapacidade antibacteriana.SimAssessment and Characterization of Some New Photosensitizers for Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy (aPDT).Laura Monica Dascalu Rusu, Marioara Moldovan, Doina Prodan, Irina Ciotlaus, Violeta Popescu, Ioana Baldea, Rahela Carpa, Sorina Sava, Radu Chifor, Mindra Eugenia Badea2020pubmedN/A
OréganoCapacidade antioxidanteSimRadish powder and oregano essential oil as nitrite substitutes in fermented cooked sausages.Maristela Midori Ozaki, Mirian Dos Santos, Wanessa Oliveira Ribeiro, Natalia Chinellato de Azambuja Ferreira, Carolina Siqueira Franco Picone, Rubén Domínguez, José Manuel Lorenzo, Marise Aparecida Rodrigues Pollonio2021pubmedN/A
OréganoComposição qualitativa e quantitativa dos compostos do óleo essencialSimEssential oil diversity of European Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae).Brigitte Lukas, Corinna Schmiderer, Johannes Novak2015pubmedN/A
OréganoComposição química dos óleos essenciaisSimDeterminação de óleos essenciais de alfavaca (Ocimum gratissimum L. ), orégano (Origanum vulgare L. ) e tomilho (Thymus vulgaris L.)/ Determination of essential oils of basil (Ocimum gratissimum L. ), oregano (Ocimum gratissimum L. ) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.)Borges, A. M; Pereira, J; Cardoso, M. G; Alves, J. A; Lucena, E. M. P2012LILACS
OréganoConservanteSimEffect of chitosan coating incorporated with oregano or cinnamon essential oil on the bacterial diversity and shelf life of roast duck in modified atmosphere packaging.Xue Chen, Wenwen Chen, Xiao Lu, Yanwei Mao, Xin Luo, Guoxing Liu, Lixian Zhu, Yimin Zhang2021pubmedN/A
OréganoControle de Salmonella, Eimeria e Clostridium em frangos de corteSimÓleo essencial de orégano, alecrim, canela e extrato de pimenta no controle de Salmonella, Eimeria e Clostridium em frangos de corte/ Oregano, rosemery, cinnamon essential oil and pepper extract to control Salmonella, Eimeria and Clostridium in broiler chickensBona, Tânia D. M. M; Pickler, Larissa; Miglino, Leonardo B; Kuritza, Leandro N; Vasconcelos, Sâmara P; Santin, Elizabeth2012LILACS
OréganoControle fúngico em pós-colheita de frutas de caroçoSimEfficacy of plant essential oils on postharvest control of rots caused by fungi on different stone fruits in vivo.Jorge Giovanny Lopez-Reyes, Davide Spadaro, Ambra Prelle, Angelo Garibaldi, Maria Lodovica Gullino2013pubmedN/A
OréganoDesinfetanteSimPotential of essential oil combinations for surface and air disinfection.I Y Sengun, S Senturk, S Gul, G Kilic2021pubmedN/A
OréganoDesinfetante contra Escherichia coli em tomatesSimEficiencia de la desingección con aceites esenciales y ultrasonido sobre Escherichia coli inoculada en frutos de tomate y el impacto sobre la actividad antioxidante/ Efficacy of disinfection treatments using essential oils and ultrasound on tomato fruits inoculated with escherichia coli and impact on antioxidant activityLuna Guevara, María L; Luna Guevara, Juan L; Ruiz Espinosa, Héctor; Leyva Abascal, Lucero; Díaz González, Carolina B2015LILACS
OréganoDisinfetante para superfícies e arSimPotential of essential oil combinations for surface and air disinfection.I Y Sengun, S Senturk, S Gul, G Kilic2021pubmedN/A
OréganoDiversidade de compostos de óleo essencialSimEssential oil diversity of European Origanum vulgare L. (Lamiaceae).Brigitte Lukas, Corinna Schmiderer, Johannes Novak2015pubmedN/A
OréganoDiversidade de compostos químicosSimEssential oil diversity of Origanum vulgare L. populations from Southern Italy.Giuseppe De Mastro, Waed Tarraf, Leonardo Verdini, Gianluca Brunetti, Claudia Ruta2017pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito antibacteriano em Salmonella enterica sorotipo Enteritidis, Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureusSimAn Optimization of Oregano, Thyme, and Lemongrass Essential Oil Blend to Simultaneous Inactivation of Relevant Foodborne Pathogens by Simplex-Centroid Mixture Design.Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, Maxsueli Aparecida Moura Machado, Diego Galvan, Carlos Adam Conte Junior2022pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito antibacteriano sinérgico em combinação com a droga antibacteriana GentamicinaSimIn vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali2010pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito anticonvulsivanteSimIncreased seizure latency and decreased severity of pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures in mice after essential oil administration.Eleni Koutroumanidou, Athanasios Kimbaris, Alexandros Kortsaris, Eugenia Bezirtzoglou, Moschos Polissiou, Konstantinos Charalabopoulos, Olga Pagonopoulou2013pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito antimicrobiano contra Salmonella EnteritidisSimAvaliação da ação de antimicrobianos naturais no controle de Salmonella Enteritidis em salada de legumes com maionese/ Evaluation of the activity of natural antimicrobials on the control of Salmonella Enteritidis in mayonnaise-based legume saladSilva, Janine Passos Lima da2007LILACSN/A
OréganoEfeito antimicrobiano contra Salmonella Typhimurium, Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus e Enterococcus faecalisSimAntimicrobial effect against different bacterial strains and bacterial adaptation to essential oils used as feed additives.Antonio Diego Brandão Melo, Amanda Figueiredo Amaral, Gustavo Schaefer, Fernando Bittencourt Luciano, Carla de Andrade, Leandro Batista Costa, Marcos Horácio Rostagno2015pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito antimicrobiano sinérgico em combinação com nisina e radiação gama (γ) contra Listeria monocytogenes em presunto pronto para consumo (RTE)SimSynergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix2015pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito bactericida in vitro sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC)SimComposição química e concentração mínima bactericida de dezesseis óleos essenciais sobre Escherichia coli enterotoxigênica/ Determination of minimum bactericidal concentration of sixteen essential oils on enterotoxigenic Escherichia coliSOUZA, A.A.; DIAS, N.A.A.; PICCOLI, R.H.; BERTOLUCCI, S.K.V.2016LILACS
OréganoEfeito conservante em hambúrgueres de carne moídaSimIncorporation of copaiba and oregano essential oils on the shelf life of fresh ground beef patties under display: Evaluation of their impact on quality parameters and sensory attributes.Silvana Mari Belloli Leite, Esther Morais da Silva Assunção, Anandra Vitória das Neves Gurgel Alves, Edymeiko de Souza Maciel, Laura Adriane de Moraes Pinto, Isabelle Naemi Kaneko, Ana Guerrero, Ana Paula Folmer Correa, Jovanir Inês Müller Fernandes, Nívia Pires Lopes, Marcos José Salgado Vital, Jéssica de Oliveira Monteschio2022pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito fitotóxico em Arabidopsis thalianaSimOriganum vulgare essential oils inhibit glutamate and aspartate metabolism altering the photorespiratory pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.F Araniti, M Landi, A Lupini, F Sunseri, L Guidi, M R Abenavoli2018pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito inibitório contra 10 tipos de bactérias gram-positivas (Listeria innocua, estafilococos coagulase-negativos, Staphylococcus aureus e Bacillus subtilis) e gram-negativas (Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Typhimurium, Proteus mirabilis, Escherichia coli O157:H7 e Klebsiella oxytoca)SimEmpirical prediction and validation of antibacterial inhibitory effects of various plant essential oils on common pathogenic bacteria.Gulsun Akdemir Evrendilek2015pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito inibitório sobre as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coliSimCaracterização química e efeito inibitório de óleos essenciais sobre o crescimento de Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli/ Chemical ckaracterization and inhibitory effect of essential oils on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coliPereira, Alcilene de Abreu; Cardoso, Maria das Graças; Abreu, Luiz Ronaldo de; Morais, Augusto Ramalho de; Guimarães, Luiz Gustavo de Lima; Salgado, Ana Paula Soares Pinto2008LILACS
OréganoEfeito inibitório sobre o crescimento de microorganismos patogênicos em alimentosSimChemical characterization of the Allium sativum and Origanum vulgare essential oils and their inhibition effect on the growth of some food pathogens/ Caracterização química e efeito inibitório dos óleos essenciais de Allium sativum e Origanum vulgare frente ao crescimento de alguns patógenos de alimentosMallet, A.C.T.; Cardoso, M.G; Souza, P.E.; Machado, S.M.F.; Andrade, M.A.; Nelson, D.L.; Piccoli, R.H.; Pereira, C.G2014LILACS
OréganoEfeito protetor contra a toxicidade hepato-renal induzida por cypermethrin em carpas comunsSimDietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif2020pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito protetor contra a toxicidade hepato-renal induzida por cypermethrin em carpas comuns (Cyprinus carpio)SimDietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif2020pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito sinérgico com irradiação gama na inibição do crescimento da bactéria Listeria monocytogenes em carne de porco pronta para consumoSimSynergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix2015pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito sinérgico com ácido lático contra Staphylococcus aureusSimCombination of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil and lactic acid to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus in meat broth and meat modelBarros, Jefferson C. de; Conceição, Maria Lúcia da; Gomes Neto, Nelson Justino; Costa, Ana Caroliny Vieira da; Souza, Evandro Leite de2012LILACS
OréganoEfeito sobre a saúde de galinhas poedeirasSimOregano essential oil (Origanum vulgare) to feed laying hens and its effects on animal health.Marcos J Migliorini, Marcel M Boiago, Lenilson F Roza, Mauricio Barreta, Alessandra Arno, Weber S Robazza, Alessandro C Galvão, Gabriela M Galli, Gustavo Machado, Matheus D Baldissera, Roger Wagner, Lenita C M Stefani, Aleksandro S DA Silva2019pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito sobre os níveis de lipídios e biomarcadores hepáticos em atletasSimEffect of Origanum dubium, Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum, and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils on lipid profiles and liver biomarkers in athletes.Hasan Maral, Süleyman Ulupınar, Ayşegül Türk Baydır, Serhat Özbay, Konca Altınkaynak, Engin Şebin, Erdinç Şiktar, Necip Fazıl Kishalı, Yusuf Buzdağlı, Cebrail Gençoğlu, İzzet İnce2022pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito terapêutico em coelhos expostos à aflatoxina B1SimOriganum vulgare Essential Oil Modulates the AFB1-Induced Oxidative Damages, Nephropathy, and Altered Inflammatory Responses in Growing Rabbits.Mona A Hassan, Azza M A Abo-Elmaaty, Asmaa W Zaglool, Sally A M Mohamed, Shimaa M Abou-Zeid, Mayada R Farag, Mahmoud Alagawany, Alessandro Di Cerbo, Mahmoud M Azzam, Rashed Alhotan, Enas El-Hady2023pubmedN/A
OréganoEfeito terapêutico na diminuição dos efeitos tóxicos do AFB1 nos rins de coelhos em crescimentoSimOriganum vulgare Essential Oil Modulates the AFB1-Induced Oxidative Damages, Nephropathy, and Altered Inflammatory Responses in Growing Rabbits.Mona A Hassan, Azza M A Abo-Elmaaty, Asmaa W Zaglool, Sally A M Mohamed, Shimaa M Abou-Zeid, Mayada R Farag, Mahmoud Alagawany, Alessandro Di Cerbo, Mahmoud M Azzam, Rashed Alhotan, Enas El-Hady2023pubmedN/A
OréganoEntrega transdérmica de carvacrolSimTransdermal delivery enhancement of carvacrol from Origanum vulgare L. essential oil by microemulsion.Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Waranya Neimkhum, Songyot Anuchapreeda, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana2020pubmedN/A
OréganoEstabilidade da Emulsão e Eficiência de EncapsulamentoSimEffect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas2021pubmedN/A
OréganoEstabilidade da emulsão e parâmetros físicos das microcápsulasSimEffect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas2021pubmedN/A
OréganoEstabilidade de emulsões em microcápsulasSimEffect of the Amount of Polysorbate 80 and Oregano Essential Oil on the Emulsion Stability and Characterization Properties of Sodium Alginate Microcapsules.Juste Baranauskaite, Mehmet Ali Ockun, Burcu Uner, Cetin Tas, Liudas Ivanauskas2021pubmedN/A
OréganoFórmula otimizada para inativação simultânea de patógenos alimentares relevantesSimAn Optimization of Oregano, Thyme, and Lemongrass Essential Oil Blend to Simultaneous Inactivation of Relevant Foodborne Pathogens by Simplex-Centroid Mixture Design.Luiz Torres Neto, Maria Lúcia Guerra Monteiro, Maxsueli Aparecida Moura Machado, Diego Galvan, Carlos Adam Conte Junior2022pubmedN/A
OréganoGenotóxico e citotóxicoSimPlectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng (orégano francés): estudio toxicogenético de un extracto fluido y del aceite esencial/ Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour) Spreng (orégano francés): toxicogenetic study of a fluid extract and of essential oilVizoso Parra, Angel; Ramos Ruiz, Alberto; Edreira Armenteros, Aymee; Betancourt Badell, José; Décalo Michelena, Mercedes1999LILACS
OréganoHerbicidaSimOriganum vulgare essential oils inhibit glutamate and aspartate metabolism altering the photorespiratory pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.F Araniti, M Landi, A Lupini, F Sunseri, L Guidi, M R Abenavoli2018pubmedN/A
OréganoIndução de resistência a antibióticos em Staphylococcus aureusSimSub-inhibitory concentration of essential oils induces antibiotic resistance in Staphylococcus aureus.Barbara Turchi, Simone Mancini, Luisa Pistelli, Basma Najar, Filippo Fratini2019pubmedN/A
OréganoInfluência do método de secagem na composição química do óleo essencial de oréganoSimImpact of drying methods on the yield and chemistry of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil.Lucia Caputo, Giuseppe Amato, Pietro de Bartolomeis, Laura De Martino, Francesco Manna, Filomena Nazzaro, Vincenzo De Feo, Anna Angela Barba2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInfluência dos métodos de secagem na composição química do óleo de Origanum vulgare L.SimImpact of drying methods on the yield and chemistry of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil.Lucia Caputo, Giuseppe Amato, Pietro de Bartolomeis, Laura De Martino, Francesco Manna, Filomena Nazzaro, Vincenzo De Feo, Anna Angela Barba2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInibe padrões de virulência de Candida spp. e potencializa os efeitos de fluconazol e nistatina in vitroSimOriganum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits virulence patterns of Candida spp. and potentiates the effects of fluconazole and nystatin in vitro.Camila Cid-Chevecich, Andrea Müller-Sepúlveda, José Antonio Jara, Rodrigo López-Muñoz, Rocío Santander, Mauricio Budini, Alejandro Escobar, Raúl Quijada, Alfredo Criollo, Mario Díaz-Dosque, Alfredo Molina-Berríos2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInibidor da produção de enterotoxinas e da permeabilidade da membrana de Staphylococcus aureus.SimInfluence of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus.Evandro Leite de Souza, Jefferson Carneiro de Barros, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Maria Lúcia da Conceição2010pubmedN/A
OréganoInibidor de fatores de virulência de cepas fitopatogênicas de Pseudomonas syringaeSimInhibitory effect of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare essential oils on virulence factors of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains.M E Carezzano, J P Sotelo, E Primo, E B Reinoso, M F Paletti Rovey, M S Demo, W F Giordano, M de Las M Oliva2017pubmedN/A
OréganoInibidor de virulência de Candida spp. e potencializador dos efeitos do fluconazol e nistatina in vitroSimOriganum vulgare L. essential oil inhibits virulence patterns of Candida spp. and potentiates the effects of fluconazole and nystatin in vitro.Camila Cid-Chevecich, Andrea Müller-Sepúlveda, José Antonio Jara, Rodrigo López-Muñoz, Rocío Santander, Mauricio Budini, Alejandro Escobar, Raúl Quijada, Alfredo Criollo, Mario Díaz-Dosque, Alfredo Molina-Berríos2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInibidor do crescimento de fungos e síntese de micotoxinasSimRecent advances on the efficacy of essential oils on mycotoxin secretion and their mode of action.Adel Mirza Alizadeh, S Amirhossein Golzan, Aida Mahdavi, Samira Dakhili, Zahra Torki, Hedayat Hosseini2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição da formação de biofilme e erradicação em cepas de Pseudomonas fluorescensSimEffect of Origanum vulgare essential oil on biofilm formation and motility capacity of Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from discoloured Mozzarella cheese.C Rossi, C Chaves-López, A Serio, F Anniballi, L Valbonetti, A Paparella2018pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição da germinação de sementesSim[Chemical composition and allelopathic potential of essential oil isolated from Origanum vulgare].Yun Zhao, Yun-Hai Yang, Kai-Bo Wang, Li-Ming Fan, Fa-Wu Su, Min Ye2020pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição da produção de enterotoxina e alteração da permeabilidade da membrana e características da superfície celular de Staphylococcus aureus.SimInfluence of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil on enterotoxin production, membrane permeability and surface characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus.Evandro Leite de Souza, Jefferson Carneiro de Barros, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de Oliveira, Maria Lúcia da Conceição2010pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição de crescimento bacteriano em Escherichia coli e Salmonella TyphimuriumSimInfluence of lipids and proteins amounts and pH values on the inhibitory effects of Origanum vulgare L. essential oil against Escherichia coli and Salmonella TyphimuriumMedeiros, Andrea Sulamita de Jesus; Carvalho, Rhayane Idalyne; Conceição, Maria Lúcia da; Magnani, Marciane; Souza, Evandro Leite de2020LILACS
OréganoInibição de crescimento de células cancerígenasSimComposition and antiproliferative effect of essential oil of Origanum vulgare against tumor cell lines.Karine Rech Begnini, Fernanda Nedel, Rafael Guerra Lund, Pedro Henrique de Azambuja Carvalho, Maria Regina Alves Rodrigues, Fátima Tereza Alves Beira, Francisco Augusto Burkert Del-Pino2014pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição de fatores de virulência de cepas fitopatogênicas de Pseudomonas syringaeSimInhibitory effect of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare essential oils on virulence factors of phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains.M E Carezzano, J P Sotelo, E Primo, E B Reinoso, M F Paletti Rovey, M S Demo, W F Giordano, M de Las M Oliva2017pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento de Botrytis cinereaSimEffects of Origanum vulgare essential oil and its two main components, carvacrol and thymol, on the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea.Huiyu Hou, Xueying Zhang, Te Zhao, Lin Zhou2020pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento de Listeria monocytogenes em presunto pronto para o consumoSimSynergistic effect of gamma (γ)-irradiation and microencapsulated antimicrobials against Listeria monocytogenes on ready-to-eat (RTE) meat.Tanzina Huq, Khanh Dang Vu, Bernard Riedl, Jean Bouchard, Monique Lacroix2015pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento de Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027SimAssessment of tolerance induction by Origanum vulgare L. essential oil or carvacrol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in a meat-based broth and in a meat model.Isabelle da Silva Luz, Nelson Justino Gomes-Neto, Marciane Magnani, Evandro Leite de Souza2015pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento de Pseudomonas aeruginosa e ausência de indução de tolerânciaSimAssessment of tolerance induction by Origanum vulgare L. essential oil or carvacrol in Pseudomonas aeruginosa cultivated in a meat-based broth and in a meat model.Isabelle da Silva Luz, Nelson Justino Gomes-Neto, Marciane Magnani, Evandro Leite de Souza2015pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento de fungos toxigênicos e síntese de micotoxinasSimRecent advances on the efficacy of essential oils on mycotoxin secretion and their mode of action.Adel Mirza Alizadeh, S Amirhossein Golzan, Aida Mahdavi, Samira Dakhili, Zahra Torki, Hedayat Hosseini2022pubmedN/A
OréganoInibição do crescimento micelial de fungos patogênicos do arrozSimAtividade do óleo essêncial de orégano contra fungos patogênicos do arroz: crescimentos micelial em placasZanandrea, I; Juliano, D. S; Andréa, B. M; Juliane, L; Veridiana, K. B2004LILACS
OréganoInseticida contra Musca domestica L. (mosca doméstica)SimEfficacy of Origanum vulgare essential oil and carvacrol against the housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae).Yongjian Xie, Qianqian Huang, Yuqing Rao, Liang Hong, Dayu Zhang2019pubmedN/A
OréganoInterage com o oxigênio singlete fotogeradoSimOregano Essential Oil Interactions with Photogenerated Singlet Molecular Oxygen.Frida C D Dimarco Palencia, Vanesa A Muñoz, Ariana C Posadaz, Diego A Cifuente, Sandra Miskoski, Gabriela V Ferrari, Norman A García, María P Montaña2020pubmedN/A
OréganoLarvicida contra Aedes albopictusSimSublethal effects of oregano essential oil and its major compound carvacrol on biological parameters of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae).Athanasios Giatropoulos, Filitsa Karamaouna, Argyro Ampatzi, Dimitrios Papachristos, Antonios Michaelakis2022pubmedN/A
OréganoMelhora a estrutura da mucosa intestinal de frangos de corte infectados com Eimeria tenellaSimIntestinal mucosa structure of broiler chickens infected experimentally with Eimeria tenella and treated with essential oil of oregano/ Morfometria intestinal de frangos de corte infectados experimentalmente com Eimeria tenella e tratados com óleo essencial de oréganoSilva, Maria Aparecida da; Pessotti, Bruna Mirelly de Sousa; Zanini, Surama Freitas; Colnago, Geraldo Luiz; Rodrigues, Maria Regina Alves; Nunes, Louisiane de Carvalho; Zanini, Marcos Santos; Martins, Isabella Vilhena Freire2009LILACS
OréganoMelhora a qualidade higiênica da silagem e reduz a concentração de micotoxinasSimOriganum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris Extract Usability to Improve Silage Hygienic Quality and Reduce Mycotoxin Concentrations.Gintarė Vaičiulienė, Bronius Bakutis, Jurgita Jovaišienė, Rimvydas Falkauskas, Gediminas Gerulis, Violeta Baliukonienė2020pubmedN/A
OréganoMelhora a qualidade higiênica da silagem e reduz as concentrações de micotoxinasSimOriganum vulgare and Thymus vulgaris Extract Usability to Improve Silage Hygienic Quality and Reduce Mycotoxin Concentrations.Gintarė Vaičiulienė, Bronius Bakutis, Jurgita Jovaišienė, Rimvydas Falkauskas, Gediminas Gerulis, Violeta Baliukonienė2020pubmedN/A
OréganoMelhora de metabolitos sanguíneos em frangos de corteSimEfecto del aceite esencial de orégano (Lippia origanoides) sobre metabolitos sanguíneos en pollos de engorde/ Effect of oregano essential oil (Lippia origanoides) on blood metabolites in broiler chickens/ Efeito do óleo essencial de orégano (Lippia origanoides) sobre metabolitos sanguíneos em frangos de corteMadrid Garcés, Tomás Antonio; López Herrera, Albeiro; Parra Suescún, Jaime Eduardo2018LILACS
OréganoMicroencapsulaçãoSimPreparation and characterization of β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsule and its effect on storage behavior of purple yam.Haohe Huang, Chongxing Huang, Cheng Yin, Muhammad Ru Khan, Hui Zhao, Yangfan Xu, Lijie Huang, Dantong Zheng, Minghui Qi2020pubmedN/A
OréganoMicroencapsulação em β-ciclodextrinaSimPreparation and characterization of β-cyclodextrin-oregano essential oil microcapsule and its effect on storage behavior of purple yam.Haohe Huang, Chongxing Huang, Cheng Yin, Muhammad Ru Khan, Hui Zhao, Yangfan Xu, Lijie Huang, Dantong Zheng, Minghui Qi2020pubmedN/A
OréganoNematicidaSimNematicidal activity of essential oils and volatiles derived from Portuguese aromatic flora against the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus.P Barbosa, A S Lima, P Vieira, L S Dias, M T Tinoco, J G Barroso, L G Pedro, A C Figueiredo, M Mota2010pubmedN/A
OréganoNão apresentou efeito negativo sobre o crescimento ou atividade metabólica das bactérias ácido-lácticas Streptococcus thermophilus CRL 728 e CRL 813, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CRL 656 e CRL 468 e Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CRL 597, mesmo na concentração máxima (200 µg/g) testada.SimInfluencia del aceite esencial de orégano en la elaboración tradicional de quesos: efecto sobre el fermento láctico/ Influence of oregano essential oil on traditional Argentinean cheese elaboration: Effect on lactic starter culturesMarcial, Guillermo E; Gerez, Carla L; Nuñez de Kairuz, Martha; Coll Araoz, Victoria; Schuff, Carola; Font de Valdez, Graciela2016LILACS
OréganoPrevenção de alterações comportamentais e de estresse oxidativo no modelo de peixe-zebra com escopolaminaSimOriganum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Prevents Behavioral and Oxidative Stress Changes in the Scopolamine Zebrafish Model.Luminita Capatina, Edoardo Marco Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, Lucian Hritcu2021pubmedN/A
OréganoPrevenção de distúrbios comportamentais e de estresse oxidativo em modelo de zebrafish com escopolamina.SimOriganum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Prevents Behavioral and Oxidative Stress Changes in the Scopolamine Zebrafish Model.Luminita Capatina, Edoardo Marco Napoli, Giuseppe Ruberto, Lucian Hritcu2021pubmedN/A
OréganoProdução de CarvacrolSimUnraveling the Biosynthesis of Carvacrol in Different Tissues of Origanum vulgare.Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Rui Yang, Yihao Yan, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Jingyi Li, Lei Shi2022pubmedN/A
OréganoProdução de filmes (PVA) com propriedades antioxidantes e antimicrobianasSimMultifunctional poly(vinyl alcohol) films using cellulose nanocrystals/oregano and cellulose nanocrystals/cinnamon Pickering emulsions: Effect of oil type and concentration.Ahmed A Oun, Gye Hwa Shin, Jun Tae Kim2022pubmedN/A
OréganoProdução de óleo essencialSimCrescimento, produção de óleo essencial e trocas gasosas em orégano influenciados por diferentes lâminas de irrigação/ Growth, essential oil production and gas exchange in oregano affected by different irrigation depthMarques, Patricia Angélica Alves; Bernardi Filho, Lineu; Santos, Ana Cláudia Pacheco2009LILACS
OréganoProdução de óleo essencial e atividade antioxidanteSimDate of harvesting affects yields and quality of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart.Beata Król, Barbara Kołodziej, Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia, Danuta Sugier, Katarzyna Luchowska2019pubmedN/A
OréganoProdução otimizada de OEO e conteúdo de carvacrol e timolSimProcess Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang2022pubmedN/A
OréganoProlongamento da vida útil de fatias de pato assadoSimEffect of chitosan coating incorporated with oregano or cinnamon essential oil on the bacterial diversity and shelf life of roast duck in modified atmosphere packaging.Xue Chen, Wenwen Chen, Xiao Lu, Yanwei Mao, Xin Luo, Guoxing Liu, Lixian Zhu, Yimin Zhang2021pubmedN/A
OréganoPromotor de crescimento e melhora da função da barreira intestinal em ovinosSimOregano Essential Oils Mediated Intestinal Microbiota and Metabolites and Improved Growth Performance and Intestinal Barrier Function in Sheep.Li Jia, Jianping Wu, Yu Lei, Fanyun Kong, Rui Zhang, Jianxiang Sun, Liao Wang, Zemin Li, Jinping Shi, Ying Wang, Yubing Wei, Ke Zhang, Zhaomin Lei2022pubmedN/A
OréganoPropriedades antifúngicasSimSynergistic antimicrobial activities of essential oil vapours against Penicillium corylophilum on a laboratory medium and beef jerky.Hyegeun Ji, Hoikyung Kim, Larry R Beuchat, Jee-Hoon Ryu2019pubmedN/A
OréganoPropriedades antioxidante e antimicrobianaSimMultifunctional poly(vinyl alcohol) films using cellulose nanocrystals/oregano and cellulose nanocrystals/cinnamon Pickering emulsions: Effect of oil type and concentration.Ahmed A Oun, Gye Hwa Shin, Jun Tae Kim2022pubmedN/A
OréganoProteção contra a toxicidade hepato-renal induzida por cypermethrin em carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio)SimDietary Origanum vulgare essential oil attenuates cypermethrin-induced biochemical changes, oxidative stress, histopathological alterations, apoptosis, and reduces DNA damage in Common carp (Cyprinus carpio).Asmaa F Khafaga, Mohammed A E Naiel, Mahmoud A O Dawood, Hany M R Abdel-Latif2020pubmedN/A
OréganoProteção de grãos contra larvas e adultos de Tribolium castaneum e Trogoderma granarium.SimEssential Oil Coating: Mediterranean Culinary Plants as Grain Protectants against Larvae and Adults of Tribolium castaneum and Trogoderma granarium.Nikos E Papanikolaou, Nickolas G Kavallieratos, Vassilios Iliopoulos, Epameinondas Evergetis, Anna Skourti, Erifili P Nika, Serkos A Haroutounian2022pubmedN/A
OréganoQuantificação de timol em formulações comerciais, óleos essenciais e extratos de plantasSimDetermination of Thymol in Commercial Formulation, Essential Oils, Traditional, and Ultrasound-Based Extracts of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare Using a Greener HPTLC Approach.Ahmed I Foudah, Faiyaz Shakeel, Mohammed H Alqarni, Abuzer Ali, Sultan Alshehri, Mohammed M Ghoneim, Prawez Alam2022pubmedN/A
OréganoRedução da produção de metano em bovinosSimEssential Oils as In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Manipulators to Mitigate Methane Emission by Beef Cattle Grazing Tropical Grasses.Gabriela Benetel, Thaysa Dos Santos Silva, Gisele Maria Fagundes, Katiéli Caroline Welter, Flavia Alves Melo, Annelise A G Lobo, James Pierre Muir, Ives C S Bueno2022pubmedN/A
OréganoRedução na produção de metano em bovinosSimEssential Oils as In Vitro Ruminal Fermentation Manipulators to Mitigate Methane Emission by Beef Cattle Grazing Tropical Grasses.Gabriela Benetel, Thaysa Dos Santos Silva, Gisele Maria Fagundes, Katiéli Caroline Welter, Flavia Alves Melo, Annelise A G Lobo, James Pierre Muir, Ives C S Bueno2022pubmedN/A
OréganoRendimento e conteúdo de carvacrol e timolSimProcess Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang2022pubmedN/A
OréganoRepelente contra carrapatosSimEssential oils as tick repellents on clothing.Oliver Soutar, Freya Cohen, Richard Wall2019pubmedN/A
OréganoRetardante de envelhecimento da peleSimChemical Compositions and Anti-Skin-Ageing Activities of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil from Tropical and Mediterranean Region.Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana2020pubmedN/A
OréganoSíntese de carvacrol em diferentes tecidosSimUnraveling the Biosynthesis of Carvacrol in Different Tissues of Origanum vulgare.Yuanpeng Hao, Xiaoqi Guo, Rui Yang, Yihao Yan, Meiyu Sun, Hui Li, Hongtong Bai, Hongxia Cui, Jingyi Li, Lei Shi2022pubmedN/A
OréganoTeor de Carvacrol e TimolSimProcess Optimization for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Origanum vulgare L. Essential Oil Based on the Yield, Carvacrol, and Thymol Contents.Guodong Lin, Feng Cheng, Aoken Aimila, Junping Zhang, Maitinuer Maiwulanjiang2022pubmedN/A
OréganoTeor de timolSimDetermination of Thymol in Commercial Formulation, Essential Oils, Traditional, and Ultrasound-Based Extracts of Thymus vulgaris and Origanum vulgare Using a Greener HPTLC Approach.Ahmed I Foudah, Faiyaz Shakeel, Mohammed H Alqarni, Abuzer Ali, Sultan Alshehri, Mohammed M Ghoneim, Prawez Alam2022pubmedN/A
OréganoTransdermal delivery enhancement of carvacrolSimTransdermal delivery enhancement of carvacrol from Origanum vulgare L. essential oil by microemulsion.Natnaree Laothaweerungsawat, Waranya Neimkhum, Songyot Anuchapreeda, Jakkapan Sirithunyalug, Wantida Chaiyana2020pubmedN/A
OréganoVariação da quantidade e qualidade do óleo essencial de acordo com a época de colheitaSimDate of harvesting affects yields and quality of Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart.Beata Król, Barbara Kołodziej, Bogdan Kędzia, Elżbieta Hołderna-Kędzia, Danuta Sugier, Katarzyna Luchowska2019pubmedN/A