Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Pau-rosa
  • Nome científico: Aniba rosaeodora Ducke.
  • Aroma: Aniba rosaeodora Ducke possui um aroma doce e floral, com notas herbais e cítricas. É descrito como um aroma suave e agradável, com toques de rosa e citronela. O óleo essencial produzido a partir desta planta é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes e pode ajudar a aliviar a ansiedade e a depressão.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 4

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The chemical composition of some Lauraceae essential oils and their antifungal activities.

Autores: A Simić, M D Soković, M Ristić, S Grujić-Jovanović, J Vukojević, P D Marin | Ano: 2004 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The antifungal activity of Aniba rosaeodora, Laurus nobilis, Sassafras albidum and Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oils were investigated against 17 micromycetes. Among the tested fungal species were food poisoning, spoilage fungi, plant and animal pathogens. In order to determine fungistatic and fungicidal concentrations (MIC and MFC) macrodilution and microdilution tests were used. Linalool was the main component in the essential oil of A. rosaeodora, while 1.8-cineole was dominant in L. nobilis. In sassafras essential oil safrole was the major component and in the oil of C. zeylanicum the main component was trans-cinnamaldehyde. The essential oil of cinnamon showed the strongest antifungal activity.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.

Autores: A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to verify the existence of synergistic antibacterial effect between four essential oils (Aniba rosaeodora, Melaleuca alternifolia, Origanum vulgare, and Pelargonium graveolens) individually combined with the antibacterial drug Gentamicin. We investigated the effectiveness in vitro of the association of essential oil/Gentamicin, against fifteen different strains of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The antibacterial effects of these oils in combination with Gentamicin were evaluated by using the MHB microdilution method, while gas chromatography (GC) and GC/Mass spectrometry were used to analyze the chemical composition of the oils. A synergistic interaction was observed against all tested strains with the associations between the essential oils Aniba rosaeodora/Gentamicin and Pelargonium graveolens/Gentamicin. In particular a very strong synergistic interaction was observed against Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606 (FIC index = 0.11). In contrast, the essential oils Origanum vulgare and Melaleuca alternifolia in association with Gentamicin were less effective on bacterial species growth. In vitro interaction can improve the antimicrobial effectiveness of the Gentamicin and may contribute to reduce its dose correlated to side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Geographic pattern of genetic diversity in natural populations of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), in the Central Amazonia/ Padrão geográfico de diversidade genética em populações naturais de Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora), na Amazônia Central

Autores: Santos, Ronaldo Pereira; Ângelo, Paula Cristina da Silva; Sampaio, Paulo de Tarso Barbosa; Quisen, Regina Caetano; Leite, Ângela Maria Conte; Oliveira, Cristiane Lopes de | Ano: 2008 | Database: LILACS

Resumo: Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke, Lauraceae) is an Amazonian evergreen tree and a source of the purest linalool, the main component of its essential oil, which is very valuable in the international perfumery market. After decades of over-exploitation it is currently considered as threatened. We evaluated the genetic diversity and its distribution in four populations in Central Amazonia. Thirty-five reliable RAPD markers were generated, of which 32 were polymorphic (91.4 percent). Variation was higher within the populations (76.5 percent; p < 0.0001) and geographic distribution contributed to population differentiation (23.4 percent; p < 0.0001). The Amazon River had a small influence on gene flow (3.3 percent; p < 0.0001), but we identified evidence of gene flow across the river. There were significant differences in marker frequencies (p < 0.05), in agreement with the low gene flow (Nm = 2.02). The correlation between genetic distance and gene flow was - 0.95 (p = 0.06) and between geographic distance and gene flow was -0.78 (p = 0.12). There was a geographic cline of variability across an East-West axis, influenced as well by the Amazon River, suggesting the river could be a barrier to gene flow. Although threatened, these Rosewood populations retain high diversity, with the highest levels in the Manaus population, which has been protected for over 42 years in a Reserve.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

In vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.

Autores: A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The aim of this study was to verify the existence of synergistic antibacterial effect between four essential oils (Aniba rosaeodora, Melaleuca alternifolia, Origanum vulgare, and Pelargonium graveolens) individually combined with the antibacterial drug Gentamicin. We investigated the effectiveness in vitro of the association of essential oil/Gentamicin, against fifteen different strains of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. The antibacterial effects of these oils in combination with Gentamicin were evaluated by using the MHB microdilution method, while gas chromatography (GC) and GC/Mass spectrometry were used to analyze the chemical composition of the oils. A synergistic interaction was observed against all tested strains with the associations between the essential oils Aniba rosaeodora/Gentamicin and Pelargonium graveolens/Gentamicin. In particular a very strong synergistic interaction was observed against Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606 (FIC index = 0.11). In contrast, the essential oils Origanum vulgare and Melaleuca alternifolia in association with Gentamicin were less effective on bacterial species growth. In vitro interaction can improve the antimicrobial effectiveness of the Gentamicin and may contribute to reduce its dose correlated to side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
Pau-rosaAtividade antifúngicaSimThe chemical composition of some Lauraceae essential oils and their antifungal activities.A Simić, M D Soković, M Ristić, S Grujić-Jovanović, J Vukojević, P D Marin2004pubmedN/A
Pau-rosaAção antibacteriana sinérgica em conjunto com gentamicinaSimIn vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali2010pubmedN/A
Pau-rosaDiversidade genéticaSimGeographic pattern of genetic diversity in natural populations of Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora), in the Central Amazonia/ Padrão geográfico de diversidade genética em populações naturais de Pau-rosa (Aniba rosaeodora), na Amazônia CentralSantos, Ronaldo Pereira; Ângelo, Paula Cristina da Silva; Sampaio, Paulo de Tarso Barbosa; Quisen, Regina Caetano; Leite, Ângela Maria Conte; Oliveira, Cristiane Lopes de2008LILACS
Pau-rosaEfeito antibacteriano sinérgico em combinação com a droga antibacteriana GentamicinaSimIn vitro synergistic antibacterial action of certain combinations of gentamicin and essential oils.A Rosato, M Piarulli, F Corbo, M Muraglia, A Carone, M E Vitali, C Vitali2010pubmedN/A