Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Plai
  • Nome científico: Zingiber cassumunar Roxb.
  • Aroma: Zingiber cassumunar Roxb., também conhecido como Plai, é um parente próximo do gengibre e galanga. Seu aroma é terroso e picante, semelhante ao do gengibre, mas com notas mais suaves e florais. O óleo essencial de Plai é valorizado pela industria de perfumes por sua leveza e aroma floral amadeirado.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 3

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A seguir, você encontra a lista de propriedades e funções do óleo essencial de plai, que foram comprovadas por estudos científicos. Para obter mais informações sobre cada propriedade, clique em seu nome. Por favor, tenha em mente que os resultados apresentados podem incluir não somente o uso humano, mas também veterinário, ambiental e de análise bioquímica.

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Evaluation of Postharvest Drying, Key Odorants, and Phytotoxins in Plai (Zingiber montanum) Essential Oil.

Autores: Pranjit Kumar Bora, Jadumoni Saikia, Phirose Kemprai, Siddhartha Proteem Saikia, Dipanwita Banik, Saikat Haldar | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Plai or cassumunar ginger (Zingiber montanum), mainly distributed in tropical Asia, is an essential oil-bearing rhizomatous crop belonging to the Zingiberaceae family. Rhizomes and essential oil of this herb are used in culinary as flavoring agents, traditional medicines, and aromatherapy. In this study, the effect of different postharvest drying methods (air-, oven-drying at 40 and 60 °C, sun-, microwave-, and freeze-drying) of its sliced rhizome on the essential oil yield, composition, and sensory quality was investigated. The major key odorants and phytotoxins in its essential oil were identified for the first time through sensory- or bioassay-guided fractionation. Although the drying methods did not alter the oil composition significantly, oven-drying at 40 °C and freeze-drying produced the highest oil yield (81.0% of fresh rhizome) while maintaining the sensory quality. 4-Terpineol was found to be the majorly abundant key odorant in its oil through detailed sensory analysis. This oxygenated monoterpene was also demonstrated to be the major phytotoxin negatively affecting seed germination and shoot and root growth of wheatgrass seeds with IC50 values of 0.67, 0.10, and 0.17 mM, respectively. The current study is beneficial for further value addition of this crop in food industries and the agricultural sector.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Laboratory evaluation of aromatic essential oils from thirteen plant species as candidate repellents against Leptotrombidium chiggers (Acari: Trombiculidae), the vector of scrub typhus.

Autores: Praphathip Eamsobhana, Adisak Yoolek, Wittaya Kongkaew, Kriangkrai Lerdthusnee, Nittaya Khlaimanee, Anchana Parsartvit, Nat Malainual, Hoi-Sen Yong | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Scrub typhus, a rickettsial disease transmitted by several species of Leptotrombidium chiggers (larvae), is endemic in many areas of Asia. The disease is best prevented by the use of personal protective measures, including repellents. In this study commercially produced aromatic, essential oils of 13 plant species and ethanol (control) were tested in the laboratory for repellency against host-seeking chiggers of Leptotrombidium imphalum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston (Acari: Trombiculidae). A rapid, simple and economic in vitro test method was used by exposing the chigger for up to 5 min. Repellency was based on relative percentages of chiggers attracted to test and control substances. Four of the 13 essential oils showed promise as effective repellent against L. imphalum chiggers. Syzygium aromaticum (clove) oil exhibited 100% repellency at 5% concentration (dilution with absolute ethanol), whereas Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil exhibited 100% repellency at 40% concentration. Undiluted oils of Zingiber cassamunar (plai) and Eucalyptus globules (blue gum) exhibited 100% repellency. Of the remaining nine essential oils, only 100% Pelargonium graveolens (geranium) exhibited >50% repellency (viz. 57%). Styrax torkinensis (benzoin) oil did not exhibit any repellency. These findings show that several aromatic, essential oils of plants may be useful as chigger repellent for the prevention of scrub typhus. Syzygium aromaticum oil may be safer and more economical to prevent chigger attacks than commercially available synthetic chemicals, such as DEET that may have harmful side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Laboratory evaluation of aromatic essential oils from thirteen plant species as candidate repellents against Leptotrombidium chiggers (Acari: Trombiculidae), the vector of scrub typhus.

Autores: Praphathip Eamsobhana, Adisak Yoolek, Wittaya Kongkaew, Kriangkrai Lerdthusnee, Nittaya Khlaimanee, Anchana Parsartvit, Nat Malainual, Hoi-Sen Yong | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Scrub typhus, a rickettsial disease transmitted by several species of Leptotrombidium chiggers (larvae), is endemic in many areas of Asia. The disease is best prevented by the use of personal protective measures, including repellents. In this study commercially produced aromatic, essential oils of 13 plant species and ethanol (control) were tested in the laboratory for repellency against host-seeking chiggers of Leptotrombidium imphalum Vercammen-Grandjean and Langston (Acari: Trombiculidae). A rapid, simple and economic in vitro test method was used by exposing the chigger for up to 5 min. Repellency was based on relative percentages of chiggers attracted to test and control substances. Four of the 13 essential oils showed promise as effective repellent against L. imphalum chiggers. Syzygium aromaticum (clove) oil exhibited 100% repellency at 5% concentration (dilution with absolute ethanol), whereas Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil exhibited 100% repellency at 40% concentration. Undiluted oils of Zingiber cassamunar (plai) and Eucalyptus globules (blue gum) exhibited 100% repellency. Of the remaining nine essential oils, only 100% Pelargonium graveolens (geranium) exhibited >50% repellency (viz. 57%). Styrax torkinensis (benzoin) oil did not exhibit any repellency. These findings show that several aromatic, essential oils of plants may be useful as chigger repellent for the prevention of scrub typhus. Syzygium aromaticum oil may be safer and more economical to prevent chigger attacks than commercially available synthetic chemicals, such as DEET that may have harmful side effects.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
PlaiEfeito negativo do 4-terpineol na germinação de sementes e crescimento de raízes e brotos do trigo.SimEvaluation of Postharvest Drying, Key Odorants, and Phytotoxins in Plai (Zingiber montanum) Essential Oil.Pranjit Kumar Bora, Jadumoni Saikia, Phirose Kemprai, Siddhartha Proteem Saikia, Dipanwita Banik, Saikat Haldar2021pubmedN/A
PlaiRepelenteSimLaboratory evaluation of aromatic essential oils from thirteen plant species as candidate repellents against Leptotrombidium chiggers (Acari: Trombiculidae), the vector of scrub typhus.Praphathip Eamsobhana, Adisak Yoolek, Wittaya Kongkaew, Kriangkrai Lerdthusnee, Nittaya Khlaimanee, Anchana Parsartvit, Nat Malainual, Hoi-Sen Yong2009pubmedN/A
PlaiRepelente contra Leptotrombidium chiggers, vetor do tifo murinoSimLaboratory evaluation of aromatic essential oils from thirteen plant species as candidate repellents against Leptotrombidium chiggers (Acari: Trombiculidae), the vector of scrub typhus.Praphathip Eamsobhana, Adisak Yoolek, Wittaya Kongkaew, Kriangkrai Lerdthusnee, Nittaya Khlaimanee, Anchana Parsartvit, Nat Malainual, Hoi-Sen Yong2009pubmedN/A