Base de conhecimento óleos essenciais
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  • Nome popular: Yuzu
  • Nome científico: Citrus junos
  • Aroma: O aroma de Citrus junos, também conhecido como yuzu, é cítrico, com notas doces e amargas e um toque de acidez. É uma fragrância fresca e frutada, com um aroma sublime e sutil. É frequentemente usado em alimentos e pode oferecer alívio emocional semelhante a outras fragrâncias agradáveis.
  • Estudos com propriedades confirmadas: 17

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A seguir, você encontra a lista de propriedades e funções do óleo essencial de yuzu, que foram comprovadas por estudos científicos. Para obter mais informações sobre cada propriedade, clique em seu nome. Por favor, tenha em mente que os resultados apresentados podem incluir não somente o uso humano, mas também veterinário, ambiental e de análise bioquímica.

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Does Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A majority of menstruating women experience some degree of regular recurrences of diverse symptoms-commonly known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS)-during the days before menstruation. Given the multifactorial etiology of PMS, no single treatment is universally recognized as effective, and many women turn to alternative modalities, including aromatherapy. The present study investigated therapeutic effects on premenstrual symptoms using fragrance from yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), and aromatherapy, from the perspective of autonomic nervous system function.

Resultados: A scant 10-min inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased heart rate and increased high-frequency power of HRV, reflecting parasympathetic nerve activity, in the luteal phase. Additionally, POMS tests demonstrated that inhalation of the yuzu essential oil significantly decreased three negative subscales: tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and fatigue-common premenstrual symptoms, together with a total mood disturbance as a global measure of affective state, as long as 35 min after the aroma stimulation. These premenstrual psychoneurophysiologic effects of yuzu fragrance did not differ from those of the effects of lavender.

Conclusão: N/A

Does Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A majority of menstruating women experience some degree of regular recurrences of diverse symptoms-commonly known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS)-during the days before menstruation. Given the multifactorial etiology of PMS, no single treatment is universally recognized as effective, and many women turn to alternative modalities, including aromatherapy. The present study investigated therapeutic effects on premenstrual symptoms using fragrance from yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), and aromatherapy, from the perspective of autonomic nervous system function.

Resultados: A scant 10-min inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased heart rate and increased high-frequency power of HRV, reflecting parasympathetic nerve activity, in the luteal phase. Additionally, POMS tests demonstrated that inhalation of the yuzu essential oil significantly decreased three negative subscales: tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and fatigue-common premenstrual symptoms, together with a total mood disturbance as a global measure of affective state, as long as 35 min after the aroma stimulation. These premenstrual psychoneurophysiologic effects of yuzu fragrance did not differ from those of the effects of lavender.

Conclusão: N/A

A Comparative Study of the Chemical Composition by SPME-GC/MS and Antiradical Activity of Less Common Citrus Species.

Autores: Sara Vitalini, Marcello Iriti, Vittorio Vinciguerra, Stefania Garzoli | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Citrus secondary metabolites, such as terpene compounds, are very important for human health due to their bioactivity including anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and antioxidant effects. In this work, for the first time, the volatile chemical composition of peels and juices from four different Citrus species (C. junos, Citrus aurantium, C. aurantium 'Bizzarria' and C. medica 'Florentina', commonly known as Yuzu jeune, Oni Yuzu, Bizzarria orange and Florence cedar, respectively) was investigated by Solid-Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (SPME-GC/MS) technique and the antiradical activity was also examined. The results showed that limonene and γ-terpinene were the main volatile substances detected both in the juices and in the peels, followed by other minority compounds responsible for the phyto-complex of the unique aromas which characterize each individual analyzed Citrus species. Principal component analysis (PCA), performed on volatile compounds, showed both some correlation as well as a clear separation between the juice and the peel of each species. Among them, Oni Yuzu juice was found to be the richest in total polyphenols and flavonoids while its capacity to scavenge ABTS•+ and DPPH• radicals was similar to that of Yuzu Jeune and Bizzarria orange.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Enantioselective synthesis of 6-methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal, the characteristic aroma components in yuzu Citrus junos, and the analysis of their enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil.

Autores: Yasutaka Ohkubo, Naomi Tomita, Yusuke Ogura, Hirosato Takikawa | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: 6-Methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal are the characteristic aroma components of yuzu Citrus junos. However, their absolute configurations and enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil have not been analyzed. A concise enantioselective synthesis of both aldehydes was successfully carried out to determine their absolute configurations and enantiomeric compositions. Both aldehydes in yuzu essential oil were found to be (S)-form with high enantiomeric excess.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Enantioselective synthesis of 6-methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal, the characteristic aroma components in yuzu Citrus junos, and the analysis of their enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil.

Autores: Yasutaka Ohkubo, Naomi Tomita, Yusuke Ogura, Hirosato Takikawa | Ano: 2022 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: 6-Methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal are the characteristic aroma components of yuzu Citrus junos. However, their absolute configurations and enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil have not been analyzed. A concise enantioselective synthesis of both aldehydes was successfully carried out to determine their absolute configurations and enantiomeric compositions. Both aldehydes in yuzu essential oil were found to be (S)-form with high enantiomeric excess.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Novel character impact compounds in Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) peel oil.

Autores: Norio Miyazawa, Naomi Tomita, Yoshiko Kurobayashi, Akira Nakanishi, Yasutaka Ohkubo, Tomoko Maeda, Akira Fujita | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Yuzu ( Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), a tree-grown fruit similar to a kind of sour orange, is widely used in Japanese food/cooking for its pleasant flavor. To clarify the odor-active volatiles that differentiate yuzu from other citrus fruits, sensory evaluations were conducted on yuzu peel oil. The results revealed that the polar part of yuzu peel oil was the source of the characteristic aroma of fresh yuzu fruit. By aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) of the polar volatile part of yuzu peel oil, seven odorants were newly identified as odor-active volatiles in yuzu peel oil in the highest flavor dilution (FD) factors of 128 and 32: oct-1-en-3-one, (E)-non-4-enal, (E)-dec-4-enal, 4-methyl-4-mercaptopentan-2-one, (E)-non-6-enal, (6Z,8E)-undeca-6,8,10-trien-3-one (Yuzunone), and (6Z,8E)-undeca-6,8,10-trien-4-ol (Yuzuol). Among the most odor-active volatiles in yuzu, (E)-non-6-enal and Yuzunone were identified for the first time solely in yuzu peel oil and not in the peel of other citrus species, and Yuzuol was identified for the first time in nature. Sensory evaluation of yuzu aroma reconstitutions revealed that the newly identified compound, Yuzunone, contributes greatly to the distinct yuzu aroma.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Anti-inflammatory effects of limonene from yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka) essential oil on eosinophils.

Autores: Ryoji Hirota, Ngatu Nlandu Roger, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Hee-Sun Song, Masayoshi Sawamura, Narufumi Suganuma | Ano: 2010 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka) has been used as a traditional medicine in Japan. We investigated in vitro anti-inflammatory effects of limonene from yuzu peel on human eosinophilic leukemia HL-60 clone 15 cells. To examine anti-inflammatory effects of limonene on the cells, we measured the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), nuclear factor (NF) kappa B, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). We found that low concentration of limonene (7.34 mmol/L) inhibited the production of ROS for eotaxin-stimulated HL-60 clone 15 cells. 14.68 mmol/L concentration of limonene diminished MCP-1 production via NF-kappa B activation comparable to the addition of the proteasomal inhibitor MG132. In addition, it inhibited cell chemotaxis in a p38 MAPK dependent manner similar to the adding of SB203580. These results suggest that limonene may have potential anti-inflammatory efficacy for the treatment of bronchial asthma by inhibiting cytokines, ROS production, and inactivating eosinophil migration.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Aromatic effects of a Japanese citrus fruit-yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)-on psychoemotional states and autonomic nervous system activity during the menstrual cycle: a single-blind randomized controlled crossover study.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), a yellow-golden colored citrus fruit, has traditionally been used to promote psychosomatic health in Japan. While the yuzu produces a distinctive, pleasing aroma of citrus and floral, the efficacy of its fragrance remains unknown. The present study investigated the soothing effects of the fragrance of yuzu essential oil from the perspective of autonomic nervous system activity, which plays a crucial role in the integrity of the mind-body connection.

Resultados: Only a 10-min inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased heart rate and increased high frequency power of HRV reflecting parasympathetic nervous system activity, regardless of menstrual phase. This significant physiological effect continued for at least 25 min. In addition, the POMS tests revealed that inhalation of the aromatic yuzu oil significantly decreased total mood disturbance, a global measure of affective state, together with two POMS subscales-tension-anxiety and fatigue, as long as 35 min after the aroma stimulation, both in the symptomatic late-luteal and non-symptomatic follicular phases.

Conclusão: N/A

Aromatic effects of a Japanese citrus fruit-yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)-on psychoemotional states and autonomic nervous system activity during the menstrual cycle: a single-blind randomized controlled crossover study.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2016 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), a yellow-golden colored citrus fruit, has traditionally been used to promote psychosomatic health in Japan. While the yuzu produces a distinctive, pleasing aroma of citrus and floral, the efficacy of its fragrance remains unknown. The present study investigated the soothing effects of the fragrance of yuzu essential oil from the perspective of autonomic nervous system activity, which plays a crucial role in the integrity of the mind-body connection.

Resultados: Only a 10-min inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased heart rate and increased high frequency power of HRV reflecting parasympathetic nervous system activity, regardless of menstrual phase. This significant physiological effect continued for at least 25 min. In addition, the POMS tests revealed that inhalation of the aromatic yuzu oil significantly decreased total mood disturbance, a global measure of affective state, together with two POMS subscales-tension-anxiety and fatigue, as long as 35 min after the aroma stimulation, both in the symptomatic late-luteal and non-symptomatic follicular phases.

Conclusão: N/A

Application of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).

Autores: Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study investigated the effects of essential oil odors from Japanese citrus fruits, iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos), on human psychology and both the autonomic and central nervous systems. The inhalation of both essential oils significantly increased miosis rate and fingertip temperature and could induce parasympathetic dominance by suppressing sympathetic nerve activity. Oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex increased after the inhalation of yuzu essential oil and decreased after the inhalation of iyokan essential oil. Subjectively, the inhalation of both essential oils reduced the feelings of fatigue and improved the feelings of refreshment, suggesting that the effect of autonomic nervous activity might involve in these psychological changes directly. Moreover, we observed that task performance improved after inhaling yuzu essential oil, which may be due to the increase in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Does Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2017 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: A majority of menstruating women experience some degree of regular recurrences of diverse symptoms-commonly known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS)-during the days before menstruation. Given the multifactorial etiology of PMS, no single treatment is universally recognized as effective, and many women turn to alternative modalities, including aromatherapy. The present study investigated therapeutic effects on premenstrual symptoms using fragrance from yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), and aromatherapy, from the perspective of autonomic nervous system function.

Resultados: A scant 10-min inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased heart rate and increased high-frequency power of HRV, reflecting parasympathetic nerve activity, in the luteal phase. Additionally, POMS tests demonstrated that inhalation of the yuzu essential oil significantly decreased three negative subscales: tension-anxiety, anger-hostility, and fatigue-common premenstrual symptoms, together with a total mood disturbance as a global measure of affective state, as long as 35 min after the aroma stimulation. These premenstrual psychoneurophysiologic effects of yuzu fragrance did not differ from those of the effects of lavender.

Conclusão: N/A

Application of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).

Autores: Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study investigated the effects of essential oil odors from Japanese citrus fruits, iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos), on human psychology and both the autonomic and central nervous systems. The inhalation of both essential oils significantly increased miosis rate and fingertip temperature and could induce parasympathetic dominance by suppressing sympathetic nerve activity. Oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex increased after the inhalation of yuzu essential oil and decreased after the inhalation of iyokan essential oil. Subjectively, the inhalation of both essential oils reduced the feelings of fatigue and improved the feelings of refreshment, suggesting that the effect of autonomic nervous activity might involve in these psychological changes directly. Moreover, we observed that task performance improved after inhaling yuzu essential oil, which may be due to the increase in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Application of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).

Autores: Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada | Ano: 2021 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study investigated the effects of essential oil odors from Japanese citrus fruits, iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos), on human psychology and both the autonomic and central nervous systems. The inhalation of both essential oils significantly increased miosis rate and fingertip temperature and could induce parasympathetic dominance by suppressing sympathetic nerve activity. Oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex increased after the inhalation of yuzu essential oil and decreased after the inhalation of iyokan essential oil. Subjectively, the inhalation of both essential oils reduced the feelings of fatigue and improved the feelings of refreshment, suggesting that the effect of autonomic nervous activity might involve in these psychological changes directly. Moreover, we observed that task performance improved after inhaling yuzu essential oil, which may be due to the increase in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the prefrontal cortex.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Inhibitory effect of yuzu essential oil on the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in vegetables.

Autores: Masayoshi Sawamura, Yingxia Wu, Chikako Fujiwara, Masato Urushibata | Ano: 2005 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: The inhibitory effect of yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka) essential oil on the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in the presence of vegetables (31 species) or saliva was investigated by HPLC. Most vegetable extracts enhanced the formation of NDMA. However, the formation ratio of NDMA in vegetable extracts was decreased by yuzu oil in the range of 59 to 22%. In the presence of yuzu oil and saliva, its ratio ranged between 62 and 24%. These results indicated that yuzu oil inhibited the formation of NDMA even in vegetables and saliva. The contents of ascorbic acid, nitrate, and nitrite in the 31 vegetable species were 0.3-65 mg/100 g, 3-581 mg/100 g, and 10-750 microg/100 g, respectively. Ascorbic acid and nitrite had little effect on the inhibition or formation of NDMA at their intact levels. Nitrate accelerated the formation of NDMA, and the addition of saliva further enhanced it. The mechanism of inhibition of NDMA formation by alpha-terpinene was studied. It was assumed from the results of LC-MS that a new compound formed by the reaction of alpha-terpinene with nitrite would be a derivative of alpha-terpinene with dinitroso groups. The molecular weight of this compound was 194. It is suggested that terpene hydrocarbons in citrus essential oils would contribute to the decrease of NDMA formation.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Novel character impact compounds in Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) peel oil.

Autores: Norio Miyazawa, Naomi Tomita, Yoshiko Kurobayashi, Akira Nakanishi, Yasutaka Ohkubo, Tomoko Maeda, Akira Fujita | Ano: 2009 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: Yuzu ( Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), a tree-grown fruit similar to a kind of sour orange, is widely used in Japanese food/cooking for its pleasant flavor. To clarify the odor-active volatiles that differentiate yuzu from other citrus fruits, sensory evaluations were conducted on yuzu peel oil. The results revealed that the polar part of yuzu peel oil was the source of the characteristic aroma of fresh yuzu fruit. By aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) of the polar volatile part of yuzu peel oil, seven odorants were newly identified as odor-active volatiles in yuzu peel oil in the highest flavor dilution (FD) factors of 128 and 32: oct-1-en-3-one, (E)-non-4-enal, (E)-dec-4-enal, 4-methyl-4-mercaptopentan-2-one, (E)-non-6-enal, (6Z,8E)-undeca-6,8,10-trien-3-one (Yuzunone), and (6Z,8E)-undeca-6,8,10-trien-4-ol (Yuzuol). Among the most odor-active volatiles in yuzu, (E)-non-6-enal and Yuzunone were identified for the first time solely in yuzu peel oil and not in the peel of other citrus species, and Yuzuol was identified for the first time in nature. Sensory evaluation of yuzu aroma reconstitutions revealed that the newly identified compound, Yuzunone, contributes greatly to the distinct yuzu aroma.

Resultados: N/A

Conclusão: N/A

Effects of olfactory stimulation from the fragrance of the Japanese citrus fruit yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) on mood states and salivary chromogranin A as an endocrinologic stress marker.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Asakura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2014 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study investigated the soothing effects of fragrance from yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), with salivary chromogranin A (CgA) used as an endocrinologic stress marker reflecting sympathetic nervous system activity.

Resultados: Ten-minute inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased salivary CgA. At 30 minutes after the inhalation period, the salivary CgA level further decreased. In addition, POMS revealed that inhalation of the aromatic yuzu oil significantly decreased total mood disturbance, a global measure of affective state, as well as four subscores of emotional symptoms (tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility, and confusion), as long as 30 minutes after the olfactory stimulation.

Conclusão: N/A

Effects of olfactory stimulation from the fragrance of the Japanese citrus fruit yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) on mood states and salivary chromogranin A as an endocrinologic stress marker.

Autores: Tamaki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Asakura, Tatsuya Hayashi | Ano: 2014 | Database: pubmed

Resumo: This study investigated the soothing effects of fragrance from yuzu, a Japanese citrus fruit (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka), with salivary chromogranin A (CgA) used as an endocrinologic stress marker reflecting sympathetic nervous system activity.

Resultados: Ten-minute inhalation of the yuzu scent significantly decreased salivary CgA. At 30 minutes after the inhalation period, the salivary CgA level further decreased. In addition, POMS revealed that inhalation of the aromatic yuzu oil significantly decreased total mood disturbance, a global measure of affective state, as well as four subscores of emotional symptoms (tension-anxiety, depression-dejection, anger-hostility, and confusion), as long as 30 minutes after the olfactory stimulation.

Conclusão: N/A

Tabela de propriedades

Óleo EssencialPropriedadeConfirmadoTítuloAutoresAnoDatabaseLink
YuzuAlivia sintomas emocionais pré-menstruaisSimDoes Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi2017pubmedN/A
YuzuAlleviates premenstrual emotional symptomsSimDoes Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi2017pubmedN/A
YuzuAtividade antirradicalarSimA Comparative Study of the Chemical Composition by SPME-GC/MS and Antiradical Activity of Less Common Citrus Species.Sara Vitalini, Marcello Iriti, Vittorio Vinciguerra, Stefania Garzoli2021pubmedN/A
YuzuComposição enantiomérica dos aldeídos 6-metiloctanal e 8-metildecanalSimEnantioselective synthesis of 6-methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal, the characteristic aroma components in yuzu Citrus junos, and the analysis of their enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil.Yasutaka Ohkubo, Naomi Tomita, Yusuke Ogura, Hirosato Takikawa2022pubmedN/A
YuzuCompostos 6-methyloctanal e 8-methyldecanalSimEnantioselective synthesis of 6-methyloctanal and 8-methyldecanal, the characteristic aroma components in yuzu Citrus junos, and the analysis of their enantiomeric compositions in yuzu essential oil.Yasutaka Ohkubo, Naomi Tomita, Yusuke Ogura, Hirosato Takikawa2022pubmedN/A
YuzuCompostos odoríferos que conferem aroma característico ao YuzuSimNovel character impact compounds in Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) peel oil.Norio Miyazawa, Naomi Tomita, Yoshiko Kurobayashi, Akira Nakanishi, Yasutaka Ohkubo, Tomoko Maeda, Akira Fujita2009pubmedN/A
YuzuEfeito anti-inflamatório em eosinófilosSimAnti-inflammatory effects of limonene from yuzu (Citrus junos Tanaka) essential oil on eosinophils.Ryoji Hirota, Ngatu Nlandu Roger, Hiroyuki Nakamura, Hee-Sun Song, Masayoshi Sawamura, Narufumi Suganuma2010pubmedN/A
YuzuEfeito aromático na regulação emocional e no sistema nervoso autônomo de mulheres durante o ciclo menstrualSimAromatic effects of a Japanese citrus fruit-yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)-on psychoemotional states and autonomic nervous system activity during the menstrual cycle: a single-blind randomized controlled crossover study.Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi2016pubmedN/A
YuzuEfeito aromático no estado psicoemocional e atividade do sistema nervoso autônomo durante o ciclo menstrualSimAromatic effects of a Japanese citrus fruit-yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka)-on psychoemotional states and autonomic nervous system activity during the menstrual cycle: a single-blind randomized controlled crossover study.Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi2016pubmedN/A
YuzuEfeito psicológico positivoSimApplication of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada2021pubmedN/A
YuzuEfeito terapêutico semelhante ao da lavanda que alivia sintomas emocionais pré-menstruaisSimDoes Japanese Citrus Fruit Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) Fragrance Have Lavender-Like Therapeutic Effects That Alleviate Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms? A Single-Blind Randomized Crossover Study.Tamaki Matsumoto, Tetsuya Kimura, Tatsuya Hayashi2017pubmedN/A
YuzuEstimulação da atividade nervosa parassimpáticaSimApplication of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada2021pubmedN/A
YuzuEstimulação do sistema nervoso autônomo parassimpáticoSimApplication of integrative physiological approach to evaluate human physiological responses to the inhalation of essential oils of Japanese citrus fruits iyokan (Citrus iyo) and yuzu (Citrus junos).Motoko Ohata, Lanxi Zhou, Shiori Ando, Shu Kaneko, Kazumi Osada, Yukihiro Yada2021pubmedN/A
YuzuInibição da formação de N-nitrosodimetilamina (NDMA) em vegetaisSimInhibitory effect of yuzu essential oil on the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine in vegetables.Masayoshi Sawamura, Yingxia Wu, Chikako Fujiwara, Masato Urushibata2005pubmedN/A
YuzuOdoranteSimNovel character impact compounds in Yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) peel oil.Norio Miyazawa, Naomi Tomita, Yoshiko Kurobayashi, Akira Nakanishi, Yasutaka Ohkubo, Tomoko Maeda, Akira Fujita2009pubmedN/A
YuzuRedução do estresse e melhora do humorSimEffects of olfactory stimulation from the fragrance of the Japanese citrus fruit yuzu (Citrus junos Sieb. ex Tanaka) on mood states and salivary chromogranin A as an endocrinologic stress marker.Tamaki Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Asakura, Tatsuya Hayashi2014pubmedN/A